999 resultados para Data Accessibility


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The progressive aging of the population requires new kinds of social and medical intervention and the availability of different services provided to the elder population. New applications have been developed and some services are now provided at home, allowing the older people to stay home instead of having to stay in hospitals. But an adequate response to the needs of the users will imply a high percentage of use of personal data and information, including the building up and maintenance of user profiles, feeding the systems with the data and information needed for a proactive intervention in scheduling of events in which the user may be involved. Fundamental Rights may be at stake, so a legal analysis must also be considered.


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Wireless medical systems are comprised of four stages, namely the medical device, the data transport, the data collection and the data evaluation stages. Whereas the performance of the first stage is highly regulated, the others are not. This paper concentrates on the data transport stage and argues that it is necessary to establish standardized tests to be used by medical device manufacturers to provide comparable results concerning the communication performance of the wireless networks used to transport medical data. Besides, it suggests test parameters and procedures to be used to produce comparable communication performance results.


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The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.


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More and more current software systems rely on non trivial coordination logic for combining autonomous services typically running on different platforms and often owned by different organizations. Often, however, coordination data is deeply entangled in the code and, therefore, difficult to isolate and analyse separately. COORDINSPECTOR is a software tool which combines slicing and program analysis techniques to isolate all coordination elements from the source code of an existing application. Such a reverse engineering process provides a clear view of the actually invoked services as well as of the orchestration patterns which bind them together. The tool analyses Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code, the native language of Microsoft .Net Framework. Therefore, the scope of application of COORDINSPECTOR is quite large: potentially any piece of code developed in any of the programming languages which compiles to the .Net Framework. The tool generates graphical representations of the coordination layer together and identifies the underlying business process orchestrations, rendering them as Orc specifications


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Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.


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In this work, we consider the numerical solution of a large eigenvalue problem resulting from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. We are interested in computing a few eigenpairs, with an iterative method, so a matrix representation that allows for fast matrix-vector products is required. Hierarchical matrices are appropriate for this setting, and also provide cheap LU decompositions required in the spectral transformation technique. We illustrate the use of freely available software tools to address the problem, in particular SLEPc for the eigensolvers and HLib for the construction of H-matrices. The numerical tests are performed using an astrophysics application. Results show the benefits of the data-sparse representation compared to standard storage schemes, in terms of computational cost as well as memory requirements.


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Image segmentation is an ubiquitous task in medical image analysis, which is required to estimate morphological or functional properties of given anatomical targets. While automatic processing is highly desirable, image segmentation remains to date a supervised process in daily clinical practice. Indeed, challenging data often requires user interaction to capture the required level of anatomical detail. To optimize the analysis of 3D images, the user should be able to efficiently interact with the result of any segmentation algorithm to correct any possible disagreement. Building on a previously developed real-time 3D segmentation algorithm, we propose in the present work an extension towards an interactive application where user information can be used online to steer the segmentation result. This enables a synergistic collaboration between the operator and the underlying segmentation algorithm, thus contributing to higher segmentation accuracy, while keeping total analysis time competitive. To this end, we formalize the user interaction paradigm using a geometrical approach, where the user input is mapped to a non-cartesian space while this information is used to drive the boundary towards the position provided by the user. Additionally, we propose a shape regularization term which improves the interaction with the segmented surface, thereby making the interactive segmentation process less cumbersome. The resulting algorithm offers competitive performance both in terms of segmentation accuracy, as well as in terms of total analysis time. This contributes to a more efficient use of the existing segmentation tools in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, it compares favorably to state-of-the-art interactive segmentation software based on a 3D livewire-based algorithm.


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In this paper, we present a method for estimating local thickness distribution in nite element models, applied to injection molded and cast engineering parts. This method features considerable improved performance compared to two previously proposed approaches, and has been validated against thickness measured by di erent human operators. We also demonstrate that the use of this method for assigning a distribution of local thickness in FEM crash simulations results in a much more accurate prediction of the real part performance, thus increasing the bene ts of computer simulations in engineering design by enabling zero-prototyping and thus reducing product development costs. The simulation results have been compared to experimental tests, evidencing the advantage of the proposed method. Thus, the proposed approach to consider local thickness distribution in FEM crash simulations has high potential on the product development process of complex and highly demanding injection molded and casted parts and is currently being used by Ford Motor Company.


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Websites are, nowadays, the face of institutions, but they are often neglected, especially when it comes to contents. In the present paper, we put forth an investigation work whose final goal is the development of a model for the measurement of data quality in institutional websites for health units. To that end, we have carried out a bibliographic review of the available approaches for the evaluation of website content quality, in order to identify the most recurrent dimensions and the attributes, and we are currently carrying out a Delphi Method process, presently in its second stage, with the purpose of reaching an adequate set of attributes for the measurement of content quality.


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This article presents a research work, the goal of which was to achieve a model for the evaluation of data quality in institutional websites of health units in a broad and balanced way. We have carried out a literature review of the available approaches for the evaluation of website content quality, in order to identify the most recurrent dimensions and the attributes, and we have also carried out a Delphi method process with experts in order to reach an adequate set of attributes and their respective weights for the measurement of content quality. The results obtained revealed a high level of consensus among the experts who participated in the Delphi process. On the other hand, the different statistical analysis and techniques implemented are robust and attach confidence to our results and consequent model obtained.


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The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.


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One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.


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A gestão do conhecimento abrange toda a forma de gerar, armazenar, distribuir e utilizar o conhecimento, tornando necessária a utilização de tecnologias de informação para facilitar esse processo, devido ao grande aumento no volume de dados. A descoberta de conhecimento em banco de dados é uma metodologia que tenta solucionar esse problema e o data mining é uma técnica que faz parte dessa metodologia. Este artigo desenvolve, aplica e analisa uma ferramenta de data mining, para extrair conhecimento referente à produção científica das pessoas envolvidas com a pesquisa na Universidade Federal de Lavras. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental e o método do estudo de caso. As limitações encontradas na análise dos resultados indicam que ainda é preciso padronizar o modo do preenchimento dos currículos Lattes para refinar as análises e, com isso, estabelecer indicadores. A contribuição foi gerar um banco de dados estruturado, que faz parte de um processo maior de desenvolvimento de indicadores de ciência e tecnologia, para auxiliar na elaboração de novas políticas de gestão científica e tecnológica e aperfeiçoamento do sistema de ensino superior brasileiro.


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RESUMO:Para que o sucesso educativo se verifique, a escola tem de ajustar a sua prática educativa a todos os alunos, incluindo os que apresentam necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Portugal dispõe de legislação que assegura o direito à educação e à igualdade de oportunidades, consignados na Constituição da República Portuguesa (artigos 71º, 73º e 74º), em consonância com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem e na Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo (artigos 2º, 7º, 17º e 18º). O nosso país subscreveu também a Declaração de Salamanca, a qual reuniu, em 1994, o consenso de noventa e dois governos e de vinte e cinco organizações internacionais, reafirmando o direito à educação para todos. A construção da escola inclusiva passa pela responsabilização da escola por todos os alunos, na perspectiva de educação para todos, exigindo a sua concretização novas estratégias e resposta a novos desafios. Há que alterar práticas para atender à diversidade. Assim, as escolas precisam de estar arquitectonicamente adaptadas às necessidades dos alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas como forma de mobilidade, respeitando o direito à diferença e possibilitando, em igualdade de oportunidades, o sucesso escolar e educativo. Levar à prática as medidas previstas na lei portuguesa e implementar, em cada escola, a inclusão do aluno com mobilidade condicionada, implica equipar as escolas com adaptações, meios e recursos educativos facilitadores do seu processo ensino/aprendizagem. A constatação do que efectivamente acontece no terreno educativo no que concerne aos alunos com deficiência motora que usam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem assume toda a centralidade da nossa investigação, que tem o cariz de um estudo de caso. Incide sobre a compreensão mais aprofundada de como se processa o acesso arquitectónico nas escolas do Ensino Básico da Zona Norte e mais concretamente do Concelho de Guimarães. Recolhemos dados através de questionários dirigidos aos professores de apoio educativo e coordenadores de escola; ouvimos os alunos com deficiência motora pronunciar-se sobre as dificuldades que sentiam; observámos o seu quotidiano escolar e, finalmente, escutámos as entidades locais, através de uma entrevista realizada à Vereadora da Cultura do Concelho de Guimarães. Os resultados obtidos serão, como foi acordado, divulgados aos intervenientes com responsabilidades directas no campo da educação que se prontificaram a partilhar connosco a sua informação e saber, no sentido de os sensibilizar para a necessidade de rever o aspecto das acessibilidades arquitectónicas nas instituições educativas que servem o seu concelho, pois, como verificámos, muito há ainda a fazer para que o Ensino Básico, universal e obrigatório, se traduza numa igualdade de oportunidades de acesso e sucesso educativo para os alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem no espaço escolar. ABSTRACT: For the educational success of a school it has to adjust its educational practice so that it includes those with special needs. According to the Portuguese law, disabled people have the right to education and equal opportunities, well expressed in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (articles 71st, 73rd, and 74th), in consonance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in the main law the educational system (articles 2nd, 7th, 17th and 18th). Our country has also subscribed the Declaration of Salamanca, which was written in 1994 with the agreement of Representatives from ninety-two governments and twenty-five International Organizations, where was reaffirmed the right of education for all. It is necessary that school increases its responsibility in what concerns the education of all its students. Educating all and every student demands new strategies to face new challenges and so some practices have to be changed to respond to diversity. Schools must be architecturally adapted to give the disabled students, who use a wheel chair, equal opportunities to achieve educational success. Taking the measures foreseen in Portuguese law into practice, and implementing in each school the inclusion of students with conditioned mobility, involves equipping schools with adaptations, equipment and educational resources that facilitate the teaching / learning process. The observation of what actually happens on educative ground, regarding to pupils with motor disabilities who use a wheelchair to move, assumes the centrality of our research, which is a case study. It focuses on the deeper understanding of the way the architectonic access in primary schools of the North, and more specifically the Municipality of Guimarães, is processed. We collected data through questionnaires addressed to educational support teachers and school coordinators; heard students with motor disabilities to comment on the difficulties they felt; observed their daily school life, and finally heard the local authorities, through an interview the Councillor of Culture of the Municipality of Guimarães. As agreed, the results will be communicated to intervenients with direct responsibilities in the field of education who were willing to share with us their information and knowledge in order to raise awareness of the need of looking over the aspect of architectural accessibility in educational institutions that serve their county, because, as noted, much remains to be done so that the basic education, universal and compulsory, will result in equality of educational opportunities in access and success for students who use a wheelchair to move in school space.


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The nutritional status according to anthropometric data was assessed in 756 schoolchildren from 5 low-income state schools and in one private school in the same part of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The prevalence of stunting and wasting (cut-off point: <90% ht/age and <80% wt/ht) ranged in the public schools from 6.2 to 15.2% and 3.3 to 24.0%, respectively, whereas the figures for the private school were 2.3 and 3.5%, respectively. Much more obesity was found in the private school (18.0%) than in the state schools (0.8 - 6.2%). Nutritional problems seem to develop more severely in accordance with the increasing age of the children. Therefore it appears advisable to assess schoolchildren within the context of a nutritional surveillance system.