992 resultados para Decision satisfaction
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
Football is considered nowadays one of the most popular sports. In the betting world, it has acquired an outstanding position, which moves millions of euros during the period of a single football match. The lack of profitability of football betting users has been stressed as a problem. This lack gave origin to this research proposal, which it is going to analyse the possibility of existing a way to support the users to increase their profits on their bets. Data mining models were induced with the purpose of supporting the gamblers to increase their profits in the medium/long term. Being conscience that the models can fail, the results achieved by four of the seven targets in the models are encouraging and suggest that the system can help to increase the profits. All defined targets have two possible classes to predict, for example, if there are more or less than 7.5 corners in a single game. The data mining models of the targets, more or less than 7.5 corners, 8.5 corners, 1.5 goals and 3.5 goals achieved the pre-defined thresholds. The models were implemented in a prototype, which it is a pervasive decision support system. This system was developed with the purpose to be an interface for any user, both for an expert user as to a user who has no knowledge in football games.
An unsuitable patient flow as well as prolonged waiting lists in the emergency room of a maternity unit, regarding gynecology and obstetrics care, can affect the mother and child’s health, leading to adverse events and consequences regarding their safety and satisfaction. Predicting the patients’ waiting time in the emergency room is a means to avoid this problem. This study aims to predict the pre-triage waiting time in the emergency care of gynecology and obstetrics of Centro Materno Infantil do Norte (CMIN), the maternal and perinatal care unit of Centro Hospitalar of Oporto, situated in the north of Portugal. Data mining techniques were induced using information collected from the information systems and technologies available in CMIN. The models developed presented good results reaching accuracy and specificity values of approximately 74% and 94%, respectively. Additionally, the number of patients and triage professionals working in the emergency room, as well as some temporal variables were identified as direct enhancers to the pre-triage waiting time. The imp lementation of the attained knowledge in the decision support system and business intelligence platform, deployed in CMIN, leads to the optimization of the patient flow through the emergency room and improving the quality of services.
Patient blood pressure is an important vital signal to the physicians take a decision and to better understand the patient condition. In Intensive Care Units is possible monitoring the blood pressure due the fact of the patient being in continuous monitoring through bedside monitors and the use of sensors. The intensivist only have access to vital signs values when they look to the monitor or consult the values hourly collected. Most important is the sequence of the values collected, i.e., a set of highest or lowest values can signify a critical event and bring future complications to a patient as is Hypotension or Hypertension. This complications can leverage a set of dangerous diseases and side-effects. The main goal of this work is to predict the probability of a patient has a blood pressure critical event in the next hours by combining a set of patient data collected in real-time and using Data Mining classification techniques. As output the models indicate the probability (%) of a patient has a Blood Pressure Critical Event in the next hour. The achieved results showed to be very promising, presenting sensitivity around of 95%.
Los profesionales de enfermería sufren en este momento histórico el impacto de la crisis económica y los cambios en el contexto político y social en lo que se refiere a las políticas de empleo y ajustes salariales. El ambiente de trabajo en las unidades de hospitalización suele ser agobiante y las actividades que realizan los exponen a riesgos específicos tales como: los propios del ambiente, condiciones y tipo de trabajo y las relaciones interpersonales. Definimos la satisfacción laboral como el resultado de la apreciación que cada individuo tiene de su trabajo y la importancia para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.Objetivo General: Conocer y describir el nivel de satisfacción laboral y la percepción de riesgos en el trabajo que manifiestan los profesionales de Enfermería.Objetivos Específicos: - Describir la percepción de riesgos del ambiente de trabajo - Mostrar el nivel de satisfacción laboral según el tipo y número de pacientes que atienden, antigüedad en la profesión, estabilidad laboral, sexo, edad, situación de pareja, número de hijos,- Describir la satisfacción laboral en cuanto a los recursos con los que cuenta para el cuidado y la seguridad laboral de la institución, al salario que recibe y la cantidad de empleos que tiene, - Determinar la satisfacción laboral con respecto al estímulo que reciben de los superiores, al reconocimiento de los pares, equipo de salud y usuarios.El encuadre metodológico es el siguiente:El tipo de estudio elegido es el considerado correlacional simple ya que busca posibles vínculos entre dos o más variables.El universo lo componen los profesionales de enfermería que se desempeñan en instituciones públicas de salud de la ciudad de Río Cuarto y Córdoba Capital.La técnica de recolección de datos es la encuesta en su modalidad de cuestionario autoadministrado.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2008
Abstract Clinical decision-making requires synthesis of evidence from literature reviews focused on a specific theme. Evidence synthesis is performed with qualitative assessments and systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials, typically covering statistical pooling with pairwise meta-analyses. These methods include adjusted indirect comparison meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, and mixed-treatment comparison. These tools allow synthesis of evidence and comparison of effectiveness in cardiovascular research.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2013
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2013
The following article describes an approach covering the variety of opinions and uncertainties of estimates within the chosen technique of decision support. Mathematical operations used for assessment of options are traced to operations of working with functions that are used for assessment of possible options of decision-making. Approach proposed could be used within any technique of decision support based on elementary mathematical operations. In this article the above-mentioned approach is described under analytical hierarchy process.
A change in bird density within a captive flock of Sicalis flaveola pelzeni (Sclater, 1872) affected the decision to join a group. Ruling out inter-individual differences and maintaining constant the size of a food patch, birds were found to fly more often to the food source and spend a longer time in its environs when kept in greater groups.
This paper studies the stability of a finite local public goods economy in horizontal differentiation, where a jurisdiction's choice of the public good is given by an exogenous decision scheme. In this paper, we characterize the class of decision schemes that ensure the existence of an equilibrium with free mobility (that we call Tiebout equilibrium) for monotone distribution of players. This class contains all the decision schemes whose choice lies between the Rawlsian decision scheme and the median voter with mid-distance of the two median voters when there are ties. We show that for non-monotone distribution, there is no decision scheme that can ensure the stability of coalitions. In the last part of the paper, we prove the non-emptiness of the core of this coalition formation game
According to the account of the European Union (EU) decision making proposed in this paper, this is a bargaining process during which actors shift their policy positions with a view to reaching agreements on controversial issues.