369 resultados para Courants à rectification entrante


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The present work evaluates imperfections of precast concrete elements that do not meet the quality intended in design, gives rules and possible evaluation systems and offers recomendations for prevention, the effect the imperfections can have and actions for rectification. At last, the document should be read in conjunction with relevant codes and standards.


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Un Equity Carve Out, también conocido como escisión IPO o escisión parcial de empresas, constituye un tipo de reorganización corporativa, en la que una empresa crea una nueva filial a partir de la separación de una de sus actividades, negocios o servicios. Estas operaciones empresariales actualmente constituyen unas de las prácticas más comunes usadas por las compañías para conseguir financiación. El capital entrante por la venta de parte o la totalidad de la filial, justificará por un lado el esfuerzo invertido en el proceso y por otro abrirá nuevos caminos para la empresa recién constituida. Pero la mayor parte de estos procesos son de una complejidad elevada, tanto si se ven desde la óptica externa a la empresa, como interna. Por un lado las valoraciones bursátiles, dadas las actuales circunstancias económicas, no son las mejores. Y por otro, los proyectos de escisión tienen demasiados puntos críticos para considerarlos sencillos o mecánicos de ejecución. Este documento se centrará en dar solución a la problemática interna que afrontan las empresas una vez tomada la decisión de escindir una actividad: ¿cómo gestionar el proceso? Desde la experiencia y el conocimiento empresarial, se propone como solución: un proyecto completo, coherente y estructurado de escisión; y un PMO o responsable de proyecto, para dirigirlo. Durante todo el documento se repasarán todos y cada uno de los pasos que debe tener en consideración y llevar bajo control el PMO, para acabar el equity carve out en 5 meses. Se definirá un proyecto completo describiendo los pasos necesarios para: • Construir nueva empresa y las relaciones con su ecosistema. • Definir todas las operaciones de negocio necesarias para garantizar su operatividad. • Crear las estructuras necesarias que soporten todas las operaciones y procesos. Para ello y dentro de una planificación global, se propone el trabajo diario con todos los departamentos que tengan algún tipo de involucración en el proceso: operaciones, legal, recursos humanos, financiero, fiscal, TI, marketing y comunicación y compras. Todos estos departamentos o líneas de trabajo tendrán tareas y objetivos particulares. El documento servirá de manual, para que el PMO tenga una visión cuasi-completa de lo que hay que hacer en cada momento, con qué profesionales trabajar y con qué propósito. ---ABSTRACT---An Equity Carve Out, also named as excision or partial IPO excision of companies, is a type of corporate reorganization in which a company creates a new one from the separation of one of its activities, business or services. Currently these business operations constitute one of the most common practices used by companies to get funding. The capital that comes from the sale of part or the totality of the subsidiary, justifies the effort invested in the process on one hand, and on the other opens new perspectives for the newly formed company. But most of these processes are highly complex, whether viewed from outside the company, or from inside. On one side, stock valuations, taking into account the current economic circumstances, are not the best. And on the other side, excision projects have too many critical points to consider the projects simple or mechanical. This document is focused on resolving the internal problems faced by enterprises, once the decision of spinning off the activity is taken: how to manage the process? From the experience and business knowledge, we propose as solution: a complete, coherent and structured excision project; and a PMO or Project Officer leading it. Throughout the document, each and every step that the PMO must take into consideration will be reviewed, in order to finish the equity carve-out in 5 months. A complete project will be defined by describing the steps necessary to: • Build new business and relationships with its ecosystem. • Define all business operations necessary to ensure their operability. • Create the necessary structures that support all operations and processes. Within the Global Planning, we will propose daily work with all the departments that have some sort of involvement in the process: operations, legal, human resources, financial, taxes, IT, marketing communication and purchases. All these departments or working lines have their own tasks and goals. The document could be used as a manual for the PMO in order to have a near-complete picture of what to do anytime, with what professionals he/she would work and for what purpose.


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La importancia de conocer bien el entorno para un proyecto arquitectónico es que podemos adaptarlo a nuestras necesidades fisiológicas de Confort Térmico. Podemos decir entonces que el edificio juega un papel fundamental como técnica de control de nuestro entorno. El edificio nos debería entregar un entorno controlado para que nos sintamos bien térmicamente, considerando además, que la arquitectura por sí misma puede lograr dicho confort la mayor parte de las veces. De no ser así, los usuarios tienden a colocar elementos mecánicos, para generar frío o calor artificialmente. Es fundamental entonces que nuestros edificios, tengan una correcta interacción con los recursos naturales del lugar para lograr dicho confort térmico. Pero lograr el Confort Térmico en todos los edificios de una ciudad como unidad, no logrará que la ciudad entera sea confortable térmicamente, ya que las complejas interacciones hacen que la problemática se deba enfrentar como algo sistémico. Esto quiere decir, que para que una ciudad o un conjunto logren la Confortabilidad Térmica deseada por sus habitantes debiera haber sido planificada conforme a variables urbanas que interactúen con el medio natural en forma eficiente. Con la observación de ciertos conjuntos habitacionales antiguos en el interior del Valle del Elqui, Chile y de sus relaciones entre variables urbanas y naturales, queda de manifiesto ciertas características que conllevan a pensar que existió una planificación ambiental en éstos que llevaron a lograr un conjunto con características bioclimáticas. Las evidencias de la existencia en primer lugar de un patrón urbanístico en dichos conjuntos habitacionales antiguos, hacen pensar que dicho patrón se trataría de un patrón bioclimático rural planificado, lo que hace que exista un gran interés por el estudio de estos conjuntos. Hasta ahora, en Chile, los pocos estudios de Confort Térmico que existen, están orientados a edificaciones aisladas, al Confort térmico interior de la edificación en el ámbito urbano, y en nada a Patrones Bioclimáticos de Conjuntos Habitacionales en una situación de ruralidad como a la referida en esta investigación. Además, los estudios referidos al clima urbano, difieren a los del clima rural, por lo que se necesitan mayores estudios aún para comprender mejor la problemática. Es por esto, que la mayoría de los casos mencionados en este estudio son contextualizados al ámbito urbano por carecer de otros estudios rurales. Es en este sentido que esta investigación cobra real importancia y pretende establecer la relación existente entre las variables morfológicas rurales y los recursos naturales del lugar y que generan un confort térmico ideal para sus habitantes, al mismo tiempo, se analiza la existencia de un Patrón Bioclimático en un poblado denominado Algarrobito ubicado en la cuenca del Valle del Elqui, Chile. Es en este sentido que el propósito principal de este trabajo es determinar la real existencia de un Patrón Bioclimático que relacione la morfología rural y edificada de los antiguos poblados pertenecientes a la cuenca del Valle de Elqui Chile con el microclima del lugar. La metodología empleada se basa en realizar primeramente el estudio del microclima del lugar a través de las Cartas Bioclimáticas. Para ello se obtuvo información de datos climatológicos de las estaciones meteorológicas ubicadas en la cuenca del Valle de Elqui, principalmente las más cercanas al lugar de estudio. Mediante una revisión exhaustiva de la información arquitectónica, así como de una labor de reconocimiento en terreno realizada en el poblado seleccionado y de la aplicación del Climograma local, se identificaron las diferentes zonas bioclimáticas del poblado antiguo y potenciales áreas de estudio en el conjunto. Esta actividad incluyó un estudio preliminar de la energía solar local, vientos, humedad, temperaturas y su interacción con el conjunto, permitiendo una primera aproximación a la problemática del espacio exterior y las viviendas. Esto permitió en base a las condicionantes del lugar, la arquitectura vernácula y los materiales descubrir un Patrón en el antiguo conjunto que permitía entregar confortabilidad térmica a sus habitantes y darse cuenta también, que el nuevo conjunto emplazado en el sector no seguía ese patrón con las disfuncionalidades que ello llevaba. Con esto quedó demostrado en primer lugar la existencia de un Patrón Bioclimático rural, los beneficios del patrón, la importancia de éste como causante de Confortabilidad Térmica del conjunto, y por ende de mejor eficiencia energética, así como también, que el nuevo conjunto no sigue para nada este Patrón, pero que existe también la posibilidad de rectificación y por supuesto, que los nuevos desarrollos residenciales del Valle del Elqui, puedan planificarse en base al patrón bioclimático descubierto. ABSTRACT Knowing the environment of an architectonic proyect is really important for adjusting it to our physiological needs of Thermal Comfort. So we can say that the building plays a key role as a technique of control of our environment. The building should give us a controlled environment to make us feel good thermally, and it usually can reach pleasurable temperatures by itself. If it isn't like that, people cooled or heated the ambience with mechanical elements. So a correct interaction between the buildings and natural resources is important to reach a thermal comfort. But achieving Thermal Comfort in all the buildings of a city as a unit will not achieve the whole city is thermally comfortable, because the complex interactions cause the problem needs to be solved as something systemic. This means that for a city or a set reach the Thermal Comfortability desired by its inhabitants, it should have been planned according to the urban variables that interact with the natural environment efficiently. Observing some old housing complexes in Elqui Valley, Chile, and the relationships between their natural and urban variables, some features lead to think that the environmental planning in these led to achieve a set with bioclimatic features. First, the evidences about the existence of an urban pattern in those old housing complexes, make thinking that the pattern would be a planned urban pattern, which generates interest in its study. In Chile, there have been few studies about Thermal Comfort, oriented to isolated buildings and indoor thermal comfort, but Bioclimatic Urban Patterns haven't been studied at all. In this sense, this investigation acquires a real importance and pretends to establish the relationship between urban variables and natural resources of the place that generates a good thermal comfort for its habitants. At the same time, the existence of a Bioclimatic Urban Pattern in Algarrobito, located in Elqui Valley basin, Chile, is analized. It is in this sense that the main purpose of this work is to determine the real existence of a Bioclimatic Urban Pattern, that links the urban and constructive form of the old villages of it with its microclimate. The methodology used is based on performing first the study of the microclimate of the place through the Bioclimatic Cards. To do this, weather stations, located in Elqui valley, near the place that was studied, were used to obtain information of climatological data. The different bioclimatic zones to the old town and potential areas of study in the set were identified, through an exhaustive review of the architectural information, a field reconnaissance work performed on the selected town and the application of the Local Climograph. This activity included a preliminary study of the local solar energy, the winds, the moisture, the temperatures, and their interaction with the set, allowing a first aproximation to troubles of outer space and housing. This allowed, based on the conditions of the place, vernacular architecture and materials, discovering an urban pattern in the old set, which allowed to give thermal comfort to its inhabitants and realize that the new set of the place did not follow this pattern, with the dysfunctions that it carried. These points demonstrated, in first place, the existence of a Bioclimatic Urban Pattern, the benefits of it, the importance of it as a cause of Thermal Comfortability, and therefore a better efficiency of energy, also that the new set doesn’t follow this Pattern at all, but that the posibility of rectification exists and, of course, that the new residencial development in Elqui Valley can be planned based on bioclimatic pattern discovered.


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Incipit : "... Es la fortificacion la parte mas principal del arte militar..."


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Los recientes desarrollos tecnológicos permiten la transición de la oceanografía observacional desde un concepto basado en buques a uno basado en sistemas autónomos en red. Este último, propone que la forma más eficiente y efectiva de observar el océano es con una red de plataformas autónomas distribuidas espacialmente y complementadas con sistemas de medición remota. Debido a su maniobrabilidad y autonomía, los planeadores submarinos están jugando un papel relevante en este concepto de observaciones en red. Los planeadores submarinos fueron específicamente diseñados para muestrear vastas zonas del océano. Estos son robots con forma de torpedo que hacen uso de su forma hidrodinámica, alas y cambios de flotabilidad para generar movimientos horizontales y verticales en la columna de agua. Un sensor que mide conductividad, temperatura y profundidad (CTD) constituye un equipamiento estándar en la plataforma. Esto se debe a que ciertas variables dinámicas del Océano se pueden derivar de la temperatura, profundidad y salinidad. Esta última se puede estimar a partir de las medidas de temperatura y conductividad. La integración de sensores CTD en planeadores submarinos no esta exenta de desafíos. Uno de ellos está relacionado con la precisión de los valores de salinidad derivados de las muestras de temperatura y conductividad. Específicamente, las estimaciones de salinidad están significativamente degradadas por el retardo térmico existente, entre la temperatura medida y la temperatura real dentro de la celda de conductividad del sensor. Esta deficiencia depende de las particularidades del flujo de entrada al sensor, su geometría y, también se ha postulado, del calor acumulado en las capas de aislamiento externo del sensor. Los efectos del retardo térmico se suelen mitigar mediante el control del flujo de entrada al sensor. Esto se obtiene generalmente mediante el bombeo de agua a través del sensor o manteniendo constante y conocida su velocidad. Aunque recientemente se han incorporado sistemas de bombeo en los CTDs a bordo de los planeadores submarinos, todavía existen plataformas equipadas con CTDs sin dichos sistemas. En estos casos, la estimación de la salinidad supone condiciones de flujo de entrada al sensor, razonablemente controladas e imperturbadas. Esta Tesis investiga el impacto, si existe, que la hidrodinámica de los planeadores submarinos pudiera tener en la eficiencia de los sensores CTD. Específicamente, se investiga primero la localización del sensor CTD (externo al fuselaje) relativa a la capa límite desarrollada a lo largo del cuerpo del planeador. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante la utilización de un modelo acoplado de fluido no viscoso con un modelo de capa límite implementado por el autor, así como mediante un programa comercial de dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD). Los resultados indican, en ambos casos, que el sensor CTD se encuentra fuera de la capa límite, siendo las condiciones del flujo de entrada las mismas que las del flujo sin perturbar. Todavía, la velocidad del flujo de entrada al sensor CTD es la velocidad de la plataforma, la cual depende de su hidrodinámica. Por tal motivo, la investigación se ha extendido para averiguar el efecto que la velocidad de la plataforma tiene en la eficiencia del sensor CTD. Con este propósito, se ha desarrollado un modelo en elementos finitos del comportamiento hidrodinámico y térmico del flujo dentro del CTD. Los resultados numéricos indican que el retardo térmico, atribuidos originalmente a la acumulación de calor en la estructura del sensor, se debe fundamentalmente a la interacción del flujo que atraviesa la celda de conductividad con la geometría interna de la misma. Esta interacción es distinta a distintas velocidades del planeador submarino. Específicamente, a velocidades bajas del planeador (0.2 m/s), la mezcla del flujo entrante con las masas de agua remanentes en el interior de la celda, se ralentiza debido a la generación de remolinos. Se obtienen entonces desviaciones significantes entre la salinidad real y aquella estimada. En cambio, a velocidades más altas del planeador (0.4 m/s) los procesos de mezcla se incrementan debido a la turbulencia e inestabilidades. En consecuencia, la respuesta del sensor CTD es mas rápida y las estimaciones de la salinidad mas precisas que en el caso anterior. Para completar el trabajo, los resultados numéricos se han validado con pruebas experimentales. Específicamente, se ha construido un modelo a escala del sensor CTD para obtener la confirmación experimental de los modelos numéricos. Haciendo uso del principio de similaridad de la dinámica que gobierna los fluidos incompresibles, los experimentos se han realizado con flujos de aire. Esto simplifica significativamente la puesta experimental y facilita su realización en condiciones con medios limitados. Las pruebas experimentales han confirmado cualitativamente los resultados numéricos. Más aun, se sugiere en esta Tesis que la respuesta del sensor CTD mejoraría significativamente añadiendo un generador de turbulencia en localizaciones adecuadas al interno de la celda de conductividad. ABSTRACT Recent technological developments allow the transition of observational oceanography from a ship-based to a networking concept. The latter suggests that the most efficient and effective way to observe the Ocean is through a fleet of spatially distributed autonomous platforms complemented by remote sensing. Due to their maneuverability, autonomy and endurance at sea, underwater gliders are already playing a significant role in this networking observational approach. Underwater gliders were specifically designed to sample vast areas of the Ocean. These are robots with a torpedo shape that make use of their hydrodynamic shape, wings and buoyancy changes to induce horizontal and vertical motions through the water column. A sensor to measure the conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) is a standard payload of this platform. This is because certain ocean dynamic variables can be derived from temperature, depth and salinity. The latter can be inferred from measurements of temperature and conductivity. Integrating CTD sensors in glider platforms is not exempted of challenges. One of them, concerns to the accuracy of the salinity values derived from the sampled conductivity and temperature. Specifically, salinity estimates are significantly degraded by the thermal lag response existing between the measured temperature and the real temperature inside the conductivity cell of the sensor. This deficiency depends on the particularities of the inflow to the sensor, its geometry and, it has also been hypothesized, on the heat accumulated by the sensor coating layers. The effects of thermal lag are usually mitigated by controlling the inflow conditions through the sensor. Controlling inflow conditions is usually achieved by pumping the water through the sensor or by keeping constant and known its diving speed. Although pumping systems have been recently implemented in CTD sensors on board gliders, there are still platforms with unpumped CTDs. In the latter case, salinity estimates rely on assuming reasonable controlled and unperturbed flow conditions at the CTD sensor. This Thesis investigates the impact, if any, that glider hydrodynamics may have on the performance of onboard CTDs. Specifically, the location of the CTD sensor (external to the hull) relative to the boundary layer developed along the glider fuselage, is first investigated. This is done, initially, by applying a coupled inviscid-boundary layer model developed by the author, and later by using a commercial software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Results indicate, in both cases, that the CTD sensor is out of the boundary layer, being its inflow conditions those of the free stream. Still, the inflow speed to the CTD sensor is the speed of the platform, which largely depends on its hydrodynamic setup. For this reason, the research has been further extended to investigate the effect of the platform speed on the performance of the CTD sensor. A finite element model of the hydrodynamic and thermal behavior of the flow inside the CTD sensor, is developed for this purpose. Numerical results suggest that the thermal lag effect is mostly due to the interaction of the flow through the conductivity cell and its geometry. This interaction is different at different speeds of the glider. Specifically, at low glider speeds (0.2 m/s), the mixing of recent and old waters inside the conductivity cell is slowed down by the generation of coherent eddy structures. Significant departures between real and estimated values of the salinity are found. Instead, mixing is enhanced by turbulence and instabilities for high glider speeds (0.4 m/s). As a result, the thermal response of the CTD sensor is faster and the salinity estimates more accurate than for the low speed case. For completeness, numerical results have been validated against model tests. Specifically, a scaled model of the CTD sensor was built to obtain experimental confirmation of the numerical results. Making use of the similarity principle of the dynamics governing incompressible fluids, experiments are carried out with air flows. This significantly simplifies the experimental setup and facilitates its realization in a limited resource condition. Model tests qualitatively confirm the numerical findings. Moreover, it is suggested in this Thesis that the response of the CTD sensor would be significantly improved by adding small turbulators at adequate locations inside the conductivity cell.


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Este proyecto fin de carrera trata de mejorar los sistemas actuales de control en la visualización de diapositivas. La solución adoptada constará de un sistema con modelo cliente-servidor. El servidor formado por un mini ordenador, en este caso una Raspberry Pi, que estará conectado al proyector de video. Este servidor se mantendrá a la espera de recibir una conexión entrante vía Bluetooth. Una vez se realice la conexión interpretará los comandos mandados por el cliente a través de una API con formato JSON y realizará las acciones indicadas para el control de la presentación. El cliente será una aplicación móvil para dispositivos Android. A través de ella el profesor accederá al servidor escaneando un código QR que será proyectado y una vez conectado enviará los comandos de control de la presentación, tales como abrir una presentación, avanzar y retroceder diapositiva, etc. La solución final deberá ser eficiente, sencilla de utilizar y con un bajo coste para resultar atractiva y ser así útil en el mundo real. Para ello se contará con valores añadidos como el poder iniciar la presentación desde el dispositivo móvil, el mostrar las notas de la diapositiva actual o contar con un temporizador para permitir un mejor control sobre el tiempo disponible para la presentación. ABSTRACT. This final project pursues the improvement of the current presentation control systems. The solution it provides is based on a server-client architecture. The server will be a mini PC, a Raspberry Pi model in this case, that will be connected to a video projector or a screen monitor. This server will remain idle waiting for an incoming Bluetooth connection. Once the connection is accepted the server will parse the commands sent by the client through a JSON API and will execute them accordingly to control the system. The client we decided to develop is an Android application. The speaker will be able to connect with the server by scanning a QR code that will be generated and displayed into the projector or screen monitor. Once the connection is accepted the client will sent the commands to control the slides, such as opening a presentation, move forward and backwards, etc. The adopted solution must be efficient, easy to use and with low cost to be appealing and useful to the real world. To accomplish the task this project will count with improvements over the current systems, such as the possibility to open a presentation from the smartphone, the visualization of the current slide notes from the mobile phone and a countdown timer to have a better control over the available time for the presentation.


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Wireless power transfer (WPT) is an emerging technology with an increasing number of potential applications to transfer power from a transmitter to a mobile receiver over a relatively large air gap. However, its widespread application is hampered due to the relatively low efficiency of current Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems. This study presents a concept to maximize the efficiency as well as to increase the amount of extractable power of a WPT system operating in nonresonant operation. The proposed method is based on actively modifying the equivalent secondary-side load impedance by controlling the phase-shift of the active rectifier and its output voltage level. The presented hardware prototype represents a complete wireless charging system, including a dc-dc converter which is used to charge a battery at the output of the system. Experimental results are shown for the proposed concept in comparison to a conventional synchronous rectification approach. The presented optimization method clearly outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in terms of efficiency and extractable power.


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Sensory transduction in olfactory neurons involves the activation of a cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel by cAMP. Previous studies identified a CNG channel α subunit (CNG2) and a β subunit (CNG5), which when heterologously expressed form a channel with properties similar but not identical to those of native olfactory neurons. We have cloned a new type of CNG channel β subunit (CNG4.3) from rat olfactory epithelium. CNG4.3 derives from the same gene as the rod photoreceptor β subunit (CNG4.1) but lacks the long, glutamic acid-rich domain found in the N terminus of CNG4.1. Northern blot and in situ hybridization revealed that CNG4.3 is expressed specifically in olfactory neurons. Expression of CNG4.3 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells did not lead to detectable currents. Coexpression of CNG4.3 with CNG2 induced a current with significantly increased sensitivity for cAMP whereas cGMP affinity was not altered. Additionally, CNG4.3 weakened the outward rectification of the current in the presence of extracellular Ca2+, decreased the relative permeability for Ca2+, and enhanced the sensitivity for l-cis diltiazem. Upon coexpression of CNG2, CNG4.3, and CNG5, a conductance with a cAMP sensitivity greater than that of either the CNG2/CNG4.3 or the CNG2/CNG5 channel and near that of native olfactory channel was observed. Our data suggest that CNG4.3 forms a subunit of the native olfactory CNG channel. The expression of various CNG4 isoforms in retina and olfactory epithelium indicates that the CNG4 subunit may be necessary for normal function of both photoreceptor and olfactory CNG channels.


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The BCL-2 family of proteins is composed of both pro- and antiapoptotic regulators, although its most critical biochemical functions remain uncertain. The structural similarity between the BCL-XL monomer and several ion-pore-forming bacterial toxins has prompted electrophysiologic studies. Both BAX and BCL-2 insert into KCl-loaded vesicles in a pH-dependent fashion and demonstrate macroscopic ion efflux. Release is maximum at ≈pH 4.0 for both proteins; however, BAX demonstrates a broader pH range of activity. Both purified proteins also insert into planar lipid bilayers at pH 4.0. Single-channel recordings revealed a minimal channel conductance for BAX of 22 pS that evolved to channel currents with at least three subconductance levels. The final, apparently stable BAX channel had a conductance of 0.731 nS at pH 4.0 that changed to 0.329 nS when shifted to pH 7.0 but remained mildly Cl− selective and predominantly open. When BAX-incorporated lipid vesicles were fused to planar lipid bilayers at pH 7.0, a Cl−-selective (PK/PCl = 0.3) 1.5-nS channel displaying mild inward rectification was noted. In contrast, BCL-2 formed mildly K+-selective (PK/PCl = 3.9) channels with a most prominent initial conductance of 80 pS that increased to 1.90 nS. Fusion of BCL-2-incorporated lipid vesicles into planar bilayers at pH 7.0 also revealed mild K+ selectivity (PK/PCl = 2.4) with a maximum conductance of 1.08 nS. BAX and BCL-2 each form channels in artificial membranes that have distinct characteristics including ion selectivity, conductance, voltage dependence, and rectification. Thus, one role of these molecules may include pore activity at selected membrane sites.


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An intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, hIK1, was cloned from human pancreas. The predicted amino acid sequence is related to, but distinct from, the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel subfamily, which is ≈50% conserved. hIK1 mRNA was detected in peripheral tissues but not in brain. Expression of hIK1 in Xenopus oocytes gave rise to inwardly rectifying potassium currents, which were activated by submicromolar concentrations of intracellular calcium (K0.5 = 0.3 μM). Although the K0.5 for calcium was similar to that of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, the slope factor derived from the Hill equation was significantly reduced (1.7 vs. 3.5). Single-channel current amplitudes reflected the macroscopic inward rectification and revealed a conductance level of 39 pS in the inward direction. hIK1 currents were reversibly blocked by charybdotoxin (Ki = 2.5 nM) and clotrimazole (Ki = 24.8 nM) but were minimally affected by apamin (100 nM), iberiotoxin (50 nM), or ketoconazole (10 μM). These biophysical and pharmacological properties are consistent with native intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, including the erythrocyte Gardos channel.


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ATP has recently been identified as a fast neurotransmitter in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Several studies have suggested that ATP can also affect the release of classical neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine with which it is co-released. We have searched for ATP receptors on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal using the calyx-type synapse of the chicken ciliary ganglion. ATP was pulsed onto the terminals under voltage clamp and induced a short latency cation current that exhibited inward rectification and marked desensitization. This current was not seen with adenosine but was mimicked by several sterically restricted ATP analogs and was blocked by suramin. ATP-activated single ion channels exhibited prominent flickering and had a conductance of approximately 17 pS. Our results demonstrate a ligand-gated P2X-like purinergic receptor on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal.


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In the last decades, an increasing interest in the research field of wide bandgap semiconductors was observed, mostly due to the progressive approaching of silicon-based devices to their theoretical limits. 4H-SiC is an example among these, and is a mature compound for applications. The main advantages offered 4H-SiC in comparison with silicon are an higher breakdown field, an higher thermal conductivity, a higher operating temperature, very high hardness and melting point, biocompatibility, but also low switching losses in high frequencies applications and lower on-resistances in unipolar devices. Then, 4H-SiC power devices offer great performance improvement; moreover, they can work in hostile environments where silicon power devices cannot function. Ion implantation technology is a key process in the fabrication of almost all kinds of SiC devices, owing to the advantage of a spatially selective doping. This work is dedicated to the electrical investigation of several differently-processed 4H-SiC ion- implanted samples, mainly through Hall effect and space charge spectroscopy experiments. It was also developed the automatic control (Labview) of several experiments. In the work, the effectiveness of high temperature post-implant thermal treatments (up to 2000°C) were studied and compared considering: (i) different methods, (ii) different temperatures and (iii) different duration of the annealing process. Preliminary p + /n and Schottky junctions were also investigated as simple test devices. 1) Heavy doping by ion implantation of single off-axis 4H-SiC layers The electrical investigation is one of the most important characterization of ion-implanted samples, which must be submitted to mandatory post-implant thermal treatment in order to both (i) recover the lattice after ion bombardment, and (ii) address the implanted impurities into lattice sites so that they can effectively act as dopants. Electrical investigation can give fundamental information on the efficiency of the electrical impurity activation. To understand the results of the research it should be noted that: (a) To realize good ohmic contacts it is necessary to obtain spatially defined highly doped regions, which must have conductivity as low as possible. (b) It has been shown that the electrical activation efficiency and the electrical conductivity increase with the annealing temperature increasing. (c) To maximize the layer conductivity, temperatures around 1700°C are generally used and implantation density high till to 10 21 cm -3 . In this work, an original approach, different from (c), is explored by the using very high annealing temperature, around 2000°C, on samples of Al + -implant concentration of the order of 10 20 cm -3 . Several Al + -implanted 4H-SiC samples, resulting of p-type conductivity, were investigated, with a nominal density varying in the range of about 1-5∙10 20 cm -3 and subjected to two different high temperature thermal treatments. One annealing method uses a radiofrequency heated furnace till to 1950°C (Conventional Annealing, CA), the other exploits a microwave field, providing a fast heating rate up to 2000°C (Micro-Wave Annealing, MWA). In this contest, mainly ion implanted p-type samples were investigated, both off-axis and on-axis <0001> semi-insulating 4H-SiC. Concerning p-type off-axis samples, a high electrical activation of implanted Al (50-70%) and a compensation ratio below 10% were estimated. In the work, the main sample processing parameters have been varied, as the implant temperature, CA annealing duration, and heating/cooling rates, and the best values assessed. MWA method leads to higher hole density and lower mobility than CA in equivalent ion implanted layers, resulting in lower resistivity, probably related to the 50°C higher annealing temperature. An optimal duration of the CA treatment was estimated in about 12-13 minutes. A RT resistivity on the lowest reported in literature for this kind of samples, has been obtained. 2) Low resistivity data: variable range hopping Notwithstanding the heavy p-type doping levels, the carrier density remained less than the critical one required for a semiconductor to metal transition. However, the high carrier densities obtained was enough to trigger a low temperature impurity band (IB) conduction. In the heaviest doped samples, such a conduction mechanism persists till to RT, without significantly prejudice the mobility values. This feature can have an interesting technological fall, because it guarantee a nearly temperature- independent carrier density, it being not affected by freeze-out effects. The usual transport mechanism occurring in the IB conduction is the nearest neighbor hopping: such a regime is effectively consistent with the resistivity temperature behavior of the lowest doped samples. In the heavier doped samples, however, a trend of the resistivity data compatible with a variable range hopping (VRH) conduction has been pointed out, here highlighted for the first time in p-type 4H-SiC. Even more: in the heaviest doped samples, and in particular, in those annealed by MWA, the temperature dependence of the resistivity data is consistent with a reduced dimensionality (2D) of the VRH conduction. In these samples, TEM investigation pointed out faulted dislocation loops in the basal plane, whose average spacing along the c-axis is comparable with the optimal length of the hops in the VRH transport. This result suggested the assignment of such a peculiar behavior to a kind of spatial confinement into a plane of the carrier hops. 3) Test device the p + -n junction In the last part of the work, the electrical properties of 4H-SiC diodes were also studied. In this case, a heavy Al + ion implantation was realized on n-type epilayers, according to the technological process applied for final devices. Good rectification properties was shown from these preliminary devices in their current-voltage characteristics. Admittance spectroscopy and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of electrically active defects other than the dopants ones, induced in the active region of the diodes by ion implantation. A critical comparison with the literature of these defects was performed. Preliminary to such an investigation, it was assessed the experimental set up for the admittance spectroscopy and current-voltage investigation and the automatic control of these measurements.


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Electromagnetic coupling phenomena between overhead power transmission lines and other nearby structures are inevitable, especially in densely populated areas. The undesired effects resulting from this proximity are manifold and range from the establishment of hazardous potentials to the outbreak of alternate current corrosion phenomena. The study of this class of problems is necessary for ensuring security in the vicinities of the interaction zone and also to preserve the integrity of the equipment and of the devices there present. However, the complete modeling of this type of application requires the three- -dimensional representation of the region of interest and needs specific numerical methods for field computation. In this work, the modeling of problems arising from the flow of electrical currents in the ground (the so-called conductive coupling) will be addressed with the finite element method. Those resulting from the time variation of the electromagnetic fields (the so-called inductive coupling) will be considered as well, and they will be treated with the generalized PEEC (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit) method. More specifically, a special boundary condition on the electric potential is proposed for truncating the computational domain in the finite element analysis of conductive coupling problems, and a complete PEEC formulation for modeling inductive coupling problems is presented. Test configurations of increasing complexities are considered for validating the foregoing approaches. These works aim to provide a contribution to the modeling of this class of problems, which tend to become common with the expansion of power grids.


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A graphical and systematic analysis of particular cases where the compositions of the streams developed in the rectification column coincide with one of the vapor (yGFk) or liquid (xGFk) portions generated from the GFk can be found in this material (i.e.: yGFk=yk+1,1 or xGFk=xk,NTk).


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Supplementary Material: J.A. REYES-LABARTA, M.D. SERRANO and A. MARCILLA. ANALYSIS OF THE CONNECTING ZONE BETWEEN CONSECUTIVE SECTIONS IN DISTILLATION COLUMNS COVERING MULTIPLE FEEDS, PRODUCTS AND HEAT TRANSFER STAGES. Latin American Applied Research an International Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014, vol. 44(4), 307-312 (http://www.laar.uns.edu.ar/indexes/artic_v4404/44_04_307.pdf)