1000 resultados para Curso de Pedagogia da Terra
This research will try to understand how the concept of gender works at school, since working and discussing the body and sexuality is not a matter to be treated only within the family environment, school is a place for formal and appropriate new knowledge about sexuality, gender and body, in order to be part of the child framework according to adequate theory. At school, which is a place of different social values and especially to build readings world is surrounded by theoretical frameworks appropriate to think of the body not only as biological, but as one that can vary, feel desires and pleasures, changes and growth. This research aims to understand the notes of literature regarding to teaching children about respect for others, how children notice parts of your body, the space they are in, how they build their own and other perceptions, supported by their teachers, how they express themselves and show social rules and behaviors, focusing on building an egalitarian and respectful society regarding to relations between men and women which begin in childhood and is part of sexuality taught at school by teachers. This research will focus on methodology bibliographic through exploratory, interpretive and selective reading
In the modern world it is common to witness the family or the school complaining about the behavior of children. Parents have lost control of how to educate their children, who have difficulty in following rules, boundaries and discipline. In the short time they stay with their children, their parents feel desperate in how to educate and seek the help of experts who apply techniques inspired by behavioral therapy. A recent phenomenon is the search of the family by the media, so that helps to set limits for their children. The main objective of this study is to identify intervention techniques used in television show called Supernanny, verifying the concept of education and its effects on family. The methodology is exploratory research, using technical analysis as a specific program for television, videorecorded. Data analysis was performed by a video recording of the three programs shown, which were compared using frames. Contact that currently, the parent-child relationship is permeated by a lack of boundaries, which causes families to seek guidance from experts and the media - which is one of the most powerful means of dissemination and communication. The program presents Supernanny behavioral techniques that seem to work with a simple sleight of hand, but in real life translates into a long-time adjustments, challenges and frustrations. Moreover, many of them induce the conditioning, to achieve something by means of strengthening and heteronomy, which leads the viewer to take a more critical eye on those programs
Atualmente, a criança e o adolescente são alvo de muitas discussões acerca de seu papel na sociedade e suas responsabilidades. O Estatuto da criança e do adolescente define os direitos dos menores e tem como objetivo garantir a proteção dos mesmos. As crianças sofriam junto com os adultos à falta de controle, mas com a criação de leis a sociedade passar a exercer um maior controle sobre o indivíduo. Diante do progresso da sociedade e todas as transformações que ocorrem neste mundo globalizado essa pesquisa, visa analisar a intervenção do Estado através destas leis e averiguar se elas assumem um papel importante nas famílias
O aleitamento materno é um ato único de amor. Apesar da importância do aleitamento materno para a criança, a mãe, a família e a sociedade, estudos mostram que a amamentação sofreu um declínio em todo o mundo, levando a conseqüências desastrosas para a saúde das crianças e das mães. Os mitos e crendices construídos no decorrer da vida interferem no ato de amamentar e estes são passados de geração para geração. Estudos indicam que as avós podem influenciar positivamente ou negativamente na amamentação tanto na sua duração quanto na sua exclusividade. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi de levantar o conhecimento de três mulheres da mesma família sobre o aleitamento materno, verificar os mitos e crendices e observar se eles passam de geração para geração. A pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória envolveu 8 famílias, portanto, 24 mulheres. Através de um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas sobre a identificação dos sujeitos, suas gestações e experiências e de uma entrevista semi-estruturada foi possível verificar o conhecimento que cada geração possui. Os resultados mostraram que apesar de alguns mitos e crendices diminuírem conforme passam as gerações, muitos ainda existem e vem sendo perpetuados. Portanto, é muito importante tratar da importância do aleitamento materno com crianças, construindo futuros pais com um conhecimento real eliminando mitos e crendices que são trazidos pelas gerações passadas e que influenciam no sucesso do aleitamento materno.
Desde 1997, todos os anos muitas pessoas se reúnem na famosa Avenida Paulista, cartão postal da grande cidade de São Paulo, para uma manifestação contra o preconceito e pelo direito civil dos homossexuais. Em todo o mundo essas manifestações se tornaram figura importante do movimento ativista homossexual na luta pelo respeito à diversidade, para abertura de discussões sobre os direitos políticos dos gays, tendo em vista que elas dão maior visibilidade às suas atuações na sociedade. Com o passar dos anos a Parada do Orgulho dos Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais e Transgêneros - GLBT de São Paulo tornou-se um fenômeno de público, que desde 2004 ostenta o título de maior parada gay do mundo. Este estudo se utilizará de levantamento de pesquisas e documentos teóricos que tratam da questão, dentro de uma perspectiva qualitativa a respeito da parada, elencando sua importância, seu objetivo, seu interesse e sua militância, na construção de uma educação voltada ao entendimento da diversidade sexual.
In order to expand educational services in the country, were recently approved laws that changed both the organization of schools as the population they served, as was the case of Law nº. 11.274/2006 that extended the elementary school from eight to nine years registration of students at six years old. The Elementary School for nine years and the implications of this legal change were object of study in this research was proposed to analyze the relationship between texts and practices experienced in a public school in Sao Paulo state in which they identify with adjustment difficulties the new educational context. The research was also carried out to study the pedagogical practice developed in a first class this school year. In compliance with the proposed objectives, we conducted a qualitative empirical research base associated with a bibliographic and documentary. In empirical research were used as instruments to collect data to participant observation in a classroom of 1st year and the interview with the teacher of their class. Our initial hypothesis was that schools were presenting great difficulties of adaptation and organization by the mandatory extension of service to children in elementary school. Through the research, this hypothesis is confirmed evidence of a real gap between the guidelines and their legal ramifications in the official documents published by the Ministry of Education and the state for resources for adaptation to physical, material and educational schools
O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de levantar, a partir de aportes teóricos da área, as contribuições do desenho para o desenvolvimento infantil. Analisar a prática pedagógica de professores com a utilização do desenho na Educação Infantil em duas escolas municipais e, a partir desse contato, traçar paralelos e investigar como são aplicados o desenho em sala de aula, como também verificar como as coordenadoras pedagógicas orientam o grupo de professores de sua escola e como consideram a importância do mesmo. O conhecimento sobre a arte infantil precisa ser respeitada, pois por meio do desenho a criança expressa o conhecimento de si mesma e a sua relação com o mundo. O referente estudo também apresenta as características e etapas de desenvolvimento do desenho infantil, de acordo com as concepções dos estudiosos mais conhecidos, como Lowenfeld, Luquet, Piaget, Marthe Berson e Kellogg, que permitem esclarecer de que maneira acontece a evolução dos desenhos de acordo com a faixa etária de cada criança, facilitando assim, a construção do portifólio, ferramenta avaliativa utilizada na Educação Infantil. O desenho traz para a criança a ampliação do conhecimento de mundo que a ela possui e a manipulação e exploração de diversos materiais e objetos. E também proporciona para a criança a ampliação da sua capacidade criadora, desenvolvendo a imaginação, atuando de forma significativa para a organização de pensamentos e sentimentos, além de impactar positivamente sobre os aspectos emocionais, motores, intelectuais, físicos, perceptuais, sociais e estéticos.
This paper analyzes the dance, considered the oldest of the Arts, inserted in Art and Education. When you talk about dance as art, sought to articulate dance, body movement and music, because all these aspects are crucial when it comes to education in dance. Thus, this paper, by analyzing the meaning of dance over time, also made a parallel with the evolution of the concept of body that, throughout history, became the focus of sin, to currently be seen in optical freedom and autonomy, looking up from childhood, the formation of body awareness and embodiment, as a basis for identity and the formation of a positive self-image. In describing the evolution of dance, between different societies, it was shown that the tool is the dancer's own body and that for its use, it is necessary to look at its interior, human vitality, musicality and sensitivity. Proved that dance since the beginning, has been seen as a medium body, as well as desires and deepest sorrows of humanity, linked to religion, ritual or ceremonial, reaching today the freest expression of body, in modern dance. Given these considerations, based on theoretical frameworks, emphasized the importance of dance in middle school, focusing on their educational role and liberating, showing that it must be used as a tool for teaching and learning, and the development of children , given its interdisciplinary character, this Crosscutting Themes in elementary school and early childhood education curriculum benchmark. The paper concludes that, despite legislation and official documents require training for dance in the school curriculum, very little is done in this direction, which shows that there is still a choice of schools, the immobility of the pupils
This paper presents an approach to time perception in the daily elementary school teachers. The research was conducted with five teachers from the public system of the Rio Claro City, São Paulo State. The methodology chosen for the preparation of the research was based on two factors: literature review and content analysis. For the literature search were used books and scientific articles, as content analysis, based on information collected from responses of teachers, research subjects, the questionnaire prepared by the researcher, also counted with the testimony in the form of narrative of these teachers (P1). In the final considerations points that all respondents have the perception of scarcity of time to carry out numerous tasks related to the practice of teaching. Also highlighted is the fact that all respondents can not separate work and personal life, as many of the jobs are taken home by integrating everyday of individual teachers, that is, their time outside the classroom
Partindo de leituras e discussões sobre a importância das atividades lúdicas para crianças em idade escolar, esta pesquisa procurou identificar o lúdico dentro da escola, bem como a sua utilização como estratégia de ensino no Ensino Fundamental I. Buscou-se, primeiramente, levantar argumentação teórica que comprovasse a eficiência do lúdico no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, no desenvolvimento social, cognitivo e físico da criança. Coletou-se dados da realidade escolar em quatro escolas do município de Araras, interior de São Paulo, investigando a presença e a utilização de atividades lúdicas, na sala de aula. Colheu-se dados através de questionário fechado entregue aos professores para embasar, juntamente com o referencial teórico, as análises e discussões sobre a presença ou não do lúdico, na escola, e sua importância quando utilizado. Esta pesquisa possibilitou trazer à tona a discussão dos dados da realidade escolar, sob a luz do material teórico pesquisado, e verificou-se que o corpo docente entende e procura utilizar o lúdico em sala de aula, contudo falta material e também incentivo das escolas com relação a essa rica alternativa. Dessa forma, essa realidade permitiu refletir acerca da preparação dos professores, para desenvolver conteúdos e estratégias mais prazerosas; de modo a trazer o aluno a participar das relações de ensino-aprendizagem de forma crítica e criativa; bem como a participação ativa de coordenação e direção dentro da escola auxiliando o trabalho do professor.
The purpose of this research is to study and explain the characteristics of Learning Disorders, especially Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This will be done a literature search focusing on books that address the topic. It is considered that these disorders are characterized as one of the most common problems in education, especially in the early years of elementary education, may affect in different ways the students' performance. Thus, many students may not be following the school curriculum as a result of these disorders
The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education
This research attempts to analyze the relationship between the National Secondary Education Examination and the design of teaching, specifically in the way of defining what should be taught, in the present National Curriculum identifying clues that help us in the explanation of a conception of teaching and making the confrontation between the evaluation device in this ENEM. We intend to identify, even if there is consistency between what is taught and what is learned in schools, whether it public or private, and it evaluates the evidence as ENEM. This work is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Full theme is a critical analysis of the evaluation system ENEM regarding their school pedagogical practices. The overall goal is to bring to light the evaluative perspective envisaged in secondary education as a training practice, regarding the evaluation method levied by the National Examination of Secondary Education, seeking to raise the following reflection: The evaluation addressed in high school according to the National Curriculum meets view of the National Middle School? To answer this question, the work specified in a field research through analysis of evidence applied to the Portuguese Language School students in two schools, one in public and one private school, both in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, the analysis on the Matrix Reference ENEM in order to show whether the school pedagogical practice meets the demand of this evaluation system. Methodology as part of the job search literature, taking for himself the main theoretical assessment as Luckesi (2005), Hoffman (1996) Saviani (1986) and Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo
The objective of this study is to analyze the trajectory of the bill the Senate No. 330 of 2006 that led to Law no. 11,769 of 18 August 2008, amending Article 26 of the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (Act 9394 of 1996) to be held about the mandatory teaching of music in primary education, after more than 30 years of absence from the scene national public education, until to be sanctioned with partial veto, noting the historical importance of this artistic aspect as widely performed in various ways and for many different purposes. The return of the compulsory teaching of music reappears in the realms of teaching systematized public by bringing the possibility of thinking about music, see it beyond the medias execute that permeate society today.
Enquanto arte, a dança circular sagrada, pode contribuir para a aproximação dos indivíduos, nela pode-se observar a estimulação da participação de todos, proporcionando presença, comunicação, espontaneidade, dedicação, afetividade, segurança, percepção, entre outros fatores que contribuem no processo educativo e nas relações interpessoais, no autoconhecimento, na disciplina, na autonomia. A dança circular pode ser caracterizada como dança de roda, muito semelhante a das brincadeiras de criança, ela recebe a titulação de “sagrada” pelo fato de que sua origem faz remissão aos cultos e aos ritos sagrados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como a dança circular pode intervir no cotidiano e na construção das relações sociais de um jovem, a partir de um estudo e de um apontamento das observações realizadas e suas análises. Como proposta metodológica pensamos na pesquisa bibliográfica uma vez que realizaremos a partir das leituras e do levantamento de informações e dados de como são construídas as relações e como a mesma pode afetar o homem