981 resultados para Chamber music.


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This paper deals with the role of the higher-order evanescent modes generated at the area discontinuities in the acoustic attenuation characteristics of an elliptical end-chamber muffler with an end-offset inlet and end-centered outlet. It has been observed that with an increase in length, the muffler undergoes a transition from being acoustically short to acoustically long. Short end chambers and long end chambers are characterized by transverse plane waves and axial plane waves, respectively, in the low-frequency range. The nondimensional frequency limit k(0)(D-1/2) or k(0)R(0) as well as the chamber length to inlet/outlet pipe diameter ratio, i.e., L/d(0), up to which the muffler behaves like a short chamber and the corresponding limit beyond which the muffler is acoustically long are determined. The limits between which neither the transverse plane-wave model nor the conventional axial plane-wave model gives a satisfactory prediction have also been determined, the region being called the intermediate range. The end-correction expression for this muffler configuration in the acoustically long limit has been obtained using 3-D FEA carried on commercial software, covering most of the dimension range used in the design exercise. Development of a method of combining the transverse plane wave model with the axial plane wave model using the impedance Z] matrix is another noteworthy contribution of this work.


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Transmission loss (TL) of an elliptical cylindrical chamber muffler having a single side/end inlet and multiple side/end outlet is analyzed by means of the 3-D semi-analytical formulation based upon the modal expansion (in terms of the angular and radial Mathieu functions) and the Green's function. The acoustic pressure response obtained in terms of Green's function is integrated over surface area of the side/end ports (modeled as rigid pistons) and upon subsequent division by the port area, yields the acoustic pressure response or impedance Z] matrix parameters due to the uniform piston-driven model. The 3-D semi-analytical results are found to be in excellent agreement with the results obtained by means of 3-D FEA (SYSNOISE) simulations, thereby validating the semi-analytical procedure suggested in this work. Parametric studies such as the effect of chamber length (L), angular and axial locations of the ports, interchanging the locations of inlet and outlet ports as well as the addition of an outlet port for double outlet mufflers on the TL performance are reported, thereby leading to the formulation of design guidelines for obtaining muffler configurations exhibiting a broad-band TL spectrum. One such configuration is an axially long chamber having side-inlet and side-outlet ports such that one of the side ports is located at half the axial length on themajor/minor axis and the other side port is located at three-quarters (or one-quarter) of the axial length on the minor/major axis. (C) 2012 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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Pre-vaporization and pre-mixing are the two main features of LPP type of combustor that operate on liquid fuels. The pre-vaporization length scale is one of its most important design parameters. In this study, the goal is to put forward a simulation based correlation for fuel vaporization performance as a function of dimensionless parameters for crossflow type of injections. Two types of fuels are studied here: jet-A and one of its potential biofuel substitutes, RME. Different sets of spray simulations are considered for crossflow type of injections. Correlations are provided for both jet-A and RME's vaporization performance as a function of non-dimensional inlet air temperature, fuel/air momentum flux ratio and normalized spray traverse distance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) is a new sensing paradigm which permits sampling of a signal at its intrinsic information rate which could be much lower than Nyquist rate, while guaranteeing good quality reconstruction for signals sparse in a linear transform domain. We explore the application of CS formulation to music signals. Since music signals comprise of both tonal and transient nature, we examine several transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fourier basis and also non-orthogonal warped transforms to explore the effectiveness of CS theory and the reconstruction algorithms. We show that for a given sparsity level, DCT, overcomplete, and warped Fourier dictionaries result in better reconstruction, and warped Fourier dictionary gives perceptually better reconstruction. “MUSHRA” test results show that a moderate quality reconstruction is possible with about half the Nyquist sampling.


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The acoustical behaviour of an elliptical chamber muffler having a side inlet and side outlet port is analyzed in this paper, wherein a uniform velocity piston source is assumed to model the 3-D acoustic field in the elliptical chamber cavity. Towards this end, we consider the modal expansion of the acoustic pressure field in the elliptical cavity in terms of the angular and radial Mathieu func-tions, subjected to the rigid wall condition. Then, the Green's function due to the point source lo-cated on the side (curved) surface of the elliptical chamber is obtained. On integrating this function over the elliptical piston area on the curved surface of the elliptical chamber and subsequent divi-sion by the area of the elliptic piston, one obtains the acoustic pressure field due to the piston driven source which is equivalent to considering plane wave propagation in the side ports. Thus, one can obtain the acoustic pressure response functions, i.e., the impedance matrix (Z) parameters due to the sources (ports) located on the side surface, from which one may also obtain a progressive wave rep-resentation in terms of the scattering matrix (S). Finally, the acoustic performance of the muffler is evaluated in terms of the Transmission loss (TL) which is computed in terms of the scattering pa-rameters. The effect of the axial length of the muffler and the angular location of the ports on the TL characteristics is studied in detail. The acoustically long chambers show dominant axial plane wave propagation while the TL spectrum of short chambers indicates the dominance of the trans-versal modes. The 3-D analytical results are compared with the 3-D FEM simulations carried on a commercial software and are shown to be in an excellent agreement, thereby validating the analyti-cal procedure suggested in this work.


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Music signals comprise of atomic notes drawn from a musical scale. The creation of musical sequences often involves splicing the notes in a constrained way resulting in aesthetically appealing patterns. We develop an approach for music signal representation based on symbolic dynamics by translating the lexicographic rules over a musical scale to constraints on a Markov chain. This source representation is useful for machine based music synthesis, in a way, similar to a musician producing original music. In order to mathematically quantify user listening experience, we study the correlation between the max-entropic rate of a musical scale and the subjective aesthetic component. We present our analysis with examples from the south Indian classical music system.


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An attempt to study the fluid dynamic behavior of two phase flow comprising of solid and liquid with nearly equal density in a geometrical case that has an industrial significance in theareas like processing of polymers, food, pharma ceutical, paints. In this work,crystalline silica is considered as the dispersed medium in glycerin. In the CFD analysis carried out,the two phase components are considered to be premixed homogeneously at the initial state. The flow in a cylinder that has an axially driven bi-lobe rotor, a typical blender used in polymer industry for mixing or kneading to render the multi-component mixture to homogeneous condition is considered. A viscous, incompressible, isothermal flow is considered with an assumption that the components do not undergo any physical change and the solids are rigid and mix in fully wetting conditions. Silica with a particle diameter of 0.4 mm is considered and flow is analyzed for different mixing fractions. An industry standard CFD code is used for solving 3D-RANS equations. As the outcome of the study the torque demand by the bi-lobe rotor for different mixture fractions which are estimated show a behavioral consistency to the expected physical phenomena occurring in the domain considered.


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We address the problem of multi-instrument recognition in polyphonic music signals. Individual instruments are modeled within a stochastic framework using Student's-t Mixture Models (tMMs). We impose a mixture of these instrument models on the polyphonic signal model. No a priori knowledge is assumed about the number of instruments in the polyphony. The mixture weights are estimated in a latent variable framework from the polyphonic data using an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, derived for the proposed approach. The weights are shown to indicate instrument activity. The output of the algorithm is an Instrument Activity Graph (IAG), using which, it is possible to find out the instruments that are active at a given time. An average F-ratio of 0 : 7 5 is obtained for polyphonies containing 2-5 instruments, on a experimental test set of 8 instruments: clarinet, flute, guitar, harp, mandolin, piano, trombone and violin.


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The tonic is a fundamental concept in Indian art music. It is the base pitch, which an artist chooses in order to construct the melodies during a rg(a) rendition, and all accompanying instruments are tuned using the tonic pitch. Consequently, tonic identification is a fundamental task for most computational analyses of Indian art music, such as intonation analysis, melodic motif analysis and rg recognition. In this paper we review existing approaches for tonic identification in Indian art music and evaluate them on six diverse datasets for a thorough comparison and analysis. We study the performance of each method in different contexts such as the presence/absence of additional metadata, the quality of audio data, the duration of audio data, music tradition (Hindustani/Carnatic) and the gender of the singer (male/female). We show that the approaches that combine multi-pitch analysis with machine learning provide the best performance in most cases (90% identification accuracy on average), and are robust across the aforementioned contexts compared to the approaches based on expert knowledge. In addition, we also show that the performance of the latter can be improved when additional metadata is available to further constrain the problem. Finally, we present a detailed error analysis of each method, providing further insights into the advantages and limitations of the methods.


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We formulate the problem of detecting the constituent instruments in a polyphonic music piece as a joint decoding problem. From monophonic data, parametric Gaussian Mixture Hidden Markov Models (GM-HMM) are obtained for each instrument. We propose a method to use the above models in a factorial framework, termed as Factorial GM-HMM (F-GM-HMM). The states are jointly inferred to explain the evolution of each instrument in the mixture observation sequence. The dependencies are decoupled using variational inference technique. We show that the joint time evolution of all instruments' states can be captured using F-GM-HMM. We compare performance of proposed method with that of Student's-t mixture model (tMM) and GM-HMM in an existing latent variable framework. Experiments on two to five polyphony with 8 instrument models trained on the RWC dataset, tested on RWC and TRIOS datasets show that F-GM-HMM gives an advantage over the other considered models in segments containing co-occurring instruments.


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An investigation into the three-dimensional propagation of the transmitted shock wave in a square cross-section chamber was described in this paper, and the work was carried out numerically by solving the Euler equations with a dispersion-controlled scheme. Computational images were constructed from the density distribution of the transmitted shock wave discharging from the open end of the square shock tube and compared directly with holographic interferograms available for CFD validation. Two cases of the transmitted shock wave propagating at different Mach numbers in the same geometry were simulated. A special shock reflection system near the corner of the square cross-section chamber was observed, consisting of four shock waves: the transmitted shock wave, two reflection shock waves and a Mach stem. A contact surface may appear in the four-shock system when the transmitted shock wave becomes stronger. Both the secondary shock wave and the primary vortex loop are three-dimensional in the present case due to the non-uniform flow expansion behind the transmitted shock.


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In this paper, focusing of a toroidal shock wave propagating from an annular shock tube into a cylindrical chamber was investigated numerically with the dispersion controlled dissipation (DCD) scheme. The first case for an incident Mach number of 1.5 was conducted and compared with experiments for validation. Then, several cases were calculated for higher incident Mach numbers varying from 2.0 to 5.0, and complicated flow structures were observed. The numerical study was mainly focused on two aspects: focusing process and flow structures. The process, including diffraction, focusing, and reflection, is displayed to reveal the focusing mechanism, and the flow structures at different incident. Mach numbers are used to demonstrate shock reflection styles and focusing characteristics.