836 resultados para Contapassi mHealth Android Smartwatch Smartphone SensorFusion Range_Articolari
Formula Racing Team Manager (FRTM) se trata de un juego de un solo jugador, para Android, donde el jugador tendr como objetivo principal ascender desde la quinta divisin inicial hasta la primera y lograr all ganar la clasificacin por equipos ante 19 equipos manejados por el sistema. Por el camino tendr que gestionar una gran cantidad de tareas distintas en el juego, desde la gestin del equipo en s a la gestin estratgica de las carreras. Para conseguir el objetivo ser bsico lograr una buena gestin econmica, la fuente principal de ganancias son los patrocinadores, pudiendo contar con un total de cuatro simultneamente. El dinero conseguido se utilizar en mejorar el equipo (empleados, coche y pilotos) lo mximo posible para conseguir mejores resultados en carrera. Hay una gran cantidad de circuitos disponibles, todos reales, combinando circuitos histricos del calendario de Frmula 1 con actuales y con circuitos otros populares en otras categoras (a destacar la inclusin de carreras de resistencia como las 500 millas de Indianpolis o las 24 horas de Le Mans). Ser importante entender bien los parmetros de cada circuito para lograr un buen resultado en todos ellos. La temporada se divide en 20 grandes premios, formado cada uno por tres sesiones (entrenamientos, clasificacin y carrera). En los entrenamientos el jugador podr, durante dos horas, dar todas las vueltas que cree oportuno hasta que su tiempo se agote, para encontrar as la mejor configuracin posible para el coche, y obtener los datos de consumos y desgastes que encuentre necesarios para emplearlos en carrera. En la sesin de clasificacin (separada en tres rondas), se decidirn las posiciones de salida en carrera Antes de la carrera el jugador deber decidir qu estrategia utilizar en ella, escogiendo la configuracin del coche, los compuestos de neumticos y las cargas de combustible a utilizar en cada parada. Durante la carrera tambin podr cambiar ciertos parmetros en caso de que la situacin de carrera no se adapte a sus expectativas, teniendo as un control total de lo sucedido en carrera, como si de un director deportivo de un equipo real de Frmula 1 se tratase. Durante la carrera, se irn simulando las vueltas cuando el jugador as lo desee y lo indique mediante un reproductor disponible. Posteriormente, al terminar la carrera volver a predominar la gestin econmica del equipo por parte del jugador, teniendo que controlar los desgastes de cada una de las diez piezas distintas del coche para evitar roturas, y volviendo a poder entrenar a pilotos y empleados. El juego est disponible tanto en espaol como en ingls. ABSTRACT. Formula Racing Team Manager (FRTM) is a single player game, for Android, where the player has the main objective of promoting from the initial fifth division to the first one, and winning there the championship against 19 teams managed by the system. On the way, the player will have to manage a different number of tasks in the game, from the team management to the race strategic management. To complete that objective a basic key is to achieve a good economic management, the main source of incomes are the sponsors; being able to have a total of four at the same time. The money received will have to be spent on improving the team (staff, car and drivers) the best as possible to try to achieve even better race results. There are a lot of available circuits throughout the game, all of them real, combining some historical from Formula 1 calendar with actual ones, and also with some popular circuits from other categories (to highlight the inclusion of endurance races like the 500miles from Indianapolis and the 24 hours of Le Mans). It will be basic to fully understand the parameters from each circuit to achieve a good result in all of them. The season is divided in 20 Grand Prix, every one of them composed by three sessions (free practice, qualifying and race). In the Free Practice session the player will get the chance to driver all the laps he can in two hours, to try to get the best possible setup for the car and to obtain data from tyres wear and fuel consumption. On the qualifying session (composed by three rounds), the starting grid for the race will be decided. Before the race, the player will have to choose the strategy to use, deciding the car setup, the tyres compound and the fuel inputs for every pit stop to do. Also, throughout the race, the player will get the chance to change some parameters of that strategy in case of the race not going as expected. On the race, every lap will be simulated when the player decides. And, after the race is finished, the player will have to work again on the economy and team management, controlling the wear of every car part to avoid malfunctions, and being able to train drivers and staff. The game is available in both spanish and english.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseanza de la lectoescritura (ensear a leer y a escribir) para nios con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicacin que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vaco en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentar poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicacin que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades ms adecuadas al propsito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educacin especial, con cuya colaboracin se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementacin de la aplicacin se ha llevado a cabo con programacin en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imgenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ex profeso para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicacin puede ser usada para ensea a leer y escribir a cualquier nio, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas caractersticas que la confieren una orientacin especial hacia nios con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la esttica, para que sta sea lo ms simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapi en la atencin de los nios y evitar su distraccin con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estmulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su inters (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaos de letra ms grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con caractersticas muy dispares, de tamao de pantalla, resolucin y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicacin se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mnimo de tamao de pantalla sera de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las caractersticas intrnsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado tambin en la configuracin para dispositivos pequeos, como smartphones, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podra ser viable) sino ms bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarn la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicacin sera la versin mnima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicacin sera inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnologa, un aspecto de la enseanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ABSTRACT. This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesnt seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
El planteamiento inicial de este proyecto surge debido a que hay personas con discapacidad cognitiva que se desorientan con mucha facilidad en espacios interiores. Para guiar a esas personas no se pueden usar los sistemas basados en GPS que se utilizan hoy en da en vehculos, ya que estos sistemas no funcionan en lugares cerrados porque no reciben la seal de los satlites. Por consiguiente se ha propuesto una solucin basada en otra tecnologa para que estas personas, a travs de su dispositivo mvil, puedan guiarse en un sitio cerrado. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado parte inicialmente de un Practicum realizado en el semestre anterior, donde se investig sobre posibles soluciones de balizas digitales (iBeacons) y se estudi la tecnologa iBeacon para conocer la posicin del mvil en un espacio cerrado. El principal problema que se encontr fue la falta de precisin a la hora de estimar la distancia (en metros) que hay entre baliza y dispositivo mvil. El objetivo para este trabajo de fin de grado ha sido primeramente resolver el problema comentado anteriormente y una vez resuelto, implementar un prototipo mvil para el sistema operativo Android de un sistema de orientacin en espacios interiores para personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Este prototipo ha sido implementado ayudndose de balizas digitales (iBeacons) y utilizando el mtodo de trilateracin para conocer la posicin del usuario en un sitio cerrado. Adems se han aprovechado los sensores (acelermetro y sensor magntico terrestre) del dispositivo mvil como refuerzo de posicionamiento y para seguir de forma ms precisa el movimiento del usuario. En el prototipo actual no se han dedicado recursos a disear una interaccin fcil para personas con discapacidad cognitiva, debido a que su principal objetivo ha sido evaluar el funcionamiento de las balizas y las posibilidades del sistema de orientacin. El resultado final de este TFG es incorporar una serie de luces asociadas a cada una de las balizas que ayuden al usuario a orientarse con mayor facilidad.---ABSTRACT---The initial approach of this project arises because there are people with cognitive disabilities who become disoriented in closed sites. To guide these people it cannot be used GPS, because this system does not work in closed sites because it does not receive the satellite signals. Therefore, it has proposed a solution based on another technology so that these people, through their smartphone, can be guided in a closed site. This final degree project comes from a Practicum made in the previous semester, where possible solutions about iBeacons were investigated and the iBeacon technology was studied too. All this, to know the mobile position in a closed site. The main problem encountered was the lack of precision to calculate the distance between a mobile phone and a beacon. The first objective has been to solve distance problem mentioned above, once resolved it has implemented a prototype, which consists in a guidance system in closed sites for a people with cognitive disabilities. This prototype has been implemented with beacons and trilateration to know user position in a closed site. In addition, mobile phone sensors have been used to follow user movement. In the current prototype, the main objective has been evaluate iBeacons performance and the guidance system. The result of this TFG is to incorporate a series of lights associated with each of the beacons to make easier the orientation.
Desde el inicio de la globalizacin, el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa se ha instaurado como una necesidad. Hoy en da, con la adopcin del Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior este lenguaje no slo se impone como un requisito para los estudiantes sino que se exige un nivel B2, lo cual significa un esfuerzo mayor tanto como para el alumno como para el profesor a la hora de hacer de este ejercicio un hbito y lograr la evaluacin continua de los mismos. Este proyecto intenta extender las funcionalidades de una aplicacin existente llamada Illlab con ejercicios que se adapten al nivel B2 y permitan la interaccin entre alumnos durante la realizacin de estos ejercicios. El objetivo de esta aplicacin es el de desarrollar ejercicios extra en la aplicacin Illlab que aadan complejidad para el aprendizaje de ingls de un nivel B2 y que adems se puedan realizar actividades entre los alumnos. La idea es hacer una aplicacin de preguntas y respuestas multiple choice con cuatro opciones por pregunta. El fuerte de este juego est en presentar material variado sobre uso de la lengua y adems permitir el juego entre varios alumnos. La extensin de ILLLab se plantea como un proyecto para desarrollar interfaces y funcionalidades adicionales en la antigua aplicacin. La principal funcionalidad que se aade es un juego de preguntas y respuestas con opciones mltiples para un nivel B2 y las interfaces responden a necesidades de intercambio y manejo de contenido por Internet mediante estndares aceptados en el mundo del aprendizaje digital tales como Common Cartridge o SCORM. Este proyecto simplemente adapta la aplicacin para su uso en un entorno de evaluacin de actividades en el cual el profesor tiene acceso a las actividades que realizan los alumnos de un curso para su posterior evaluacin. Antiguamente ILLLab slo contena ejercicios que se llevaban a cabo en el dispositivo mvil por lo que el control de estas actividades no era posible. La mejora se presenta como una interfaz Common Cartridge para el manejo del contenido, una interfaz de comunicacin sobre servicios web tipo REST y el manejo de base de datos mediante Hibernate que agrupa una serie de libreras Java para la persistencia de objetos de la base de datos. ABSTRACT. Since the onset of globalization, the learning of the English language has become as a necessity. Today, with the adoption of the European Higher Education Area this language is not only imposed as a requirement for students but a B2 level is required, which means a greater effort both to the student and teacher when it comes to make the learning exercise a habit and achieve continuous evaluation of students. This project aims to extend the functionality of an existing application called Illlab with an exercise that suits the B2 level and allow interaction between students while performing these exercises. The purpose of this application is to develop an additional exercise in the application Illlab that adds complexity for learning English at B2 level and also enables the interaction among students. The main idea is to make an application in multiple choices style with four options. The strength of this game is to present varied material on use of Enlgish and also allow play between two students. ILLLab extension is conceived as a project to develop interfaces and additional functionalities in the old application. The main functionalities added are a game of questions and answers with multiple choices for a B2 level and interfaces that meet information exchange requirements and content management over the Internet using standards adopted in the world of digital learning such as Common Cartridge or SCORM. This project simply adapts the application for its use in an activities evaluation environment in which the teacher has access to the activities performed by students in a course for further evaluation. The former versin of ILLLab contained only exercises that were carried out on the mobile device so that the evaluation of these activities was not possible. The improvement comes as a Common Cartridge interface for content management, a communication interface with REST web services and a database access using Hibernate which groups a number of Java libraries for object persistence in the database.
Este proyecto consiste en el anlisis, diseo e implementacin de un sistema completo, que a travs de una aplicacin mvil para telfonos inteligentes con sistema operativo Android, permitir la organizacin y lectura de comics digitales. Abstract This project consists in analysis, design and implementation of a complete system, which using Android smartphone application, it allows to manage and to read digital comics.
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an emerging research field with the aim to identify the actions carried out by a person given a set of observations and the surrounding environment. The wide growth in this research field inside the scientific community is mainly explained by the high number of applications that are arising in the last years. A great part of the most promising applications are related to the healthcare field, where it is possible to track the mobility of patients with motor dysfunction as also the physical activity in patients with cardiovascular risk. Until a few years ago, by using distinct kind of sensors, a patient follow-up was possible. However, far from being a long-term solution and with the smartphone irruption, that monitoring can be achieved in a non-invasive way by using the embedded smartphones sensors. For these reasons this Final Degree Project arises with the main target to evaluate new feature extraction techniques in order to carry out an activity and user recognition, and also an activity segmentation. The recognition is done thanks to the inertial signals integration obtained by two widespread sensors in the greater part of smartphones: accelerometer and gyroscope. In particular, six different activities are evaluated walking, walking-upstairs, walking-downstairs, sitting, standing and lying. Furthermore, a segmentation task is carried out taking into account the activities performed by thirty users. This can be done by using Hidden Markov Models and also a set of tools tested satisfactory in speech recognition: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).
El Reconocimiento de Actividades Humanas es un rea de investigacin emergente, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar las acciones realizadas por un sujeto analizando las seales obtenidas a partir de unos sensores. El rpido crecimiento de este rea de investigacin dentro de la comunidad cientfica se explica, en parte, por el elevado nmero de aplicaciones que estn surgiendo en los ltimos aos. Gran parte de las aplicaciones ms prometedoras se encuentran en el campo de la salud, donde se puede hacer un seguimiento del nivel de movilidad de pacientes con trastornos motores, as como monitorizar el nivel de actividad fsica en pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular. Hasta hace unos aos, mediante el uso de distintos tipos de sensores se poda hacer un seguimiento del paciente. Sin embargo, lejos de ser una solucin a largo plazo y gracias a la irrupcin del telfono inteligente, este seguimiento se puede hacer de una manera menos invasiva, haciendo uso de la gran variedad de sensores integrados en este tipo de dispositivos. En este contexto nace este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, cuyo principal objetivo es evaluar nuevas tcnicas de extraccin de caractersticas para llevar a cabo un reconocimiento de actividades y usuarios as como una segmentacin de aquellas. Este reconocimiento se hace posible mediante la integracin de seales inerciales obtenidas por dos sensores presentes en la gran mayora de telfonos inteligentes: acelermetro y girscopo. Concretamente, se evalan seis tipos de actividades realizadas por treinta usuarios: andar, subir escaleras, bajar escaleras, estar sentado, estar de pie y estar tumbado. Adems y de forma paralela, se realiza una segmentacin temporal de los distintos tipos de actividades realizadas por dichos usuarios. Todo ello se llevar a cabo haciendo uso de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov, as como de un conjunto de herramientas probadas satisfactoriamente en reconocimiento del habla: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).
PMCTrack es una herramienta de cdigo abierto para Linux que permite monitorizar el rendimiento de las aplicaciones haciendo uso de los contadores hardware del procesador. Esta herramienta soporta la captura de mtricas como el nmero de instrucciones por ciclo o la tasa de fallos de cache. El objetivo de este proyecto es portar PMCTrack al sistema operativo Android sobre plataformas que integran procesadores de ARM. Esto conlleva la realizacin de las siguientes tareas: (1) modificacin de la variante del kernel Linux propia de Android para incluir las extensiones requeridas por el mdulo del kernel de PMCTrack, (2) adaptacin de las herramientas de modo usuario de PMCTrack, y (3) desarrollo de una aplicacin Android que permita visualizar en tiempo real las medidas de los contadores recabadas para las distintas aplicaciones que estn siendo monitorizadas. Para poner a prueba la adaptacin de la herramienta PMCTrack al sistema operativo Android y mostrar la utilidad de nuestras aportaciones, se han llevado a cabo diversos casos de estudio empleando la placa de desarrollo Odroid XU4.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
For the last several years, mobile devices and platform security threats, including wireless networking technology, have been top security issues. A departure has occurred from automatic anti-virus software based on traditional PC defense: risk management (authentication and encryption), compliance, and disaster recovery following polymorphic viruses and malware as the primary activities within many organizations and government services alike. This chapter covers research in Turkey as a reflection of the current market e-government started officially in 2008. This situation in an emerging country presents the current situation and resistances encountered while engaging with mobile and e-government interfaces. The authors contend that research is needed to understand more precisely security threats and most of all potential solutions for sustainable future intention to use m-government services. Finally, beyond m-government initiatives' success or failure, the mechanisms related to public administration mobile technical capacity building and security issues are discussed.
FULL TEXT: Like many people one of my favourite pastimes over the holiday season is to watch the great movies that are offered on the television channels and new releases in the movie theatres or catching up on those DVDs that you have been wanting to watch all year. Recently we had the new Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, which is reckoned to become the highest grossing movie of all time, and the latest offering from James Bond, Spectre (which included, for the car aficionados amongst you, the gorgeous new Aston Martin DB10). It is always amusing to see how vision correction or eye injury is dealt with by movie makers. Spy movies and science fiction movies have a freehand to design aliens with multiples eyes on stalks or retina scanning door locks or goggles that can see through walls. Eye surgery is usually shown in some kind of day case simplified laser treatment that gives instant results, apart from the great scene in the original Terminator movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger's android character encounters an injury to one eye and then proceeds to remove the humanoid covering to this mechanical eye over a bathroom sink. I suppose it is much more difficult to try and include contact lenses in such movies. Although you may recall the film Charlie's Angels, which did have a scene where one of the Angels wore a contact lens that had a retinal image imprinted on it so she could by-pass a retinal scan door lock and an Eddy Murphy spy movie I-Spy, where he wore contact lenses that had electronic gadgetry that allowed whatever he was looking at to be beamed back to someone else, a kind of remote video camera device. Maybe we arent quite there in terms of devices available but these things are probably not the behest of science fiction anymore as the technology does exist to put these things together. The technology to incorporate electronics into contact lenses is being developed and I am sure we will be reporting on it in the near future. In the meantime we can continue to enjoy the unrealistic scenes of eye swapping as in the film Minority Report (with Tom Cruise). Much more closely to home, than in a galaxy far far away, in this issue you can find articles on topics much nearer to the closer future. More and more optometrists in the UK are becoming registered for therapeutic work as independent prescribers and the number is likely to rise in the near future. These practitioners will be interested in the review paper by Michael Doughty, who is a member of the CLAE editorial panel (soon to be renamed the Jedi Council!), on prescribing drugs as part of the management of chronic meibomian gland dysfunction. Contact lenses play an active role in myopia control and orthokeratology has been used not only to help provide refractive correction but also in the retardation of myopia. In this issue there are three articles related to this topic. Firstly, an excellent paper looking at the link between higher spherical equivalent refractive errors and the association with slower axial elongation. Secondly, a paper that discusses the effectiveness and safety of overnight orthokeratology with high-permeability lens material. Finally, a paper that looks at the stabilisation of early adult-onset myopia. Whilst we are always eager for new and exciting developments in contact lenses and related instrumentation in this issue of CLAE there is a demonstration of a novel and practical use of a smartphone to assisted anterior segment imaging and suggestions of this may be used in telemedicine. It is not hard to imagine someone taking an image remotely and transmitting that back to a central diagnostic centre with the relevant expertise housed in one place where the information can be interpreted and instruction given back to the remote site. Back to Star Wars and you will recall in the film The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon Jinn first meets Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine he takes a sample of his blood and sends a scan of it back to Obi-Wan Kenobi to send for analysis and they find that the boy has the highest midichlorian count ever seen. On behalf of the CLAE Editorial board (or Jedi Council) and the BCLA Council (the Senate of the Republic) we wish for you a great 2016 and may the contact lens force be with you. Or let me put that another way the CLAE Editorial Board and BCLA Council, on behalf of, a great 2016, we wish for you!
Background: Remote, non-invasive and objective tests that can be used to support expert diagnosis for Parkinson's disease (PD) are lacking. Methods: Participants underwent baseline in-clinic assessments, including the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), and were provided smartphones with an Android operating system that contained a smartphone application that assessed voice, posture, gait, finger tapping, and response time. Participants then took the smart phones home to perform the five tasks four times a day for a month. Once a week participants had a remote (telemedicine) visit with a Parkinson disease specialist in which a modified (excluding assessments of rigidity and balance) UPDRS performed. Using statistical analyses of the five tasks recorded using the smartphone from 10 individuals with PD and 10 controls, we sought to: (1) discriminate whether the participant had PD and (2) predict the modified motor portion of the UPDRS. Results: Twenty participants performed an average of 2.7 tests per day (68.9% adherence) for the study duration (average of 34.4 days) in a home and community setting. The analyses of the five tasks differed between those with Parkinson disease and those without. In discriminating participants with PD from controls, the mean sensitivity was 96.2% (SD 2%) and mean specificity was 96.9% (SD 1.9%). The mean error in predicting the modified motor component of the UPDRS (range 11-34) was 1.26 UPDRS points (SD 0.16). Conclusion: Measuring PD symptoms via a smartphone is feasible and has potential value as a diagnostic support tool.
A review of free applications of smartphones working under the operation system of Android is made in the paper. The applications present users information about historical and cultural places of interest at travelling. There are three main groups of applications subject of discussion in the paper world, national and regional. Their abilities, positive and negative characteristics are compares and described. A conclusion can be made that there is a necessity of new application that presents tourists detailed information about the Old capital of Bulgaria.