887 resultados para Col·lapse gravitacional
In order to investigate the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls, quasi-static testing was performed on a masonry infill walls built inside a reinforced concrete frame by means of an airbag system to apply the uniform out-of-plane load to each component of the infill. The main advantage of this testing setup is that the out-of-plane loading can be applied more uniformly in the walls, contrarily to point load configuration. The test was performed under displacement control by selecting the mid-point of the infill as control point. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. The effect of the distance between the reaction frame of the airbag and the masonry infill on the effective contact area was previously analysed. Four load cells were attached to the reaction frame to measure the out-of-plane force. The effective contact area of the airbag was calculated by dividing the load measured in load cells by the pressure inside the airbag. When the distance between the reaction walls and the masonry infill wall is smaller, the effective area is closer to the nominal area of the airbag. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of arching mechanism and two-way bending of the masonry infill. Until collapse of the horizontal interface between infill and upper beam in RC frame, the infill bends in two directions but the failure of that interface which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam results in the crack opening trough a well-defined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
Seismic investigations of typical south European masonry infilled frames were performed by testing two reduced scale specimens: one in the in-plane direction and another in the out-ofplane direction. Information about geometry and reinforcement scheme of those structures constructed in 1980s were obtained by [1]. The specimen to be tested in the in-plane direction was constructed as double leaf masonry while the specimen for testing in the out-of-plane direction is constructed with only its exterior leaf since the recent earthquakes have highlighted the vulnerability of the external leaf of the infills in out-of-plane direction [2]. The tests were performed by applying the pre-defined values of displacements in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions in the control points. For in-plane testing it was done by hydraulic actuator and for out-of-plane testing through the application of an airbag. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. Mid-point of the infill was assumed as a control point for outof- plane testing. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of two-way arching mechanism of the masonry infill until collapse of the upper horizontal interface between infill and frame which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam. This results in the crack opening through a welldefined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
The vulnerability of masonry infill walls has been highlighted in recent earthquakes in which severe inplane damage and out-of-plane collapse developed, justifying the investment in the proposal of strengthening solutions aiming to improve the seismic performance of these construction elements. Therefore, this work presents an innovative strengthening solution to be applied in masonry infill walls, in order to avoid brittle failure and thus minimize the material damage and human losses. The textilereinforced mortar technique (TRM) has been shown to improve the out-of-plane resistance of masonry and to enhance its ductility, and here an innovative reinforcing mesh composed of braided composite rods is proposed. The external part of the rod is composed of braided polyester whose structure is defined so that the bond adherence with mortar is optimized. The mechanical performance of the strengthening technique to improve the out-of-plane behaviour of brick masonry is assessed based on experimental bending tests. Additionally, a comparison of the mechanical behaviour of the proposed meshes with commercial meshes is provided. The idea is that the proposed meshes are efficient in avoiding brittle collapse and premature disintegration of brick masonry during seismic events.
Insoluble and fibrillar forms of a-synuclein are the major components of Lewy bodies, a hallmark of several sporadic and inherited neurodegenerative diseases known as synucleinopathies. a-Synuclein is a natural unfolded and aggregation-prone protein that can be degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasomal system and the lysosomal degradation pathways. a-Synuclein is a target of the main cellular proteolytic systems, but it is also able to alter their function further, contributing to the progression of neurodegeneration. Aging, a major risk for synucleinopathies, is associated with a decrease activity of the proteolytic systems, further aggravating this toxic looping cycle. Here, the current literature on the basic aspects of the routes for a-synuclein clearance, as well as the consequences of the proteolytic systems collapse, will be discussed. Finally, particular focus will be given to the sirtuins's role on proteostasis regulation, since their modulation emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to rescue cells from a-synuclein toxicity. The controversial reports on the potential role of sirtuins in the degradation of a-synuclein will be discussed. Connection between sirtuins and proteolytic systems is definitely worth of further studies to increase the knowledge that will allow its proper exploration as new avenue to fight synucleinopathies.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
As 2008 came to a close the avalanche of discourse on the demise of newspapers (and traditional media in general) grew to such an extent that consideration of any alternative scenario became almost difficult to utter. Academic articles, conferences, newspaper and magazine features were abundantly produced on thematic variations which went from ‘The End of Newspapers’ to ‘The End of Journalism’ (testing these expressions in a popular search engine we can easily get in excess of 23 thousand references for the first one and over 290 thousand references for the second one and there is even a dedicated ‘Newspaper Death Watch’ site with constant updates). The broad assumption of this production – particularly the one that identifies one possibility with the other – revolves around notions like the collapse of rigid business models, the breakdown of producer/user fidelity/trust, and the failings of a self-centred and entrenched professional (the journalist). The present seems to be enunciated as a ‘the end of days’ period, with images of irrevocable perdition funnelling our reasoning towards one single possible outcome – the imperious necessity of complete reinvention, not necessarily with the same agents.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ordenamento e Valorização de Recursos Geológicos
Higher-dimensional automata constitute a very expressive model for concurrent systems. In this paper, we discuss ``topological abstraction" of higher-dimensional automata, i.e., the replacement of HDAs by smaller ones that can be considered equivalent from the point of view of both computer science and topology. By definition, topological abstraction preserves the homotopy type, the trace category, and the homology graph of an HDA. We establish conditions under which cube collapses yield topological abstractions of HDAs.
FUNDAMENTO: Ausência de técnica padronizada e monitorada para iniciar a reabilitação de pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA), na unidade coronariana. OBJETIVO: Descrever a técnica e a resposta circulatória à caminhada de 50 m (C50m). MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental, transversal, com 65 pacientes com SCA; destes 36 (54%) com infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), Killip I; 29 (45,2%) com angina instável (AI); 61,5% do sexo masculino, idade 62,8 ± 12,7 anos. Caminhada com início 45 ± 23 horas pós-internamento. Mensuraram-se pressão arterial sistólica (PAS mmHg) e diastólica (PAD mmHg), freqüência cardíaca (FC bpm), duplo produto (PAS mmHg X FC bpm), saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2%), tempo de caminhada e percepção do esforço pela escala de Borg (EB). Obtiveram-se medições nas posições supina, sentada e ortostase (fase 1 - estresse gravitacional), no final da caminhada e pós-repouso de 5 minutos (fase 2 - estresse físico). RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento da FC ao estresse gravitacional sentado (Δ = 4,18) e em ortostase (Δ = 2,69), (p < 0,001). Houve elevação pós-caminhada da PAS (Δ = 4,84), (p < 0,001); FC (Δ = 4,68), (p < 0,001); DP (Δ = 344,97), (p = 0,004); e decréscimo da SpO2 (Δ = -1,42), (p < 0,001), com retorno dos valores basais após 5 minutos. O tempo de caminhada foi de 2'36" ± 1'17". Observou-se boa tolerância ao exercício pela EB. Resposta da PAS > 142 mmHg ao sentar associou-se com aumento significativo (p = 0,031) de 11 mmHg ao exercício em 13 pacientes com sobrepeso/obesidade e 85% com hipertensão. Verificaram-se efeitos adversos em 19 (29,2%) pacientes, tonturas em 23,1%, com impedimento da caminhada em três deles. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta amostra, após 24 horas do evento coronariano, não se verificaram efeitos colaterais graves à C50m.
The objective of this thesis will be to examine the effectiveness of lending regulations for Irish banks both prior to and after the collapse of the banking sector. The research developed a profile of the banking sector in Ireland, then evaluate the levels of stability in the Irish banking sector. In the course of this research, the author tried to establish an understanding of who is responsible for lending regulations for banks in Ireland, Investigate in particular: AIB, Ulster Bank & Anglo Irish Bank’s level of compliance with lending regulations between the Celtic Tiger and the present.
A more or less detailed study of the spermatogenesis in six species of Hemiptera belonging to the Coreid Family is made in the present paper. The species studied and their respective chromosome numbers were: 1) Diactor bilineatus (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationaliv in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 2) Lcptoglossus gonagra (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 3) Phthia picta (Drury) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 4) Anisocelis foliacea Fabr. : spermatogonia with 26 + X fthe highest mumber hitherto known in the Family), primary .spermatocytes with 13 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division an passing undivided to one pole in the second. 5) Pachylis pharaonis (Herbtst) : spermatogonia with 16 + X, primary spermatocytes with 8 + X. Behaviour of the heteroehromosome not referred. 6) Pachylis laticornis (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 14 + X, primary spermatocytes with 7 + X, X passing undivided to one pole in the first division and therefore secondary spermatocytes with 7 + X and 7 chromosomes. General results and conclusions a) Pairing modus of the chromosomes (Telosynapsis or Farasynapsis ?) - In several species of the Coreld bugs the history of the chromosomes from the diffuse stage till diakinesis cannot be follewed in detail due specially to the fact that lhe bivalents, as soon as they begin to be individually distinct they appear as irregular and extremely lax chromatic areas, which through an obscure process give rise to the diakinesis and then to the metaphase chomosomes. Fortunately I was able to analyse the genesis of the cross-shaped chromosomes, becoming thus convinced that even in the less favorable cases like that of Phthia, in which the crosses develop from four small condensation areas of the diffuse chromosomes, nothing in the process permit to interpret the final results as being due to a previous telosynaptic pairing. In the case of long bivalents formed by two parallel strands intimately united at both endsegments and more or less widely open in the middle (Leptoglossus, Pachylis), I could see that the lateral arms of the crosses originate from condensation centers created by a torsion or bending in the unpaired parts of the chromosomes In the relatively short bivalents the lateral branches of the cross are formed in the middle but in the long ones, whose median opening is sometimes considerable, two asymetrical branches or even two independent crosses may develop in the same pair. These observations put away the idea of an end-to-end pairing of the chromosomes, since if it had occured the lateral arms of the crosses would always be symetrical and median and never more than two. The direct observation of a side- toside pairing of the chromosomal threads at synizesis, is in foil agreement with the complete lack of evidence in favour of telosynapsis. b) Anaphasic bridges and interzonal connections - The chromosomes as they separate from each other in anaphase they remain connected by means of two lateral strands corresponding to the unpaired segmenas observed in the bivalents at the stages preceding metaphase. In the early anaphase the chromosomes again reproduce the form they had in late diafcinesis. The connecting threads which may be thick and intensely coloured are generally curved and sometimes unequal in lenght, one being much longer than the other and forming a loop outwardly. This fact points to a continuous flow of chromosomal substance independently from both chromosomes of the pair rather than to a mechanical stretching of a sticky substance. At the end of anaphase almost all the material which formed the bridges is reduced to two small cones from whose vertices a very fine and pale fibril takes its origin. The interzonal fibres, therefore, may be considered as the remnant of the anaphasic bridges. Abnormal behaviour of the anaphase chromosomes showed to be useful in aiding the interpretation of normal aspects. It has been suggested by Schrader (1944) "that the interzonal is nothing more than a sticky coating of the chromosome which is stretched like mucilage between the daughter chromosomes as they move further and further apart". The paired chromosomes being enclosed in a commom sheath, as they separate they give origin to a tube which becomes more and more stretched. Later the walls of the tube collapse forming in this manner an interzonal element. My observations, however, do not confirm Schrader's tubular theory of interzonal connections. In the aspects seen at anaphase of the primary spermatocytes and described in this paper as chromosomal bridges nothing suggests a tubular structure. There is no doubt that the chromosomes are here connected by two independent strands in the first division of the spermatocytes and by a single one in the second. The manner in which the chromosomes separate supports the idea of transverse divion, leaving little place for another interpretation. c) Ptafanoeomc and chromatoid bodies - The colourabtlity of the plasmosome in Diactor and Anisocelis showed to be highly variable. In the latter species, one may find in the same cyst nuclei provided with two intensely coloured bodies, the larger of which being the plasmosome, sided by those in which only the heterochromosome took the colour. In the former one the plasmosome strongly coloured seen in the primary metaphase may easily be taken for a supernumerary chromosome. At anaphase this body stays motionless in the equator of the cell while the chromosomes are moving toward the poles. There, when intensely coloured ,it may be confused with the heterochromosome of the secondary spermatocytes, which frequently occupies identical position in the corresponding phase, thus causing missinterpretation. In its place the plasmosome may divide into two equal parts or pass undivided to one cell in whose cytoplasm it breaks down giving rise to a few corpuscles of unequal sizes. In Pachylis pharaonis, as soon as the nuclear membrane breate down, the plasmosome migrates to a place in the periphery of the cell (primary spermatocyte), forming there a large chromatoid body. This body is never found in the cytoplasm prior to the dissolution of the nuclear membrane. It is certain that chromatoid bodies of different origin do exist. Here, however, we are dealing, undoubtedly, with true plasmosomes. d) Movement of the heterochromosome - The heterochromosome in the metaphase of the secondary spermatocytes may occupy the most different places. At the time the autosomes prient themselves in the equatorial plane it may be found some distance apart in this plane or in any other plane and even in the subpolar and polar regions. It remains in its place during anaphase. Therefore, it may appear at the same level with the components of one of the anaphase plates (synchronism), between both plates (succession) or between one plate and tbe pole (precession), what depends upon the moment the cell was fixed. This does not mean that the heterochromosome sometimes moves as quickly as the autosomes, sometimes more rapidly and sometimes less. It implies, on the contrary, that, being anywhere in the cell, the heterochromosome m he attained and passed by the autosomes. In spite of being almost motionless the heterochromosome finishes by being enclosed in one of the resulting nuclei. Consequently, it does move rapidly toward the group formed by the autosomes a little before anaphase is ended. This may be understood assuming that the heterochromosome, which do not divide, having almost inactive kinetochore cannot orient itself, giving from wherever it stays, only a weak response to the polar influences. When in the equator it probably do not perform any movement in virtue of receiving equal solicitation from both poles. When in any other plane, despite the greater influence of the nearer pole, the influence of the opposite pole would permit only so a slow movement that the autosomes would soon reach it and then leave it behind. It is only when the cell begins to divide that the heterochromosome, passing to one of the daughter cells scapes the influence of the other and thence goes quickly to join the autosomes, being enclosed with them in the nucleus formed there. The exceptions observed by BORING (1907) together with ; the facts described here must represent the normal behavior of the heterocromosome of the Hemiptera, the greater frequency of succession being the consequence of the more frequent localization of the heterochromosome in the equatorial plane or in its near and of the anaphase rapidity. Due to its position in metaphase the heterochromosome in early anaphase may be found in precession. In late anaphase, oh the contrary ,it appears almost always in succession. This is attributed to the fact of the heterochromosome being ordinairily localized outside the spindle area it leaves the way free to the anaphasic plate moving toward the pole. Moreover, the heterochromosome being a round element approximately of the size of the autosomes, which are equally round or a little longer in the direction of the movement, it can be passed by the autosomes even when it stands in the area of the spindle, specially if it is not too far from the equatorial plane. e) The kinetochore - This question has been fully discussed in another paper (PIZA 1943a). The facts treated here point to the conclusion that the chromosomes of the Coreidae, like those of Tityus bahiensis, are provided with a kinetochore at each end, as was already admitted by the present writer with regard to the heterochromosome of Protenor. Indeed, taking ipr granted the facts presented in this paper, other cannot be the interpretation. However, the reasons by which the chromosomes of the species studied here do not orient themselves at metaphase of the first division in the same way as the heterochromosome of Protenor, that is, with the major axis parallelly to the equatorial plane, are claiming for explanation. But, admiting that the proximity of the kinetochores at the ends of chromosomes which do not separate until the second division making them respond to the poles as if they were a single kinetochore ,the explanation follows. (See PIZA 1943a). The median opening of the diplonemas when they are going to the diffuse stage as well as the reappearance of the bivalents always united at the end-segments and open in the middle is in full agreement with the existence of two terminal kinetochores. The same can be said with regard to the bivalents which join their extremities to form a ring.