990 resultados para Corpus de crítica


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Thinning of the corpus callosum (CC) is often observed in individuals who were born very preterm. Damage to the CC during neurodevelopment may be associated with poor neuropsychological performance. This study aimed to explore any evidence of CC pathology in adolescents aged 14-15 years who were born very preterm, and to investigate the relationship between CC areas and verbal skills. Seventy-two individuals born before 33 weeks of gestation and 51 age- and sex-matched full-term controls received structural MRI and neuropsychological assessment. Total CC area in very preterm adolescents was 7.5% smaller than in controls, after adjusting for total white matter volume (P=0.015). The absolute size of callosal subregions differed between preterm and fullterm adolescents: preterm individuals had a 14.7% decrease in posterior (P<0.0001) and an 11.6% decrease in mid-posterior CC quarters (P=0.029). Preterm individuals who had experienced periventricular haemorrhage and ventricular dilatation in the neonatal period showed the greatest decrease in CC area. In very preterm boys only, verbal IQ and verbal fluency scores were positively associated with total mid-sagittal CC size and midposterior surface area. These results suggest that very preterm birth adversely affects the development of the CC, particularly its posterior quarter, and this impairs verbal skills in boys.


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Temporal dynamics and speaker characteristics are two important features of speech that distinguish speech from noise. In this paper, we propose a method to maximally extract these two features of speech for speech enhancement. We demonstrate that this can reduce the requirement for prior information about the noise, which can be difficult to estimate for fast-varying noise. Given noisy speech, the new approach estimates clean speech by recognizing long segments of the clean speech as whole units. In the recognition, clean speech sentences, taken from a speech corpus, are used as examples. Matching segments are identified between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The estimate is formed by using the longest matching segments found in the corpus sentences. Longer speech segments as whole units contain more distinct dynamics and richer speaker characteristics, and can be identified more accurately from noise than shorter speech segments. Therefore, estimation based on the longest recognized segments increases the noise immunity and hence the estimation accuracy. The new approach consists of a statistical model to represent up to sentence-long temporal dynamics in the corpus speech, and an algorithm to identify the longest matching segments between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The algorithm is made more robust to noise uncertainty by introducing missing-feature based noise compensation into the corpus sentences. Experiments have been conducted on the TIMIT database for speech enhancement from various types of nonstationary noise including song, music, and crosstalk speech. The new approach has shown improved performance over conventional enhancement algorithms in both objective and subjective evaluations.


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Computational models of meaning trained on naturally occurring text successfully model human performance on tasks involving simple similarity measures, but they characterize meaning in terms of undifferentiated bags of words or topical dimensions. This has led some to question their psychological plausibility (Murphy, 2002; Schunn, 1999). We present here a fully automatic method for extracting a structured and comprehensive set of concept descriptions directly from an English part-of-speech-tagged corpus. Concepts are characterized by weighted properties, enriched with concept-property types that approximate classical relations such as hypernymy and function. Our model outperforms comparable algorithms in cognitive tasks pertaining not only to concept-internal structures (discovering properties of concepts, grouping properties by property type) but also to inter-concept relations (clustering into superordinates), suggesting the empirical validity of the property-based approach. Copyright © 2009 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. All rights reserved.


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This is a dataset of recordings and transcriptions of spoken English collected from a range of university classrooms. UNITALK is a modest-sized untagged synchronic specialized full-text corpus of spoken academic discourse collected from fifteen university classrooms. UNITALK was designed to study the genre of small group teaching contexts across academic divisions and subject disciplines and specifically designed to study those teaching events whose goal is to work on collaborative ideas or tasks. The corpus is over 100,000 words and can be used to investigate academic language use and small group university teaching and learning contexts.


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We have recorded a new corpus of emotionally coloured conversations. Users were recorded while holding conversations with an operator who adopts in sequence four roles designed to evoke emotional reactions. The operator and the user are seated in separate rooms; they see each other through teleprompter screens, and hear each other through speakers. To allow high quality recording, they are recorded by five high-resolution, high framerate cameras, and by four microphones. All sensor information is recorded synchronously, with an accuracy of 25 μs. In total, we have recorded 20 participants, for a total of 100 character conversational and 50 non-conversational recordings of approximately 5 minutes each. All recorded conversations have been fully transcribed and annotated for five affective dimensions and partially annotated for 27 other dimensions. The corpus has been made available to the scientific community through a web-accessible database.


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This paper presents a new approach to single-channel speech enhancement involving both noise and channel distortion (i.e., convolutional noise). The approach is based on finding longest matching segments (LMS) from a corpus of clean, wideband speech. The approach adds three novel developments to our previous LMS research. First, we address the problem of channel distortion as well as additive noise. Second, we present an improved method for modeling noise. Third, we present an iterative algorithm for improved speech estimates. In experiments using speech recognition as a test with the Aurora 4 database, the use of our enhancement approach as a preprocessor for feature extraction significantly improved the performance of a baseline recognition system. In another comparison against conventional enhancement algorithms, both the PESQ and the segmental SNR ratings of the LMS algorithm were superior to the other methods for noisy speech enhancement. Index Terms: corpus-based speech model, longest matching segment, speech enhancement, speech recognition


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El artículo que se presenta enfatiza la importancia de la formación crítica del profesorado para una escuela inclusiva a través de la investigación etnográfica. Más específicamente, el objetivo es dar a conocer y explicar cuáles son las aportaciones que percibe el profesorado cuando participa en una investigación etnográfica sobre las relaciones familia-escuela. El estudio se lleva a cabo desde la observación participante, entrevistas semi-estructuradas, análisis de documentos e interacción virtual en ocho escuelas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón (España). Los resultados muestran cómo los profesores se hacen conscientes de sus prácticas y de su fundamentación teórica en relación con el contexto con el que interactúan. Los procesos de reflexión y el contraste con diferentes formas de acción parecen contribuir al cuestionamiento y a la reconstrucción de sus prácticas. El estudio destaca la importancia de los procesos de interacción que se generan durante la investigación etnográfica y más específicamente a través de la devolución de los informes de investigación para la formación de profesorado.


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A Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde é uma classificação que utiliza uma abordagem biopsicossocial para se compreender e explicar a incapacidade e a funcionalidade. A utilização desta nova abordagem poderá contribuir para se perceber quais os fatores que intervêm na promoção da participação e da realização de tarefas pelas pessoas com necessidades especiais. Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever e analisar críticamente o trabalho realizado no âmbito do apoio aos estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais na Universidade de Évora até 2008. A análise crítica é perspetivada à luz da CIF, procurando identificar os contextos académicos que se constituem como barreiras à participação e atividade destes estudantes, identificando também as estratégias que foram desenvolvidas para as ultrapassar. É ainda abordada a inclusão como única forma para se alcançar uma sociedade mais equitativa que promova o respeito da cidadania e da qualidade de vida de todos. A aposta na formação, como agente de mudança das forma de estar, pensar, sentir e agir e na procura incessante pelo desenvolvimento de uma universidade mais justa e mais humana, parece ser o caminho para alcançar o desiderato duma universidade inclusiva; ABSTRACT: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health is a classification that uses a bio psychosocial approach to understand and explain disability and functioning. Using this new approach could help to understand the factors involved in promoting participation and perform tasks for people with special needs. This report aims to describe and crítically analyze the work done in support of students with special needs at the University of Évora until 2008. The review is taken using of CIF, trying to identify the academic contexts which constitute barriers to participation and activity of these students, also by identifying the strategies that have been developed to overcome them. It also discusses the inclusion as the only way to achieve a more equitable society that promotes respect of citizenship and quality of life for all. A focus on training as an agent of change in the form of being, thinking, feeling and acting and the relentless pursuit by the development of a university fairer and more humane, seems to be the way to achieve the desideratum of an inclusive university.