958 resultados para Desempenho académico - Academic achievement
INTRODUÇÃO: No programa de Residência Médica em Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem, a falta de maturidade psicológica ocasiona insegurança e ansiedade quanto ao futuro. Os profissionais de saúde mental, em conjunto com o estafe e preceptores deste curso, é responsável pelo suporte nas vivências profissionais. OBJETIVO: Identificar os níveis de ansiedade e depressão, e sua interferência na motivação e no desempenho curricular dos alunos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi aplicado um questionário com 11 perguntas e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS). RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 50% dos alunos apresentaram ansiedade e outros 50% não apresentaram. Na escala de depressão, 56% dos alunos apresentaram depressão quanto à atuação profissional e acadêmica. CONCLUSÃO: O baixo desempenho acadêmico e profissional está ligado à vivência de um processo estressor, desencade ado por falta de determinação e organização dos alunos, e problemas socioeconômicos e familiares que originam um processo ansiogênico e/ou depressivo, desestruturando o desempenho do aluno durante a sua especialização.
RESUMO Introdução A percepção sobre o ambiente educativo pode influenciar o desempenho acadêmico, e a sua análise fornece subsídios importantes para melhorá-lo. Objetivo Avaliar a percepção do estudante acerca do ambiente educativo do Hospital Dom Malan/Imip durante o internato médico. Método Estudo do tipo survey, envolvendo 105 estudantes no período de abril a setembro de 2013. Foi utilizado o questionário Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (Dreem). Resultados Foram considerados os seguintes resultados: questões individuais, as cinco dimensões e o Dreem global. A percepção geral foi considerada “more positive than negative” (pontuação 144,4/200), e a análise das dimensões revelou: percepção da aprendizagem: “a more positive perception”; percepção sobre os preceptores: “model course organisers” (49,5%); percepção dos resultados acadêmicos: “feeling more on the positive side” (70,5%); percepção do ambiente geral: “a more positive atitude” (55,2%); percepção das relações sociais: “not a nice place” (90,5%); e percepção geral do ambiente educativo: “more positive than negative” (69,5%). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparados os dois grupos (p >0,05). Conclusões A percepção geral foi positiva, e a dimensão das relações sociais foi apontada como problemática.
RESUMO A Anatomia Humana (AH) é uma disciplina básica para todos os estudantes dos cursos superiores das áreas da saúde e biológica. A maior parte a considera de conteúdo difícil. O ensino da AH precisa ser repensado no contexto da política atual de acesso amplo ao ensino superior. E corresponder ao dever das instituições de proporcionar ao estudante uma formação de qualidade com vistas à formação de um profissional crítico e de perfil criativo frente às distintas situações do cotidiano. É preciso entender possíveis fatores que levam às elevadas taxas de reprovação nesta disciplina. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi relacionar o resultado do vestibular/Enem com hábitos de estudo e desejo profissional no desempenho acadêmico da disciplina dos alunos dos cursos de Educação Física, Ciências Biológicas e Nutrição do IF Sudeste MG. Foram entrevistados 129 alunos. A pontuação do vestibular/Enem foi maior entre os aprovados em AH; não houve entre os grupos diferença quantitativa nas horas de estudo e tampouco na escolha do curso, que ocorreu por opção do aluno (versus por falta de opção).
Quality of municipal public spending on primary education in Brazil. The focus of this paper was to analyze the relationship between municipal public education spending and students' academic achievement, evaluated according to IDEB (Index of Basic Education Development) of 2005. The following databases were used: School Census 2005, Brazil Exam (mathematics evaluation applied to students from fourth grade of elementary school) and Finance of Brazil (FINBRA). A multilevel model was estimated and the results suggest that simply increasing the percentage of municipal expenditures on education or the percentage of spending on primary education in relation to municipal expenditures on education do not automatically guarantee improvements in the quality of education.
This experimental study examined the effects of cooperative learning and expliciUimpliGit instruction on student achievement and attitudes toward working in cooperative groups. Specifically, fourth- and fifth-grade students (n=48) were randomly assigned to two conditions: cooperative learning with explicit instruction and cooperative learning with implicit instruction. All participants were given initial training either explicitly or implicitly in cooperative learning procedures via 10 one-hour sessions. Following the instruction period, all students participated in completing a group project related to a famous artists unit. It was hypothesized that the explicit instruction training would enhance students' scores on the famous artists test and the group projects, as well as improve students' attitudes toward cooperative learning. Although the explicit training group did not achieve significantly higher scores on the famous artists test, significant differences were found in group project results between the explicit and implicit groups. The explicit group also exhibited more favourable and positive attitudes toward cooperative learning. The findings of this study demonstrate that combining cooperative learning with explicit instruction is an effective classroom strategy and a useful practice for presenting and learning new information, as well as working in groups with success.
The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to successful university course completion for students with disAbilities including the knowledge that faculty members and students with disAbilities have about accommodation issues; the accommodations that students with disAbilities and faculty use and find effective in the university setting; faculty members' perceptions of and attitudes toward students with disAbilities; and the attitudes that students with disAbilities have toward faculty. Fiftyseven participants were involved in the research, eight students with disabilities and forty-nine faculty members. The main objective of the research was to describe how the skills, knowledge, and attitudes of students and faculty members, and organizational supports interact to support students' academic success. The utilization and effectiveness of accommodations to overcome barriers associated with disAbility in a post-secondary setting are described in relation to students' and faculty members' perceptions of academic success.
The following research paper was a study into change in student academic and general self-concept with increase in grade level and age# The majority of literature found by this researcher dealt with self-concept and its relationship to achievement and interactions with others, Review, then, was in these two areas-particularily within the academic setting, but outside of it as well. It wrs hypothesized that there would be a decrease in both academic and general student self-concept with increase in grade level and age. Self-Appraisal inventories, measuring general and academic selfconcept, and Inferential Self-Reports, measuring only academic selfconcept, were the instruments used* Subjects were students, Trade 1 to 13, and ranging in age from 5 to 21„ Although al] Self-Appraisal inventories and all Self-1?eports were very similar, they differed according to three Grade levels: Primary (Grades 1 to 3)> Intermediate (Grades L to 8), and Secondary (Grades 9 to 13) • Students in the Primary division received only their respective Self-Appraisal inventory, while others v/ere administered both inventories designed for their grade level. Scores on the inventories were computed to percents and then mean percents were arrived at for epch grade, each of the three grade levels, each age, and each of three age intervals. In all of these instances Spearman1 s rank order coefficients (!lpff) were calculated and significance, at the *05 level, was determined by referring to a table of critical values for one-tailed tests* Similarily fftff scores were computed, but only for individual grades and ages, and significance was determined at the *0b level* In only one instance, the General Dimension for individual grades, was significance of overall decrease found* Consequently the hypotheses put forth did not gain support* The fltff scores, however, revealed some isolated significant changes for the Academic Dimension, which were generally decreases in mean percents from the last grade of one level to the first grade of the next* For age mean percents, significant changes generally took place at early (5 or 6) and late (20 or 21) ages* A number of reasons for the results were presented and were generally based upon the studentfs encounters, or lack of encounters, with achievement or success* No definite conclusions, relevant to the hypotheses stated^ could be made, although a number of isolated ones were drawn on the basis of significant fltff scores* As well, mention was made of the possible trends or tendencies that were revealed by the results, but that could not, or were not, proven significant by "t's11 or "p's"* Teaching methods stressing improvement in academic, as well as socially related, situations, were recommended and a model teaching approach was presented in Appendix B#
The goal of the four studies that comprised this dissertation was to examine how spirituality/religiosity (SIR), as both an institutional and personal phenomenon, developed over time, and how its institutional (i.e., religious activity involvement) and personal (i.e., sense of connection with the sacred) components were uniquely linked with psychosocial adjustment. In Study 1, the differential longitudinal correlates of religious service attendance, as compared to involvement in other clubs, were evaluated with a sample of adolescents (n=1050) who completed a survey in grades 9, 11 and 12. Religious attendance and involvement in non-religious clubs were uniquely associated with positive adjustment in terms of lower substance use and better academic marks, particularly when involvement was sustained over time. In Study 2, the direction of effects was tested for the association between religious versus non-religious activities and both substance use and academic marks. Participants (n= 3993) were surveyed in grades 9 through 12. Higher religious attendance (but not non-religious club involvement) in one grade predicted lower levels of substance use in the next grade. Higher levels of nonreligious club involvement (but not religious service attendance) in one grade predicted higher academic achievement in the next grade, and higher academic achievement in one grade predicted more frequent non-religious club involvement in the next grade. The results suggest that different assets may be fostered in religious as compared to nonreligious activities, and, specifically, religious activity involvement may be important for the avoidance of substance use. The goal of Study 3 was to assess the unique associations between the institutional versus personal dimensions of SIR and a wide range of domains of psychosocial adjustment (namely, intrapersonal well-being, substance use, risk attitudes, parental relationship quality, academic orientation, and club involvement), and to examine the direction of effects in these associations. Participants (n=756) completed a survey in grades 11 and 12. Personal and institutional dimensions of SIR were differentially associated with adjustment, but it may only be in the domain of risk-taking (Le., risk attitudes, substance use) that SIR may predict positive adjustment over time. Finally, in Study 4, the goal was to examine how institutional and personal aspects of SIR developed within individual adolescents. Configurations of mUltiple dimensions of spirituality/religiosity were identified across 2 time points with an empirical classification procedure (cluster analysis), and sample- and individual-level development in these configurations were assessed. A five cluster-solution was optimal at both grades. Clusters were identified as aspirituallirreligious, disconnected wonderers, high institutional and personal, primarily personal, and meditators. With the exception of the high institutional and personal cluster, the cluster structures were stable over time. There also was significant intraindividual stability in all clusters over time; however, a significant proportion of individuals classified as high institutional and personal in Grade 11 moved into the primarily personal cluster in Grade 12. This program of research represented an important step towards addressing some of the limitations within the body of literature; namely, the uniqueness of religious activity involvement as a structured club, the differential link between institutional versus personal SIR and psychosocial adjustment, the direction of effects in the associations between institutional versus personal SIR and adjustment, and the way in which different dimensions of SIR may be configured and develop within individual adolescents over time.
This study investigated the impact of an instructional learning strategy, peer-led team learning (PLTL), on secondary school students' conceptual understanding of biology concepts related to the topic of evolution. Using a mixed methods approach, data were gathered quantitatively through pre/posttesting using a repeated measures design and qualitatively through observations, questionnaires, and interviews. A repeated measures design was implemented to explore the impact of PLTL on students' understanding of concepts related to evolution and students' attitudes towards PLTL implementation. Results from quantitative data comparing pre/posttesting were not able to be compared through inferential statistics as a result of inconsistencies in the data due to a small sample size and design limitations; however, qualitative data identified positive attitudes towards the implementation of PLTL, with students reporting gains in conceptual understanding, academic achievement, and interdependent work ethic. Implications of these findings for learning, teaching, and the educational literature include understanding of student attitudes towards PLTL and insight into the role PLTL plays in improving conceptual understanding of biology concepts. Strategies are suggested to continue further research in the area of PLTL.
The poverty rate in Ontario affects approximately 1 in 6 children. Consequently, many classrooms in the province include students who come from poverty, and teachers are faced with the challenge of providing an equitable education to students who come from economically diverse backgrounds. Because student poverty in our education system is so prevalent, this challenge exists also for teacher candidates who enter the education system and complete their practicums in classrooms that often include students from impoverished backgrounds. This project examined issues of poverty and education and developed a workshop to assist teacher candidates to develop knowledge in this area. The project combined existing pedagogical approaches with participants’ recommendations and developed a workshop that could be delivered to Faculty of Education students. The workshop addresses poverty, the relationship between poverty and education, student academic achievement and well-being, and the relationship between school and home. The goal and hope of the workshop is that teacher candidates will be better prepared when working in economically diverse school environments.
Handwriting is a functional task that is used to communicate thoughts using a written code. Research findings have indicated that handwriting is related to learning to read and learning to write. The purposes of this research project were to determine if a handwriting intervention would increase abilities in reading and writing skills, in graphomotor and visual-motor integration skills, and improve the participants’ self-perceptions and self-descriptions pertaining to handwriting enjoyment, competence, and effort. A single-subject research design was implemented with four struggling high school students who each received 10.5 to 15.5 hours of cursive handwriting intervention using the ez Write program. In summary, the findings indicated that the students showed significant improvements in aspects of reading and writing; that they improved significantly in their cursive writing abilities; and that their self-perceptions concerning their handwriting experience and competence improved. The contribution of handwriting to academic achievement and vocational success can no longer be neglected.
A number of studies have found a significant link between sleep and psychosocial functioning among university students. A critical examination of this literature, however, indicates that one important gap within the literature is the need for longitudinal studies that specifically test for bidirectional associations between these two constructs. The main purpose of my dissertation was to address this gap by conducting three studies that examined bidirectional associations between sleep and psychosocial functioning among a sample of university students. Participants were 942 (71.5% female) undergraduate students enrolled at a Canadian university, who completed survey assessments annually for three consecutive years, beginning in their first year of university. In the first study, I assessed bidirectional associations between two sleep characteristics (sleep quality and sleep duration) and three psychosocial functioning variables (academics, friendship quality, and intrapersonal adjustment). Results based on cross-lagged models indicated a significant bidirectional association between sleep quality and intrapersonal adjustment, such that more sleep problems predicted more negative intrapersonal adjustment over time, and vice versa. Unidirectional associations indicated that both higher academic achievement and more positive friendship quality were significant predictors of less sleep problems over time. In the second study, in which I examined bidirectional associations between sleep and media use, results provided support only for unidirectional associations; such that more sleep problems predicted increases in both time spent watching television and time spent engaged in online social networking. In the third study of my dissertation, in which I examined social ties at university and sleep quality, results indicated a significant bidirectional association, such that more positive social ties predicted less sleep problems over time, and vice versa. Importantly, emotion regulation was a significant mediator of this association. Findings across the three studies, highlight the importance of determining the direction of effects between different sleep characteristics and various aspects of university students’ psychosocial functioning, as such findings have important implications for both methodology and practice. A better understanding of the nature of the associations between sleep and psychosocial functioning will equip students, parents and university administrators with the tools necessary to facilitate successful adjustment across the university years.
This case study explored strategies and techniques in order to assist individuals with learning disabilities in their academic achievement. Of particular focus was how a literacy-based program, titled The Spring Reading Program, utilizes effective tactics and approaches that result in academic growth. The Spring Reading Program, offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region (LDANR) and partnered with John McNamara from Brock University, supports children with reading disabilities academically. In addition, the program helps children increase their confidence and motivation towards literacy. I began this study by outlining the importance of reading followed by and exploration of what educators and researchers have demonstrated regarding effective literacy instruction for children with learning disabilities. I studied effective strategies and techniques in the Spring Reading Program by conducting a qualitative case study of the program. This case study subsequently presents in depth, 4 specific strategies: Hands-on activities, motivation, engagement, and one-on-one instruction. Each strategy demonstrates its effectiveness through literature and examples from the Spring Reading Program.
La littérature montre que les résultats scolaires ne sont pas seulement imputables aux caractéristiques individuelles et familiales des élèves, mais qu’ils sont également influencés par l’établissement scolaire fréquenté. Utilisant une analyse multiniveaux comprenant deux niveaux hiérarchiques, soit l’élève et l’école, la présente recherche vise à démontrer l’impact du climat scolaire sur les résultats des élèves du secondaire. Dans ce contexte, le climat scolaire perçu est mesuré à partir de six indicateurs de perception mesurés à l’aide du Questionnaire sur l’Environnement Socioéducatif (QES) (Janosz, 2000). Les indicateurs utilisés pour rendre compte de l’effet-établissement sont ces indicateurs de climat scolaire agrégés par école. Les analyses ont été effectuées sur un échantillon transversal de 54 écoles publiques, parmi lesquelles 30 685 élèves âgés de 13 à 17 ans ont complété le questionnaire. Les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, que le climat scolaire influence bel et bien la réussite des élèves et d’autre part, qu’il est possible de différencier l’effet du climat perçu selon qu’il se situe au niveau de l’élève ou qu’il soit plutôt agrégé au niveau de l’école. À cet effet, seul le climat agrégé, plus particulièrement les climats éducatif et d’appartenance, permet d’expliquer les différences entre les écoles sur la base des résultats scolaires en français et en mathématiques.
Le décrochage scolaire des adolescents est un phénomène alarmant qui occasionne de multiples conséquences négatives, tant pour le jeune que pour la société. Des recherches empiriques ont soulevé l’importance de considérer les décrocheurs comme un groupe aux profils hétérogènes. En conséquence, quelques chercheurs ont proposé des typologies des décrocheurs scolaires à l’adolescence, dont Janosz (1994; Janosz, Le Blanc, Boulerice, & Tremblay 2000). À partir de trois indicateurs de l’adaptation scolaire des adolescents (engagement scolaire, indiscipline scolaire et performance scolaire), Janosz et ses collègues ont identifié quatre types de décrocheurs scolaires potentiels, soient les Discrets, les Désengagés, les Sous-performants et les Inadaptés. Les études prédictives conduites jusqu’à maintenant ont permis de déterminer que les différents types proposés par cette typologie se distinguent sur différents facteurs de risque du décrochage d’ordre individuel et environnemental. Toutefois, il n’est pas connu si ces types de décrocheurs potentiels se distinguent des adolescents non à risque de décrocher sur un facteur important, soit les traits de personnalité. Cette étude visait donc à évaluer si les traits de personnalité des adolescents (Ouverture, Extraversion, Contrôle, Amabilité et Stabilité émotionnelle) permettaient de prédire l’appartenance aux quatre types de décrocheurs potentiels proposés par Janosz et ses collègues (2000), en contrôlant l’effet de plusieurs autres facteurs de risque classique du décrochage. Les données provenaient de l’étude Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement (SIAA), qui compte plus de 40 000 adolescents provenant de 69 écoles secondaires au Québec. L’échantillon qui a été utilisé dans cette étude (N = 4980) était composé d’élèves de 14 à 16 ans évalués en 2006-2007. Les adolescents ont rempli des questionnaires en groupe durant une période de classe. Différents modèles de régression logistique multinomiale contrôlant pour la nature hiérarchique des données ont confirmé que les traits de personnalité ont prédit l’appartenance à différents types de décrocheurs, et ce, au-delà de l’effet de plusieurs facteurs de risque classiques du décrochage scolaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les théories du décrochage scolaire pourraient intégrer les traits de personnalité et que ces derniers pourraient être utilisés pour le dépistage des adolescents à risque de décrochage.