866 resultados para Continuous plate
An equation for mean first-passage times of non-Markovian processes driven by colored noise is derived through an appropriate backward integro-differential equation. The equation is solved in a Bourret-like approximation. In a weak-noise bistable situation, non-Markovian effects are taken into account by an effective diffusion coefficient. In this situation, our results compare satisfactorily with other approaches and experimental data.
Background: Sunitinib (SU) is a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor with antitumor and antiangiogenetic activity. Evidence for clinical activity in HCC was reported in 2 phase II trials [Zhu et al and Faivre et al, ASCO 2007] using either a 37.5 or a 50 mg daily dose in a 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off regimen. The objective of this trial was to demonstrate antitumor activity of continuous SU treatment in patients (pts) with HCC. Methods: Key eligibility criteria included unresectable or metastatic HCC, no prior systemic anticancer treatment, measurable disease and Child- Pugh A or B liver dysfunction. Pts received 37.5 mg SU daily until progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoint was progression free survival at 12 weeks (PFS12) defined as 'success' if the patient was alive and without tumor progression assessed by 12 weeks (±7 days) after registration. A PFS12 of _20% was considered uninteresting and promising if _40%. Using the Simon-two minimax stage design with 90% power and 5% significance the sample size was 45 pts. Secondary endpoints included safety assessments, measurement of serum cobalamin levels and tumor density. Results: From September 2007 to August 2008 45 pts, mostly male (87%), were enrolled in 10 centers. Median age was 63 years, 89% had Child-Pugh A and 47% had distant metastases. Median largest lesion diameter was 84mm (range: 18-280) and 18% had prior TACE. Reasons for stopping therapy were: PD 60%, symptomatic deterioration 16%, toxicity 11%, death 2% (due to tumor), and other reasons 4%; 7% remain on therapy. PFS12 was rated as success in 15 pts (33%) (95% CI: 20%, 49%) and failure in 27 (60%); 3 were not evaluable (due to refusal). Over the whole trial period 1 CR and 40% SD as best response were achieved. Median PFS, duration of disease stabilization, TTP and OS were 2.8, 3.2, 2.8 and 9.3 months, respectively. Grade 3 and 4 adverse events were infrequent and all deaths due to the tumor. Conclusions: Continuous SU treatment with 37.5 mg/d daily is feasible and demonstrates moderate activity in pts with advanced HCC and mild to moderately impaired liver dysfunction. Under this trial design the therapy is considered promising (>13 PFS12 successes).
Transient high-grade bacteremia following invasive procedures carries a risk of infective endocarditis (IE). This is supported by experimental endocarditis. On the other hand, case-control studies showed that IE could be caused by cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia occurring during daily activities. However, no experimental demonstration of this latter possibility exists. This study investigated the infectivity in animals of continuous low-grade bacteremia compared to that of brief high-grade bacteremia. Rats with aortic vegetations were inoculated with Streptococcus intermedius, Streptococcus gordonii or Staphylococcus aureus (strains Newman and P8). Animals were challenged with 10(3) to 10(6) CFU. Identical bacterial numbers were given by bolus (1 ml in 1 min) or continuous infusion (0.0017 ml/min over 10 h). Bacteremia was 50 to 1,000 times greater after bolus than during continuous inoculation. Streptococcal bolus inoculation of 10(5) CFU infected 63 to 100% vegetations compared to 30 to 71% infection after continuous infusion (P > 0.05). When increasing the inoculum to 10(6) CFU, bolus inoculation infected 100% vegetations and continuous infusion 70 to 100% (P > 0.05). S. aureus bolus injection of 10(3) CFU infected 46 to 57% valves. This was similar to the 53 to 57% infection rates produced by continuous infusion (P > 0.05). Inoculation of 10(4) CFU of S. aureus infected 80 to 100% vegetations after bolus and 60 to 75% after continuous infusion (P > 0.05). These results show that high-level bacteremia is not required to induce experimental endocarditis and support the hypothesis that cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia represents a genuine risk of IE in humans.
Abstract: The Altaids consist in a huge accretionary-type belt extending from Siberia through Mon-golia, northern China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. They were formed from the Vendian through the Jurassic by the accretion of numerous displaced and exotic terranes (e.g. island arc, ribbon microcontinent, seamount, basaltic plateau, back-arc basin). The number, nature and origin of the terranes differ according to the palaeotectonic models of the different authors. Thanks to a geo- dynamic study (i.e. definition of tectonic settings and elaboration of geodynamic scenarios) and plate tectonics modelling, this work aims to present an alternative model explaining the Palaeozoic palaeotectonic evolution of the Altaids. Based on a large set of compiled geological data related to palaeogeography and geodyna¬mic (e.g. sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, palaeomagnetism, magmatism, me- tamorphism, tectonic...), a partly new classification of the terranes and sutures implicated in the formation of the Altaids is proposed. In the aim to elaborate plate tectonics reconstructions, it is necessary to fragment the present arrangement of continents into consistent geological units. To avoid confusion with existing terminology (e.g. tectonic units, tectono-stratigraphic units, micro- continents, terranes, blocks...), the new concept of "Geodynamic Units (GDU)" was introduced. A terrane may be formed by a set of GDUs. It consists of a continental and/or oceanic fragment which has its own kinematic and geodynamic evolution for a given period. With the same ap-proach, the life span and type of the disappeared oceans is inferred thanks to the study of the mate-rial contained in suture zones. The interpretation of the tectonic settings within the GDUs comple-ted by the restoration of oceans leads to the elaboration of geodynamic scenarios. Since the Wilson cycle was presented in 1967, numerous works demonstrated that the continental growth is more complex and results from diverse geodynamic scenarios. The identification of these scenarios and their exploitation enable to elaborate plate tectonics models. The models are self-constraining (i.e. space and time constraints) and contest or confirm in turn the geodynamic scenarios which were initially proposed. The Altaids can be divided into three domains: (1) the Peri-Siberian, (2) the Kazakhstan, and (3) the Tarim-North China domains. The Peri-Siberian Domain consists of displaced (i.e. Sayan Terrane Tuva-Mongolian, Lake-Khamsara Terrane) and exotic terranes (i.e. Altai-Mongolian and Khangai-Argunsky Terrane) accreted to Siberia from the Vendian through the Ordovician. Fol-lowing the accretion of these terranes, the newly formed Siberia active margin remained active un-til its part collision with the Kazakhstan Superterrane in the Carboniferous. The eastern part of the active margin (i.e. East Mongolia) continued to act until the Permian when the North-China Tarim Superterrane collided with it. The geodynamic evolution of the eastern part of the Peri-Siberian Domain (i.e. Eastern Mongolia and Siberia) is complicated by the opening of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean in the Silurian. The Kazakhstan Domain is composed of several continental terranes of East Gondwana origin amalgamated together during the Ordovician-Silurian time. After these different orogenic events, the Kazakhstan Superterrane evolved as a single superterrane until its collision with a Tarim-North China related-terrane (i.e. Tianshan-Hanshan Terrane) and Siberian Continent during the Devonian. This new organisation of the continents imply a continued active margin from Siberia, to North China through the Kazakhstan Superterrane and the closure of the Junggar- Balkash Ocean which implied the oroclinal bending of the Kazakhstan Superterrane during the entire Carboniferous. The formation history of the Tarim-North China Domain is less complex. The Cambrian northern passive margin became active in the Ordovician. In the Silurian, the South Tianshan back-arc Ocean was open and led to the formation of the Tianshan-Hanshan Terrane which collided with the Kazakhstan Superterrane during the Devonian. The collision between Siberia and the eastern part of the Tarim-North China continents (i.e. Inner Mongolia), implied by the closure of the Solonker Ocean, took place in the Permian. Since this time, the major part of the Altaids was formed, the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean only was still open and closed during the Jurassic. Résumé: La chaîne des Altaïdes est une importante chaîne d'accrétion qui s'étend en Sibérie, Mon-golie, Chine du Nord, Kirghizstan et Kazakhstan. Elle s'est formée durant la période du Vendian au Jurassique par l'accrétion de nombreux terranes déplacés ou exotiques (par exemple arc océa-nique, microcontinent, guyot, plateau basaltique, basin d'arrière-arc...). Le nombre, la nature ou encore l'origine diffèrent selon les modèles paléo-tectoniques proposés par les différents auteurs. Grâce à une étude géodynamique (c'est-à-dire définition des environnements tectoniques et éla-boration de scénarios géodynamiques) et à la modélisation de la tectonique des plaques, ce travail propose un modèle alternatif expliquant l'évolution paléo-tectonique des Altaïdes. Basé sur une large compilation de données géologiques pertinentes en termes de paléo-géographie et de géodynamique (par exemple sédimentologie, stratigraphie, paléo-biogéographie, paléomagnétisme, magmatisme, métamorphisme, tectonique...), une nouvelle classification des terranes et des sutures impliqués dans la formation des Altaïdes est proposée. Dans le but d'élabo¬rer des reconstructions de plaques tectoniques, il est nécessaire de fragmenter l'arrangement actuel des continents en unités tectoniques cohérentes. Afin d'éviter les confusions avec la terminolo¬gie existante (par exemple unité tectonique, unité tectono-stratigraphique, microcontinent, block, terrane...), le nouveau concept d' "Unité Géodynamique (UGD)" a été introduit. Un terrane est formé d'une ou plusieurs UGD et représente un fragment océanique ou continental défini pas sa propre cinétique et évolution géodynamique pour une période donnée. Parallèlement, la durée de vie et le type des océans disparus (c'est-à-dire principal ou secondaire) est déduite grâce à l'étude du matériel contenu dans les zones de sutures. L'interprétation des environnements tectoniques des UGD associés à la restauration des océans mène à l'élaboration de scénarios géodynamiques. Depuis que le Cycle de Wilson a été présenté en 1967, de nombreux travaux ont démontré que la croissance continentale peut résulter de divers scénarios géodynamiques. L'identification et l'ex-ploitation de ces scénarios permet finalement l'élaboration de modèles de tectonique des plaques. Les modèles sont auto-contraignants (c'est-à-dire contraintes spatiales et temporelles) et peuvent soit contester ou confirmer les scénarios géodynamiques initialement proposés. Les Altaïdes peuvent être divisées en trois domaines : (1) le Domaine Péri-Sibérien, (2) le Domaine Kazakh, et (3) le Domaine Tarim-Nord Chinois. Le Domaine Péri-Sibérien est composé de terranes déplacés (c'est-à-dire Terrane du Sayan, Tuva-Mongol et Lake-Khamsara) et exotiques (c'est-à-dire Terrane Altai-Mongol et Khangai-Argunsky) qui ont été accrétés au craton Sibérien durant la période du Vendien à l'Ordovicien. Suite à l'accrétion de ces terranes, la marge sud-est de la Sibérie nouvellement formée reste active jusqu'à sa collision partielle avec le Superterrane Ka-zakh au Carbonifère. La partie est de la marge active (c'est-à-dire Mongolie de l'est) continue son activité jusqu'au Permien lors de sa collision avec le Superterrane Tarim-Nord Chinois. L'évolu¬tion géodynamique de la partie est du Domaine Sibérien est compliquée par l'ouverture Silurienne de l'Océan Mongol-Okhotsk qui disparaîtra seulement au Jurassique. Le Domaine Kazakh est composé de plusieurs terranes d'origine est-Gondwanienne accrétés les uns avec les autres avant ou pendant le Silurien inférieur et leurs evolution successive sous la forme d'un seul superterrane. Le Superterrane Kazakh collisione avec un terrane Tarim-Nord Chinois (c'est-à-dire Terrane du Tianshan-Hanshan) durant le Dévonien et le continent Sibérien au Dévonien supérieur. Ce nouvel agencement des plaques induit une marge active continue le long des continents Sibérien, Kazakh et Nord Chinois et la fermeture de l'Océan Junggar-Balkash qui provoque le plissement oroclinal du Superterrane Kazakh durant le Carbonifère. L'histoire de la formation du Domaine Tarim-Nord Chinois est moins complexe. La marge passive nord Cambrienne devient active à l'Ordovicien et l'ouverture Silurienne du bassin d'arrière-arc du Tianshan sud mène à la formation du terrane du Tianshan-Hanshan. La collision Dévonienne entre ce dernier et le Superterrane Kazakh provoque la fermerture de l'Océan Tianshan sud. Finalement, la collision entre la Sibérie et la partie est du continent Tarim-Nord Chinois (c'est-à-dire Mongolie Intérieure) prend place durant le Permien suite à la fermeture de l'Océan Solonker. La majeure partie des Altaïdes est alors formée, seul l'Océan Mongol-Okhotsk est encore ouvert. Ce dernier se fermera seulement au Jurassique.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines for the management of anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) recommend a minimal haemoglobin (Hb) target of 11 g/dL. Recent surveys indicate that this requirement is not met in many patients in Europe. In most studies, Hb is only assessed over a short-term period. The aim of this study was to examine the control of anaemia over a continuous long-term period in Switzerland. METHODS: A prospective multi-centre observational study was conducted in dialysed patients treated with recombinant human epoetin (EPO) beta, over a one-year follow-up period, with monthly assessments of anaemia parameters. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty patients from 27 centres, representing 14% of the dialysis population in Switzerland, were included. Mean Hb was 11.9 +/- 1.0 g/dL, and remained stable over time. Eighty-five % of the patients achieved mean Hb >or= 11 g/dL. Mean EPO dose was 155 +/- 118 IU/kg/week, being delivered mostly by subcutaneous route (64-71%). Mean serum ferritin and transferrin saturation were 435 +/- 253 microg/L and 30 +/- 11%, respectively. At month 12, adequate iron stores were found in 72.5% of patients, whereas absolute and functional iron deficiencies were observed in only 5.1% and 17.8%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that diabetes unexpectedly influenced Hb towards higher levels (12.1 +/- 0.9 g/dL; p = 0.02). One year survival was significantly higher in patients with Hb >or= 11 g/dL than in those with Hb <11 g/dL (19.7% vs 7.3%, p = 0.006). CONCLUSION: In comparison to European studies of reference, this survey shows a remarkable and continuous control of anaemia in Swiss dialysis centres. These results were reached through moderately high EPO doses, mostly given subcutaneously, and careful iron therapy management.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how learning assessment, particularly the Continuous Assessment system, has been defined in the Public Administration and Management Diploma Course of the University of Barcelona (Spain). This course was a pioneering experiment at this university in implementing the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and thus represents a good case study for verifying whether one of the cornerstones of the EHEA has been accomplished with success. Using data obtained from the Teaching Plans elaborated by the lecturers of each subject, we are able to establish that the CA system has been progressively accepted to such an extent that it is now the assessment formula used by practically all of the lecturers, conforming in this way to the protocols laid down by the Faculty of Law in which this diploma course is taught. Nevertheless, we find that high dispersion exists in how Continuous Assessment is actually defined. Indeed, it seems that there is no unified view of how Continuous Assessment should be performed. This dispersion, however, seems to diminish over time and raises some questions about the advisability of agreement on criteria, considering the potential which CA has as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, we find that the Unique Assessment system, which students may also apply for, is an option chosen only by a minority, with lecturers usually defining it as merely a theoretical and/or practical test, of little innovation in relation to traditional tests.
Background and objective: Oral anti-cancer treatments have expanded rapidly over the last years. While taking oral tablets at home ensures a better quality of life, it also exposes patients to the risk of sub-optimal adherence. The objective of this study is to assess how well ambulatory cancer patients execute their prescribed dosing regimen while they are engaged with continuous anti-cancer treatments. Design: This is an on-going longitudinal study. Consecutive patients starting an oral treatment are proposed to enter the study by the oncologist. Then they are referred to the pharmacy, where their oral anticancer treatment is dispensed in a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMSTM), which records date and time of each opening of the drug container. Electronically compiled dosing history data from the MEMS are summarized and used as feedback during semistructured interviews with the pharmacist, which are dedicated to prevention and management of side effects. Interviews are scheduled before each medical visit. Report of the interview is available to the oncologist via an on-line secured portal. Setting: Seamless care approach between a Multidisciplinary Oncology Center and the Pharmacy of an Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine Department. Main outcome measures: For each patient, the comparison between the electronically compiled dosing history and the prescribed regimen was summarized using a daily binary indicator indicating whether yes or no the patient has taken the medication as prescribed. Results: Study started in March 2008. Among 22 eligible patients, 19 were included (11 men, median age 63 years old) and 3 (14%) refused to participate. 15 patients were prescribed a QD regimen, 3 patients a BID and 1 patient switched from QD to BID during follow-up. Median follow up was 182 days (IQR 72-252). Early discontinuation happened in four patients: side effects (n = 1), psychiatric reasons (n = 1), cancer progression (n = 1) and death (n = 1). On average, the daily number of medications was taken as prescribed in 99% of the follow-up days. Conclusions: Execution of the prescribed dosing regimens was almost perfect during the first 6 months. Maintaining this high degree of regimen execution and persistence over time might however be challenging in this population and need therefore to be confirmed in larger and longer follow-up cohort studies.
Meropenem, a carbapenem antibiotic displaying a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, is administered in Medical Intensive Care Unit to critically ill patients undergoing continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). However, there are limited data available to substantial rational dosing decisions in this condition. In an attempt to refine our knowledge and propose a rationally designed dosage regimen, we have developed a HPLC method to determine meropenem after solid-phase extraction (SPE) of plasma and dialysate fluids obtained from patients under CVVHDF. The assay comprises the simultaneous measurement of meropenem's open-ring metabolite UK-1a, whose fate has never been studied in CVVHDF patients. The clean-up procedure involved a SPE on C18 cartridge. Matrix components were eliminated with phosphate buffer pH 7.4 followed by 15:85 MeOH-phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Meropenem and UK-1a were subsequently desorbed with MeOH. The eluates were evaporated under nitrogen at room temperature (RT) and reconstituted in phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Separation was performed at RT on a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB cartridge column (125 x 4 mm I.D.) equipped with a guard column (8 x 4 mm I.D.) with UV-DAD detection set at 208 nm. The mobile phase was 1 ml min(-1), using a step-wise gradient elution program: %MeOH/0.005 M tetrabutylammonium chloride pH 7.4; 10/90-50/50 in 27 min. Over the range of 5-100 microg ml(-1), the regression coefficient of the calibration curves (plasma and dialysate) were >0.998. The absolute extraction recoveries of meropenem and UK-1a in plasma and filtrate-dialysate were stable and ranged from 88-93 to 72-77% for meropenem, and from 95-104 to 75-82% for UK-1a. In plasma and filtrate-dialysate, respectively, the mean intra-assay precision was 4.1 and 2.6% for meropenem and 4.2 and 3.7% for UK-1a. The inter-assay variability was 2.8 and 3.6% for meropenem and 2.3 and 2.8% for UK-1a. The accuracy was satisfactory for both meropenem and UK-1a with deviation never exceeding 9.0% of the nominal concentrations. The stability of meropenem, studied in biological samples left at RT and at +4 degrees C, was satisfactory with < 5% degradation after 1.5 h in blood but reached 22% in filtrate-dialysate samples stored at RT for 8 h, precluding accurate measurements of meropenem excreted unchanged in the filtrate-dialysate left at RT during the CVVHDF procedure. The method reported here enables accurate measurements of meropenem in critically ill patients under CVVHDF, making dosage individualisation possible in such patients. The levels of the metabolite UK-1a encountered in this population of patients were higher than those observed in healthy volunteers but was similar to those observed in patients with renal impairment under hemodialysis.
Research was conducted to investigate the potential of strengthening continuous bridges by post-tensioning. The study included the following: a literature review, selection and rating of a prototype continuous composite bridge, tests of a one-third-scale continuous composite bridge model, finite element analysis of the bridge model, and tests of a full-scale composite beam mockup for a negative moment region. The study results indicated that the strengthening of continuous, composite bridges is feasible. The primary objective in applyig the post-tensioning should be to provide moments opposite to those produced by live and dead loads. Longitudinal distribution of that post-tensioning always must be considered if only exterior or only interior beams are post-tensioned. Testing and finite element analysis showed that post-tensioning of positive moment regions with straight tendons was more effective than post-tensioning negative moment regions with straight tendons. Changes in tension in tendons may be either beneficial or detrimental when live loads are applied to a strengthened bridge and thus must be carefully considered in design.
The need to upgrade a large number of understrength and obsolete bridges in the U.S. has been well documented in the literature. Through several Iowa DOT projects, the concept of strengthening simple-span bridges by post-tensioning has been developed. The purpose of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of post-tensioning for strengthening continuous composite bridges. In a previous, successfully completed investigation, the feasibility of strengthening continuous, composite bridges by post-tensioning was demonstrated on a laboratory 1/3-scale-model bridge (3 spans: 41 ft 11 in. x 8 ft 8 in.). This project can thus be considered the implementation phase. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Pocahontas County near Fonda, Iowa, on County Road N28. With finite element analysis, a post-tensioning system was developed that required post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of both the interior and exterior beams. During the summer of 1988, the strengthening system was installed along with instrumentation to determine the bridge's response and behavior. Before and after post-tensioning, the bridge was subjected to truck loading (1 or 2 trucks at various predetermined critical locations) to determine the effectiveness of the strengthening system. The bridge, with the strengthening system in place, was inspected approximately every three months to determine any changes in its appearance or behavior. In 1989, approximately one year after the initial strengthening, the bridge was retested to identify any changes in its behavior. Post-tensioning forces were removed to reveal any losses over the one-year period. Post-tensioning was reapplied to the bridge, and the bridge was tested using the same loading program used in 1988. Except for at a few locations, stresses were reduced in the bridge the desired amount. At a few locations flexural stresses in the steel beams are still above 18 ksi, the allowable inventory stress for A7 steel. Although maximum stresses are above the inventory stress by about 2 ksi, they are about 5 ksi below the allowable operating stress; therefore, the bridge no longer needs to be load-posted.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how learning assessment, particularly the Continuous Assessment system, has been defined in the Public Administration and Management Diploma Course of the University of Barcelona (Spain). This course was a pioneering experiment at this university in implementing the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and thus represents a good case study for verifying whether one of the cornerstones of the EHEA has been accomplished with success. Using data obtained from the Teaching Plans elaborated by the lecturers of each subject, we are able to establish that the CA system has been progressively accepted to such an extent that it is now the assessment formula used by practically all of the lecturers, conforming in this way to the protocols laid down by the Faculty of Law in which this diploma course is taught. Nevertheless, we find that high dispersion exists in how Continuous Assessment is actually defined. Indeed, it seems that there is no unified view of how Continuous Assessment should be performed. This dispersion, however, seems to diminish over time and raises some questions about the advisability of agreement on criteria, considering the potential which CA has as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, we find that the Unique Assessment system, which students may also apply for, is an option chosen only by a minority, with lecturers usually defining it as merely a theoretical and/or practical test, of little innovation in relation to traditional tests.
The need to upgrade understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. The concept of strengthening steel stringer bridges in Iowa has been developed through several Iowa DOT projects. The objective of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of one such strengthening system on a three-span continuous steel stringer bridge in the field. In addition, a design methodology was developed to assist bridge engineers with designing a strengthening system to obtain the desired stress reductions. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Cerro Gordo County near Mason City, Iowa on County Road B65. The strengthening system was designed to remove overstresses that occurred when the bridge was subjected to Iowa legal loads. A two part strengthening system was used: post-tensioning the positive moment regions of all the stringers and superimposed trusses in the negative moment regions of the two exterior stringers at the two piers. The strengthening system was installed in the summers of 1992 and 1993. In the summer of 1993, the bridge was load tested before and after the strengthening system was activated. The load test results indicate that the strengthening system was effective in reducing the overstress in both the negative and positive regions of the stringers. The design methodology that was developed includes a procedure for determining the magnitude of post-tensioning and truss forces required to strengthen a given bridge. This method utilizes moment and force fractions to determine the distribution of strengthening axial forces and moments throughout the bridge. Finite element analysis and experimental results were used in the formulation and calibration of the methodology. A spreadsheet was developed to facilitate the calculation of these required strengthening forces.
Flood effectiveness observations imply that two families of processes describe the formation of debris flow volume. One is related to the rainfall?erosion relationship, and can be seen as a gradual process, and one is related to additional geological/geotechnical events, those named hereafter extraordinary events. In order to discuss the hypothesis of coexistence of two modes of volume formation, some methodologies are applied. Firstly, classical approaches consisting in relating volume to catchments characteristics are considered. These approaches raise questions about the quality of the data rather than providing answers concerning the controlling processes. Secondly, we consider statistical approaches (cumulative number of events distribution and cluster analysis) and these suggest the possibility of having two distinct families of processes. However the quantitative evaluation of the threshold differs from the one that could be obtained from the first approach, but they all agree in the sense of the coexistence of two families of events. Thirdly, a conceptual model is built exploring how and why debris flow volume in alpine catchments changes with time. Depending on the initial condition (sediment production), the model shows that large debris flows (i.e. with important volume) are observed in the beginning period, before a steady-state is reached. During this second period debris flow volume such as is observed in the beginning period is not observed again. Integrating the results of the three approaches, two case studies are presented showing: (1) the possibility to observe in a catchment large volumes that will never happen again due to a drastic decrease in the sediment availability, supporting its difference from gradual erosion processes; (2) that following a rejuvenation of the sediment storage (by a rock avalanche) the magnitude?frequency relationship of a torrent can be differentiated into two phases, the beginning one with large and frequent debris flow and a later one with debris flow less intense and frequent, supporting the results of the conceptual model. Although the results obtained cannot identify a clear threshold between the two families of processes, they show that some debris flows can be seen as pulse of sediment differing from that expected from gradual erosion.
Continuous field mapping has to address two conflicting remote sensing requirements when collecting training data. On one hand, continuous field mapping trains fractional land cover and thus favours mixed training pixels. On the other hand, the spectral signature has to be preferably distinct and thus favours pure training pixels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of training data distribution along fractional and spectral gradients on the resulting mapping performance. We derived four continuous fields (tree, shrubherb, bare, water) from aerial photographs as response variables and processed corresponding spectral signatures from multitemporal Landsat 5 TM data as explanatory variables. Subsequent controlled experiments along fractional cover gradients were then based on generalised linear models. Resulting fractional and spectral distribution differed between single continuous fields, but could be satisfactorily trained and mapped. Pixels with fractional or without respective cover were much more critical than pure full cover pixels. Error distribution of continuous field models was non-uniform with respect to horizontal and vertical spatial distribution of target fields. We conclude that a sampling for continuous field training data should be based on extent and densities in the fractional and spectral, rather than the real spatial space. Consequently, adequate training plots are most probably not systematically distributed in the real spatial space, but cover the gradient and covariate structure of the fractional and spectral space well. (C) 2009 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.