995 resultados para Continuous groups.


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We report the experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of the quadrature amplitudes of a light field. Our experiment was stably locked for long periods, and was analyzed in terms of fidelity F and with signal transfer T-q=T++T- and noise correlation V-q=Vinparallel to out+Vinparallel to out-. We observed an optimum fidelity of 0.64+/-0.02, T-q=1.06+/-0.02, and V-q=0.96+/-0.10. We discuss the significance of both T-q>1 and V-q


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We present the quantum theory of the far-off-resonance continuous-wave Raman laser using the Heisenberg-Langevin approach. We show that the simplified quantum Langevin equations for this system are mathematically identical to those of the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator in the time domain with the following associations: pump pump, Stokes signal, and Raman coherence idler. We derive analytical results for both the steady-state behavior and the time-dependent noise spectra, using standard linearization procedures. In the semiclassical limit, these results match with previous purely semiclassical treatments, which yield excellent agreement with experimental observations. The analytical time-dependent results predict perfect photon statistics conversion from the pump to the Stokes and nonclassical behavior under certain operational conditions.


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We generate and characterize continuous variable polarization entanglement between two optical beams. We first produce quadrature entanglement, and by performing local operations we transform it into a polarization basis. We extend two entanglement criteria, the inseparability criteria proposed by Duan et al (2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 2722) and the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) paradox criteria proposed by Reid and Drummond (1988 Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 2731), to Stokes operators; and use them to characterize the entanglement. Our results for the EPR paradox criteria are visualized in terms of uncertainty balls on the Poincaré sphere. We demonstrate theoretically that using two quadrature entangled pairs it is possible to entangle three orthogonal Stokes operators between a pair of beams, although with a bound √3 times more stringent than for the quadrature entanglement.


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Com a Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (1988), a intersetorialidade imprimiu nas políticas públicas de educação e seguridade social uma construção e uma operacionalidade mais articuladas e interdependentes. Entre as leis e portarias interministeriais, destaca-se o Programa Benefício de Prestação Continuada na Escola, que atende pessoas com deficiência de zero a dezoito anos de idade. Nesta pesquisa, questionam-se as interfaces entre as políticas públicas da educação especial e da seguridade social. São objetivos da pesquisa: analisar as interfaces das políticas públicas sociais – educação especial e seguridade social – no que se refere à garantia de direitos à educação de crianças com deficiência ou Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento, entre zero e cinco anos, no município de Vitória, Estado do Espírito Santo; identificar como se configuram as interdependências entre profissionais da educação especial e da seguridade social e os familiares (pais ou responsáveis) dessas crianças perante seus processos educacionais; compreender os diferentes movimentos entre as instituições de educação e da seguridade social e suas implicações para a inclusão escolar das crianças com deficiência ou Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento; analisar como os profissionais da educação e da seguridade social lançam perspectivas para os processos de inclusão escolar e estabelecem diálogo com a família acerca da educação dessas crianças. Esta é uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, estudo de caso com coleta de dados empíricos e bibliográficos, na qual foram sujeitos: mães de três crianças de três Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil de Vitória; professoras da sala de atividades e de educação especial, pedagogas e diretoras; técnicos das Secretarias Municipais de Vitória: Educação, Saúde e Assistência Social e do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social. As técnicas empregadas para coleta de dados foram a entrevista o grupo focal e o diário de itinerância. Foram procedimentos adotados para o registro dos dados a audiogravação de entrevistas e de grupos focais e anotações em diário de itinerância. Os dados foram organizados em cinco categorias de análise, produzidas por meio das narrativas dos familiares e dos profissionais participantes da pesquisa. Os conceitos de Norbert Elias, interdependência e configuração, relação de poder – estabelecidos e outsiders –, processos sociais e relação entre sociedade e Estado (balança do poder) contribuíram para compreender os dados, por serem observados nas categorias produzidas. Os resultados apontam para a fragilidade de Global do Desenvolvimento, no município de Vitória. Revelam, ainda, uma inconsistência de fluxos de referência e contrarreferência e lacunas na dimensão técnica e operativa para as interfaces das políticas públicas intersetoriais com práticas profissionais que cumpram o papel político conforme outorga a legislação federal e municipal. As considerações se ampliam para discussões entre o instituído e o instituinte – políticas públicas e práticas profissionais – que priorizem a efetivação da intersetorialidade diante das demandas do público investigado com vista à garantia dos direitos de acesso a uma educação de qualidade.


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It is known the power of ideas is tremendous. But there are employees in many companies who have good ideas but not put them into practice. On the other hand, there are many others who have good ideas and are encouraged to contribute their ideas for innovation in the company. This study attempts to identify factors that contribute to success in managing ideas and consequent business innovation. The method used was the case study applied to two companies. During the investigation, factors considered essential for the success of an idea management program were identified, of which we highlight, among others, evidences the results, involvement of the top management, establishment of goals and objectives; recognition; dissemination of good results. Companies with these implemented systems, capture the best ideas from their collaborators and apply them internally. This study intends to contribute to business innovation in enterprises through creation and idea management, mainly through collecting the best ideas of their own employees. The results of this study can be used to help improving deployed suggestions systems, as well as, all managers who wish to implement suggestions systems/ideas management systems.


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The importance of interaction between Operations Management (OM) and Human Behavior has been recently re-addressed. This paper introduced the Reasoned Action Theory suggested by Froehle and Roth (2004) to analyze Operational Capabilities exploring the suitability of this model in the context of OM. It also seeks to discuss the behavioral aspects of operational capabilities from the perspective of organizational routines. This theory was operationalized using Fishbein and Ajzen (F/A) behavioral model and a multi-case strategy was employed to analyze the Continuous Improvement (CI) capability. The results posit that the model explains partially the CI behavior in an operational context and some contingency variables might influence the general relations among the variables involved in the F/A model. Thus intention might not be the determinant variable of behavior in this context.


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RESUMO:O desenvolvimento entendido como um processo político, económico e social, visando uma melhoria constante do bem-estar de toda a população, requer a alocação e utilização de recursos para benefício social e económico da sociedade. Porém, em Moçambique, neste processo, o crescimento e progressão dos grupos sociais ainda é desigual, ocorrendo uma certa marginalização e menor participação nos processos de tomada de decisão, das mulheres e dos grupos desfavorecidos. O presente estudo, subordinado ao tema: “A Questão do Género em Moçambique: Contributo para uma análise da sua problemática”, procurou compreender a importância e o contributo das mulheres moçambicanas inseridas em diferentes áreas de desenvolvimento e o seu empoderamento. O estudo foi centrado nas diversas formas de luta e de intervenção contra a pobreza e a exclusão social. A metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu numa pesquisa empírica através da observação participante, onde foram feitas entrevistas, utilizando guiões pré-elaborados que permitiram recolher os perfis sociológicos das ONGs que trabalham directamente com as questões de género. Foram entrevistadas mulheres que ocupam lugares-chave nas instituições governamentais e algumas parlamentares. Foi igualmente consultada a documentação oficial bem como os dados estatísticos que abordam questões ligadas ao género. As observações feitas indicam-nos que a mulher em Moçambique busca gradualmente o seu espaço no desenvolvimento da sociedade, não se esgotando a sua participação apenas nos processos decisórios a nível governamental e das ONGs, antes estendendo-se ao associativismo nos mais diversos campos sociais. A mulher moçambicana participa hoje, individualmente ou organizada em grupo, em lutas e reivindicações colectivas, tendo crescido positivamente ao conseguir ultrapassar diversos obstáculos. A título de conclusão recomenda-se a inclusão de profissionais da área social nos programas de desenvolvimento. Seria uma forma de fortalecer os avanços já alcançados. A presença de assistentes sociais nos órgãos públicos e noutros sectores mais sensíveis, iria por certo permitir reduzir as preocupações dos que buscam estes serviços. ABSTRACT: The present study on the subject: “The Question of Gender in Mozambique: Development and Issues”, demand to understand the importance and contribution that non-governmental organizations provides on the effort of Mozambican woman in having in the society the space that on right belongs to her. The development understood as the economic, social, cultural and political process that aimed a continuous improvement of the population welfare, require the allocation and use of resources for social and economic benefit of society. However in many countries, as is the case of Mozambique, this process is the advancement of certain groups accompanied by the marginalization, exclusion and subordination of others, especially women. Despite improvement in education and combating poverty, access to education for women remains an unusual reality and poverty persists to affect much of Mozambican women, thus causing its social exclusion. On the other hand, although the law recognizes gender equality, women are still oppressed and often the only career that is destined is to be married, take care of the field and having children. However, several exceptions have occurred in which women have to take political positions and functions exclusively reserved to men before. Women's organizations and women leaders participating in favour of the defence of other women have been contributing to its success. UFUPISHO:Maendeleo, yanayosikiwa kama utaratibu wa jamii, ambao unalinga hali njema ya mustarehe wa watu wote wa nchi, yanahitaji toleo na utumizi wa vifaa kwa fadhili ya jamii na ya kiuchumi ya watu jamii. Walakini katika Mozambiki, mwendeleo unaotukia utaratibuni huu hauko sawa. Funzo hili la kuhusu jambo: “ Swali la jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike Mozambiki: Maendeleo na Tatizo “, lilitafuta kufahamu muhimu na msaada wa wanawake wa Mozambiki katika maeneo mbalimbali ya maendeleo na ongezo la uwezo wao. Funzo lilifanywa juu ya namna nyingi za mapigano na uamuzi kwa kupingana na umaskini na ondoleo katika jamii. Taratibu ya funzo hili ilikuwa uchunguzi jarabati katika onyo la kushirika,ambamo yalifanywa mahojiano, yakitumia maongozi yaliyofanywa mbele ambayo yaliruhusu kujua tabia za elimujamii za “ONGs” ambazo zinafanya kazi juu ya maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Walihojiwa wanawake ambao wanamiliki kazi muhimu katika mashirika ya serikali na wanawake wa bunge. Zilichunguwa pia hati rasmi na takwimu zinazohusu maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Maonyo yaliyofanywa yanatuonyesha ya kwamba mwanamke katika Mozambika anatafuta kidogo kidogo nafasi yake maendeleoni ya watu jamii, asipojichosha tu kwa kushirika katika taratibu za kubezwa za serikali za “ONGs” na ushirikiano, ukijitanda kwa maeneo ya jamii makubwa zaidi. Mwanamke wa Mozambiki anashirika peke au kwa kundi, akiunganika mapiganoni na madaini ya pamoja, akigua na akiweza kupita vizuizi vingi. Inashauriwa kwamba kama namna ya kuimarisha maendeleo na kwa sababu mwanamke yuko katika sehemu nyingi za jamii, anaingia ndani ya sekta mbalimbali za ufundi kama kwa mfano msaidizi wa jamii. Kuwapo kwa msaidizi wa jamii katika mashirika ya umma na katika sekta nyingine mbalimbali kutaruhusu kumaliza shughuliko ya wale ambao wanatafuta kazi hizi.


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É descrito o processo de desenvolvimento do sistema de classificação de pacientes internados em hospitais que atendem casos agudos, denominada Diagnosis Relatd Group - DRGs, desenvolvido e difundido por pesquisadores da Universidade de Yale, USA. Esse sistema vem a ser um instrumento que permite a mensuração do produto hospitalar, principalmente sob o ponto de vista gerencial. São apresentadas considerações acerca do que é entendido como produto hospitalar, seguindo nos meandros do desenvolvimento dos primeiros DRGs, até a mais recente revisão do sistema. É descrita sua utilização em alguns países e diversos usos potenciais desse sistema, que abrangem desde o uso para pagamento a instrumento de controle de qualidade.


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Formaldehyde, also known as formalin, formal and methyl aldehydes, is a colorless, flammable, strong-smelling gas. It has an important application in embalming tissues and that result in exposures for workers in the pathology anatomy laboratories and mortuaries. To perform exposure assessment is necessary define exposure groups and in this occupational setting the technicians and pathologists are the most important groups. In the case of formaldehyde, it seems that health effects are more related with peak exposures than with exposure duration.


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An optically addressed read-write sensor based on two stacked p-i-n heterojunctions is analyzed. The device is a two terminal image sensing structure. The charge packets are injected optically into the p-i-n writer and confined at the illuminated regions changing locally the electrical field profile across the p-i-n reader. An optical scanner is used for charge readout. The design allows a continuous readout without the need for pixel-level patterning. The role of light pattern and scanner wavelengths on the readout parameters is analyzed. The optical-to-electrical transfer characteristics show high quantum efficiency, broad spectral response, and reciprocity between light and image signal. A numerical simulation supports the imaging process. A black and white image is acquired with a resolution around 20 mum showing the potentiality of these devices for imaging applications.


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IRMA International Conference under the theme Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology, May 19-23, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


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OBJECTIVE: Blood donors in Brazil have been routinely screened for HTLV-I/II since 1993. A study was performed to estimate the prevalence of HTLV-I/II infection in a low risk population and to better understand determinants associated with seropositivity. METHODS: HTLV-I/II seropositive (n=135), indeterminate (n=167) and seronegative blood donors (n=116) were enrolled in an open prevalence prospective cohort study. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of positive, indeterminate and seronegative HTLV-I/II subjects was conducted to assess behavioral and environmental risk factors for seropositivity. HTLV-I/II serological status was confirmed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) and Western blot (WB). RESULTS: The three groups were not homogeneous. HTLV-I/II seropositivity was associated to past blood transfusion and years of schooling, a marker of socioeconomic status, and use of non-intravenous illegal drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The study results reinforce the importance of continuous monitoring and improvement of blood donor selection process.


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OBJECTIVE: The study examines the implications for shiftworkers of applying different numbers of teams in the organization of shiftwork. METHODS: The participating operators came from five different companies applying continuous shift rotation systems. The companies shared the same product organization and a common corporate culture belonging to the same multinational company. Each company had a shift system consisting of four, five or six teams, with the proportion of shifts outside day work decreasing as the number of teams increased. Questionnaire and documentary data were used as data sources. RESULTS: Operators in systems with additional teams had more daywork but also more irregular working hours due to both overtime and schedule changes. Operators using six teams used fewer social compensation strategies. Operators in four teams were most satisfied with their work hours. Satisfaction with the time available for various social activities outside work varied inconsistently between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: In rotating systems the application of more teams reduces the number of shifts outside day work. This apparent improvement for shiftworkers was counteracted by a concomitant irregularity produced by greater organizational requirements for flexibility. The balance of this interaction was found to have a critical impact on employees.


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The exhibition of information does not always attend to the preferences and characteristics of the users, nor the context that involves the user. With the aim of overcoming this gap, we propose an emotional context-aware model for adapting information contents to users and groups. The proposed model is based on OCC and Big Five models to handle emotion and personality respectively. The idea is to adapt the representation of the information in order to maximize the positive emotional valences and minimize the negatives. To evaluate the proposed model it was developed a prototype for adapting RSS news to users and group of users.


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26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland 26-28 March 2012.