1000 resultados para Cinzas de biomassa
With the objective of evaluating the biomass production and nutrient removal by plant cover in the Agreste region of Alagoas, an experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Federal University of Alagoas - Campus Arapiraca. Randomized block design was used, with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were: Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp., Cajanus cajan, Canavalia ensiformis, Dolichos lablab, Mucuna aterrima and the spontaneous local vegetation (control). The green matter in an area of 1 m(2) during the flowering of each species was evaluated, and biomass was then dried in an oven at 65 degrees C until constant weight for dry matter, in which the contents of macro and micronutrients were extracted. Leguminous plant showed potential for use as green manure in the Agreste region of Alagoas, with N contents higher than the spontaneous vegetation and not being different from one for the accumulation of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Mn and Zn. The spontaneous vegetation was similar to dry matter of legumes production. Among the treatments Cajanus cajan showed higher dry matter production and N accumulation in the aerial part.
O desenvolvimento das grandes cidades tem gerado um dos maiores desafios ambientais enfrentados na atualidade, que é a gestão eficaz de resíduos sólidos. A grande variedade e quantidade dos resíduos produzidos diariamente, tem tornado a destinação ecologicamente correta e sustentável destes materiais cada vez mais difícil. Dentre os vários resíduos produzidos diariamente destacam-se os lodos oriundos de estações de tratamento de esgotos, denominados de lodos de esgoto, cuja destinação final segura tem sido discutida mundialmente em diversos estudos, tendo em vista que a tendência de geração deste tipo de resíduo tende a crescer com o aumento do saneamento das cidades. Uma forma amplamente difundida nos países desenvolvidos para destinação dos lodos de esgoto é a incineração destes materiais para posterior envio das cinzas geradas neste processo a aterros sanitários. Porém, tem-se estudado formas alternativas de disposição, destacando-se a utilização destas cinzas como adição mineral em concretos e argamassas de cimento Portland. Sabe-se que o desempenho de resíduos de incineração como adição mineral em matrizes cimentícias, depende em grande parte da capacidade de atuação destes materiais como elementos pozolânicos ou como fileres, podendo estas características serem influenciadas pela temperatura de queima ao qual estes resíduos foram submetidos. Neste sentido, verificou-se com esta pesquisa a influência da temperatura empregada na queima dos lodos sépticos no índice de atividade pozolânica (IAP) das cinzas geradas como resíduo deste processo, aqui denominadas de cinzas de lodo séptico (CLS), sendo em seguida, avaliadas as implicações técnicas e microestruturais da utilização deste resíduo em teores de 10%, 20% e 30% como adição mineral em concretos de cimento Portland. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram não haver alterações significativas no IAP das CLS em decorrência da temperatura utilizada durante o processo de queima dos lodos de esgoto. Além disso, verificou-se que embora a utilização das CLS tenham provocado diminuição da trabalhabilidade dos concretos para todos os teores de incorporação, estas melhoraram a resistência mecânica à compressão, o índice de vazios, a absorção de água e o comportamento microestrutural dos concretos contendo 10% e 20% de resíduo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estudo de decomposição de plantas aquáticas foi realizado na UHE de Americana-CPFL, com o objetivo de avaliar a taxa de degradação de plantas na própria água do reservatório. Foram consideradas como variáveis a profundidade (superfície, 3,5 e 7,0 m), as espécies de plantas aquáticas (Eichhornia crassipes, Brachiaria subquadripara e Pistia stratiotes) e o tipo de processamento a que estas foram submetidas (planta inteira, planta picada manualmente e com aplicação de fogo). Este estudo indicou que as espécies E. crassipes e P. stratiotes foram rapidamente decompostas no reservatório, ao contrário de B. subquadripara. Um outro fator importante observado foi a similaridade na decomposição das plantas, independentemente da profundidade testada. Essas diferenças devem ser consideradas na elaboração de planos de manejo e na previsão do impacto ambiental de programas de controle de plantas aquáticas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da cobertura do solo com aveia preta e manutenção da palha sobre o terreno, bem como cobertura do solo com filme de polietileno preto, sobre a produção de biomassa e teores de Mn e Zn em alface cultivada no sistema orgânico, por dois anos consecutivos. Utilizaram-se cinco tratamentos: solo sem cobertura, coberto com filme de polietileno preto, coberto com aveia acamada, coberto com aveia ceifada e solo coberto com aveia na sua forma natural, para o cultivo de três cultivares de alface. O experimento seguiu delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e análise estatística com parcelas subdivididas. Concluiu-se que o cultivo de alface em sucessão à aveia preta, sobre a palha, promoveu produção satisfatória e apresentou adequados teores de manganês e zinco, equivalentes àqueles encontrados na literatura em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, e a cobertura do solo com plástico preto promoveu produção satisfatória com maior acúmulo de Zn no primeiro ano e menor de Mn no segundo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de utilização dos sensores de reflectância e fluorescência na avaliação de teores de N‑NO3‑ no pecíolo, na produção de biomassa e na produtividade do algodoeiro. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3x4, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de três variedades de algodão (ST‑4288‑B2RF, ST‑4498‑B2RF e DP-164‑B2RF) e quatro doses de N (0, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha‑1). Aos 120 dias após a semeadura, foram realizadas leituras com sensores ópticos de reflectância e fluorescência. Não houve correlação significativa dos teores de N‑NO3‑ no pecíolo com os índices de reflectância; porém, houve correlação destes com a produção de biomassa (0,39) e a produtividade (0,32 a 0,41). Os índices do sensor de fluorescência correlacionaram-se significativamente com teores de N‑NO3‑ no pecíolo (0,34 a 0,61), produção de biomassa (0,30 a 0,53) e produtividade (0,34). em comparação com os índices de reflectância, os de fluorescência apresentam maior capacidade de avaliar os teores de N‑NO3‑ no pecíolo, capacidade semelhante em detectar variação na biomassa e menor capacidade de detectar variação da produtividade do algodoeiro, quando se aplicam doses crescentes de N.
The adhesive mortars are a mixture of cement, sand, and additives to polymers that retain the mixing water and promotes adherence, being used in setting on various ceramic substrates. The sand used in the production of these mortars is from the riverbeds, and with the increasing restriction of these sands extraction by environmental agencies, and often having to be transported over long distances to the consumer center. This work aims to design and physical and mechanical characterization of ecological adhesive mortar with total replacement of natural sand by sand from the crushing of limestone, and the addition of mineral ash biomass of cane sugar in partial replacement cement used in the production of adhesive mortar , aiming compositions that meet the regulatory specifications for use adhesive mortar. Standardized tests to determine the tensile bond strength (NBR 14081-4), determination of open time (NBR 14081-3) and determination of slip (NBR 14081-5) were performed. Were also conducted trials squeeze flow in different formulation, the mortar with addition of 15 % gray biomass of cane sugar for cement mortars as well as the total replacement of natural sand by sand limestone crushing, got the best performance among the mortars studied, it was found that the addition of biomass to replace cement is perfectly feasible due to its pozzolanic activity, which contributed to this reduction in the cement matrix formation of adhesive mortar
Brazil is the world s leading coffee producer. In 2008, 45.99 million of 60 kg bags of benefited coffee were produced. In the process of improvement 50% is grain and 50% is husk, thus, 1.38 million tons of coffee husk are produced annually. The husk is used as combustible in the drying and improvement ovens in the coffee farms, generating ash as residue. These ashes contain a high concentration of alkaline metals and earth metals, mainly K2O and CaO. This work studies the use of this residue in the ceramic tiles industry, as fluxing agents in substitution to the feldspar. Ten mixtures with equal ratios of clay and kaolin, proceeding from Bahia and the residue (varying from 30 to 5%) were defined and produced in uniaxial tool die of 60x20mm with approximately 5 mm of thickness and 45MPa compacting pressure. The samples were fired in four different temperatures: 1100 °C, 1150 °C, 1185 °C and 1200 °C during 60 minutes and characterized by means of X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, gravimetric thermal analysis and differential thermal analysis. The results of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, XRD, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM were also analysed. The test specimen with addition of 10% of ash fired in 1200 °C resulted in 0.18% water absorption and 40.77 MPa flexural strength, being classified as porcelain stoneware tiles according to ABNT, UNI and ISO norms
The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of matter, dry matter content of Brix and two varieties of sugar cane, influenced by the phosphorus cultivated on "Zona da Mata" region, State of Alagoas. The experiment, a factorial 2 x 6, was composed of two varieties of cane; RB867515 and RB92579 and six phosphorus levels: zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha(-1), with the source of the phosphorus triple superphosphate. Was also used nitrogen and potassium in doses equivalent to 100 and 200 kg ha(-1) and K, respectively. The soil of the experimental area was set to raise the base saturation to 60%. At the beginning of the first rainfall of the rainy season of 2006 was performed with micro fertilization in coverage, in doses equivalent to 6,0; 6,0 and 7,0 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn and Mn, respectively. Was The chemical control of weeds. Every month, from August to October 2006, samples were collected in the cane plant. There was initially the number of plants m(2), followed by weighing the material. It was subsequently withdrawn a subsample containing ten plants for weighing. After weighing the material was passed in horsemanship and homogenized, again drew up a sample of approximately 300g, leading them to forced ventilation oven at 65 degrees C, toobtain constant weight. Resulting in the production of natural (MN) and dry matter (DM). In July, we analyzed the levels of Brix% juice in the refractometer Brix. The average values of production of natural (MN), dry matter (DM) and contents of Brix% were subjected to analysis of variance and regression for variables. The accumulation of dry matter and were influenced by fertilization. The contents of Brix% in two varieties did not suffer significant influence of fertilization.
Alocação de biomassa e nutrientes em Myriophyllum aquaticum sob diferentes níveis de macronutrientes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de macronutrientes no crescimento e na alocação de biomassa seca em folha, caule e raiz de Myriophyllulm aquaticum. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos plásticos preenchidos com areia lavada e emersas em solução nutritiva. O experimento foi conduzido em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro níveis (0, 25, 50 e 75%) da concentração original de N, P, K Ca, Mg e S da solução nutritiva, além de uma testemunha (100% da solução nutritiva), com quatro repetições e por um período de 38 dias. A maior produção de biomassa total foi obtida na testemunha. A ausência de K afetou a alocação de biomassa em raízes. Quanto ao comprimento total dos ramos, a maior resposta ocorreu entre os níveis de Ca a 60 mg L-1. A solução a 100% dos macronutrientes propiciou o maior comprimento das plantas. O número de ramos entre os níveis de N e P seguiu uma tendência linear e crescente com as concentrações desses nutrientes, porém em maior proporção para o fósforo. As condições mais favoráveis ao desenvolvimento das plantas ocorreram a 100% dos macronutrientes da solução base. Entre os níveis de nitrogênio verificaram-se maiores teores de N nas folhas do que nos caules. Já para os demais nutrientes a alocação desses recursos foi destinada em maior proporção para o caule. A maior alocação de biomassa nesta espécie destinou-se ao caule.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se estimar o conteúdo de elementos metálicos presentes em três macrófitas aquáticas submersas, procurando avaliar a participação destas plantas na remoção destes elementos na água e criar base de dados que permita prever o impacto ambiental do descarte delas em solo ou na própria água. As amostras foram desidratadas, moídas e encaminhadas aos laboratórios para análise e quantificação dos elementos. Para as três espécies, a maior concentração de elementos foi observada durante o verão, ocorrendo declínio nas concentrações durante o inverno, principalmente para os elementos vanádio e chumbo. Não foi detectada presença do elemento mercúrio em nenhuma das amostras.
Global warming due to Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, especially CO2, has been identified as one of the major problems of the twenty-first century, considering the consequences that could represent to planet. Currently, biological processes have been mentioned as a possible solution, especially CO2 biofixation due to association microalgae growth. This strategy has been emphasized as in addition to CO2 mitigation, occurs the production of biomass rich in compounds of high added value. The Microalgae show high photosynthetic capacity and growth rate higher than the superior plants, doubling its biomass in one day. Its culture does not show seasons, they grow in salt water and do not require irrigation, herbicides or pesticides. The lipid content of these microorganisms, depending on the species, may range from 10 to 70% of its dry weight, reaching 90% under certain culture conditions. Studies indicate that the most effective method to promote increased production of lipids in microalgae is to induce stress by limiting nitrogen content in the culture medium. These evidences justify research continuing the production of biofuels from microalgae. In this paper, it was studied the strategy of increasing the production of lipids in microalgae I. galbana with programmed nutritional stress, due to nitrogen limitation. The physiological responses of microalgae, grown in f / 2 with different concentrations of nitrogen (N: P 15,0-control, N: 5,0 P and N: P 2,5) were monitored. During exponential phase, results showed invariability in the studied conditions. However the cultures subjected to stress in stationary phase, showed lower biomass yields. There was an increase of 32,5% in carbohydrate content and 87.68% in lipids content at N: P ratio of 5,0 and an average decrease of 65% in protein content at N: P ratios of 5, 0 and 2.5. There were no significant variations in ash content, independently of cultivation and growth phase. Despite the limitation of biomass production in cultures with N: P smaller ratios, the increase of lipid accumulation highest lipids yields were observed as compared to the control culture. Given the increased concentration of lipids associated to stress, this study suggests the use of microalgae Isochrysis galbana as an alternative raw material for biofuel production
O presente experimento, inteiramente casualizado, foi desenvolvido em condições de laboratório no Departamento de Defesa Fitossanitária, FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, entre julho e setembro de 1992. Amostras de Areia Quartzosa equivalentes à 40 g de terra seca à 105 oC ± 2 com ou sem adição de 1,9 g de matéria seca de plantas de poaia-branca (Richardia brasiliensis), 0,19 g de nitrogênio (NH4)2SO4 e 0,88 g de apatita de Araxá, foram incubadas no escuro a 25 o C ± 2 , com umidade mantida a 60% da capacidade de retenção de água. Durante a incubação, determinou-se o CO2 liberado, utilizando-se o método de retenção em NAOH seguida de titulometria com HCl; a biomassa microbiana, método de fumigação-incubação; o pH e a quantidade de fósforo extraído por resina. A maior liberação de CO2 ocorreu durante os dez primeiros dias de incubação, com 77% do total de carbono liberado nos tratamentos com adição de poaia, e 37% nos tratamentos sem adição da mesma. A liberação de CO2 foi 57 vezes maior nos tratamentos com poaia em relação ao controle. A poaia também provocou aumentos na biomassa microbiana (média de 8 vezes a biomassa do tratamento controle), e a adição de nitrogênio e/ou fosfato de rocha junto à poaia antecipou os picos de formação de biomassa de 20 para 10 dias de incubação. Os níveis de fósforo disponível foram maiores no tratamento com adição de fosfato de rocha apenas. A poaia também alcalinizou o sistema, não permitindo desta forma, observar-se relação significativa entre pH e teor de fósforo disponível.
The need for new sources of energy and the concern about the environment have pushed the search for renewable energy sources such as ethanol. The use of lignocellulosic biomass as substrate appears as an important alternative because of the abundance of this raw material and for it does not compete with food production. However, the process still meets difficulties of implementation, including the cost for production of enzymes that degrade cellulose to fermentable sugars. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the species of cactus pear Opuntia ficus indica and Nopalea cochenillifera, commonly found in northeastern Brazil, as raw materials for the production of: 1) cellulosic ethanol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process, using two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PE-2 and LNF CA-11), and 2) cellulolytic enzymes by semi-solid state fermentation (SSSF) using the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum. Before alcoholic fermentation process, the material was conditioned and pretreated by three different strategies: alkaline hydrogen peroxide, alkaline using NaOH and acid using H2SO4 followed by alkaline delignification with NaOH. Analysis of composition, crystallinity and enzymatic digestibility were carried out with the material before and after pretreatment. In addition, scanning electron microscopy images were used to compare qualitatively the material and observe the effects of pretreatments. An experimental design 2² with triplicate at the central point was used to evaluate the influence of temperature (30, 40 and 45 °C) and the initial charge of substrate (3, 4 and 5% cellulose) in the SSF process using the material obtained through the best condition and testing both strains of S. cerevisiae, one of them flocculent (LNF CA-11). For cellulase production, the filamentous fungus P. chrysogenum was tested with N. cochenillifera in the raw condition (without pretreatment) and pretrated hydrothermically, varying the pH of the fermentative medium (3, 5 and 7). The characterization of cactus pear resulted in 31.55% cellulose, 17.12% hemicellulose and 10.25% lignin for N. cochenillifera and 34.86% cellulose, 19.97% hemicellulose and 15.72% lignin for O. ficus indica. It has also been determined, to N. cochenillifera and O. ficus indica, the content of pectin (5.44% and 5.55% of calcium pectate, respectively), extractives (26.90% and 9.69%, respectively) and ashes (5.40% and 5.95%). Pretreatment using alkaline hydrogen peroxide resulted in the best cellulose recovery results (86.16% for N. cochenillifera and 93.59% for O. ficus indica) and delignification (48.79% and 23.84% for N. cochenillifera and O. ficus indica, respectively). This pretreatment was also the only one which did not increase the crystallinity index of the samples, in the case of O. ficus indica. However, when analyzing the enzymatic digestibility of cellulose, alkali pretreatment was the one which showed the best yields and therefore it was chosen for the tests in SSF. The experiments showed higher yield of conversion of cellulose to ethanol by PE-2 strain using the pretreated N. cochenillifera (93.81%) at 40 °C using 4% initial charge of cellulose. N. cochenillifera gave better yields than O. ficus indica and PE-2 strain showed better performance than CA-11. N. cochenillifera proved to be a substrate that can be used in the SSSF for enzymes production, reaching values of 1.00 U/g of CMCase and 0.85 FPU/g. The pretreatment was not effective to increase the enzymatic activity values
The objective of this study was to produce biofuels (bio-oil and gas) from the thermal treatment of sewage sludge in rotating cylinder, aiming industrial applications. The biomass was characterized by immediate and instrumental analysis (elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy - SEM, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and ICP-OES). A kinetic study on non-stationary regime was done to calculate the activation energy by Thermal Gravimetric Analysis evaluating thermochemical and thermocatalytic process of sludge, the latter being in the presence of USY zeolite. As expected, the activation energy evaluated by the mathematical model "Model-free kinetics" applying techniques isoconversionais was lowest for the catalytic tests (57.9 to 108.9 kJ/mol in the range of biomass conversion of 40 to 80%). The pyrolytic plant at a laboratory scale reactor consists of a rotating cylinder whose length is 100 cm with capable of processing up to 1 kg biomass/h. In the process of pyrolysis thermochemical were studied following parameters: temperature of reaction (500 to 600 ° C), flow rate of carrier gas (50 to 200 mL/min), frequency of rotation of centrifugation for condensation of bio-oil (20 to 30 Hz) and flow of biomass (4 and 22 g/min). Products obtained during the process (pyrolytic liquid, coal and gas) were characterized by classical and instrumental analytical techniques. The maximum yield of liquid pyrolytic was approximately 10.5% obtained in the conditions of temperature of 500 °C, centrifugation speed of 20 Hz, an inert gas flow of 200 mL/min and feeding of biomass 22 g/min. The highest yield obtained for the gas phase was 23.3% for the temperature of 600 °C, flow rate of 200 mL/min inert, frequency of rotation of the column of vapor condensation 30 Hz and flow of biomass of 22 g/min. The non-oxygenated aliphatic hydrocarbons were found in greater proportion in the bio-oil (55%) followed by aliphatic oxygenated (27%). The bio-oil had the following characteristics: pH 6.81, density between 1.05 and 1.09 g/mL, viscosity between 2.5 and 3.1 cSt and highest heating value between 16.91 and 17.85 MJ/ kg. The main components in the gas phase were: H2, CO, CO2 and CH4. Hydrogen was the main constituent of the gas mixture, with a yield of about 46.2% for a temperature of 600 ° C. Among the hydrocarbons formed, methane was found in higher yield (16.6%) for the temperature 520 oC. The solid phase obtained showed a high ash content (70%) due to the abundant presence of metals in coal, in particular iron, which was also present in bio-oil with a rate of 0.068% in the test performed at a temperature of 500 oC.