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A valuable alternative to US cardiotocography, for fetal surveillance, can be offered by phonocardiography, a passive and low cost acoustic recording of fetal heart sounds. A crucial point is the exact recognizing of the fetal heart sounds, associated to each fetal heart beat, and then the estimation of FHR signal. In this work, software for FHR assessment from phonocardiographic signals was developed. To check the reliability of the software, obtained results were compared with those of simultaneously recorded cardiotocographic signals. Results seemed to be satisfying, as provided FHR series were almost all confined within FHR-CTG +/- 3 bpm, where FHR-CTG were FHR series provided by commercial US cardiotocographic devices, currently employed in clinical routine.
This paper focuses on teamwork by the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO) and the Aleksandrinsky Theatre in preparation of opening of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The Russian State Pushkin Academy Drama Theatre, also known as the Alexandrinsky Theatre, is the oldest national theatre in Russia. Many famous Russian actors performed on the Alexandrinsky’s stage and many great directors. May 2013 marked the opening of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The theatre complex comprises three buildings: the new stages building, a media center, and the building housing a center of theatre education. Several plays shown simultaneously on multiple stages within the new complex’s buildings constituted the opening gala of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky were the plays’ unifying theme. NRU ITMO employees developed several interactive theatre project solutions implemented for the opening of the Alexandrinsky Theatre’s New Stage.
Purpose – The paper challenges the focal firm perspective of much resource/capability research, identifying how a dyadic perspective facilitates identification of capabilities required for servitization. Design/methodology/approach – Exploratory study consisting of seven dyadic relationships in five sectors. Findings – An additional dimension of capabilities should be recognised; whether they are developed independently or interactively (with another actor). The following examples of interactively developed capabilities are identified: knowledge development, where partners interactively communicate to understand capabilities; service enablement, manufacturers work with suppliers and customers to support delivery of new services; service development, partners interact to optimise performance of existing services; risk management, customers work with manufacturers to manage risks of product acquisition/operation. Six propositions were developed to articulate these findings. Research implications/limitations – Interactively developed capabilities are created when two or more actors interact to create value. Interactively developed capabilities do not just reside within one firm and, therefore, cannot be a source of competitive advantage for one firm alone. Many of the capabilities required for servitization are interactive, yet have received little research attention. The study does not provide an exhaustive list of interactively developed capabilities, but demonstrates their existence in manufacturer/supplier and manufacturer/customer dyads. Practical implications – Manufacturers need to understand how to develop capabilities interactively to create competitive advantage and value and identify other actors with whom these capabilities can be developed. Originality/value – Previous research has focused on relational capabilities within a focal firm. This study extends existing theories to include interactively developed capabilities. The paper proposes that interactivity is a key dimension of actors’ complementary capabilities.
Az első rész az USA és a legfejlettebb ipari országok, a G7 konjunkturális ingadozásait kívánja értelmezni egy pénzügyileg jóval globalizáltabb világgazdaságban egy hosszabb1970-2010 és egy rövidebb 2001-2010 közötti időszakban. Mindenekelőtt arra keresve választ, hogy mennyire lehetett előre látni a súlyos pénzügyi válság és outputvesztés jövetelét. Továbbá arra, hogy a 2011-ig felgyülemlett empirikus tapasztalatok tükrében vajon beszélhetünk-e egységes, a fejlett ipari országok, /G7/ egészére általában jellemző, és a meghatározó országok esetében is megragadható válságlefolyásról? Megállapíthatók-e olyan univerzálisan megjelenő változások a kibocsátás, a munkapiacok, a fogyasztás, a beruházás tekintetében, amelyek jól illeszkednek a korábbi tapasztalatokhoz, nem kevésbé az ismert makro modellek predikcióihoz? A válasz nemleges. Sem a válság lefolyásának jellegzetességei és a makrogazdasági teljesítmények romlásának ütemei, sem a visszacsúszás mértékei és időbeli kiterjedésében a vizsgált fejlett országok nem mutattak jól azonosítható közös jegyeket, olyanokat, amelyeket a meglévő elméleti keretekbe jól beilleszthetők. A válság lefolyása és mélysége sokféle volt a G7 ország-csoportban. A korábbi válságértelmezések, főleg a pénzügyi csatornák szerepei tekintetében és a nemzetközi konjunkturális összefonódás jelentőségét és mechanizmusait, valamint a globális válságterjedés illetően elégtelennek bizonyultak. A tanulmány áttekinti a válsággal és makrogazdasági sokkokkal foglalkozó empirikus irodalom pénzügyi globalizáció értelmezési nyomán relevánsnak tartott gyakran idézett munkákat. Ezt követően egy hosszú történelemi, a II. vh. utáni 60 év távlatát átfogó vizsgálatban próbáljuk megítélni a recessziós időszakokban az amerikai gazdaság teljesítményét, annak érdekében, hogy az elmúlt válság súlyosságának megítélése legalább a fontosabb makro-változók változásának a nagyságrendje tekintetében a helyére kerüljön. A tartós output rés /output gap/ és munkapiaci eltérések magyarázata más és más elemeket takart az USA-ban, Japánban és Németországban. A pénzügyi csatornákban keletkező, a növekedést és a konjunktúrát érdemben befolyásoló, torzító és sokk-gerjesztő mechanizmusok nem tejesen új-keletűek, az USA-ban. A privát szféra eladósodottsági mutatói - a szövetségi kormány adósság-terheinek cipelésében - a bevett makro felfogással ellentétben - az elmúlt 30 évben nem mutattak szoros és egyirányú (negatív) összefüggést a növekedéssel és recessziókkal. A második rész a pénzügyi globalizáció után kialakult nemzeti alkalmazkodás lehetőségeit vizsgálja, különös tekintettel a kis nyitott gazdaságokra, és így Magyarországra nézve. E tanulmány a globális pénzügyi folyamatok két fontos kérdését taglalja: a nemzetközi tőkeáramlás fokozott liberalizációjából húzható előnyök közgazdasági lényegét; valamint a fokozott nemzetközi tőkeáramláshoz leginkább illeszkedő, „adekvát” árfolyamrendszer kérdését. A következetések részben elméletiek, részben gyakorlatorientáltak. Megerősítésre kerül azon állítás, hogy a tőkeforgalom liberalizációjának és a megvalósítandó árfolyam-politikának a kérdése mind a mai napig erősen problematikus. Sem a tőkeforgalom liberalizációját, sem a megvalósítandó adekvát árfolyamrezsimet illetően nem lehet egységes és elméletileg minden tekintetben megalapozott álláspontról beszélni. Az ún. „lehetetlen szentháromság”, a külföldi és a belföldi célok szimultán követésének különös nehézsége a kis nyitott gazdaságok, és így a magyar gazdaságban még fokozottabban érvényesül. A nemzetközi pénzügyi integráltság magas foka miatt a hagyományos eszközökkel – kamat és fiskális gazdaságélénkítő lépésekkel - nem lehetséges, egy irányba mutató, vagy egymást nem gyengítő, szimultán lépésekkel szabályozni a belföldi és külföldi hitelkeresletet, illetve a konjunktúrát. A kamatpolitika, a forint- és devizahitelezés nehézségei ezt fokozottan illusztrálják Magyarországon is. Ugyanakkor a mindenkori gazdaságpolitika nem bújhat ki azon kényszer alól, hogy egy változó globális pénzügyi környezetben is tatható arányokat találjon a belföldi és a külgazdasági célok között. „Királyi út” azonban nincs a gazdaságpolitika számára. Ez a megállapítás igaz a jegybanki szerepvállalásra is, amely a felduzzadt magyar devizaadósság által okozott bankrendszer szintű kockázatok kezelésére irányul.
This single-case study provides a description and explanation of selected adult students' perspectives on the impact that the development of an experiential learning portfolio had on their understanding of their professional and personal lives. The conceptual framework that undergirded the study included theoretical and empirical studies on adult learning, experiential learning, and the academic quality of nontraditional degree programs with a portfolio component. The study employed qualitative data collection techniques of individual interviews, document review, field notes, and researcher journal. A purposive sample of 8 adult students who completed portfolios as a component of their undergraduate degrees participated in the study. The 4 male and 4 female students who were interviewed represented 4 ethnic/racial groups and ranged in age from 32 to 55 years. Each student's portfolio was read prior to the interview to frame the semi-structured interview questions in light of written portfolio documents. ^ Students were interviewed twice over a 3-month period. The study lasted 8 months from data collection to final presentation of the findings. The data from interview transcriptions and student portfolios were analyzed, categorized, coded, and sorted into 4 major themes and 2 additional themes and submitted to interpretive analysis. ^ Participants' attitudes, perceptions, and opinions of their learning from the portfolio development experience were presented in the findings, which were illustrated through the use of excerpts from interview responses and individual portfolios. The participants displayed a positive reaction to the learning they acquired from the portfolio development process, regardless of their initial concerns about the challenges of creating a portfolio. Concerns were replaced by a greater recognition and understanding of their previous professional and personal accomplishments and their ability to reach future goals. Other key findings included (a) a better understanding of the role work played in their learning and development, (b) a deeper recognition of the impact of mentors and role models throughout their lives, (c) an increase in writing and organizational competencies, and (d) a sense of self-discovery and personal empowerment. ^
The purpose of my dissertation was to examine the competition between the U.S.-led Western bloc and the Soviet bloc in the less developed world during Détente. I assessed whether or not the Soviet bloc pushed for strategic gains in the less developed world in the middle-to-late 1970's and whether this contributed to the U.S. decision to abandon Détente in 1979. I made the attempt to test the international relations theory of balance of threat realism (Walt, 1992). I accomplished the test in two ways. First, I measured the foreign aid allocations (military and economic) made by each respective bloc towards the Third World by using a quantitative approach. Second, I examined U.S. archives using the process-tracing/historical method. The U.S. archives gave me the ability to evaluate how U.S. decision-makers and U.S. intelligence agencies interpreted the actions of the Soviet bloc. They also gave me the chance to examine the U.S. response as we evaluated the policies that were pushed by key U.S. decision-makers and intelligence agencies. On the question of whether or not the Soviet bloc was aggressive, the quantitative evidence suggested that it was not. Instead, the evidence found the Western-bloc to have been more aggressive in the less developed world. The U.S. archives also showed Soviet actions to have been defensive. Key U.S. decision-makers and intelligence agencies attested to this. Finally, the archives show that U.S. officials pushed for aggressive actions against the Third World during the final years of Détente. Thus, balance of threat realism produced an incorrect assessment that U.S. aggression in the late 1970's was a response to Soviet aggression during Détente. The evidence suggests structural Marxism and domestic politics can better explain U.S./Western actions. The aggressive foreign aid allocations of the West, coupled with evidence of U.S. decision-makers/agencies vehemently concerned about the long-term prospects of the West, strengthened structural Marxism. Domestic politics can also claim to explain the actions of U.S. decision-makers. I found extensive archival evidence of bureaucratic inter-agency conflict between the State Department and other intelligence agencies in areas of strategic concern to the U.S.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Electron beam-induced deposition (EBID) is a direct write process where an electron beam locally decomposes a precursor gas leaving behind non-volatile deposits. It is a fast and relatively in-expensive method designed to develop conductive (metal) or isolating (oxide) nanostructures. Unfortunately the EBID process results in deposition of metal nanostructures with relatively high resistivity because the gas precursors employed are hydrocarbon based. We have developed deposition protocols using novel gas-injector system (GIS) with a carbon free Pt precursor. Interconnect type structures were deposited on preformed metal architectures. The obtained structures were analysed by cross-sectional TEM and their electrical properties were analysed ex-situ using four point probe electrical tests. The results suggest that both the structural and electrical characteristics differ significantly from those of Pt interconnects deposited by conventional hydrocarbon based precursors, and show great promise for the development of low resistivity electrical contacts.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Globally, the current state of freshwater resource management is insufficient and impeding the chance at a sustainable future. Human interference within the natural hydrologic cycle is becoming dangerously irreversible and the need to redefine resource managerial approaches is imminent. This research involves the development of a coupled natural-human freshwater resource supply model using a System Dynamics approach. The model was applied to two case studies, Somalia, Africa and the Phoenix Active Management Area in Arizona, USA. It is suggested that System Dynamic modeling would be an invaluable tool for achieving sustainable freshwater resource management in individual watersheds. Through a series of thought experiments, a thorough understanding of the systems’ dynamic behaviors is obtainable for freshwater resource managers and policy-makers to examine various courses of action for alleviating freshwater supply concerns. This thesis reviews the model, its development and an analysis of several thought experiments applied to the case studies.
Runoff from an extreme storm on 22 March 2010 led, during the next 3 months, to the formation of a pronounced halocline and underlying hypoxia in the upper reaches of the microtidal Swan–Canning Estuary. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled between January 2010 and October 2011 at five sites along 10 km of this region. By mid-April, the number of species, total density, Simpson’s evenness index and taxonomic distinctness had declined markedly, crustaceans had disappeared and the densities of annelids and molluscs had declined slightly. These faunal attributes (except Simpson’s index) and species composition did not recover until after the end of the hypoxia. The survival of annelids and loss of crustaceans in this period reflects different sensitivities of these taxa to severe environmental stress. The results emphasise that microtidal estuaries with long residence times are highly vulnerable to the effects of environmental perturbations, particularly during warmer periods of the year.
Runoff from an extreme storm on 22 March 2010 led, during the next 3 months, to the formation of a pronounced halocline and underlying hypoxia in the upper reaches of the microtidal Swan–Canning Estuary. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled between January 2010 and October 2011 at five sites along 10 km of this region. By mid-April, the number of species, total density, Simpson’s evenness index and taxonomic distinctness had declined markedly, crustaceans had disappeared and the densities of annelids and molluscs had declined slightly. These faunal attributes (except Simpson’s index) and species composition did not recover until after the end of the hypoxia. The survival of annelids and loss of crustaceans in this period reflects different sensitivities of these taxa to severe environmental stress. The results emphasise that microtidal estuaries with long residence times are highly vulnerable to the effects of environmental perturbations, particularly during warmer periods of the year.
This chapter traces the long-run development of Genuine Savings (GS) using a panel of eleven countries during the twentieth century. This panel covers a number of developed countries (Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, the US, and Australia) as well as a set of resource-abundant countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico). These countries represent approximately 50 percent of the world’s output in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 1950, and include large economies and small open economies, and resource-rich and resource-scarce countries, thus allowing us to compare their historical experiences. Components of GS considered include physical and human capital as well as resource extraction and pollution damages. Generally, we find evidence of positive GS over the course of the twentieth century, although the two World Wars and the Great Depression left considerable marks. Also, we found striking differences between Latin American and developed countries when Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is included; this could be a signal of natural resource curse or technological gaps unnoticed in previous works.
Many rainfed wheat production systems are reliant on stored soil water for some or all of their water inputs. Selection and breeding for root traits could result in a yield benefit; however, breeding for root traits has traditionally been avoided due to the difficulty of phenotyping mature root systems, limited understanding of root system development and function, and the strong influence of environmental conditions on the phenotype of the mature root system. This paper outlines an international field selection program for beneficial root traits at maturity using soil coring in India and Australia. In the rainfed areas of India, wheat is sown at the end of the monsoon into hot soils with a quickly receding soil water profile; in season water inputs are minimal. We hypothesised that wheat selected and bred for high yield under these conditions would have deep, vigorous root systems, allowing them to access and utilise the stored soil water at depth around anthesis and grain-filling when surface layers were dry. The Indian trials resulted in 49 lines being sent to Australia for phenotyping. These lines were ranked against 41 high yielding Australian lines. Variation was observed for deep root traits e.g. in eastern Australia in 2012, maximum depth ranged from 118.8 to 146.3 cm. There was significant variation for root traits between sites and years, however, several Indian genotypes were identified that consistently ranked highly across sites and years for deep rooting traits.