985 resultados para Candida nivariensis
Candida albicans est une levure pathogène qui, à l’état commensal, colonise les muqueuses de la cavité orale et du tractus gastro-intestinal. De nature opportuniste, C. albicans cause de nombreuses infections, allant des candidoses superficielles (muguet buccal, vulvo-vaginite) aux candidoses systémiques sévères. C. albicans a la capacité de se développer sous diverses morphologies, telles que les formes levures, pseudohyphes et hyphes. Des stimuli environnementaux mimant les conditions retrouvées chez l’hôte (température de 37°C, pH neutre, présence de sérum) induisent la transition levure-à-hyphe (i.e. morphogenèse ou filamentation). Cette transition morphologique contribue à la pathogénicité de C. albicans, du fait que des souches présentant un défaut de filamentation sont avirulentes. Non seulement la morphogenèse est un facteur de virulence, mais elle constituerait aussi une cible pour le développement d’antifongiques. En effet, il a déjà été démontré que l’inhibition de la transition levure-à-hyphe atténuait la virulence de C. albicans lors d’infections systémiques. Par ailleurs, des études ont démontré que de nombreuses molécules pouvaient moduler la morphogenèse. Parmi ces molécules, certains acides gras, dont l’acide linoléique conjugué (CLA), inhibent la formation d’hyphes. Ainsi, le CLA posséderait des propriétés thérapeutiques, du fait qu’il interfère avec un déterminant de pathogénicité de C. albicans. Par contre, avant d’évaluer son potentiel thérapeutique dans un contexte clinique, il est essentiel d’étudier son mode d’action. Ce projet vise à caractériser l’activité anti-filamentation des acides gras et du CLA et à déterminer le mécanisme par lequel ces molécules inhibent la morphogenèse chez C. albicans. Des analyses transcriptomiques globales ont été effectuées afin d’obtenir le profil transcriptionnel de la réponse de C. albicans au CLA. L’acide gras a entraîné une baisse des niveaux d’expression de gènes encodant des protéines hyphes-spécifiques et des régulateurs de morphogenèse, dont RAS1. Ce gène code pour la GTPase Ras1p, une protéine membranaire de signalisation qui joue un rôle important dans la transition levure-à-hyphe. Des analyses de PCR quantitatif ont confirmé que le CLA inhibait l’induction de RAS1. De plus, le CLA a non seulement causé une baisse des niveaux cellulaires de Ras1p, mais a aussi entraîné sa délocalisation de la membrane plasmique. En affectant les niveaux et la localisation cellulaire de Ras1p, le CLA nuit à l’activation de la voie de signalisation Ras1p-dépendante, inhibant ainsi la morphogenèse. Il est possible que le CLA altère la structure de la membrane plasmique et affecte indirectement la localisation membranaire de Ras1p. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence le mode d’action du CLA. Le potentiel thérapeutique du CLA pourrait maintenant être évalué dans un contexte d’infection, permettant ainsi de vérifier qu’une telle approche constitue véritablement une stratégie pour le traitement des candidoses.
Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat avaient pour but de mettre au point des nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sous forme de nanoparticules polymériques (NP) en vue d’améliorer l’efficacité et la spécificité des traitements antifongiques sur des souches sensibles ou résistantes de Candida spp, d’Aspergillus spp et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé un polymère à base de polyester-co-polyéther branché avec du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG-g-PLA). En plus d’être original et innovant, ce co-polymère a l’avantage d’être non-toxique et de posséder des caractéristiques de libération prolongée. Trois antifongiques couramment utilisés en clinique et présentant une biodisponibilité non optimale ont été choisis, soient deux azolés, le voriconazole (VRZ) et l’itraconazole (ITZ) et un polyène, l’amphotéricine B (AMB). Ces principes actifs (PA), en plus des problèmes d’administration, présentent aussi d’importants problèmes de toxicité. Des NP polymériques encapsulant ces PA ont été préparées par une technique d’émulsion huile-dans-l’eau (H/E) suivie d’évaporation de solvant. Une fois fabriquées, les NP ont été caractérisées et des particules de d’environ 200 nm de diamètre ont été obtenues. Les NP ont été conçues pour avoir une structure coeur/couronne avec un coeur constitué de polymère hydrophobe (PLA) et une couronne hydrophile de PEG. Une faible efficacité de chargement (1,3% m/m) a été obtenue pour la formulation VRZ encapsulé dans des NP (NP/VRZ). Toutefois, la formulation AMB encapsulée dans des NP (NP/AMB) a montré des taux de chargement satisfaisants (25,3% m/m). En effet, le caractère hydrophobe du PLA a assuré une bonne affinité avec les PA hydrophobes, particulièrement l’AMB qui est le plus hydrophobe des agents sélectionnés. Les études de libération contrôlée ont montré un relargage des PA sur plusieurs jours. La formulation NP/AMB a été testée sur un impacteur en cascade, un modèle in vitro de poumon et a permis de démontrer le potentiel de cette formulation à être administrée efficacement par voie pulmonaire. En effet, les résultats sur l’impacteur en cascade ont montré que la majorité de la formulation s’est retrouvée à l’étage de collecte correspondant au niveau bronchique, endroit où se situent majoritairement les infections fongiques pulmonaires. Dans la deuxième partie de ces travaux, nous avons testé les nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sur des souches planctoniques de Candida spp., d’Aspergillus spp. et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm selon les procédures standardisées du National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Les souches choisies ont démontré des résistances aux azolés et aux polyènes. Les études d’efficacité in vitro ont permis de prouver hors de tout doute que les nouvelles formulations offrent une efficacité nettement améliorée comparée à l’agent antifongique libre. Pour mettre en lumière si l’amélioration de l’efficacité antifongique était due à une internalisation des NP, nous avons évalué le comportement des NP avec les cellules de champignons. Nous avons procédé à des études qualitatives de microscopie de fluorescence sur des NP marquées avec de la rhodamine (Rh). Tel qu’attendu, les NP ont montré une localisation intracellulaire. Pour exclure la possibilité d’une simple adhésion des NP à la surface des levures, nous avons aussi confirmé leur internalisation en microscopie confocale de fluorescence. Il est important de noter que peu d’études à ce jour ont mis l’accent sur l’élaboration de nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques à base de polymères non toxiques destinées aux traitements des mycoses, donnant ainsi une grande valeur et originalité aux travaux effectués dans cette thèse. Les résultats probants obtenus ouvrent la voie vers une nouvelle approche pour contourner les problèmes de résistances fongiques, un problème de plus en plus important dans le domaine de l’infectiologie.
La candidose oro-pharyngée (COP) est l’infection fongique opportuniste la plus commune chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. La production des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 par les lymphocytes Th17 est importante lors de la résolution de la COP, puisque ces cytokines induisent la production de peptides antifongiques et le recrutement des neutrophiles polymorphonucléaires. Toutefois, les lymphocytes Th17 sont préférentiellement déplétés chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. Le modèle de COP chez la souris transgénique (Tg) CD4C/HIVMutA, exprimant les gènes nef, env et rev du VIH-1, permettra de déterminer si des altérations quantitatives et/ou fonctionnelles des sous-populations de lymphocytes T CD4+ causent la sensibilité à la candidose. Les sous-populations Th1, Th2, Th1Th17, Th17 et Treg, ainsi que leurs précurseurs, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs, sont sévèrement déplétées dans les ganglions cervicaux de la souris Tg. Cependant, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs conservent la capacité à se différencier in vitro en présence de cytokines polarisantes et à produire les cytokines typiques des diverses sous-populations. De plus, les cytokines requises pour la polarisation des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs n’étaient pas réduites dans les ganglions cervicaux des souris Tg, 7 jours après le début de l’infection. Les gènes S100a8, Ccl20, Il17 et Il22 étaient surexprimés en réponse à la COP chez la souris non-Tg, mais pas chez la souris Tg. Le traitement de souris Tg infectées à l’aide de la combinaison des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 réduit significativement la charge fongique buccale de C. albicans et le nombre d’hyphes dans l’épithélium de la langue et restaure la capacité à surexprimer des gènes S100a8, Ccl20 et Il22. Ces résultats démontrent que la perturbation de l’induction de l’immunité innée par l’Il-17 et l’Il-22 augmente la susceptibilité à la COP chez la souris Tg.
The main source of protein for human and animal consumption is from the agricultural sector, where the production is vulnerable to diseases, fluctuations in climatic conditions and deteriorating hydrological conditions due to water pollution. Therefore Single Cell Protein (SCP) production has evolved as an excellent alternative. Among all sources of microbial protein, yeast has attained global acceptability and has been preferred for SCP production. The screening and evaluation of nutritional and other culture variables of microorganisms are very important in the development of a bioprocess for SCP production. The application of statistical experimental design in bioprocess development can result in improved product yields, reduced process variability, closer confirmation of the output response to target requirements and reduced development time and overall cost.The present work was undertaken to develop a bioprocess technology for the mass production of a marine yeast, Candida sp.S27. Yeasts isolated from the offshore waters of the South west coast of India and maintained in the Microbiology Laboratory were subjected to various tests for the selection of a potent strain for biomass production. The selected marine yeast was identified based on ITS sequencing. Biochemical/nutritional characterization of Candida sp.S27 was carried out. Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) the process parameters (pH, temperature and salinity) were optimized. For mass production of yeast biomass, a chemically defined medium (Barnett and Ingram, 1955) and a crude medium (Molasses-Yeast extract) were optimized using RSM. Scale up of biomass production was done in a Bench top Fermenter using these two optimized media. Comparative efficacy of the defined and crude media were estimated besides nutritional evaluation of the biomass developed using these two optimized media.
Aquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades to become an important activity worldwide.The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN acknowledge that global fishery output must be increased by at least 50% to offset projected shortfalls in dietary protein by 2030.LAquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades and has become an importat industry as today’s demand for fish exceeds the natural supply.lmmunostimulants are chemical compounds that activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. lmmunostimulants have been obtained from diverse natural sources where, microbial cell wall acts as the main source.The salient findings of the study are summariseSeven marine yeasts were screened for growth promoting and immunostimulant property in F. indicus. Candida sake S165 was found to be best in terms of its support for growth and protection against white spot virus infection.The study revealed that marine yeast Candida sake can be effectively used as potential source of immunostimulants for application in penaeid prawns culture systems. The study emphasise the fact that the dose and frequency of application of immunostimulants are to be standardised and validated before commercialisation to achieve optimum stimulation of the immune system and to avoid immune fatigue die to verdose.Marine yeast (whole cell) was found to support better immunostimulation compared to its cell wall component B-1,3-glucan. This study shows that administration of marine yeast (whole cell) or B-1,3-glucan as immunostimulants in aquaculture would definitely help in protection of the stock to a few more days even though total protection is not being imparted. This partial protection itself would be highly helpful to the farming industry so that they can get sufficient time to plan for a safe harvest and save the crop from cent percent mortality.
Strain improvement is one of the major objectives for maximizing the microbial production of industrially significant primary and secondary metabolites. This goal can be achieved by judicious tuning of the organisms by monitoring its growth parameters and optimizing adequate supply of micro and macro nutrients, inducers, pH, temperature and other factors which control fermentation. Though C. rugosa has been under extensive studies for lipases, maximum world production is only 36 units. In fact, in India, enhanced production conditions for lipases have not yet been initiated. C. rugosa has been cultivated in diverse environments like liquid, semi-solid, solid—state and immobilized conditions, though major emphasis is on SmF or suspension culture. Hence the present investigations mainly focused on increasing the yield by adjusting the physico-chemical growth parameters and to characterize the lipase isoforms secreted by C. rugosa in the culture medium. Maximum possible improved methods were investigated to achieve these objectives. Within this under-optimised background, enhancement of lipase production and its characterization were investigated, employing modified liquid, semi-solid, solid—state and immobilized fermentation strategies
The efficacy of a marine yeast Candida sake as source of immunostimulant to Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus was estimated. Biomass of C. sake was prepared using malt extract agar and incorporated at graded levels into a standard diet to prepare yeast diets of varying biomass concentrations (1%, 10% and 20%). F. indicus were fed on these diets for a period of 28 days and challenged orally with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and immune parameters such as total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT) were determined. Ten per cent C. sake in the diet was found to support an optimum immune response in the animals in general and their enhancement could be observed on the second and third day following challenge with the virus. The study has demonstrated that marine yeast C. sake at 10% in diet (w/w) may be used as an effective source of immunostimulants in F. indicus
Marine yeast have been regarded as safe and showing a beneficial impact on biotechnological process. It provides better nutritional and dietary values indicating their potential application as feed supplements in aquaculture. Brown et al. (1996) evaluated all the marine yeasts characterised with high protein content, carbohydrate, good amino acid composition and high levels of saturated fats. However, there is paucity of information on marine yeasts as feed supplements and no feed formulation has been found either in literature or in market supplemented with them. This statement supported by Zhenming et al. (2006) reported still a lack of feed composed of single cell protein (SCP) from marine yeasts with high content of protein and other nutrients. Recent research has shown that marine yeasts also have highly potential uses in food, feed, medical and biofuel industries as well as marine biotechnology (Chi et al., 2009; 2010). Sajeevan et al. (2006; 2009a) and Sarlin and Philip (2011) demonstrates that the marine yeasts Candida sake served as a high quality, inexpensive nutrient source and it had proven immunostimulatory properties for cultured shrimps. This strain has been made part of the culture collection of National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology as Candida MCCF 101. Over the years marine yeasts have been gaining increased attention in animal feed industry due to their nutritional value and immune boosting property.Therefore, the present study was undertaken, and focused on the nutritional quality, optimization of large scale production and evaluation of its protective effect on Koi carp from Aeromonas infection
The effects of metal contamination on natural populations of Collembola in soils from five sites in the Wolverhampton area ( West Midlands, England) were examined. Analysis revealed that metal concentrations were elevated above background levels at all sites. One location in particular (Ladymoor, a former smelting site) was highly contaminated with Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn at more than 20 times background levels. Biodiversity indices ( Shannon - Weiner, Simpson index, Margalef index, alpha index, species richness, Shaneven ( evenness) and Berger - Parker dominance) were calculated. Of these indices, estimates of species richness and evenness were most effective at highlighting the differences between the Collembola communities. Indeed, the highest number of species were found at the most contaminated site, although the Collembola population also had a comparatively low evenness value, with just two species dominating. The number of individuals per species were allocated into geometric classes and plotted against the cumulative number of species as a percentage. At Ladymoor, there were more geometric classes, and the slope of the line was shallower than at the other four sites. This characteristic is a feature of polluted sites, where a few species are dominant and most species are rare. The Ladymoor soil also had a dominance of Isotomurus palustris, and was the only site in which Ceratophysella denticulata was found. Previous studies have shown that these two species are often found in sites subject to high metal contamination. Survival and reproduction of the "standard'' test springtail, Folsomia candida (Willem), were determined in a 4 week exposure test to soils from all five sites. Mortality was significantly increased in adults and reproduction significantly lower in the Ladymoor soil in comparison to the other four sites. This study has shown that severe metal contamination can be related to the population structure of Collembola in the field, and performance of F. candida ( in soils from such sites) in the laboratory.
Folsomia candida Willem 1902, a member of the order Collembola (colloquially called springtails), is a common and widespread arthropod that occurs in soils throughout the world. The species is parthenogenetic and is easy to maintain in the laboratory on a diet of granulated dry yeast. F. candida has been used as a "standard" test organism for more than 40 years for estimating the effects of pesticides and environmental pollutants on nontarget soil arthropods. However. it has also been employed as a model for the investigation of numerous other phenomena such as cold tolerance, quality as a prey item, and effects of microarthropod grazing on pathogenic fungi and mycorrhizae of plant roots. In this comprehensive review. aspects of the life history, ecology, and ecotoxicology of F candida are covered. We focus on the recent literature, especially studies that have examined the effects of soil pollutants on reproduction in F candida using the protocol published by the International Standards Organization in 1999.
Forecasting the effects of stressors on the dynamics of natural populations requires assessment of the joint effects of a stressor and population density on the population response. The effects can be depicted as a contour map in which the population response, here assessed by Population growth rate, varies with stress and density in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. We present the first complete map of this type using as our model Folsomia candida exposed to five different concentrations of the widespread anthelmintic veterinary medicine ivermectin in replicated microcosm experiments lasting 49 days. The concentrations of ivermectin in yeast were 0.0, 6.8 28.83 66.4 and 210.0 mg/L wet weight. Increasing density and chemical concentration both significantly reduced the population growth rate of Folsomia candida, in part through effects on food consumption and fecundity. The interaction between density and ivermectin concentration was "less-than-additive," implying that at high density populations were able to compensate for the effects of the chemical. This result demonstrates that regulatory protocols carried out at low density (as in most past experiments) may seriously overestimate effects in the field, where densities are locally high and populations are resource limited (e.g., in feces of livestock treated with ivermectin).
1. To understand population dynamics in stressed environments it is necessary to join together two classical lines of research. Population responses to environmental stress have been studied at low density in life table response experiments. These show how the population's growth rate (pgr) at low density varies in relation to levels of stress. Population responses to density, on the other hand, are based on examination of the relationship between pgr and population density. 2. The joint effects of stress and density on pgr can be pictured as a contour map in which pgr varies with stress and density in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. Here a microcosm experiment is reported that compared the joint effects of zinc and population density on the pgr of the springtail Folsomia candida (Collembola). 3. Our experiments allowed the plotting of a complete map of the effects of density and a stressor on pgr. Particularly important was the position of the pgr= 0 contour, which suggested that carrying capacity varied little with zinc concentration until toxic levels were reached. 4. This prediction accords well with observations of population abundance in the field. The method also allowed us to demonstrate, simultaneously, hormesis, toxicity, an Allee effect and density dependence. 5. The mechanisms responsible for these phenomena are discussed. As zinc is an essential trace element the initial increase in pgr is probably a consequence of dietary zinc deficiency. The Allee effect may be attributed to productivity of the environment increasing with density at low density. Density dependence is a result of food limitation. 6. Synthesis and applications. We illustrate a novel solution based on mapping a population's growth rate in relation to stress and population density. Our method allows us to demonstrate, simultaneously, hormesis, toxicity, an Allee effect and density dependence in an important ecological indicator species. We hope that the approach followed here will prove to have general applicability enabling predictions of field abundance to be made from estimates of the joint effects of the stressors and density on population growth rate.
Folsomia candida Willem 1902, a member of the order Collembola (colloquially called springtails), is a common and widespread arthropod that occurs in soils throughout the world. The species is parthenogenetic and is easy to maintain in the laboratory on a diet of granulated dry yeast. F. candida has been used as a "standard" test organism for more than 40 years for estimating the effects of pesticides and environmental pollutants on nontarget soil arthropods. However. it has also been employed as a model for the investigation of numerous other phenomena such as cold tolerance, quality as a prey item, and effects of microarthropod grazing on pathogenic fungi and mycorrhizae of plant roots. In this comprehensive review. aspects of the life history, ecology, and ecotoxicology of F candida are covered. We focus on the recent literature, especially studies that have examined the effects of soil pollutants on reproduction in F candida using the protocol published by the International Standards Organization in 1999.
The effects of metal contamination on natural populations of Collembola in soils from five sites in the Wolverhampton area ( West Midlands, England) were examined. Analysis revealed that metal concentrations were elevated above background levels at all sites. One location in particular (Ladymoor, a former smelting site) was highly contaminated with Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn at more than 20 times background levels. Biodiversity indices ( Shannon - Weiner, Simpson index, Margalef index, alpha index, species richness, Shaneven ( evenness) and Berger - Parker dominance) were calculated. Of these indices, estimates of species richness and evenness were most effective at highlighting the differences between the Collembola communities. Indeed, the highest number of species were found at the most contaminated site, although the Collembola population also had a comparatively low evenness value, with just two species dominating. The number of individuals per species were allocated into geometric classes and plotted against the cumulative number of species as a percentage. At Ladymoor, there were more geometric classes, and the slope of the line was shallower than at the other four sites. This characteristic is a feature of polluted sites, where a few species are dominant and most species are rare. The Ladymoor soil also had a dominance of Isotomurus palustris, and was the only site in which Ceratophysella denticulata was found. Previous studies have shown that these two species are often found in sites subject to high metal contamination. Survival and reproduction of the "standard'' test springtail, Folsomia candida (Willem), were determined in a 4 week exposure test to soils from all five sites. Mortality was significantly increased in adults and reproduction significantly lower in the Ladymoor soil in comparison to the other four sites. This study has shown that severe metal contamination can be related to the population structure of Collembola in the field, and performance of F. candida ( in soils from such sites) in the laboratory.
Chemostat culture was used to determine the effects of the antimicrobial agents tetracycline and nystatin on predominant components of the human gut microflora. Their addition to mixed culture systems caused a non-specific, and variable, decrease in microbial populations, although tetracycline allowed an increase in numbers of yeasts. Both had a profound inhibitory effect upon populations seen as important for gut health (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli). However, a tetracycline resistant Lactobacillus was enriched from the experiments. A combination of genotypic and phenotypic characterisations confirmed its identity as Lactobacillus plantarum. This strain exerted powerful inhibitory effects against Candida albicans. Because of its ability to resist the effects of tetracycline, this organism may be useful as a probiotic for the improved management of yeast related conditions such as thrush and irritable bowel syndrome. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.