887 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers


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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cement thickness on the bond strength of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post system to the root dentin. Eighteen single-rooted human teeth were decoronated (length: 16 mm), the canals were prepared, and the specimens were randomly allocated to 2 groups (n = 9): group 1 (low cement thickness), in which size 3 FRC posts were cemented using adhesive plus resin cement; and group 2 (high cement thickness), in which size 1 FRC posts were cemented as in group 1. Specimens were sectioned, producing 5 samples (thickness: 1.5 mm). For cement thickness evaluation, photographs of the samples were taken using an optical microscope, and the images were analyzed. Each sample was tested in push-out, and data were statistically analyzed. Bond strengths of groups 1 and 2 did not show significant differences (P = .558), but the cement thicknesses for these groups were significantly different (P < .0001). The increase in cement thickness did not significantly affect the bond strength (r2 = 0.1389, P = .936). Increased cement thickness surrounding the FRC post did not impair the bond strength.


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This study evaluated the effect of post surface conditioning on the fatigue resistance of bovine teeth restored with resin-bonded fiber-reinforced composite (FRC). Root canals of 20 single-rooted bovine teeth (16 mm long) were prepared to 12 mm using a preparation drill of a double-tapered fiber post system. Using acrylic resin, each specimen was embedded (up to 3.0 mm from the cervical part of the specimen) in a PVC cylinder and allocated into one of two groups (n = 10) based on the post surface conditioning method: acid etching plus silanization or tribochemical silica coating (30 μm SiOx + silanization). The root canal dentin was etched (H2PO3 for 30 seconds), rinsed, and dried. A multi-step adhesive system was applied to the root dentin and the fiber posts were cemented with resin cement. The specimens were submitted to one million fatigue cycles. After fatigue testing, a score was given based on the number of fatigue cycles until fracture. All of the specimens were resistant to fatigue. No fracture of the root or the post and no loss of retention of the post were observed. The methodology and the results of this study indicate that tribochemical silica coating and acid etching performed equally well when dynamic mechanical loading was used.


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Customized glass fiber posts that is well adjusted into the root canal and have mechanical properties similar to those of dentin may be a suitable treatment for severely compromised endodontically treated teeth. This article reports a 3-year follow up of severely damaged endodontically treated teeth restored with unidirectional fiber glass customized post and core system instead of a conventional fiber post. The fabrication of this glass fiber customized post is a simple technique, providing an increased volume of fibers into the root canal, and an adequate polymerization of the post-core system. Over a three-year period, the treatments demonstrated good clinical and radiographic characteristics, with no fracture or loss of the post and/or crown. This technique can be considered effective, less invasive, and suitable for restore endodontically treated teeth.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of hybridizing glass and curaua fibers on the mechanical properties of their composites. These composites were produced by hot compression molding, with distinct overall fiber volume fraction, being either pure curaua fiber, pure glass fiber or hybrid. The mechanical characterization was performed by tensile, flexural, short beam, Iosipescu and also nondestructive testing. From the obtained results, it was observed that the tensile strength and modulus increased with glass fiber incorporation and for higher overall fiber volume fraction (%Vf). The short beam strength increased up to %Vf of 30 vol.%, evidencing a maximum in terms of overall fiber/matrix interface and composite quality. Hybridization has been successfully applied to vegetable/synthetic fiber reinforced polyester composites in a way that the various properties responded satisfactorily to the incorporation of a third component. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A recuperação e reforço de estruturas de concreto armado estão cada vez mais frequentes no Brasil, devido, principalmente, ao envelhecimento das estruturas construídas nas décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX, as quais estão prestes a atingir seu tempo de vida útil. Somam-se a isto, fatores como o uso de concretos com baixa resistência, falhas de execução, além do uso inadequado e da falta de manutenção. Devido a esses fatores que a sociedade deve se preocupar em reforçar e/ou recuperar essas construções, evitando assim, demolições das mesmas e até mesmo evitar acidentes fatais. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso, que visa a recuperação de um edifício, que se encontra abandonado há cerca de duas décadas na cidade de Rio Branco, Estado do Acre. Atualmente, existem várias técnicas de reforço de estrutura de concreto armado. Tais como: reforço por meio de encamisamento de concreto armado, complementação ou reforço com adição de armadura, reforço com aplicação de chapas e perfis metálicos, reforço de pilares com polímeros reforçados com fibra de carbono (PRFC), dentre outras. Neste trabalho, o método adotado para a recuperação foi o reforço por meio de encamisamento de concreto armado. E para uma melhor compreensão da metodologia adotada o trabalho apresenta também detalhes da configuração do reforço adotado, detalhe construtivo e procedimentos executivos do método adotado. Além, das envoltórias mostrando os esforços atuantes e resistentes do antes e depois do reforço.


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The success of manufacturing composite parts by liquid composite molding processes with RTM depends on tool designs, efficient heat system, a controlled injection pressure, a stabilized vacuum system, besides of a suitable study of the preform lay-up and the resin system choice. This paper reports how to assemble a RTM system in a laboratory scale by specifying heat, injection and vacuum system. The design and mold material were outlined by pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. Four different carbon fiber fabrics were used for testing the RTM system. The injection pressure was analyzed regarding fiber volume content, preform compression and permeability, showing how these factors can affect the process parameters. The glass transition temperature (Tg) around 203 ºC matched with the aimed temperature of the mold which ensured good distribution of the heat throughout the upper and lower mold length. The void volume fraction in a range of 2% confirmed the appropriate RTM system and parameters choice.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main objective of this research work was to obtain two formulations of ablative composites. These composites are also known as ablative structural composites, for applications in atmospherically severe conditions according to the high-temperature, hot gaseous products flow generated from the burning of solid propellants. The formulations were manufactured with phenolic resin reinforced with chopped carbon fiber. The composites were obtained by the hot compression molding technique. Another purpose of this work was to conduct the physical and chemical characterization of the matrix, the reinforcements and the composites. After the characterization, a nozzle divergent of each formulation was manufactured and its performance was evaluated through the rocket motor static firing test. According to the results found in this work, it was possible to observe through the characterization of the raw materials that phenolic resins showed peculiarities in their properties that differentiate one from the other, but did not exhibit significant differences in performance as a composite material for use in ablation conditions. Both composites showed good performance for use in thermal protection, confirmed by firing static tests (rocket motor). Composites made with phenolic resin and chopped carbon fiber showed that it is a material with excellent resistance to ablation process. This composite can be used to produce nozzle parts with complex geometry or shapes and low manufacturing cost.


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Hybrid composites combining metal plates and laminates with continuous fiber reinforced polymer, called fiber-metal (CHMF), have been particularly attractive for aerospace applications, due mainly to their high mechanical strength and stiffness associated with low density. These laminates (CHMF) consist of a sandwich structure consisting of layers of polymer composites and metal plates, stacked alternately. This setting allows you to combine the best mechanical performance of polymer composites reinforced with long fibers, to the high toughness of metals. Environmental effects should always be considered in the design of structural components, because these materials in applications are submitted to the effects of moisture in the atmosphere, the large cyclical variations of temperature around 82 ° C to -56 ° C, and high effort mechanical. The specimens of fibermetal composite were prepared at EMBRAER with titanium plates and laminates of carbon fiber/epoxy resin. This study aims to evaluate the effect of different environmental conditions (water immersion, hygrothermal chamber and thermal shock) of laminate hybrid titanium/carbon fiber/epoxy resin. The effects of conditioning were evaluated by interlaminar shear tests - ILSS, tensile, and vibration free


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The aim of this paper is to study the feasibility of using cellulose fibers obtained from an agricultural waste, hemp core (Cannabis Sativa L), through different new environmental friendly cooking processes for fiber-cement production. The physical and mechanical properties of the fiber reinforced concrete, which depend on the nature and morphology of the fibers, matrix properties and the interactions between them, must be kept between the limits required for its application. Therefore, the morphology of the fibers and how its use affects the flocculation, retention and drainage processes in the fiber-cement manufacture, and the mechanical and physical properties of the fiber-cement product have been studied. The use of pulp obtained by means of the hemp core cooking in ethanolamine at 60% concentration at 180 degrees C during 90 min resulted in the highest solids retention and the best mechanical properties among the studied hemp core pulps. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.