801 resultados para Capsular polysaccharides


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Vinte e três cães com hepatite infecciosa canina (HIC) foram analisados com base nos seus dados gerais, achados clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos. As principais lesões macroscópicas encontradas foram palidez do fígado (17/23), hepatomegalia (10/23) e hemorragia (21/23). Observou-se também edema da parede da vesícula biliar (11/23), malhas de fibrina cobrindo a superfície capsular hepática (8/23) e icterícia (6/23). Acentuada necrose hepatocelular foi encontrada associada à identificação de corpúsculos intranucleares anfofílicos e basofílicos em hepatócitos e células endoteliais (22/23) característicos de adenovírus. Identificou-se no baço e linfonodos necrose linfoide, hemorragia e menor ocorrência de corpúsculos intranucleares em células reticuloendoteliais. A imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) foi positiva para adenovírus canino tipo 1 em todos os animais analisados. Os principais órgãos positivos na IHQ foram fígado (23/23), telencéfalo (22/22), cerebelo (16/20) e rim (16/21). Maior marcação de antígenos viral foi observada em hepatócitos e no endotélio vascular do encéfalo e dos tufos glomerulares renais.


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Descrevem-se dois surtos de intoxicação por Senecio spp. em ovinos a campo no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. A enfermidade ocorreu no ano 2006 em duas propriedades que estavam severamente invadidas pela planta e com acentuada escassez de forragem. A morbidade nos dois surtos variou de 10% a 9,5% nas duas propriedades, respectivamente. Na primeira propriedade os animais eram nascidos e criados na área e na outra os ovinos haviam sido adquiridos alguns meses antes do surto. Os sinais clínicos caracterizaram-se por emagrecimento progressivo, apatia, fraqueza, icterícia e fotossensibilização. Macroscopicamente, o fígado dos ovinos necropsiados estava aumentado de tamanho, amarelado, com superfície capsular irregular e vesícula biliar aumentada de tamanho e com edema da parede. Ao corte no fígado havia nódulos bem delimitados, esbranquiçados com 1-3mm de diâmetro. Havia, ainda, ascite e discreto edema de mesentério. Microscopicamente, as lesões hepáticas eram semelhantes em todos os fígados e caracterizadas por megalocitose, fibrose periportal, presença de hepatócitos tumefeitos, vacuolizados e de hepatócitos necróticos distribuídos aleatoriamente pelo parênquima hepático, hiperplasia das células dos ductos biliares e presença de pseudo-inclusões nos núcleos de hepatócitos. Encefalopatia hepática (status spongiosus) foi observada em todos os ovinos necropsiados. O diagnóstico foi baseado na epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, lesões macroscópicas e histológicas observadas. Concluiu-se que, apesar de a intoxicação por Senecio spp. ser pouco frequente em ovinos e essa espécie animal controlar eficientemente a planta, isso, aparentemente, depende da lotação utilizada e surtos da intoxicação podem ocorrer quando esta lotação é menor que 0,2 ovinos por hectare e há carência de forragem acentuada.


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Os aspectos anatomopatológicos da leptospirose foram estudados em 53 cães que tiveram diagnóstico definitivo confirmado por imuno-histoquímica do tecido renal. Na necropsia, as principais lesões observadas incluíram icterícia (79,2%) e hemorragia (75,5%), principalmente no pulmão (56,6%). Alterações macroscópicas hepáticas (56,6%) e renais (50,9%) foram frequentes e caracterizavam-se principalmente por descolorações (30,2% e 32,1% respectivamente), acentuação do padrão lobular hepático (26,4%) e estriações brancas na superfície de corte dos rins (22,6%). Lesões extrarrenais de uremia ocorreram na metade dos casos (50,9%). Hepatomegalia (11,3%), nefromegalia (9,4%) e irregularidade da superfície capsular dos rins (3,8%) foram menos comuns. Na histologia dos rins (n=53), as lesões encontradas (98,1%) foram quase que exclusivamente agudas ou subagudas (96,2%) e caracterizavam-se por graus variados de nefrose tubular (86,8%) e nefrite intersticial não supurativa (60,4%), com evidente dissociação degenerativo-inflamatória. Na histologia do fígado (n=42), as lesões encontradas (97,6%) eram constituídas principalmente por dissociação dos cordões de hepatócitos (78,6%), colestase intra-canalicular (33,3%) e necrose hepática (31%). Lesões reativas, como hipertrofia das células de Kupffer, leucocitostase sinusoidal e infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear nos espaços porta, foram vistas em muitos casos (42,8%). Na histologia do pulmão (n=28), hemorragia (85,7%) e edema (57,1%) alveolares foram muito prevalentes. Neutrófilos e macrófagos nos espaços alveolares (35,7%) e neutrófilos no interior de pequenos vasos pulmonares (17,9%) também foram achados frequentes. Os resultados aqui demonstrados devem servir de alerta aos patologistas veterinários brasileiros, pois a apresentação anatomopatológica da leptospirose canina em nossa região (Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) não se modificou nos últimos 50 anos, mantendo-se semelhante àquela descrita internacionalmente até a década de 1980, mas muito diferente do que é atualmente reconhecido para os Estados Unidos, o Canadá e parte da Europa Ocidental. Recomendamos que os critérios histopatológicos para o diagnóstico da leptospirose canina devem incluir a presença concomitante de nefrite tubulointersticial aguda ou subaguda, hepatite reativa não específica e lesão alveolar difusa, incluindo hemorragia alveolar difusa com capilarite, em um cão que durante a necropsia demonstre icterícia, hemorragias e lesões extrarrenais de uremia na ausência de esplenomegalia.


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The main objective of the present study was to verify the approach on starch-gelatin blending for the paperboard coating formulations with enhanced barrier and mechanical properties. Based on that, another objective was to find out, how the approach will function with wood-based polysaccharides (CMC, EHEC and HPC) by analyzing their barrier properties and convertibility. The last objective was to find out, if pigments can be used in the composition of polysaccharide-protein blends without causing any negative effect on stated properties. The whole process chain of the barrier coating development was studied in the research. The methodology applied included pilot-scale coating and converting trials for the evaluation of mechanical properties of obtained coatings, namely their exposure to cracking with the loss of barrier properties. The results obtained indicated that the combination of starch with gelatin, in fact, improves the grease barrier properties and flexibility of starch-based coatings, thereby confirming the offered approach. The similar results were obtained for CMC, exhibited elevated barrier properties and surface coverage, proving that the approach also functions with wood-based polysaccharides. The introduction of equal amounts of talc gave various effects at different gelatin dosages on barrier properties of wood-based polysaccharides. Mainly, the elevation of grease barrier properties was observed. The convertibility of talc-filled coatings was not sufficient.


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Relatam-se mortalidades de bovinos nos Estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul relacionadas ao consumo de folhas de Pterodon emarginatus. Três surtos ocorreram no período de seca na região Centro-Oeste, após a queda de árvores devido a ventos fortes ou após serem derrubadas para aproveitamento da madeira. Morreram 40 bovinos em três diferentes surtos. A intoxicação foi reproduzida com administração de folhas de P. emarginatus; a dose tóxica mínima foi 20g/kg para ovinos e 6g/kg para bovinos. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se entre 24 e 72 horas após o consumo da planta. A evolução clínica da doença letal foi de 12 a 36 horas. Os sinais clínicos se caracterizaram por apatia, depressão, andar a esmo, pressão da cabeça contra objetos. Em dois dos surtos, os bovinos que sobreviveram a fase aguda da doença, desenvolveram fotossensibilização. Os principais achados macroscópicos nos casos espontâneos e experimentais foram no fígado; estes se caracterizaram por hepatomegalia e evidenciação do padrão lobular na superfície capsular e de corte. Notaram-se também hemorragias nas serosas abdominais e torácicas. Microscopicamente observou-se necrose coagulativa hepatocelular, que variou de centrolobular a massiva, por vezes associada à congestão e hemorragia; ocorreu também marcada tumefação e vacuolização de hepatócitos na região periacinar. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e na reprodução experimental da intoxicação em bovinos e ovinos. Estes achados caracterizam P. emarginatus como planta hepatotóxica de interesse pecuário na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil.


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This study describes the epidemiological and pathological aspects of an outbreak of acute fasciolosis in cattle in southern Brazil. Fifteen out of 70 three-year-old pregnant cows lost weight in the 30-40 days prior to calving. Clinical signs included diarrhea, weakness, mild anemia and jaundice. Dark yellow fluid in the abdominal cavity was observed at necropsy. Fibrin and clotted blood were adhered to the pericardium and lung, primarily in the diaphragmatic lobes. The liver was enlarged, and the capsular surface was irregular with clear areas and petechiae. At the cut surface, the liver was irregular, firm and edematous, and several hemorrhagic channels could be observed. Areas of fibrosis through the parenchyma and whitish thrombi occluding the great vessels were also observed. The livers of 10 cows that not died were condemned at slaughter for lesions of fasciolosis similar to those observed at necropsy. Microscopically, the liver showed areas of coagulation necrosis, extensive hemorrhages in the streaks or foci and disruption of the parenchyma with neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration. Fibrosis and bile duct proliferation were also observed. Immature Fasciola hepatica flukes were observed in the parenchyma surrounded by degenerated hepatocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and hemorrhages. The outbreak occurred on a farm located in an area endemic for fasciolosis, although the acute form of the disease is not common in cattle in this region. It is likely that the cows were infected by F. hepatica metacercariae released in the late fall or early spring in the rice stubble where the herd was grazing prior to calving. Although mortality due to fasciolosis in cattle is infrequent, outbreaks can occur and treatments that are effective in both the immature and adult forms of the parasite should be administered to prevent economic losses.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o período de inversão do saco vitelino bem como a dinâmica resultante deste processo na gestação inicial em preás, utilizando-se microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. No décimo segundo dia de gestação observou-se o desenvolvimento dos endodermas parietal e visceral delimitando a cavidade do saco vitelino. O endoderma parietal foi evidenciado revestindo a superfície fetal da placenta corioalantoidea bem como contornando o espaço delimitado pela decídua capsular. Estes endodermas apresentaram formato prismático e encontraram-se separados do trofoblasto por uma desenvolvida membrana de Reichert. Já o endoderma visceral continha vasos vitelínicos e possuía vilosidades apenas em determinadas áreas. No décimo quarto dia de gestação verificou-se a inversão do saco vitelino, caracterizada pela degeneração do endoderma parietal e trofoblasto mural, associado ao desaparecimento gradual da membrana de Reichert. Como consequência deste fenômeno, o endoderma visceral passou a constituir uma interface com o epitélio uterino. Após a inversão, o endoderma parietal que permaneceu íntegro foi aquele que se apoiava na superfície da placenta corioalantóidea, apresentando células em formato colunar alto e característica de epitélio pseudoestratificado. O endoderma visceral apresentou numerosas vilosidades apicais principalmente em regiões próximas a placenta corioalantóidea. Com o contínuo desenvolvimento do embrião e placenta corioalantóidea, observou-se o surgimento de importante área de aposição entre os endodermas visceral e parietal. A inversão do saco vitelino representou uma disposição anatômica favorável ao desenvolvimento embrionário, além de ser uma característica evolutiva nesta espécie de roedor.


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The major type of non-cellulosic polysaccharides (hemicelluloses) in softwoods, the partly acetylated galactoglucomannans (GGMs), which comprise about 15% of spruce wood, have attracted growing interest because of their potential to become high-value products with applications in many areas. The main objective of this work was to explore the possibilities to extract galactoglucomannans in native, polymeric form in high yield from spruce wood with pressurised hot-water, and to obtain a deeper understanding of the process chemistry involved. Spruce (Picea abies) chips and ground wood particles were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) in the temperature range 160 – 180°C. Detailed chemical analyses were done on both the water extracts and the wood residues. As much as 80 – 90% of the GGMs in spruce wood, i.e. about 13% based on the original wood, could be extracted from ground spruce wood with pure water at 170 – 180°C with an extraction time of 60 min. GGMs comprised about 75% of the extracted carbohydrates and about 60% of the total dissolved solids. Other substances in the water extracts were xylans, arabinogalactans, pectins, lignin and acetic acid. The yields from chips were only about 60% of that from ground wood. Both the GGMs and other non-cellulosic polysaccharides were extensively hydrolysed at severe extraction conditions when pH dropped to the level of 3.5. Addition of sodium bicarbonate increased the yields of polymeric GGMs at low additions, 2.5 – 5 mM, where the end pH remained around 3.9. However, at higher addition levels the yields decreased, mainly because the acetyl groups in GGMs were split off, leading to a low solubility of GGMs. Extraction with buffered water in the pH range 3.8 – 4.4 gave similar yields as with plain water, but gave a higher yield of polymeric GGMs. Moreover, at these pH levels the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in GGMs was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that hot-water extraction of polymeric GGMs in good yields (up to 8% of wood) demands appropriate control of pH, in a narrow range about 4. These results were supported by a study of hydrolysis of GGM at constant pH in the range of 3.8 – 4.2 where a kinetic model for degradation of GGM was developed. The influence of wood particle size on hot-water extraction was studied with particles in the range of 0.1 – 2 mm. The smallest particles (< 0.1 mm) gave 20 – 40% higher total yield than the coarsest particles (1.25 – 2 mm). The difference was greatest at short extraction times. The results indicated that extraction of GGMs and other polysaccharides is limited mainly by the mass transfer in the fibre wall, and for coarse wood particles also in the wood matrix. Spruce sapwood, heartwood and thermomechnical pulp were also compared, but only small differences in yields and composition of extracts were found. Two methods for isolation and purification of polymeric GGMs, i.e. membrane filtration and precipitation in ethanol-water, were compared. Filtration through a series of membranes with different pore sizes separated GGMs of different molar masses, from polymers to oligomers. Polysaccharides with molar mass higher than 4 kDa were precipitated in ethanol-water. GGMs comprised about 80% of the precipitated polysaccharides. Other polysaccharides were mainly arabinoglucuronoxylans and pectins. The ethanol-precipitated GGMs were by 13C NMR spectroscopy verified to be very similar to GGMs extracted from spruce wood in low yield at a much lower temperature, 90°C. The obtained large body of experimental data could be utilised for further kinetic and economic calculations to optimise technical hot-water extractionof softwoods.


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Surface chemistry is of great importance in plant biomass engineering and applications. The surface chemical composition of biomass which includes lignin, carbohydrates and extractives influences its interactions with chemical agents, such as pulp processing/papermaking chemicals, or enzymes for different purposes. In this thesis, the changes in the surface chemical composition of lignocellulosic biomass after physical modification for the improvement of resulting paper properties and chemical treatment for the enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated. Low consistency (LC) refining was used as physical treatment of bleached softwood and hardwood pulp samples, and the surface chemistry of refined samples was investigated. The refined pulp was analysed as whole pulp while the fines-free fibre samples were characterized separately. The fines produced in LCrefining contributed to an enlarged surface specific area as well as the change of surface coverage by lignin and extractives, as investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface coverage by lignin of the whole pulp decreased after refining while the surface coverage by extractives increased both for pine and eucalyptus. In the case of pine, the removal of fines resulted in reduction of the surface coverage by extractives, while the surface coverage by lignin increased on fibre sample (without fines). In the case of eucalyptus, the surface coverage by lignin of fibre samples decreased after the removal of fines. In addition, the surface distribution of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives of pine and eucalyptus samples was determined by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). LC-refining increased the amounts of pentose, hexose and extractives on the surface of pine samples. ToF-SIMS also gave clear evidence about xylan deposition and reduction of surface lignin distribution on the fibre of eucalyptus. However, the changes in the surface chemical composition during the physical treatment has led to an increase in the adsorption of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) on fibres due to a combination of electro-static forces, specific surface area of fibres and hydrophobic interactions. Various physicochemical pretreatments were conducted on wood and non-wood biomass for enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides, and the surface chemistry of the pretreated and enzymatically hydrolysed samples was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), XPS and ToF-SIMS. A hydrotrope was used as a relatively novel pretreatment technology both in the case of wood and non-wood biomass. For comparison, ionic liquid and hydrothermal pretreatments were applied on softwood and hardwood as well. Thus, XPS analysis showed that the surface lignin was more efficiently removed by hydrotropic pretreatment compared to ionic liquid or hydrothermal pretreatments. SEM analysis also found that already at room temperature the ionic liquid pretreatments were more effective in swelling the fibres compared with hydrotropic pretreatment at elevated temperatures. The enzymatic hydrolysis yield of hardwood was enhanced due to the decrease in surface coverage of lignin, which was induced by hydrotropic treatment. However, hydrotropic pretreatment was not appropriate for softwood because of the predominance of guaiacyl lignin structure in this material. In addition, the reduction of surface lignin and xylan during pretreatment and subsequent increase in cellulose hydrolysis by enzyme could be observed from ToF-SIMS results. The characterisation of the non-wood biomass (e.g. sugarcane bagasse and common reed) treated by hydrotropic method, alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments were carried out by XPS and ToF-SIMS. According to the results, the action for the removal of the surface lignin of non-wood biomass by hydrotropic pretreatment was more significant compared to alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments, although a higher total amount of lignin could be removed by alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment. Furthermore, xylan could be remarkably more efficiently removed by hydrotropic method. Therefore, the glucan yield achieved from hydrotropic treated sample was higher than that from samples treated with alkaline or alkaline hydrogen peroxide. Through the use of ToF-SIMS, the distribution and localization of lignin and carbohydrates on the surface of ignocelluloses during pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis could be detected, and xylan degradation during enzymatic hydrolysis could also be assessed. Thus, based on the results from XPS and ToF-SIMS, the mechanism of the hydrotropic pretreatment in improving the accessibility of enzymes to fibre and further ameliorating of the enzymatic saccharification could be better elucidated.


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RESUMO - (Tibouchina sect. Pleroma (D. Don) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) no estado de São Paulo). Tibouchina Aubl. (Melastomeae), com ca. de 308 espécies, ocupa posição central entre as Melastomataceae neotropicais de fruto capsular. Muitas destas espécies estão especialmente concentradas nas regiões sudeste e centro-oeste do Brasil. O gênero Tibouchina encontra-se dividido em 11 seções. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as espécie de Tibouchina sect. Pleroma no estado de São Paulo. São relacionadas as seguintes espécies: T. chamissoana Cogn., T. clavata (Pers.) Wurdack, T. estrellensis (Raddi) Cogn., T. grandifolia Cogn., T. granulosa (Desr.) Cogn., T. langsdorffiana (Bonpl.) Baill., T. martialis (Cham.) Cogn., T. riedeliana Cogn., T. serrana P. Guimarães & A. B. Martins, T. stenocarpa (Schrank et Mart. ex DC.) Cogn., T. ursina (Cham.) Cogn. e T. urvilleana (DC.) Cogn. Estas espécies estão distribuidas principalmente na região litorânea do estado. Foi elaborada chave de identificação e são apresentadas descrições, comentários, relação do material examinado e ilustrações.


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The influence of climatic variations on fructan content in tropical regions is not well known. The present study deals with the effects of temperature on fructan contents in rhizophores of plants of Vernonia herbacea, a native species from the Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Intact plants and fragmented rhizophores were subjected to different temperatures under natural and controlled environmental conditions. Rhizophores of plants in pre-dormant stage (aerial parts showing some yellowish leaves) presented higher fructan content at 5oC than those kept at 25oC, whereas in dormant plants (aerial parts absent) temperature treatments did not affect fructan contents. Fragmented rhizophores obtained from dormant plants presented higher levels of fructo-polysaccharides at the end of the experiment than at the beginning of the treatment, regardless of the temperature they were stored, whereas fragments obtained from vegetative plants showed a decrease in fructan content under the same treatments. It was concluded that variations observed in fructan contents are related to the phenological state of the plants prior to the treatment rather than to extraneous temperatures they are subjected to during this stage.


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Colleters of Mandevilla illustris and M. velutina are present on the cotyledons, shoot apices, mature leaves and on the nodal region, where they are interpetiolar and intrapetiolar. In M. velutina there are two colleters on the adaxial basal part of the leaf blade, and in M. illustris, this number varies. The differentiation of the colleters occurs in the early stages of leaf development. When colleters are mature, they consist of a long head on a short stalk. The central core of the colleter is made up of parenchymatous cells that may exhibit phenolic compounds and is surrounded by radially elongated epithelial cells. The foliar and intrapetiolar colleters can exhibit vascularization. The colleters produce a translucient sticky substance that reacts positively to polysaccharides and, before senescence, they produce lipophilic substances. The Mandevilla colleters data can give support to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Apocynaceae.


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Despite the suggestions of its pectic composition, no clear evidence for this has been presented. Here we show the occurrence of such a structure in walls of cells from cotyledons of Hymenaea courbariI L. These cells are known to accumulate large amounts of storage xyloglucan in the wall and, in this case, the protuberances seem to contain this storage polysaccharide rather than pectin. A hypothetical sequence of events leading from wall strands to protuberances was assembled based on scanning electron microscopy observations. On this basis, a tentative model for how polysaccharides are distributed into the wall, near the regions where protuberances are found, is proposed to explain the presence of storage xyloglucan in their composition.


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Galactomannans (GM) are storage cell wall polysaccharides present in endospermic seeds of legumes. They are thought to be storage polymers, since it has been observed for a few species (among them Sesbania virgata) that they are completely broken down after germination and their products are transferred to the growing embryo. We examined the effect of 10-4 M abscisic acid (ABA) on the degradation of galactomannan in isolated endosperms and intact seeds of S. virgata. We found that after seed germination the initial embryo growth was retarded. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the embryo is completely surrounded by an endosperm which displays very thick galactomannan-containing cell walls. Although an inhibitory effect has been observed on the increase of fresh mass of the embryo, the effect of ABA on the dry mass was weaker and transitory (from 48 to 96 h). Endosperm dry mass and galactomannan degradation were significantly inhibited and the activity of alpha-galactosidase was strongly affected. The addition of ABA before and/or after the start of mobilisation in intact seeds or isolated endosperms, showed that whereas addition before mobilisation did not affect dry mass decrease in intact seeds, it was strongly affected in isolated endosperms. On the other hand, whereas it affected embryo fresh mass increase in intact seeds, but not in isolated embryos, no significant effect was observed on dry mass. These results suggest that ABA affects galactomannan degradation and by doing so, prevents water absorption by the embryo, rather than affect its dry mass. As ABA has been detected in the endosperm of seeds of S. virgata, it is proposed that it probably acts as a modulator of galactomannan mobilisation and consequently synchronises it with early growth of the embryo.


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Plants accumulate antimicrobial compounds (phytoalexins) in response to a wide variety of microorganisms. Mucor ramosissimus Samutsevitsch is a saprobe capable of inducing phytoalexin production in soybean cotyledons and in the leaves of tropical Rubiaceae on whose surface it has been found. In the present study, the elicitor from M. ramosissimus was partially purified and the activity compared to that of a glucan elicitor isolated from Phytophthora sojae. Optimal isolation of the elicitor (based on fungal growth, yield of spores and elicitor activity) was achieved by autoclaving spores obtained from nine day-old cultures of the fungus. The elicitor was precipitated with ethanol and purified by chromatography on an anion exchange column, which retained the elicitor, and a Concanavalin A-affinity matrix, to which the elicitor did not bind. The purification resulted in a considerable increase (six-fold) in the specific activity of the elicitor. Neutral sugar composition, analyzed by HPLC, revealed the predominance of mannose, followed by glucose and galactose, whereas colorimetric quantification showed the presence of uronic acids. GC-MS analysis of the elicitor revealed the predominance of glucuronic acid and mannose. These results suggest that fragments of mucoran-type polysaccharides are the phytoalexin elicitors present in the spores of the saprobe M. ramosissimus. Our results also indicate for the first time that soybean cotyledon tissues can recognize fragments of glucuronic-acid heteropolymers as phytoalexin elicitors.