918 resultados para Cultures in contact
A criação de jacaré do Pantanal (Caiman crocodilus yacare) em cativeiro tem sido estimulada, e entre as técnicas de processamento de sua carne, a salga é um processo de conservação relativamente simples e de baixo custo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a cinética de difusão de cloreto de sódio em carne de jacaré do Pantanal criado em cativeiro, durante a salga úmida. Foram utilizados volumes limitados de salmoura e os experimentos foram realizados com relações salmoura/músculo de 3, 4 e 5, com concentrações de salmoura de 15%, 20% e 25% em peso e temperaturas de 10, 15 e 20ºC. A solução analítica da segunda lei de Fick, considerando difusão unidimensional em uma placa infinita em contato com uma solução bem agitada de volume limitado, foi utilizada para calcular os coeficientes de difusão efetivos de sal e estimar o conteúdo de cloreto de sódio nos filés. Obteve-se boa concordância entre o modelo analítico considerado e os dados experimentais. As difusividades do sal nos filés ocorreram na faixa de 0,47x10-10 a 9,62x10-10 m²/s.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO: O meio ambiente hospitalar guarda uma íntima relação com as infecções hospitalares, podendo proporcionar focos de contato e de transmissão. Como a higiene representa uma das formas de controlar a contaminação ambiental, realizou-se estudo para avaliar as condições microbiológicas dos colchões hospitalares antes e depois de sua limpeza. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se, para a colheita dos espécimes, placas de contato -- Rodac-plate ¾ preparadas com meio de cultura ágar-sangue. Selecionaram-se os leitos de acordo com critérios previamente estabelecidos, e os locais de colheita sob o colchão foram escolhidos por sorteio aleatório. Aplicou-se o teste estatístico de Goodman para o estudo das alterações numéricas quanto a positividade das placas. RESULTADOS: Foram investigados 52 colchões, totalizando 520 placas, das quais 514 (98,8%) resultaram em culturas positivas, sendo que 259 corresponderam ao período anterior à limpeza e 255 ao período posterior ao procedimento. Houve redução de culturas positivas em apenas 4 placas. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a limpeza, da forma como vem sendo conduzida, provoca o deslocamento da carga microbiana para outros pontos do colchão em vez de diminuí-la, resultando na manutenção da quantidade de microorganismos que existia anteriormente à limpeza.
We present evidences that ultrastructural electron microscope findings are valuable ways to understand the in vitro regeneration process, in particular in the yellow passion fruit. Shoot-regeneration was induced in hypocotyl and leaf-derived explants using 4.44 mu M BAP, and the entire organogenic process was analyzed using conventional histology, scanning and transmission electronic microscopy. Both direct and indirect regeneration modes were observed in hypocotyl explants, but only direct regeneration occurred in leaf-derived cultures. In the direct pathway from both explant types, meristemoids developed into globular structures, here called protuberances. The peripheral meristematic layers of the protuberances displayed ultrastructural characteristics indicative of a high metabolic activity, and only these cells originated shoots and leaf primordia, the latter being frequent when leaf explants were used. Moreover, the peripheral cells of the protuberances derived from leaf explants lost adhesion during the culture, diminishing the regeneration rates. We recommend the use of hypocotyls as a source of explant to obtain shoots as well as a genetic transformation system for the yellow passion fruit. However, the direct pathway is preferred because a type of amitosis occurred in the peripheral cells of hypocotyl-derived calli, which has the potential to result in genetic instability of the regenerating plants/tissue.
There is no consensus on whether the first mineralized layer, the hyaline layer, that is juxtaposed to root dentine is a variety of dentine or cementum or even a tissue of epithelial origin. Some suggest that there is no intermediate tissue between the acellular extrinsic fibre cementum (AEFC) and the root dentine. Here, to study hyaline layer formation and mineralization we examined by transmission electron microscopy the early stages of root development in upper molars from 10 to 13 day old Wistar rats. In addition to conventionally processed material, undemineralized and unstained sections were examined, which showed the deposition of fine mineral crystals in contact with the mineralized surface of root dentine. Early mineralization of the hyaline layer occurred in the region of the inner basement membrane, which persisted between the inner cellular layer of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and the outer mineralized root dentine. When the root sheath began its fragment, collagen fibrils From the developing periodontal ligament began to insert into the mineralising hyaline layer, which was 0.5-0.8 mum wide. As the fragmentation of the root sheath HERS increased, more collagen fibrils appeared intermingled with the mineralising hyaline layer. In more advanced stages, when the hyaline layer had become fully mineralized and the formation of the AEFC began, the hyaline layer could no longer be identified. Thus, the hyaline layer is clearly discernible at early stages of periodontal development. Subsequently, it is masked by intermingling of cementum and dentine and therefore it is not possible to detect it in the formed roots of rat molars. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spermiogenesis of the domestic sparrow was investigated with the light and electron microscopes and a step by step classification is proposed. Three cell populations corresponding to early, mid and late spermatids were easily divided according to their positions in the seminiferous epithelium. In addition to this initial separation, six steps were recognized, based on nuclear morphology and the degree of chromatin condensation, in association to their acrosomal and flagellar development. Early spermiogenesis is the period previous to chromatin condensation. The first step can be recognized by the extending flagellum and the second by the pro-acrosome development in contact with the nucleus. During the third or intermediate step, chromatin condenses and the cell becomes polarized with the pro-acrosomic vesicle and the tail occupying opposite sides of the nucleus. Late spermiogenesis, including steps IV-VI, is marked by complete chromatin condensation. The final cellular modifications lead to the formation of a spiraled spermatozoon. This shape is due to the twisting of the acrosome and nucleus, as well as the helical arrangement of mitochondria around the axoneme along most of the flagellum, making an exceptionally long middle piece. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of colonisation of the alimentary tract of newly hatched chicks by different Salmonella serotypes on the establishment in the gut by other Salmonella strains inoculated afterwards was assessed. Although profound inhibition of colonisation had been found previously to be genus-specific, considerable variation was found within the Salmonella genus. Some strains were found to be much more inhibitory than others and some were more easily inhibited than were others. There was not an absolute relationship between inhibitory activity and colonisation ability. No relationship was seen between inhibition and serotype or phage types within serotypes. There was no correlation between in vivo inhibition and the extent of inhibition that occurred in early stationary phase cultures in rich, undefined broth cultures.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The knowledge of the interaction between mother and offspring might contribute to enhance the welfare of the offspring and to improve the reproductive efficiency of the cow. However, there is still little information available about such interaction in some cattle breeds. A series of observational studies were set up, addressing the mother-offspring relationships of Nelore, Guzerat and Gyr cattle breeds. Firstly, the behaviour of cows and calves around the time of parturition was described, and then, the underlying factors that affect the calves' survival and development were studied. Special attention was given to the failure or delay in the first suckling. The results together are indicative of genetic variability for some studied variables, indicating the possibility of selection for calf vigour (using latency to stand up and latency to suckle as its indicators) and maternal ability (using percentage of time in contact with the calves), in spite of the estimates of heritability were low and presented high standard deviation for all variables. The individual variability in their suckling behaviour and the efficiency in first suckling cannot be explained by a single isolated underlying factor. By now, there are some results available, although there are many questions without answers. The field is still open for the development of future research.
Objective: To describe the healing of marginal defects below or above 1 mm of dimension around submerged implants in a dog model.Material and methods: In 12 Labrador dogs, all mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally. After 3 months of healing, full-thickness flaps were elevated in the edentulous region of the right side of the mandible. Two recipient sites were prepared and the marginal 5mm were widened to such an extent to obtain, after implant installation, a marginal gap of 0.5mm at the mesial site (small defect) and of 1.25mm at the distal site (large defect). Titanium healing caps were affixed to the implants and the flaps were sutured allowing a fully submerged healing. The experimental procedures were subsequently performed in the left side of the mandible. The timing of the experiments and sacrifices were planned in such a way to obtain biopsies representing the healing after 5, 10, 20 and 30 days. Ground sections were prepared and histomorphometrically analyzed.Results: The filling of the defect with newly formed bone was incomplete after 1 month of healing in all specimens. Bone formation occurred from the base and the lateral walls of the defects. A larger volume of new bone was formed in the large compared with the small defects. Most of the new bone at the large defect was formed between the 10- and the 20-day period of healing. After 1 month of healing, the outline of the newly formed bone was, however, located at a similar distance from the implant surface (about 0.4mm) at both defect types. Only minor newly formed bone in contact with the implant, starting from the base of the defects, was seen at the large defects (about 0.8mm) while a larger amount was detected at the small defects (about 2.2 mm).Conclusion: Marginal defects around titanium implants appeared to regenerate in 20-30 days by means of a distance osteogenesis. The bone fill of the defects was, however, incomplete after 1 month.
The aim of the present study was to determine the action of AsGA laser irradiation on bone repair in the tibia of osteopenic rats. The animals were randomly divided into eight experimental groups according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or the absence of the hormone (OVX group), as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.Introduction The development of new techniques to speed the process of bone repair has provided significant advances in the treatment of fractures. Some attention recently focused on the effects of biostimulation on bone.Methods Forty-eight adult rats were randomly divided into eight experimental groups (six animals in each group) according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or absence of the hormone (ovariectomized (OVX) group) as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. For the application of low-level laser therapy, the animals were anesthetized with one third of the dose sufficient to immobilize the animal and irradiated with AsGa laser (904 nm, 50 mJ/cm(2) for 2s, point form and in contact). The control animals received the same type of manipulation as the irradiated animals, but with the laser turned off. Half of the animals were killed 7 days following the confection of the bone defect, and the other half were killed 21 days after the surgery. After complete demineralization, the tibias were cut cross-sectionally in the central region of the bone defect and embedded in paraffin blocks. The blocks were then cut in semi-seriated slices and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Results There was new bone formation in the animals in the OVX group with laser treatment killed after 7 days (p<0.001). The lowest percentage of bone formation was observed in the OVX without laser killed after 7 days (p>0.05). All animals killed after 21 days exhibited linear closure of the lesion.Conclusion Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.
Co-inoculation of the fungus Aspergillus niger and the bacterium Burkholderia cepacia was undertaken to understand the interaction between different species of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM). PSM were inoculated in a single or mixed (A. nigerB.similar to cepacia) culture. During 9 similar to days of incubation, microbial biomass was enhanced, accompanied with increases in the levels of soluble phosphate and titratable acidity, as well as increased acid phosphatase activity. Production of acids and levels of phosphate solubilization were greater in the co-culture of A.similar to nigerB.similar to cepacia than in the single culture. The quantity of phosphate solubilized by the co-culture ranged from 40.51 +/- 0.60 to 1103.64 +/- 1.21 similar to mu g similar to PO4 3-similar to mL-1 and was 922% higher than single cultures. pH of the medium dropped from 7.0 to 3.0 in the A.similar to niger culture, 3.1 in the co-culture, and 4.2 in the B.similar to cepacia culture. on the third day of postinoculation, acid production by the co-culture (mean 5.40 +/- 0.31 similar to mg NaOH mL-1) was 1990% greater than single cultures. Glucose concentration decreased almost completely (9799% of the starting concentration) by the ninth day of the incubation. These results show remarkable synergism by the co-culture in comparison with single cultures in the solubility of CaHPO4 under in vitro conditions. This synergy between microorganisms can be used in poor available phosphate soils to enhance phosphate solubilization.
The measurement of nitrogen dioxide at the parts-perbillion level is described. The experimental arrangement consists of two optical fibers placed on opposite sides of and in contact with a liquid film (14-57 μL in volume) supported on a U-shaped wire guide and two tubular conduits (one of which constitutes the means for the delivery of the liquid), light from a green (555 nm) light-emitting diode enters the liquid film, composed of Griess-Saltzman reagent. The transmitted light is measured by a referenced photodetection arrangement. Sample gas flows past the droplet at a low flow rate (typically 0.10-0.25 L/min). The response is proportional to the sampling period and the analyte concentration. The limit of detection for this nonoptimized arrangement is estimated to be <10 ppb by volume for a 5 min sample. Some unusual characteristics are observed. The initial absorbance, when most of the analyte/reaction product is still near the surface, is higher than that when the content of the droplet is fully mixed. The signal depends on the sample flow rate in a nonmonotonic fashion, first increasing and then decreasing with increasing sampling rate; the specific chemistry involved in the collection and determination of NO2 may be responsible.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Gram stain in the initial diagnosis of the etiologic agent of peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Design: Retrospective study analyzing the sensitivity (S), specificity (SS), positive predictive value (+PV), and negative predictive value (-PV) of the Gram stain relating to the results of cultures in 149 episodes of peritonitis in CAPD. The data were analyzed in two studies. In the first, only the cases with detection of a single agent by Gram stain were taken (Study 1). In the second, only the cases with two agents in Gram stain were evaluated (Study 2). Setting: Dialysis Unit and Laboratory of Microbiology of a tertiary medical center. Patients: Sixty-three patients on regular CAPD who presented one or more episodes of peritonitis from May 1992 to May 1995. Results: The positivity of Gram stain was 93.2% and the sensitivity was 95.7%. The values of S, SS, +PV, and -PV were respectively: 94.9%, 53.5%, 68.3%, and 90.9% for gram-positive cocci and 83.3%, 98.8%, 95.2%, and 95.6% for gram-negative bacilli. The association of gram-positive cocci plus gram-negative bacilli were predictive of growth of both in 6.8%, growth of gram-positive cocci in 13.7%, and growth of gram-negative bacilli in 72.5%. Conclusions: The Gram stain is a method of great value in the initial diagnosis of the etiologic agent of peritonitis in CAPD, especially for gram-negative bacilli.
The Abbott Cell-Dyn 3000 automated hematological analyzer prepares a histogram of platelet volume, which is measured by a technique using electrical impedance, inferring from its platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW). This equipment also calculates the plateletcrit (PCT). These platelet parameters may be important to evaluate platelet function, but they require standardization, because platelets swell when in contact with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid salts, hence an increase in blood sample storage time produces artificially increased results. To assess the effect of storage time on MPV, PLT, PDW and PCT, blood samples from 23 sickle cell anemia patients during steady state (Group I) and 50 from healthy controls (Group II) were placed in Vacutainer® tubes with dipotassium ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid and measured over a period of 1440 minutes (24 h) at the following times: immediately after the venipuncture (time 0), 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360, 480 and 1440 minutes. The mean values of MPV and PCT were significantly increased (p<0.00001) along the storage time in both groups. The mean values of PLT and PDW were practically stable (p>0.05) throughout the storage time in both groups.