872 resultados para Collective Axiom of Revealed Preferences
Este estudo tem como objetivo central analisar o trabalho docente nos cursos de graduação a distância, tomando como exemplo o curso de Licenciatura em Matemática a distância da Universidade Federal do Pará, no contexto da política de expansão da educação superior por meio da modalidade a distância. O estudo se utiliza de documentos oficiais que versam sobre a política de expansão da educação superior por meio da educação à distância, de legislações federais e documentos relativos à política de expansão da modalidade a distância na Universidade Federal do Pará, assim como de entrevistas com os antigos e atuais coordenadores do curso em análise. Parte-se da premissa de que a atual forma de organização da produção capitalista demanda trabalhadores com a formação mínima - educação básica - e que, para isso, é necessário ampliar as matriculas na educação superior para garantir a universalização da educação básica. As orientações de organismos coletivos do capital, tais como, o Banco Mundial e a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, no que conceme à política de expansão da educação superior, salientam o uso das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação como ferramenta útil para o desenvolvimento de cursos na modalidade a distância, caracterizando estes, dessa forma, como mais eficientes que os cursos presenciais, por serem menos onerosos, flexíveis em relação ao tempo e espaço e de ampla difusão. Nesse contexto, a expansão da educação superior, no Brasil, ocorre por meio da educação à distância, com destaque para as instituições privadas. Verificou-se que um dos atores centrais na educação superior é o trabalhador docente, que, nas últimas duas décadas, vivencia a ampliação da precarização e da intensificação do trabalho. O estudo indica amplo desenvolvimento dos cursos de graduação na modalidade a distância, com índices superiores aos observados na educação presencial, tanto nas instituições públicas quanto privadas. No que conceme ao trabalho docente na modalidade a distância, os estudos apontam para a potencialização da precarização e da intensificação deste trabalho, que, apesar disso, não impede que essa modalidade de ensino se mantenha em ascensão. No caso do curso em análise, verificou-se a presença de elementos particulares da precarização e da intensificação do trabalho docente, tais como aumento da carga horária de trabalho sem aumento da remuneração, acúmulo de atividades pelos docentes, ausência de política de formação específica para os docentes do curso a distância, pouca produção, por estes docentes, de materiais didáticos específicos dos cursos a distância.
This qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory nature was conducted with the aim of evaluating the contribution of university extension towards the training and life histories of dentistry students, using the focus group technique. The material was assessed using the collective subject discourse analysis technique. The results showed the impact exerted by academic experience, in extension activities within the personal, professional and active citizenship spheres. The subjects' perceptions revealed an opportunity to develop and improve their professional skills, through recognition of distinct realities of life, through breaking away from the traditional model of teaching and through fruitful relationships between students, university and society. Feelings of satisfaction, personal fulfillment, recognition and being an active and critical citizen were reported. It was concluded that experience within the field of extension is an important agent for the individual and collective process of academic training.
In this article, it is proposed to differentiate political cultures in two dimensions. First, inspired by Habermas' distinction of the contents of discourse, a distinction is suggested between moral, ethical-political and pragmatic elements of political culture as well as of an element of culture of balancing interests. Second, inspired by Kohlberg's stage models for the development of the individual moral consciousness and for moral culture, a distinction is similarly suggested between two pre-conventional, two conventional and two post-conventional collective stages of political culture. It can be shown that from a normative point of view, only deliberations made in a post-conventional political culture can produce reasonable or at least fair results. Conceptual considerations indicate processes of direct democracy as the method for promoting post-conventional political cultures. The more liberty that the citizens have to formulate and trigger processes of direct democracy, the more one can expect from them to generate post-conventional political cultures.
While fewer in number than the dominant rotation-powered radio pulsar population, peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars (INSs) which include magnetars, the ROSAT-discovered "Magnificent Seven" (M7), rotating radio transients (RRATs), and central compact objects in supernova remnants (CCOs) - represent a key element in understanding the neutron star phenomenology. We report the results of an observational campaign to study the properties of the source 2XMM J104608.7-594306, a newly discovered thermally emitting INS. The evolutionary state of the neutron star is investigated by means of deep dedicated observations obtained with the XMM-Newton Observatory, the ESO Very Large Telescope, as well as publicly available gamma-ray data from the Fermi Space Telescope and the AGILE Mission. The observations confirm previous expectations and reveal a unique type of object. The source, which is likely within the Carina Nebula (N-H = 2.6x10(21) cm(-2)), has a spectrum that is both thermal and soft, with kT(infinity) = 135 eV. Non-thermal (magnetospheric) emission is not detected down to 1% (3 sigma, 0.1-12 keV) of the source luminosity. Significant deviations (absorption features) from a simple blackbody model are identified in the spectrum of the source around energies 0.6 keV and 1.35 keV. While the former deviation is likely related to a local oxygen overabundance in the Carina Nebula, the latter can only be accounted for by an additional spectral component, which is modelled as a Gaussian line in absorption with EW = 91 eV and sigma = 0.14 keV (1 sigma). Furthermore, the optical counterpart is fainter than m(V) = 27 (2 sigma) and no gamma-ray emission is significantly detected by either the Fermi or AGILE missions. Very interestingly, while these characteristics are remarkably similar to those of the M7 or the only RRAT so far detected in X-rays, which all have spin periods of a few seconds, we found intriguing evidence of very rapid rotation, P = 18.6ms, at the 4 sigma confidence level. We interpret these new results in the light of the observed properties of the currently known neutron star population, in particular those of standard rotation-powered pulsars, recycled objects, and CCOs. We find that none of these scenarios can satisfactorily explain the collective properties of 2XMM J104608.7-594306, although it may be related to the still poorly known class of Galactic anti-magnetars. Future XMM-Newton data, granted for the next cycle of observations (AO11), will help us to improve our current observational interpretation of the source, enabling us to significantly constrain the rate of pulsar spin down.
S100A12 (Calgranulin C) is a small acidic calcium-binding peripheral membrane protein with two EF-hand structural motifs. It is expressed in macrophages and lymphocytes and highly up-regulated in several human inflammatory diseases. In pigs, S100A12 is abundant in the cytosol of granulocytes, where it is believed to be involved in signal modulation of inflammatory process. In this study, we investigated the interaction of the porcine S100A12 with phospholipid bilayers and the effect that ions (Ca2+, Zn2+ or both together) have in modifying protein-lipid interactions. More specifically, we intended to address issues such as: (1) is the protein-membrane interaction modulated by the presence of ions? (2) is the protein overall structure affected by the presence of the ions and membrane models simultaneously? (3) what are the specific conformational changes taking place when ions and membranes are both present? (4) does the protein have any kind of molecular preferences for a specific lipid component? To provide insight into membrane interactions and answer those questions, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and surface plasmon resonance were used. The use of these combined techniques demonstrated that this protein was capable of interacting both with lipids and with ions in solution, and enabled examination of changes that occur at different levels of structure organization. The presence of both Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions modify the binding, conformation and thermal stability of the protein in the presence of lipids. Hence, these studies examining molecular interactions of porcine S100A12 in solution complement the previously determined crystal structure information on this family of proteins, enhancing our understanding of its dynamics of interaction with membranes.
Recently, a rising interest in political and economic integration/disintegration issues has been developed in the political economy field. This growing strand of literature partly draws on traditional issues of fiscal federalism and optimum public good provision and focuses on a trade-off between the benefits of centralization, arising from economies of scale or externalities, and the costs of harmonizing policies as a consequence of the increased heterogeneity of individual preferences in an international union or in a country composed of at least two regions. This thesis stems from this strand of literature and aims to shed some light on two highly relevant aspects of the political economy of European integration. The first concerns the role of public opinion in the integration process; more precisely, how economic benefits and costs of integration shape citizens' support for European Union (EU) membership. The second is the allocation of policy competences among different levels of government: European, national and regional. Chapter 1 introduces the topics developed in this thesis by reviewing the main recent theoretical developments in the political economy analysis of integration processes. It is structured as follows. First, it briefly surveys a few relevant articles on economic theories of integration and disintegration processes (Alesina and Spolaore 1997, Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina et al. 2000, Casella and Feinstein 2002) and discusses their relevance for the study of the impact of economic benefits and costs on public opinion attitude towards the EU. Subsequently, it explores the links existing between such political economy literature and theories of fiscal federalism, especially with regard to normative considerations concerning the optimal allocation of competences in a union. Chapter 2 firstly proposes a model of citizens’ support for membership of international unions, with explicit reference to the EU; subsequently it tests the model on a panel of EU countries. What are the factors that influence public opinion support for the European Union (EU)? In international relations theory, the idea that citizens' support for the EU depends on material benefits deriving from integration, i.e. whether European integration makes individuals economically better off (utilitarian support), has been common since the 1970s, but has never been the subject of a formal treatment (Hix 2005). A small number of studies in the 1990s have investigated econometrically the link between national economic performance and mass support for European integration (Eichenberg and Dalton 1993; Anderson and Kalthenthaler 1996), but only making informal assumptions. The main aim of Chapter 2 is thus to propose and test our model with a view to providing a more complete and theoretically grounded picture of public support for the EU. Following theories of utilitarian support, we assume that citizens are in favour of membership if they receive economic benefits from it. To develop this idea, we propose a simple political economic model drawing on the recent economic literature on integration and disintegration processes. The basic element is the existence of a trade-off between the benefits of centralisation and the costs of harmonising policies in presence of heterogeneous preferences among countries. The approach we follow is that of the recent literature on the political economy of international unions and the unification or break-up of nations (Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina and Wacziarg 1999, Alesina et al. 2001, 2005a, to mention only the relevant). The general perspective is that unification provides returns to scale in the provision of public goods, but reduces each member state’s ability to determine its most favoured bundle of public goods. In the simple model presented in Chapter 2, support for membership of the union is increasing in the union’s average income and in the loss of efficiency stemming from being outside the union, and decreasing in a country’s average income, while increasing heterogeneity of preferences among countries points to a reduced scope of the union. Afterwards we empirically test the model with data on the EU; more precisely, we perform an econometric analysis employing a panel of member countries over time. The second part of Chapter 2 thus tries to answer the following question: does public opinion support for the EU really depend on economic factors? The findings are broadly consistent with our theoretical expectations: the conditions of the national economy, differences in income among member states and heterogeneity of preferences shape citizens’ attitude towards their country’s membership of the EU. Consequently, this analysis offers some interesting policy implications for the present debate about ratification of the European Constitution and, more generally, about how the EU could act in order to gain more support from the European public. Citizens in many member states are called to express their opinion in national referenda, which may well end up in rejection of the Constitution, as recently happened in France and the Netherlands, triggering a European-wide political crisis. These events show that nowadays understanding public attitude towards the EU is not only of academic interest, but has a strong relevance for policy-making too. Chapter 3 empirically investigates the link between European integration and regional autonomy in Italy. Over the last few decades, the double tendency towards supranationalism and regional autonomy, which has characterised some European States, has taken a very interesting form in this country, because Italy, besides being one of the founding members of the EU, also implemented a process of decentralisation during the 1970s, further strengthened by a constitutional reform in 2001. Moreover, the issue of the allocation of competences among the EU, the Member States and the regions is now especially topical. The process leading to the drafting of European Constitution (even if then it has not come into force) has attracted much attention from a constitutional political economy perspective both on a normative and positive point of view (Breuss and Eller 2004, Mueller 2005). The Italian parliament has recently passed a new thorough constitutional reform, still to be approved by citizens in a referendum, which includes, among other things, the so called “devolution”, i.e. granting the regions exclusive competence in public health care, education and local police. Following and extending the methodology proposed in a recent influential article by Alesina et al. (2005b), which only concentrated on the EU activity (treaties, legislation, and European Court of Justice’s rulings), we develop a set of quantitative indicators measuring the intensity of the legislative activity of the Italian State, the EU and the Italian regions from 1973 to 2005 in a large number of policy categories. By doing so, we seek to answer the following broad questions. Are European and regional legislations substitutes for state laws? To what extent are the competences attributed by the European treaties or the Italian Constitution actually exerted in the various policy areas? Is their exertion consistent with the normative recommendations from the economic literature about their optimum allocation among different levels of government? The main results show that, first, there seems to be a certain substitutability between EU and national legislations (even if not a very strong one), but not between regional and national ones. Second, the EU concentrates its legislative activity mainly in international trade and agriculture, whilst social policy is where the regions and the State (which is also the main actor in foreign policy) are more active. Third, at least two levels of government (in some cases all of them) are significantly involved in the legislative activity in many sectors, even where the rationale for that is, at best, very questionable, indicating that they actually share a larger number of policy tasks than that suggested by the economic theory. It appears therefore that an excessive number of competences are actually shared among different levels of government. From an economic perspective, it may well be recommended that some competences be shared, but only when the balance between scale or spillover effects and heterogeneity of preferences suggests so. When, on the contrary, too many levels of government are involved in a certain policy area, the distinction between their different responsibilities easily becomes unnecessarily blurred. This may not only leads to a slower and inefficient policy-making process, but also risks to make it too complicate to understand for citizens, who, on the contrary, should be able to know who is really responsible for a certain policy when they vote in national,local or European elections or in referenda on national or European constitutional issues.
A single picture provides a largely incomplete representation of the scene one is looking at. Usually it reproduces only a limited spatial portion of the scene according to the standpoint and the viewing angle, besides it contains only instantaneous information. Thus very little can be understood on the geometrical structure of the scene, the position and orientation of the observer with respect to it remaining also hard to guess. When multiple views, taken from different positions in space and time, observe the same scene, then a much deeper knowledge is potentially achievable. Understanding inter-views relations enables construction of a collective representation by fusing the information contained in every single image. Visual reconstruction methods confront with the formidable, and still unanswered, challenge of delivering a comprehensive representation of structure, motion and appearance of a scene from visual information. Multi-view visual reconstruction deals with the inference of relations among multiple views and the exploitation of revealed connections to attain the best possible representation. This thesis investigates novel methods and applications in the field of visual reconstruction from multiple views. Three main threads of research have been pursued: dense geometric reconstruction, camera pose reconstruction, sparse geometric reconstruction of deformable surfaces. Dense geometric reconstruction aims at delivering the appearance of a scene at every single point. The construction of a large panoramic image from a set of traditional pictures has been extensively studied in the context of image mosaicing techniques. An original algorithm for sequential registration suitable for real-time applications has been conceived. The integration of the algorithm into a visual surveillance system has lead to robust and efficient motion detection with Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras. Moreover, an evaluation methodology for quantitatively assessing and comparing image mosaicing algorithms has been devised and made available to the community. Camera pose reconstruction deals with the recovery of the camera trajectory across an image sequence. A novel mosaic-based pose reconstruction algorithm has been conceived that exploit image-mosaics and traditional pose estimation algorithms to deliver more accurate estimates. An innovative markerless vision-based human-machine interface has also been proposed, so as to allow a user to interact with a gaming applications by moving a hand held consumer grade camera in unstructured environments. Finally, sparse geometric reconstruction refers to the computation of the coarse geometry of an object at few preset points. In this thesis, an innovative shape reconstruction algorithm for deformable objects has been designed. A cooperation with the Solar Impulse project allowed to deploy the algorithm in a very challenging real-world scenario, i.e. the accurate measurements of airplane wings deformations.
The irrigation scheme Eduardo Mondlane, situated in Chókwè District - in the Southern part of the Gaza province and within the Limpopo River Basin - is the largest in the country, covering approximately 30,000 hectares of land. Built by the Portuguese colonial administration in the 1950s to exploit the agricultural potential of the area through cash-cropping, after Independence it became one of Frelimo’s flagship projects aiming at the “socialization of the countryside” and at agricultural economic development through the creation of a state farm and of several cooperatives. The failure of Frelimo’s economic reforms, several infrastructural constraints and local farmers resistance to collective forms of production led to scheme to a state of severe degradation aggravated by the floods of the year 2000. A project of technical rehabilitation initiated after the floods is currently accompanied by a strong “efficiency” discourse from the managing institution that strongly opposes the use of irrigated land for subsistence agriculture, historically a major livelihood strategy for smallfarmers, particularly for women. In fact, the area has been characterized, since the end of the XIX century, by a stable pattern of male migration towards South African mines, that has resulted in an a steady increase of women-headed households (both de jure and de facto). The relationship between land reform, agricultural development, poverty alleviation and gender equality in Southern Africa is long debated in academic literature. Within this debate, the role of agricultural activities in irrigation schemes is particularly interesting considering that, in a drought-prone area, having access to water for irrigation means increased possibilities of improving food and livelihood security, and income levels. In the case of Chókwè, local governments institutions are endorsing the development of commercial agriculture through initiatives such as partnerships with international cooperation agencies or joint-ventures with private investors. While these business models can sometimes lead to positive outcomes in terms of poverty alleviation, it is important to recognize that decentralization and neoliberal reforms occur in the context of financial and political crisis of the State that lacks the resources to efficiently manage infrastructures such as irrigation systems. This kind of institutional and economic reforms risk accelerating processes of social and economic marginalisation, including landlessness, in particular for poor rural women that mainly use irrigated land for subsistence production. The study combines an analysis of the historical and geographical context with the study of relevant literature and original fieldwork. Fieldwork was conducted between February and June 2007 (where I mainly collected secondary data, maps and statistics and conducted preliminary visit to Chókwè) and from October 2007 to March 2008. Fieldwork methodology was qualitative and used semi-structured interviews with central and local Government officials, technical experts of the irrigation scheme, civil society organisations, international NGOs, rural extensionists, and water users from the irrigation scheme, in particular those women smallfarmers members of local farmers’ associations. Thanks to the collaboration with the Union of Farmers’ Associations of Chókwè, she has been able to participate to members’ meeting, to education and training activities addressed to women farmers members of the Union and to organize a group discussion. In Chókwè irrigation scheme, women account for the 32% of water users of the familiar sector (comprising plot-holders with less than 5 hectares of land) and for just 5% of the private sector. If one considers farmers’ associations of the familiar sector (a legacy of Frelimo’s cooperatives), women are 84% of total members. However, the security given to them by the land title that they have acquired through occupation is severely endangered by the use that they make of land, that is considered as “non efficient” by the irrigation scheme authority. Due to a reduced access to marketing possibilities and to inputs, training, information and credit women, in actual fact, risk to see their right to access land and water revoked because they are not able to sustain the increasing cost of the water fee. The myth of the “efficient producer” does not take into consideration the characteristics of inequality and gender discrimination of the neo-liberal market. Expecting small-farmers, and in particular women, to be able to compete in the globalized agricultural market seems unrealistic, and can perpetuate unequal gendered access to resources such as land and water.
The research has included the efforts in designing, assembling and structurally and functionally characterizing supramolecular biofunctional architectures for optical biosensing applications. In the first part of the study, a class of interfaces based on the biotin-NeutrAvidin binding matrix for the quantitative control of enzyme surface coverage and activity was developed. Genetically modified ß-lactamase was chosen as a model enzyme and attached to five different types of NeutrAvidin-functionalized chip surfaces through a biotinylated spacer. All matrices are suitable for achieving a controlled enzyme surface density. Data obtained by SPR are in excellent agreement with those derived from optical waveguide measurements. Among the various protein-binding strategies investigated in this study, it was found that stiffness and order between alkanethiol-based SAMs and PEGylated surfaces are very important. Matrix D based on a Nb2O5 coating showed a satisfactory regeneration possibility. The surface-immobilized enzymes were found to be stable and sufficiently active enough for a catalytic activity assay. Many factors, such as the steric crowding effect of surface-attached enzymes, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged substrate (Nitrocefin) and the polycationic PLL-g-PEG/PEG-Biotin polymer, mass transport effect, and enzyme orientation, are shown to influence the kinetic parameters of catalytic analysis. Furthermore, a home-built Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer of SPR and a commercial miniature Fiber Optic Absorbance Spectrometer (FOAS), served as a combination set-up for affinity and catalytic biosensor, respectively. The parallel measurements offer the opportunity of on-line activity detection of surface attached enzymes. The immobilized enzyme does not have to be in contact with the catalytic biosensor. The SPR chip can easily be cleaned and used for recycling. Additionally, with regard to the application of FOAS, the integrated SPR technique allows for the quantitative control of the surface density of the enzyme, which is highly relevant for the enzymatic activity. Finally, the miniaturized portable FOAS devices can easily be combined as an add-on device with many other in situ interfacial detection techniques, such as optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, or impedance spectroscopy (IS). Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) allows for an absolute determination of intrinsic rate constants describing the true parameters that control interfacial hybridization. Thus it also allows for a study of the difference of the surface coupling influences between OMCVD gold particles and planar metal films presented in the second part. The multilayer growth process was found to proceed similarly to the way it occurs on planar metal substrates. In contrast to planar bulk metal surfaces, metal colloids exhibit a narrow UV-vis absorption band. This absorption band is observed if the incident photon frequency is resonant with the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons and is known as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPR excitation results in extremely large molar extinction coefficients, which are due to a combination of both absorption and scattering. When considering metal-enhanced fluorescence we expect the absorption to cause quenching and the scattering to cause enhancement. Our further study will focus on the developing of a detection platform with larger gold particles, which will display a dominant scattering component and enhance the fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the results of sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization based on OMCVD gold particles provide an excellent application potential for this kind of cheap, simple, and mild preparation protocol applied in this gold fabrication method. In the final chapter, SPFS was used for the in-depth characterizations of the conformational changes of commercial carboxymethyl dextran (CMD) substrate induced by pH and ionic strength variations were studied using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The pH response of CMD is due to the changes in the electrostatics of the system between its protonated and deprotonated forms, while the ionic strength response is attributed from the charge screening effect of the cations that shield the charge of the carboxyl groups and prevent an efficient electrostatic repulsion. Additional studies were performed using SPFS with the aim of fluorophore labeling the carboxymethyl groups. CMD matrices showed typical pH and ionic strength responses, such as high pH and low ionic strength swelling. Furthermore, the effects of the surface charge and the crosslink density of the CMD matrix on the extent of stimuli responses were investigated. The swelling/collapse ratio decreased with decreasing surface concentration of the carboxyl groups and increasing crosslink density. The study of the CMD responses to external and internal variables will provide valuable background information for practical applications.
The interaction between atmosphere–land–ocean–biosphere systems plays a prominent role on the atmospheric dynamics and on the convective rainfall distribution over the West Africa monsoon area during the boreal summer. In particular, the initialization of convective systems in the Sub – Sahelian region has been directly linked to soil moisture heterogeneities identified as the major triggering, development and propagation of convective systems. The present study aims at investigating African monsoon large scale convective dynamics and rainfall diurnal cycle through an exploration of the hypothesis behind the mechanisms of a monsoon phenomenon as an emergence of a collective dynamics of many propagating convective systems. Such hypothesis is based on the existence of an internal self – regulation mechanism among the various components. To achieve these results a multiple analysis was performed based on remote sensed rainfall dataset, and global and regional modelling data for a period of 5 seasons: 2004 - 2008. Satellite rainfall data and convective occurrence variability were studied for assessing typical spatio – temporal signatures and characteristics with an emphasis to the diurnal cycle footprint. A global model and regional model simulation datasets, specifically developed for this analysis and based on Regional Atmospheric Modelling System – RAMS, have been analysed. Results from numerical model datasets highlight the evidence of a synchronization between the destabilization of the convective boundary layer and rainfall occurrence due to the solar radiation forcing through the latent heat release. This supports the conclusion that the studied interacting systems are associated with a process of mutual adjustment of rhythms. Furthermore, this rainfall internal coherence was studied in relation to the West African Heat Low pressure system, which has a prominent role in the large scale summer variability over the Mediterranean area since it is acting as one of dynamic link between sub tropical and midlatitudes variability.
This study aims to analyse the collective experience of participating European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association centres in the surgical management of complications resulting from trans-catheter closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs).
The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences are;directly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process,;because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. When;divergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence.;Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selection;against intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual environment;constitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investigate;the direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours;(red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extract;general principles, and discuss future perspectives
Proteases of Staphylococcus aureus have long been considered to function as important virulence factors, although direct evidence of the role of particular enzymes remains incomplete and elusive. Here, we sought to provide a collective view of the prevalence of extracellular protease genes in genomes of commensal and pathogenic strains of S. aureus and their expression in the course of human and mouse infection. Data on V8 protease, staphopains A and B, aureolysin, and the recently described and poorly characterized group of six Spl proteases are provided. A phylogenetically diverse collection of 167 clinical isolates was analyzed, resulting in the comprehensive genetic survey of the prevalence of protease-encoding genes. No correlation between identified gene patterns with specific infections was established. Humoral response against the proteases of interest was examined in the sera derived from human patients and from a model mouse infection. The analysis suggests that at least some, if not all, tested proteases are expressed and secreted during the course of infection. Overall, the results presented in this study support the hypothesis that the secretory proteases as a group may contribute to the virulence of S. aureus.
Many meta-analyses of comparative outcome studies found a substantial association of researcher allegiance (RA) and relative treatment effects. Therefore, RA is regarded as a biasing factor in comparative outcome research (RA bias hypothesis). However, the RA bias hypothesis has been criticized as causality might be reversed. That is, RA might be a reflection of true efficacy differences between treatments (true efficacy hypothesis). Consequently, the RA-outcome association would not be indicative of bias but an epiphenomenon of true efficacy differences. This meta-analysis tested the validity of the true efficacy hypothesis. This was done by controlling the RA-outcome association for true efficacy differences by restricting analysis to direct comparisons of treatments with equivalent efficacy. We included direct comparisons of different versions of trauma-focused therapy (TFT) in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). RA was measured from the research reports. Relative effect sizes for symptoms of PTSD were calculated. Random effects meta-regression was conducted. Twenty-nine comparisons of TFTs from 20 studies were identified. Initial heterogeneity among relative effect sizes was low. RA was a significant predictor of outcome and explained 12% of the variance in outcomes. The true efficacy hypothesis predicted the RA-outcome association to be zero; however, a substantial association was found. Thus, this study does not support the true efficacy hypothesis. Given findings from psychotherapy research and other fields that support a biasing influence of researcher preferences, RA should be regarded as a causal factor and conceptualized as a threat to the validity of conclusions from comparative outcome studies.
Global economic changes have psychological consequences and Mr. Lepeska set out to assess these changes in working adults in Lithuania between 1993 and 1997. He surveyed two groups of working adults, with a total of 200 people, randomly selected and representing different organisations and professions. In both groups around 30% of participants were managers, with the remainder working in non-managerial positions. The participants were surveyed twice, once in 1993 and the second time in 1997,using various psychodiagnostic tools to measure their psychological characteristics. The results showed that strategies for coping with stress have changed, with problem solving strategies being used more often, and avoidance behaviour or seeking social support less. Men tended to have rejected these strategy more radically than women. Attitudes towards work had become more positive, with managers' attitudes having changed more significantly than those of employees from lower levels of organisations. Younger people were more positive towards work-related changes, while situational anxiety tended to increase with age, although overall it remained low. Mr. Lepeska found that while there were some indications of an increasing individualist in relation to peers, the traditional collective orientation of Lithuanian adults had if anything increased. People have become more accepting of an unequal distribution of power, making it difficult to increase the participation of subordinates in decision making. He also noted a tendency for Lithuanians to see their organisations as traditional families, expecting them to take care of them physically and economically in return for loyalty. The strong feminine orientation with its stress on interpersonal relations and overall quality of life has also strengthened, but the ability of Lithuanians to take initiative and control their environment was relatively low. Mr. Lepeska concludes that organisations should seek to recruit people who are able to adjust more easily to changes and consider measuring dominance, individualism, and attitudes to work-related change and situational anxiety in the process of professional selection. There should also be more emphasis on team building and on training managers to maintain closer relationships with their subordinates so as to increase the latter's participation in decision making. Good interpersonal relations can be a strong work motivator, as may be special attention to the security needs of older employees.