927 resultados para Chemical-structure
The chemical structure of refractory marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is still largely unknown. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR-MS) was used to resolve the complex mixtures of DOM and provide valuable information on elemental compositions on a molecular scale. We characterized and compared DOM from two sharply contrasting aquatic environments, algal-derived DOM from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) and terrigenous DOM from pore water of a tropical mangrove area in northern Brazil. Several thousand molecular formulas in the mass range of 300-600 Da were identified and reproduced in element ratio plots. On the basis of molecular elemental composition and double-bond equivalents (DBE) we calculated an average composition for marine DOM. O/C ratios in the marine samples were lower (0.36 ± 0.01) than in the mangrove pore-water sample (0.42). A small proportion of chemical formulas with higher molecular mass in the marine samples were characterized by very low O/C and H/C ratios probably reflecting amphiphilic properties. The average number of unsaturations in the marine samples was surprisingly high (DBE = 9.9; mangrove pore water: DBE = 9.4) most likely due to a significant contribution of carbonyl carbon. There was no significant difference in elemental composition between surface and deep-water DOM in the Weddell Sea. Although there were some molecules with unique marine elemental composition, there was a conspicuous degree of similarity between the terrigenous and algal-derived end members. Approximately one third of the molecular formulas were present in all marine as well as in the mangrove samples. We infer that different forms of microbial degradation ultimately lead to similar structural features that are intrinsically refractory, independent of the source of the organic matter and the environmental conditions where degradation took place.
The Bifibobacterium longum subsp. longum 35624™ strain (formerly named Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis) is a well described probiotic with clinical efficacy in Irritable Bowel Syndrome clinical trials and induces immunoregulatory effects in mice and in humans. This paper presents (a) the genome sequence of the organism allowing the assignment to its correct subspeciation longum; (b) a comparative genome assessment with other B. longum strains and (c) the molecular structure of the 35624 exopolysaccharide (EPS624). Comparative genome analysis of the 35624 strain with other B. longum strains determined that the sub-speciation of the strain is longum and revealed the presence of a 35624-specific gene cluster, predicted to encode the biosynthetic machinery for EPS624. Following isolation and acid treatment of the EPS, its chemical structure was determined using gas and liquid chromatography for sugar constituent and linkage analysis, electrospray and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for sequencing and NMR. The EPS consists of a branched hexasaccharide repeating unit containing two galactose and two glucose moieties, galacturonic acid and the unusual sugar 6-deoxy-L-talose. These data demonstrate that the B. longum 35624 strain has specific genetic features, one of which leads to the generation of a characteristic exopolysaccharide.
Desde hace cerca de dos siglos, los hidratos de gas han ganado un rol importante en la ingeniería de procesos, debido a su impacto económico y ambiental en la industria -- Cada día, más compañías e ingenieros ganan interés en este tema, a medida que nuevos desafíos muestran a los hidratos de gas como un factor crucial, haciendo su estudio una solución para un futuro próximo -- Los gases de hidrato son estructuras similares al hielo, compuestos de moléculas huéspedes de agua conteniendo compuestos gaseosos -- Existen naturalmente en condiciones de presiones altas y bajas temperaturas, condiciones típicas de algunos procesos químicos y petroquímicos [1] -- Basado en el trabajo doctoral de Windmeier [2] y el trabajo doctoral the Rock [3], la descripción termodinámica de las fases de los hidratos de gas es implementada siguiendo el estado del arte de la ciencia y la tecnología -- Con ayuda del Dortmund Data Bank (DDB) y el paquete de software correspondiente (DDBSP) [26], el desempeño del método fue mejorado y comparado con una gran cantidad de datos publicados alrededor del mundo -- También, la aplicabilidad de la predicción de los hidratos de gas fue estudiada enfocada en la ingeniería de procesos, con un caso de estudio relacionado con la extracción, producción y transporte del gas natural -- Fue determinado que la predicción de los hidratos de gas es crucial en el diseño del proceso del gas natural -- Donde, en las etapas de tratamiento del gas y procesamiento de líquido no se presenta ninguna formación, en la etapa de deshidratación una temperatura mínima de 290.15 K es crítica y para la extracción y transporte el uso de inhibidores es esencial -- Una composición másica de 40% de etilenglicol fue encontrada apropiada para prevenir la formación de hidrato de gas en la extracción y una composición másica de 20% de metanol en el transporte
Single-cell oils (SCO) have been considered a promising source of 3rd generation biofuels mainly in the final form of biodiesel. However, its high production costs have been a barrier towards the commercialization of this commodity. The fast growing yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides NCYC 921 has been widely reported as a potential SCO producing yeast. In addition to its well-known high lipid content (that can be converted into biodiesel), is rich in high value added products such as carotenoids with commercial interest. The process design and integration may contribute to reduce the overall cost of biofuels and carotenoid production and is a mandatory step towards their commercialization. The present work addresses the biomass disruption, extraction, fractionation and recovery of products with special emphasis on high added valued carotenoids (beta-carotene, torulene, torularhodin) and fatty acids directed to biodiesel. The chemical structure of torularhodin with a terminal carboxylic group imposes an additional extra challenge in what concern its separation from fatty acids. The proposed feedstock is fresh biomass pellet obtained directly by centrifugation from a 5L fed-batch fermentation culture broth. The use of a wet instead of lyophilised biomass feedstock is a way to decrease processing energy costs and reduce downstream processing time. These results will contribute for a detailed process design. Gathered data will be of crucial importance for a further study on Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) are two positive (+)-strand RNA viruses that are used to investigate the regulation of translation and replication due to their small size and simple genomes. Both viruses contain cap-independent translation elements (CITEs) within their 3´ untranslated regions (UTRs) that fold into tRNA-shaped structures (TSS) according to nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle x-ray scattering analysis (TCV) and computational prediction (PEMV). Specifically, the TCV TSS can directly associate with ribosomes and participates in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) binding. The PEMV kissing-loop TSS (kl-TSS) can simultaneously bind to ribosomes and associate with the 5´ UTR of the viral genome. Mutational analysis and chemical structure probing methods provide great insight into the function and secondary structure of the two 3´ CITEs. However, lack of 3-D structural information has limited our understanding of their functional dynamics. Here, I report the folding dynamics for the TCV TSS using optical tweezers (OT), a single molecule technique. My study of the unfolding/folding pathways for the TCV TSS has provided an unexpected unfolding pathway, confirmed the presence of Ψ3 and hairpin elements, and suggested an interconnection between the hairpins and pseudoknots. In addition, this study has demonstrated the importance of the adjacent upstream adenylate-rich sequence for the formation of H4a/Ψ3 along with the contribution of magnesium to the stability of the TCV TSS. In my second project, I report on the structural analysis of the PEMV kl-TSS using NMR and SAXS. This study has re-confirmed the base-pair pattern for the PEMV kl-TSS and the proposed interaction of the PEMV kl-TSS with its interacting partner, hairpin 5H2. The molecular envelope of the kl-TSS built from SAXS analysis suggests the kl-TSS has two functional conformations, one of which has a different shape from the previously predicted tRNA-shaped form. Along with applying biophysical methods to study the structural folding dynamics of RNAs, I have also developed a technique that improves the production of large quantities of recombinant RNAs in vivo for NMR study. In this project, I report using the wild-type and mutant E.coli strains to produce cost-effective, site-specific labeled, recombinant RNAs. This technique was validated with four representative RNAs of different sizes and complexity to produce milligram amounts of RNAs. The benefit of using site-specific labeled RNAs made from E.coli was demonstrated with several NMR techniques.
The textile industry generates a large volume of high organic effluent loading whoseintense color arises from residual dyes. Due to the environmental implications caused by this category of contaminant there is a permanent search for methods to remove these compounds from industrial waste waters. The adsorption alternative is one of the most efficient ways for such a purpose of sequestering/remediation and the use of inexpensive materials such as agricultural residues (e.g., sugarcane bagasse) and cotton dust waste (CDW) from weaving in their natural or chemically modified forms. The inclusion of quaternary amino groups (DEAE+) and methylcarboxylic (CM-) in the CDW cellulosic structure generates an ion exchange capacity in these formerly inert matrix and, consequently, consolidates its ability for electrovalent adsorption of residual textile dyes. The obtained ionic matrices were evaluated for pHpcz, the retention efficiency for various textile dyes in different experimental conditions, such as initial concentration , temperature, contact time in order to determine the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of adsorption in batch, turning comprehensive how does occur the process, then understood from the respective isotherms. It was observed a change in the pHpcz for CM--CDW (6.07) and DEAE+-CDW (9.66) as compared to the native CDW (6.46), confirming changes in the total surface charge. The ionized matrices were effective for removing all evaluated pure or residual textile dyes under various tested experimental conditions. The kinetics of the adsorption process data had best fitted to the model a pseudosecond order and an intraparticle diffusion model suggested that the process takes place in more than one step. The time required for the system to reach equilibrium varied according to the initial concentration of dye, being faster in diluted solutions. The isotherm model of Langmuir was the best fit to the experimental data. The maximum adsorption capacity varied differently for each tested dye and it is closely related to the interaction adsorbent/adsorbate and dye chemical structure. Few dyes obtained a linear variation of the balance ka constant due to the inversion of temperature and might have influence form their thermodynamic behavior. Dyes that could be evaluated such as BR 18: 1 and AzL, showed features of an endothermic adsorption process (ΔH° positive) and the dye VmL presented exothermic process characteristics (ΔH° negative). ΔG° values suggested that adsorption occurred spontaneously, except for the BY 28 dye, and the values of ΔH° indicated that adsorption occurred by a chemisorption process. The reduction of 31 to 51% in the biodegradability of the matrix after the dye adsorption means that they must go through a cleaning process before being discarded or recycled, and the regeneration test indicates that matrices can be reused up to five times without loss of performance. The DEAE+-CDW matrix was efficient for the removal of color from a real textile effluent reaching an UV-Visible spectral area decrease of 93% when applied in a proportion of 15 g ion exchanger matrix L-1 of colored wastewater, even in the case of the parallel presence of 50 g L-1 of mordant salts in the waste water. The wide range of colored matter removal by the synthesized matrices varied from 40.27 to 98.65 mg g-1 of ionized matrix, obviously depending in each particular chemical structure of the dye upon adsorption.
Suomalaiset marjat sisältävät huomattavia määriä erilaisia fenoliyhdisteitä ja ne ovat siksi erinomaisia fenoliyhdisteiden lähteitä moniin muihin elintarvikkeisiin verrattuna. Fenoliyhdisteet ovat kasveissa syntyviä aineenvaihduntatuotteita, joilla on todettu olevan terveyden kannalta positiivia vaikutuksia. Ne antavat kasvikunnan tuotteille niiden tunnusomaisen värin sekä toimivat suoja-aineina taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. Erityisesti elintarvike-, lääke- ja kosmetiikkateollisuus jalostavat marjoja erilaisiksi lopputuotteiksi. Fenoliyhdisteet tuovat näihin tuotteisiin hyödyllisiä terveysvaikutuksia ja ne voivat toimia niissä myös väripigmentteinä. Fenoliyhdisteet ovat kuitenkin suhteellisen epästabiileja yhdisteitä. On havaittu, että prosessointi- ja säilytystavat vaikuttavat huomattavasti niiden stabiilisuuteen ja hajoamiseen. Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli selvittää fenoliyhdisteiden stabiilisuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä prosessoinnin ja säilytyksen aikana kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tämän työn tulosten perusteella marjojen prosessointi kannattaa suorittaa mahdollisimman lyhyessä ajassa matalissa lämpötiloissa, sillä monet fenoliyhdisteistä eivät ole pitkään lämpöstabiileja. Säilytys kannattaa tehdä myös matalissa lämpötiloissa; pitkänä säilytysaikana pakastettuna. Korkea pH vaikuttaa usean fenoliyhdisteen hajoamiseen ja se saattaa aiheuttaa tuotteissa värinmuutoksia. Valo, hapen läsnäolo sekä erilaiset muut yhdisteet voivat vaikuttaa heikentävästi fenoliyhdisteiden stabiilisuuteen sekä prosessoinnin että säilytyksen aikana. Fenoliyhdisteiden stabiilisuus on hyvin rakennekohtaista ja siksi prosessoinnin ja säilytyksen tarkkojen vaikutusten yleistäminen kaikkiin fenoliyhdisteisiin on vaikeaa.
Betalains are plant derived natural pigments that are presently gaining popularity for use as natural colorants in food industry. Although being betalains from red beetroot already used as food colorant (E- 162), these compounds are not as well studied as compared to other natural pigments such as anthocyanins, carotenoids or chlorophylls (I]. Since food additives are on the focus of public interest, it is becoming increasingly important to meet consumers' expectations for natural and healthy products. Hence, the search for new plant-derived colorants for the food industry is still necessary [2]. Betalains were originally called 'nitrogenous anthocyanins', which incorrectly implied structural similarities between the two pigment classes. There are two structurally different types of betalains: the yellow/orange betaxanthins which are the condensation products of betalamic acid and assorted amino compounds, and the red betacyanins which are formed by glycosylation and acylation of cyclo-DOPA [3]. Looking at the chemical structure of the pigment, the addition of an acid to the extraction solvent will increase the affinity of the pigment with the solvent. The aim of this study was to use Gomphrena globosa L. flowers, as an alternative plant source to obtain these pigments and to evaluate the best acid to be used within the extraction procedure. For that purpose three different acids (acetic, hydrochloric and phosphoric acids, all ofthem allowed by the food industry), adjusted at the same pH, were tested during a maceration extraction procedure. After the extraction a purification through C18 column was performed in order to obtain a more concentrate extract in betacyanins. The results were analysed by HPLC-PDA-MSIESI. The betacyanin profile allowed the identification of gomphrenin IIJIII and isogomphrenin IIIIII and the best results were achieved by performing the extraction procedure using hydrochloric acid (6.6 mg/g extract), while phosphoric acid only presented trace amounts of these compounds. When acetic acid was used, the pigment extracted was 6.8 times less (0.97 mg/g extract) when compared to HCI. In conclusion hydrochloric acid can be considered the most suitable acid to be applied in the extraction procedure of these pigments.
International audience
One of the great challenges at present time related with the materials area concerns of products and processes for use in petroleum industry, more precisely related to the Pre-salt area. Progresses were reached in the last years allowing the drilling of the salt layer, with the time reduction for drilling and larger success at the end. For the oil wells companies the preponderant factor is the technology, however, in spite of the progress, a series of challenges is still susceptible to solutions and one of them refers to the slurries preparation for cementing in those areas. Inside of this context, this study had for objective to analyze the influence of the salts NaCl, KCl, CaSO4 and MgSO4 in strength and chemical structure of the hydrated products. As methodology, they were prepared and analyzed cement slurries with varied concentrations of these salts that are commonly found in the saline formations. The salts concentrations used in formulations of the slurries were of 5%, 15% and 30%. The slurries were formulated with specific weight of 15,8 lb / gal and the cement used was Class G. Strength tests were accomplished in samples cured by 24 hours and 28 days. Also were realized crystallographic characterization (XRD) and morphologic (SEM). In agreement with the presented results, it is observed that the largest resistance values are attributed to the slurries with concentration of 15%. There was reduction of the strength values of the slurries formulated with concentration of 30%. Through the characterization microstructural it was possible to note the salts influence in the main cement hydrated products
In recent decades have seen a sharp growth in the study area of nanoscience and nanotechnology and is included in this area, the study of nanocomposites with self-cleaning properties. Since titanium dioxide (TiO2) has high photocatalytic activity and also antimicrobial, self-cleaning surfaces in your application has been explored. In this study a comparison was made between two synthesis routes to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method assisted by microwave. And after analysis of XRD and SEM was considered the best material for use in nanocomposites. It was deposited nanocomposite film of poly (dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) with 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by the spraying method. The nanocomposite was diluted with hexane and the suspension was deposited onto glass substrate, followed by curing in an oven with forced air circulation. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite impregnated with methylene blue was evaluated by UV- vis spectroscopy from the intensity variation of absorption main peak at 660nm with time of exposure to the UV chamber. Changes in the contact angle and microhardness were analyzed before and after UV aging test. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the chemical structure of the PDMS matrix was evaluated by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).The results indicated that the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the coating PDMS gave high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of methylene blue, an important characteristic for the development of self-cleaning coatings
Sugar esters are substances which possess surfactant, antifungical and bactericidal actions and can be obtained through two renewable sources of raw materials: sugars and vegetable oils. Their excellent biodegradability, allied to lhe fact that they are non toxic, insipid, inodorous, biocompatible, no-ionic, digestible and because they can resist to adverse conditions of temperature, pH and salinity, explain lhe crescent use of these substances in several sections of lhe industry. The objective of this thesis was to synthesize and characterize surfactants and polymers containing sugar branched in their structures, through enzymatic transesterification of vinyl esters and sugars, using alkaline protease from Bacillus subtilis as catalyst, in organic medium (DMF).Three types of sugars were used: L-arabinose, D-glucose and sucrose and two types of vinyl esters: vinyl laurate and vinyl adipate. Aiming to reach high conversions from substrates to products for a possible future large scale industrial production, a serie of variables was optimized, through Design of Experiments (DOE), using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).The investigated variables were: (1) enzyme concentration; (2) molar reason of substrates; (3) water/solvent rale; (4) temperature and (5) time. We obtained six distinct sugar esters: 5-0-lauroyl L-arabinose, 6-0-lauroyl D-glucose, 1'-O-lauroyl sucrose, 5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose, 6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose and 1 '-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose, being lhe last three polymerizable. The progress of lhe reaction was monitored by HPLC analysis, through lhe decrease of sugar concentration in comparison to lhe blank. Qualitative analysis by TLC confirmed lhe formation of lhe products. In lhe purification step, two methodologies were adopted: (1) chromatographic column and (2) extraction with hot acetone. The acylation position and lhe chemical structure were determined by 13C-RMN. The polymerization of lhe three vinyl sugar esters was possible, through chemical catalysis, using H2O2 and K2S2O8 as initiators, at 60°C, for 24 hours. IR spectra of lhe monomers and respective polymers were compared revealing lhe disappearance of lhe vinyl group in lhe polymer spectra. The molar weights of lhe polymers were determined by GPC and presented lhe following results: poly (5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose): Mw = 7.2 X 104; PD = 2.48; poly (6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose): Mw = 2.7 X 103; PD = 1.75 and poly (1'-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose): Mw = 4.2 X 104; PD = 6.57. The six sugar esters were submitted to superficial tension tests for determination of the critical micelle concentrations (CMC), which varied from 122 to 167 ppm. Finally, a study of applicability of these sugar esters, as lubricants for completion fluids of petroleum wells was' accomplished through comparative analysis of lhe efficiency of these sugar esters, in relation to three commercial lubricants. The products synthesized in this thesis presented equivalent or superior action to lhe tested commercial products
The balance between oxidation and reduction is important for maintaining a healthy biological system. Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and limited endogenous defense systems, and this imbalance can adversely alter lipids, proteins and DNA, causing a number of human diseases. Thus, exogenous antioxidants that can neutralize the effect of free radicals are needed to diminish the cumulative effects of oxidative damage over human life span. Current research reveals that phenolic compounds in plants possess high antioxidant activity and free radical scavenging capacity and can prevent the body from oxidative damage over human life span. This review focuses on the present understanding of free radicals and antioxidants and their importance in human health and disease. Information about the chemical features of free radicals as well as their deleterious effects on cell structures is reviewed. The chemical structure and anti-oxidative mechanisms of essential polyphenols and their potential health benefits are presented. In addition, the limitation of natural antioxidants and a perspective on likely future trends in this field are also discussed.
Tese (doutorado)–Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.
A rapid and efficient method to identify the weak points of the complex chemical structure of low band gap (LBG) polymers, designed for efficient solar cells, when submitted to light exposure is reported. This tool combines Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) using the 'spin trapping method' coupled with density functional theory modelling (DFT). First, the nature of the short life-time radicals formed during the early-stages of photo-degradation processes are determined by a spin-trapping technique. Two kinds of short life-time radical (R and R′O) are formed after 'short-duration' illumination in an inert atmosphere and in ambient air, respectively. Second, simulation allows the identification of the chemical structures of these radicals revealing the most probable photochemical process, namely homolytical scission between the Si atom of the conjugated skeleton and its pendent side-chains. Finally, DFT calculations confirm the homolytical cleavage observed by EPR, as well as the presence of a group that is highly susceptible to photooxidative attack. Therefore, the synergetic coupling of a spin trapping method with DFT calculations is shown to be a rapid and efficient method for providing unprecedented information on photochemical mechanisms. This approach will allow the design of LBG polymers without the need to trial the material within actual solar cell devices, an often long and costly screening procedure.