985 resultados para Dean, Warren 1932
O artigo analisa aspectos das relações entre a escolarizaçãoe os processos culturais mais amplos, tomando como fontedocumental manuais didáticos produzidos para uso em cursos deformação de professores, que circularam no Brasil e em Portugalno período final do século XIX e no início do século XX. Foramfocalizados elementos passíveis de generalização, entre eles aunidade da forma escolar e as diferentes práticas prescritas aosprofessores, destinadas a enraizar valores e ideais no processoformativo. Foram analisados os seguintes manuais: CursoPractico de Pedagogia, de autoria de Mr. Daligault (1874);Elementos de Pedagogia, de autoria de Jose Maria da GraçaAffreixo e Henrique Freire (1870); e Lições de pedagogia gerale de história da educação, de Alberto Pimentel Filho (1932).
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
As influências do trabalho docente feminino na cultura escolar do extremo oeste paulista (1932-1960)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The production of sound, clean fruit is unquestionably one of the major problems facing the modern fruit grower. Culture may be neglected and pruning delayed for a time but the omission of sprays for even a single season demonstrates their absolute necessity. This applies equally to the commercial grower and to the farmer or gardener who has only a few trees. Spray materials, equipment, management, schedules, insect pests and orchard diseases are discussed in this 1928 extension circular.
Nebraska farmers prospered during the period which followed the depression of the nineties and preceded the beginning of the World War. To be sure the prosperity was not uniformly distributed either by years or by areas. The corn crop was unusually short in a large portion of the state in 1901 and an almost total failure in many of the southern counties in 1913. Chinch bugs did considerable injury in 1901 and the Hessian fly in 1905 and 1914. There was noticeable damage from insects in some areas in other years. No part of the state, however, suffered from long-continued drouth or repeated ravages of insect pests. The depression of 1907 affected credit and prices very severly for a few months, but recovery was rapid and within less than a year business was again moving forward. This 1934 research bulletin covers the problems of inflation and deflation; changes in the prices of various commodities during inflation and deflation; prices and purchasing power of Nebraska farm products, 1914 to 1932; adjustments during inflation and deflation; the effect of wages on Nebraska agriculture; taxes; Nebraska farm income; changes in types of farming in Nebraska, 1914 to 1932; the banking situation; Nebraska farm land prices; and the effects of inflation and deflation upon Nebraska businesses.
This report covers the investigations, expenditures, and publications of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station for the fiscal year June 30, 1931. During the year 68 projects have been under investigation at the main station. These have covered a wide range of subjects. At the various substations the work is planned to meet the needs of the different regions. The funds for carrying on the work of the stations are derived from federal and state sources. The work is carried on in definite projects according to the supporting fund. Satisfactory progress was made on the research program. During the year eight projects were completed and seven new ones added. The selection of new projects is on the basis of most urgent need, together with the ability of the Experiment Station to carry the project. The financial depression in which agriculture still finds itself has increased rather than decreased the demand upon the Experiment Station and the College for new and definite information. This demand has been taken care of insofar as possible. During the year covered by this report eleven bulletins, nine research bulletins, and one circular have been published by the Experiment Station. In addition 22 technical papers have been prepared by members of the staff and printed in various technical and professional journals.
Background: Translational errors can result in bypassing of the main viral protein reading frames and the production of alternate reading frame (ARF) or cryptic peptides. Within HIV, there are many such ARFs in both sense and the antisense directions of transcription. These ARFs have the potential to generate immunogenic peptides called cryptic epitopes (CE). Both antiretroviral drug therapy and the immune system exert a mutational pressure on HIV-1. Immune pressure exerted by ARF CD8(+) T cells on the virus has already been observed in vitro. HAART has also been described to select HIV-1 variants for drug escape mutations. Since the mutational pressure exerted on one location of the HIV-1 genome can potentially affect the 3 reading frames, we hypothesized that ARF responses would be affected by this drug pressure in vivo. Methodology/Principal findings: In this study we identified new ARFs derived from sense and antisense transcription of HIV-1. Many of these ARFs are detectable in circulating viral proteins. They are predominantly found in the HIV-1 env nucleotide region. We measured T cell responses to 199 HIV-1 CE encoded within 13 sense and 34 antisense HIV-1 ARFs. We were able to observe that these ARF responses are more frequent and of greater magnitude in chronically infected individuals compared to acutely infected patients, and in patients on HAART, the breadth of ARF responses increased. Conclusions/Significance: These results have implications for vaccine design and unveil the existence of potential new epitopes that could be included as vaccine targets.
Ferrara è tra le città con le quali Piero Bottoni (1903-1973) ha istaurato un rapporto proficuo e duraturo che gli permise di elaborare molti progetti e che fu costante lungo quasi tutta la parabola professionale dell’autore milanese. Giunto nella città estense nei primi anni Trenta, vi lavorò nei tre decenni successivi elaborando progetti che spaziavano dalla scala dell’arredamento d’interni fino a quella urbana; i diciannove progetti studiati, tutti situati all’interno del centro storico della città, hanno come tema comune la relazione tra nuova architettura e città esistente. Osservando un ampio spettro di interventi che abbracciava la progettazione sull'esistente come quella del nuovo, Bottoni propone una visione dell'architettura senza suddivisioni disciplinari intendendo il restauro e la costruzione del nuovo come parti di un processo progettuale unitario. Sullo sfondo di questa vicenda, la cultura ferrarese tra le due guerre e nel Dopoguerra si caratterizza per il continuo tentativo di rendere attuale la propria storia rinascimentale effettuando operazioni di riscoperta che con continuità, a discapito dei cambiamenti politici, contraddistinguono le esperienze culturali condotte nel corso del Novecento. Con la contemporanea presenza durante gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta di Bottoni, Zevi, Pane, Michelucci, Piccinato, Samonà, Bassani e Ragghianti, tutti impegnati nella costruzione dell’immagine storiografica della Ferrara rinascimentale, i caratteri di questa stagione culturale si fondono con i temi centrali del dibattito architettonico italiano e con quello per la salvaguardia dei centri storici. L’analisi dell’opera ferrarese di Piero Bottoni è così l’occasione per mostrare da un lato un carattere peculiare della sua architettura e, dall’altro, di studiare un contesto cultuale provinciale al fine di mostrare i punti di contatto tra le personalità presenti a Ferrara in quegli anni, di osservarne le reciproche influenze e di distinguere gli scambi avvenuti tra i principali centri della cultura architettonica italiana e un ambito geografico solo apparentemente secondario.
The majority of human patients with pemphigus foliaceus (PF) have circulating IgG autoantibodies that target conformational epitopes on the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein-1 (dsg1). Limited studies using immunoblot techniques suggested that the principal autoantigen in dogs with PF might also be dsg1. It was the objective of this study to test this hypothesis. A comprehensive survey of canine PF sera was conducted using a novel screening strategy that detects conformational epitopes. This method consists of the ectopic expression of canine dsg1 at the surface of human 293T epithelial kidney cells and their live screening, i.e. prior to fixation. Out of seven control human PF sera that bound to canine epidermis, three (57%) contained IgG autoantibodies that recognized ectopically expressed canine dsg1 with a membrane and punctate pattern. Out of 83 canine PF sera only five (6%) contained IgG that recognized canine dsg1. Consistent with findings for human PF sera obtained in this study, autoantibody binding was conformation- and glycosylation-dependent as demonstrated by calcium chelation with EDTA and tunicamycin or wheat germ agglutinin treatment, respectively. In conclusion, these studies establish canine dsg1 as a minor autoantigen for canine PF. Antigenic epitopes appear to be conformation- and glycosylation-dependent.
Stent thrombosis (ST) after percutaneous coronary intervention has been the focus of intense interest because of its attendant morbidity and mortality. There is controversy about several facets of the problem. These include the frequency of ST with drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS), the timing of the event, clinical consequences, risk factors, adjunctive therapy, and new preventive approaches. Information has accrued rapidly from several sources, including randomized controlled clinical trials of DES versus BMS in carefully selected subsets of patients and registry experiences in larger patient groups, which provide a more universal real-world picture. The results from these different data sets are not completely concordant. However, several general conclusions can be made: 1) ST is an infrequent but very severe complication of both BMS and DES; 2) at the present time, during 4 years of follow-up from randomized controlled trials that compared DES and BMS, there is no apparent difference in overall ST frequency, although the time course for occurrence appears to differ, with a relative numeric excess of ST late after DES implant; 3) despite this relative imbalance, no differences in the end points of death or death and infarction between DES and BMS are observed; 4) longer-term follow-up of these patients as well as larger angiographic and clinical subsets of patients who receive this technology outside of randomized trials are required to fully study this issue; and 5) advances in stent platforms for drug elution as well as adjunctive pharmacologic therapy are being evaluated to enhance long-term safety.