821 resultados para Crustal Deformation
A critical point in the analysis of ground displacements time series is the development of data driven methods that allow the different sources that generate the observed displacements to be discerned and characterised. A widely used multivariate statistical technique is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which allows reducing the dimensionality of the data space maintaining most of the variance of the dataset explained. Anyway, PCA does not perform well in finding the solution to the so-called Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, i.e. in recovering and separating the original sources that generated the observed data. This is mainly due to the assumptions on which PCA relies: it looks for a new Euclidean space where the projected data are uncorrelated. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a popular technique adopted to approach this problem. However, the independence condition is not easy to impose, and it is often necessary to introduce some approximations. To work around this problem, I use a variational bayesian ICA (vbICA) method, which models the probability density function (pdf) of each source signal using a mix of Gaussian distributions. This technique allows for more flexibility in the description of the pdf of the sources, giving a more reliable estimate of them. Here I present the application of the vbICA technique to GPS position time series. First, I use vbICA on synthetic data that simulate a seismic cycle (interseismic + coseismic + postseismic + seasonal + noise) and a volcanic source, and I study the ability of the algorithm to recover the original (known) sources of deformation. Secondly, I apply vbICA to different tectonically active scenarios, such as the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake, the 2012 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence, and the 2006 Guerrero (Mexico) Slow Slip Event (SSE).
Numerical modelling was performed to study the dynamics of multilayer detachment folding and salt tectonics. In the case of multilayer detachment folding, analytically derived diagrams show several folding modes, half of which are applicable to crustal scale folding. 3D numerical simulations are in agreement with 2D predictions, yet fold interactions result in complex fold patterns. Pre-existing salt diapirs change folding patterns as they localize the initial deformation. If diapir spacing is much smaller than the dominant folding wavelength, diapirs appear in fold synclines or limbs.rnNumerical models of 3D down-building diapirism show that sedimentation rate controls whether diapirs will form and influences the overall patterns of diapirism. Numerical codes were used to retrodeform modelled salt diapirs. Reverse modelling can retrieve the initial geometries of a 2D Rayleigh-Taylor instability with non-linear rheologies. Although intermediate geometries of down-built diapirs are retrieved, forward and reverse modelling solutions deviate. rnFinally, the dynamics of fold-and-thrusts belts formed over a tilted viscous detachment is studied and it is demonstrated that mechanical stratigraphy has an impact on the deformation style, switching from thrust- to folding-dominated. The basal angle of the detachment controls the deformation sequence of the fold-and-thrust belt and results are consistent with critical wedge theory.rn
Trauma or degenerative diseases such as osteonecrosis may determine bone loss whose recover is promised by a "tissue engineering“ approach. This strategy involves the use of stem cells, grown onboard of adequate biocompatible/bioreabsorbable hosting templates (usually defined as scaffolds) and cultured in specific dynamic environments afforded by differentiation-inducing actuators (usually defined as bioreactors) to produce implantable tissue constructs. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate, by finite element modeling of flow/compression-induced deformation, alginate scaffolds intended for bone tissue engineering. This work was conducted at the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering of the Reykjavik University of Iceland. In this respect, Comsol Multiphysics 5.1 simulations were carried out to approximate the loads over alginate 3D matrices under perfusion, compression and perfusion+compression, when varyingalginate pore size and flow/compression regimen. The results of the simulations show that the shear forces in the matrix of the scaffold increase coherently with the increase in flow and load, and decrease with the increase of the pore size. Flow and load rates suggested for proper osteogenic cell differentiation are reported.
In den Jahren 2001 bis 2007 ist bei den Polizeien der deutschen Bundesländer und bei den Polizeikorps der Schweiz die so genannte Polizeimunition eingeführt worden. Von dieser mit einem deformierenden Geschoss ausgerüsteten Munition verspricht man sich eine größere Wirksamkeit und wegen der begrenzten Durchschlagsleistung eine geringere Gefährdung unbeteiligter Personen. Bei geringerer Auftreffenergie deformiert sich jedoch das Geschoss weniger, die Wirksamkeit wird kleiner und die Eindringtiefe größer. In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde die Abhängigkeit der Deformation und der Eindringtiefe in ballistische Seife von der Auftreffenergie für alle 4 gegenwärtig vorhandenen Polizeigeschosse untersucht. Bereits bei Schussdistanzen von 25–30 m ist mit einer verminderten Wirksamkeit zu rechnen. Bei einer viel gebrauchten Waffe kann zudem die Mündungsenergie so stark reduziert sein, dass sich bereits bei kurzen Schussdistanzen die Geschosse nicht mehr erwartungsgemäß deformieren.
We show that the variation of flow stress with strain rate and grain size in a magnesium alloy deformed at a constant strain rate and 450 °C can be predicted by a crystal plasticity model that includes grain boundary sliding and diffusion. The model predicts the grain size dependence of the critical strain rate that will cause a transition in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to grain boundary sliding, and yields estimates for grain boundary fluidity and diffusivity.
An outstanding problem in understanding the late Proterozoic tectonic assembly of the southwest is identifying the tectonic setting associated with regional metamorphism at 1.4 Ga. Both isobaric heating and cooling, and counter-clockwise looping PT paths are proposed for this time. We present a study of the Proterozoic metamorphic and deformation history of the Cerro Colorado area, southern Tusas Mountains, New Mexico, which shows that the metamorphism in this area records near-isothermal decompression from 6 to 4 kbar at ca. 1.4 Ga. We do not see evidence for isobaric heating at this time. Decompression from peak pressures is recorded by the reaction Ms + Grt = St + Bt, with a negative slope in PT space; the reaction Ms + Grt = Sil + Bt, which is nearly horizontal in PT space; and partial to total pseudomorphing of kyanite by sillimanite during the main phase of deformation. The clearest reaction texture indicating decompression near peak metamorphic temperature is the replacement of garnet by clots of sillimanite, which are surrounded by halos of biotite. The sillimanite clots, most without relict garnet in the cores and with highly variable aspect ratios, are aligned. They define a lineation that formed with the dominant foliation. An inverted metamorphic gradient is locally defined by sillimanite-garnet schists (625 degrees C) structurally above staurolite-garnet schists (550 degrees C) and implies ductile thrusting during the main phase of deformation. The exhumation that led to the recorded decompression was likely in response to crustal thickening due to ductile thrusting and subsequent denudation.
New geochronologic, geochemical, sedimentologic, and compositional data from the central Wrangell volcanic belt (WVB) document basin development and volcanism linked to subduction of overthickened oceanic crust to the northern Pacific plate margin. The Frederika Formation and overlying Wrangell Lavas comprise >3 km of sedimentary and volcanic strata exposed in the Wrangell Mountains of south-central Alaska (United States). Measured stratigraphic sections and lithofacies analyses document lithofacies associations that reflect deposition in alluvial-fluvial-lacustrine environments routinely influenced by volcanic eruptions. Expansion of intrabasinal volcanic centers prompted progradation of vent-proximal volcanic aprons across basinal environments. Coal deposits, lacustrine strata, and vertical juxtaposition of basinal to proximal lithofacies indicate active basin subsidence that is attributable to heat flow associated with intrabasinal volcanic centers and extension along intrabasinal normal faults. The orientation of intrabasinal normal faults is consistent with transtensional deformation along the Totschunda-Fairweather fault system. Paleocurrents, compositional provenance, and detrital geochronologic ages link sediment accumulation to erosion of active intrabasinal volcanoes and to a lesser extent Mesozoic igneous sources. Geochemical compositions of interbedded lavas are dominantly calc-alkaline, range from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition, and share geochemical characteristics with Pliocene-Quaternary phases of the western WVB linked to subduction-related magmatism. The U/Pb ages of tuffs and Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of lavas indicate that basin development and volcanism commenced by 12.5-11.0 Ma and persisted until at least ca. 5.3 Ma. Eastern sections yield older ages (12.5-9.3 Ma) than western sections (9.6-8.3 Ma). Samples from two western sections yield even younger ages of 5.3 Ma. Integration of new and published stratigraphic, geochronologic, and geochemical data from the entire WVB permits a comprehensive interpretation of basin development and volcanism within a regional tectonic context. We propose a model in which diachronous volcanism and transtensional basin development reflect progressive insertion of a thickened oceanic crustal slab of the Yakutat microplate into the arcuate continental margin of southern Alaska coeval with reported changes in plate motions. Oblique northwestward subduction of a thickened oceanic crustal slab during Oligocene to Middle Miocene time produced transtensional basins and volcanism along the eastern edge of the slab along the Duke River fault in Canada and subduction-related volcanism along the northern edge of the slab near the Yukon-Alaska border. Volcanism and basin development migrated progressively northwestward into eastern Alaska during Middle Miocene through Holocene time, concomitant with a northwestward shift in plate convergence direction and subduction collision of progressively thicker crust against the syntaxial plate margin.
Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.
Detrital zircon and igneous zircon U-Pb ages are reported from Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in northern New Mexico. These data give new insight into the provenance and depositional age of a >3-km-thick metasedimentary succession and help resolve the timing of orogenesis within an area of overlapping accretionary orogens and thermal events related to the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of southwest Laurentia. Three samples from the Paleoproterozoic Vadito Group yield narrow, unimodal detrital zircon age spectra with peak ages near 1710 Ma. Igneous rocks that intrude the Vadito Group include the Cerro Alto metadacite, the Picuris Pueblo granite, and the Penasco quartz monzonite and yield crystallization ages of 1710 +/- 10 Ma, 1699 +/- 3 Ma, and 1450 +/- 10 Ma, respectively. Within the overlying Hondo Group, a metamorphosed tuff layer from the Pilar Formation yields an age of 1488 +/- 6 Ma and represents the first direct depositional age constraint on any part of the Proterozoic metasedimentary succession in northern New Mexico. Detrital zircon from the overlying Piedra Lumbre Formation yield a minimum age peak of 1475 Ma, and similar to 60 grains (similar to 25%) yield ages between 1500 Ma and 1600 Ma, possibly representing non-Laurentian detritus originating from Australia and/or Antarctica. Detrital zircons from the basal metaconglomerate and the middle quartzite member of the Marquenas Formation yield minimum age peaks of 1472 Ma and 1471 Ma, consistent with earlier results. We interpret the onset of ca. 1490-1450 Ma deposition followed by tectonic burial, regional Al2SiO5 triple-point metamorphism, and ductile deformation at depths of 12-18 km to reflect a Mesoproterozoic contractional orogenic event, possibly related to the final suturing of the Mazatzal crustal province to the southern margin of Laurentia. We propose to call this event the Picuris orogeny.
In 2000, fishermen reported the appearance of deformed reproductive organs in whitefish (Coregonus spp.) from Lake Thun, Switzerland. Despite intensive investigations, the causes of these abnormalities remain unknown. Using gene expression profiling, we sought to identify candidate genes and physiological processes possibly associated with the observed gonadal deformations, in order to gain insights into potential causes. Using in situ-synthesized oligonucleotide arrays, we compared the expression levels at 21,492 unique transcript probes in liver and head kidney tissue of male whitefish with deformed and normally developed gonads, respectively. The fish had been collected on spawning sites of two genetically distinct whitefish forms of Lake Thun. We contrasted the gene expression profiles of 56 individuals, i.e., 14 individuals of each phenotype and of each population. Gene-by-gene analysis revealed weak expression differences between normal and deformed fish, and only one gene, ictacalcin, was found to be up-regulated in head kidney tissue of deformed fish from both whitefish forms, However, this difference could not be confirmed with quantitative real-time qPCR. Enrichment analysis on the level of physiological processes revealed (i) the involvement of immune response genes in both tissues, particularly those linked to complement activation in the liver, (ii) proteolysis in the liver and (iii) GTPase activity and Ras protein signal transduction in the head kidney. In comparison with current literature, this gene expression pattern signals a chronic autoimmune disease in the testes. Based on the recent observations that gonad deformations are induced through feeding of zooplankton from Lake Thun we hypothesize that a xenobiotic accumulated in whitefish via the plankton triggering autoimmunity as the likely cause of gonad deformations. We propose several experimental strategies to verify or reject this hypothesis.