996 resultados para Demokratiamuuriliike - Kiina - 1978-1981


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The Iowa Department of Transportation research project HR-1013 is the evaluation of a prototype continuous monitoring nuclear density unit. The Unit, the Consolidation Monitoring Device (CMD), mounts on the rear of a slip-form paver and measures the density of the concrete while still in the plastic state. The evaluation performed determined the usefulness, accuracy, precision and reproducibility of the unit. The CMD was calibrated and tested in the laboratory for one week before field evaluation. The field evaluation consisted of monitoring at least 5 miles of paving and then correlating the CMD data with two conventional density methods. The two supplemental methods were density measurement with a Troxler nuclear gauge and densities obtained from core samples.


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The middle Mississippian (Meramec Series) units include the Spergen Formation, the St. Louis Limestone and the Ste. Genevieve Formation which outcrop sporadically within a curvilinear subcrop band trending through southeastern and central Iowa. Studies of these units as they occur in Iowa have been cursory in the past, especially with regard to the lowermost occurring Meramecan unit, the Spergen Formation. The Spergen Formation, as it occurs in southeastern Iowa is being considered as a desirable concrete aggregate source. At present, the depth of occurrence, thickness variations and geographic extent are very poorly known and the nature of lithologic variation in Iowa is obscure. Due to a paucity of information of its thickness, extent and nature of rapid lateral facies variations, the full economic potential of the unit has not been realized in some areas of southeastern Iowa. This is especially disheartening in view of the decline of acceptable concrete aggregate source materials in southeastern Iowa. This report is an attempt to synthesize subsurface and surface data in order to present a more coherent picture of the depth, thickness and lithologic variations of the Spergen Formation. Recommendations have been made for the exploration of specific areas within the field area for future development of surface quarrying and subsurface mining operations where thickness, lithology and depth characteristics deem consideration. Due to the lack of adequate data points in some quadrants of the field area, some of the recommendations are drawn on rather tenuous grounds, but a concerted effort has been made to be conservative in these judgements.


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Research was undertaken, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, to identify specific locations where rumble strips could be expected to improve highway safety. The objective of the research was to recommend warrants for their use on rural highways. An inventory of rumble strip installations on the rural highway systems in the state was conducted in 1981. A total of 685 installations was reported on secondary roads and 147 on primary highways. Over 97 percent of these were in advance of stop signs at. intersections. Most of the other installations were in advance of railroad grade crossings. The accident experience with and without rumble strips was compared in two ways. A before-and-after comparison was made for the same location if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of rumble strips. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1980. The accident experience at locations having rumble strips installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having rumble strips.


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Highway maintenance engineers and administrators are often confronted with a number of problems related to highway maintenance work programs. One of these problems is concerned with determining the optimum number and locations of highway maintenance garages in a given area. Serious decline in highway revenues and a high inflation rate have made it necessary to examine existing maintenance practices and to allocate reduced financial resources more effectively and efficiently. Searching for and providing of reasonable solutions to these problems is the focus of this research project. The methodology used is to identify and modify for use (if necessary) those models which have already been developed. Models which could give optimum number and locations of highway maintenance garages were found to be too theoretical and/or practically infeasible. Consequently, research focus was shifted from these models to other models that could compare alternatives and select the best among these alternatives. Three such models -- the Alabama model, California model, and Louisiana model, were identified and studied.


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The physical-chemical testing of fly ashes indicates that, under normal operating conditions, a low variability of results can be expected from a particular generating plant unit. However, unannounced changes in coal source and/or plant operations do occur and they may result in an ash with undesirable properties. Since these properties can be detected by physical-chemical testing, it is recommended that this testing be performed on a lot-by-lot basis when a plant is supplying fly ash to a construction project.


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La aproximación habitual en el estudio de la difusión del consumo de un alimento, además de descomponer su aportación nutricional, consiste en estudiar la evolución de sus consumos medios. Pero en todo proceso de difusión de un nuevo producto, establecer el consumo promedio es tan importante como conocer el número de consumidores. Este artículo propone un análisis de la recepción del consumo de leche entre la población española atendiendo a ambas dimensiones entre finales del siglo XIX y 1981. Esto es, se combinará el conocimiento de la evolución del número de consumidores con el de sus niveles medios de consumo. Adoptar este planteamiento supone enfrentarse con el problema de la ausencia de datos sobre la magnitud de consumidores en las fuentes estadísticas disponibles. Este artículo propone una estrategia metodológica diseñada para reconstruir la evolución de esa población tanto en una escala temporal como espacial.


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Includes the history, description and control measures of a variety of thistles in Iowa.


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If adequately designed and high quality material and good construction practices are used, portland cement concrete is very durable. This is demonstrated by the oldest pavement in Iowa (second oldest in the U.S.) paved in 1904, which performed well for 70 years without resurfacing. The design thickness is an important factor in both the performance and cost of pavement. The objective of this paper is to provide a 30-year performance evaluation of a pavement constructed to determine the required design thickness for low volume secondary roadways. In 1951 Greene County and the Iowa Highway Research Board of the Iowa Department of Transportation initiated a four-mile (6.4 km) demonstration project to evaluate thicknesses ranging from 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) to 6" (15.2 cm). The project, consisting of 10 research sections, was formed pavement placed on a gravel roadbed with very little preparation except for redistribution of the loose aggregate. Eight sections were non-reinforced except for centerline tie bars and no contraction joints were used. Mesh reinforcing and contraction joints spaced at 29' 7" (9.02 m) intervals were used in two 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick sections. The only air entrained section was non-reinforced. The pavement performed well over its 30-year life carrying a light volume of traffic and did not require major maintenance. There was substantial cracking with average slab length varying directly with thickness. The 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick non-air entrained, mesh-reinforced pavement with contraction joints has performed the best.


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Six subject areas prompted the broad field of inquiry of this mission-oriented dust control and surface improvement project for unpaved roads: • DUST--Hundreds of thousands of tons of dust are created annually by vehicles on Iowa's 70,000 miles of unpaved roads and streets. Such dust is often regarded as a nuisance by Iowa's highway engineers. • REGULATIONS--Establishment of "fugitive dust" regulations by the Iowa DEQ in 1971 has created debates, conferences, legal opinions, financial responsibilities, and limited compromises regarding "reasonable precaution" and "ordinary travel," both terms being undefined judgment factors. • THE PUBLIC--Increased awareness by the public that regulations regarding dust do in fact exist creates a discord of telephone calls, petitions, and increasing numbers of legal citations. Both engineers and politicians are frustrated into allowing either the courts or regulatory agencies to resolve what is basically a professional engineering responsibility. • COST--Economics seldom appear as a tenet of regulatory strategies, and in the case of "fugitive dust," four-way struggles often occur between the highway professions, political bodies, regulatory agencies, and the general public as to who is responsible, what can be done, how much it will cost, or why it wasn't done yesterday. • CONFUSION--The engineer lacks authority, and guidelines and specifications to design and construct a low-cost surf acing system are nebulous, i.e., construct something between the present crushed stone/gravel surface and a high-type pavement. • SOLUTION--The engineer must demonstrate that dust control and surface improvement may be engineered at a reasonable cost to the public, so that a higher degree of regulatory responsibility can be vested in engineering solutions.


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Approximately 40,000 tons of deteriorated asphalt concrete has been removed from Interstate 80 in Cass County and stockpiled. Laboratory tests indicate that this material has considerable value when upgraded with new aggregate and asphalt cement. This report documents the procedures used and results obtained on an experimental recycling project. It was demonstrated that present drum mixing-recycling equipment and procedures can be used to utilize this material with satisfactory results. Laboratory analyses of material components and mixtures were performed; these analyses indicate mixture can be produced that is uniform, stable, and very closely resembles mixture produced with all virgin material. A 1700 foot long test section was constructed on US 169 in Kossuth County wherein salvaged asphalt concrete from I-80 in Cass County was utilized. The salvaged mix was blended with virgin aggregate and recycled through a modified drum mixing plant, the reprocessed mixture was satisfactorily placed 1 1/2 inches thick as a resurfacing course on an old PCC pavement. An inspection of the test section was made in December of 1978 to evaluate the performance after one full year of service. There was no evidence of rutting or shoving from traffic. The surface does, however, have a very dry and somewhat ravelled appearance. This can be related to a low asphalt content in the mix and some temperature control problems which were difficult to get fully corrected on such a short project and with a short supply of readily available materials.


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At a pavement management study meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, September 12 and 13, 1979, the states of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska agreed on the need for an in-depth engineering study of thermal cracking of bituminous pavement. In addition, the states of Oklahoma and North Dakota agreed to participate in the study. The scope of the study was to analyze all functions relating to the thermal cracking problem to determine how different uses of preventative materials, mix design measures, maintenance repairs, and design of bituminous pavements and overlays might be contributing to the problem and to determine what improvements might be made in these procedures to reduce the problem of thermal cracking. This publication describes the study and its conclusions. One of the conclusions is that the study did not address what the authors believe to be the major contributor to transverse cracking - the subgrade and subbase.


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The paper reviews methods, materials, equipment and results to date of sprinkle treatment within the state. The Iowa Department of Transportation formerly the Iowa State Highway Commission, made its first attempts at sprinkle treatment of fresh asphalt concrete in 1974. Increased emphasis in mix design of asphalt mixes and aggregate selection of durable non-polishing materials has generated costly restrictions on the use of local materials. During the summer of 1975, a dual spinner, tail-gate spreader was mounted on a standard departmental dump truck to attempt additional sprinkle treatment on a section of Iowa 7 west of Ft. Dodge. The dump truck equipment was marginally satisfactory, but results of increased surface skid texture and durability were well demonstrated. On 1976 a new, current order dump truck was modified with an auxiliary transmission and a set of slick surfaced tires, and dual spinner spreader was mounted to again attempt surface sprinkle treatment, which was conducted in 1977.


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Seven asphaltic concrete resurfacing projects were tested for their frictional properties to determine the age-friction relationship of new paving. Projects studied included Type A asphaltic concrete which is generally used for higher traffic volume roads and Type B asphaltic concrete, a lower type material. Also included in the study were asphaltic concretes containing Type 3 and Type 4 coarse aggregate texture classifications. The classifications are based upon material type and grain size composition. Surfaces both with and without sprinkle treatment aggregates were also included. The data gathered suggests that properly designed and placed dense graded asphaltic concrete mixes are adequate to serve the traveling public at all ages tested.


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The Electro-Reflective Measuring Apparatus (ERMA) was developed by the Minnesota Department of Highways in 1974 to measure the retro-reflective characteristics of pavement marking materials. Minnesota researchers recommended that due to the increased cost of pavement marking materials and reduced availability of these materials, ERMA can and should be used as a maintenance management tool to determine when painting is necessary rather than according to a fixed time schedule. The Iowa DOT Office of Materials built an ERMA device patterned after Minnesota's design in 1976. Subsequent efforts to calibrate and correlate this ERMA device to District Paint Foremen ratings proved unsuccessful, and ERMA modification or abandonment was recommended in 1979. Lyman Moothart, Materials Lab. Tech. 4, modified the ERMA device in 1980 and correlation attempts to District Paint Foremen ratings conducted in November 1980 have been moderately successful. A Paint/No Paint ERMA value has been established which will identify about 90% of the painting needs but will also include about 40% of the marking lines not needing repainting. The Office of Maintenance should establish a trial ERMA program to study the accuracy and potential cost savings of using ERMA to identify pavement marking needs.