893 resultados para Calumet (Québec)--History--17th century
This research is an examination of the life of Edith Fetherston through studying her clothing and comparing her clothes to fashion history. The authors of Survey of Historic Costume, Tortora and Eubank, state that: 'Dress serves as a means of communication,' and that 'historic dress provides readers with some context for the period in which costumes were worn'. Most importantly, they state that clothing is 'a glimpse of attitudes and values as they were expressed by individuals of [a] period.' (4). Studying clothing history is a way to understand the attitudes of the times; it has a relationship with the attitudes of the society in which it is or was worn. Studying garments can identify personalities, as well as professions, and economic status. My research is based on the wardrobe of Edith Fetherston between the early twenties and late sixties. This thesis begins by examining Edith herself, then it examines each decade and its major characteristics, and finally my research examines at least two garments from each of the five decades.
Tree rings dominate millennium-long temperature reconstructions and many records originate from Scandinavia, an area for which the relative roles of external forcing and internal variation on climatic changes are, however, not yet fully understood. Here we compile 1,179 series of maximum latewood density measurements from 25 conifer sites in northern Scandinavia, establish a suite of 36 subset chronologies, and analyse their climate signal. A new reconstruction for the 1483–2006 period correlates at 0.80 with June–August temperatures back to 1860. Summer cooling during the early 17th century and peak warming in the 1930s translate into a decadal amplitude of 2.9°C, which agrees with existing Scandinavian tree-ring proxies. Climate model simulations reveal similar amounts of mid to low frequency variability, suggesting that internal ocean-atmosphere feedbacks likely influenced Scandinavian temperatures more than external forcing. Projected 21st century warming under the SRES A2 scenario would, however, exceed the reconstructed temperature envelope of the past 1,500 years.
210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dated sediments of two late Holocene landslide lakes in the Provincial Park Lagunas de Yala (Laguna Rodeo, Laguna Comedero, 24°06′S, 65°30′W, 2100 m asl, northwestern Argentina) reveal a high-resolution multi-proxy data set of climate change and human impact for the past ca. 2000 years. Comparison of the lake sediment data set for the 20th century (sediment mass accumulation rates MARs, pollen spectra, nutrient and charcoal fluxes) with independent dendroecological data from the catchment (fire scars, tree growth) and long regional precipitation series (from 1934 onwards) show that (1) the lake sediment data set is internally highly consistent and compares well with independent data sets, (2) the chronology of the sediment is reliable, (3) large fires (1940s, 1983/1984–1989) as documented in the local fire scar frequency are recorded in the charcoal flux to the lake sediments and coincide with low wet-season precipitation rates (e.g., 1940s, 1983/1984) and/or high interannual precipitation variability (late 1940s), and (4) the regional increase in precipitation after 1970 is recorded in an increase in the MARs (L. Rodeo from 100 to 390 mg cm−2 yr−1) and in an increase in fern spores reflecting wet vegetation. The most significant change in MARs and nutrient fluxes (Corg and P) of the past 2000 years is observed with the transition from the Inca Empire to the Spanish Conquest around 1600 AD. Compared with the pre-17th century conditions, MARs increased by a factor of ca. 5 to >8 (to 800 +130, −280 mg cm−2 yr−1), PO4 fluxes increased by a factor of 7, and Corg fluxes by a factor of 10.5 for the time between 1640 and 1930 AD. 17th to 19th century MARs and nutrient fluxes also exceed 20th century values. Excess Pb deposition as indicated by a significant increase in Pb/Zr and Pb/Rb ratios in the sediments after the 1950s coincides with a rapid expansion of the regional mining industry. Excess Pb is interpreted as atmospheric deposition and direct human impact due to Pb smelting.
Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehrere große Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europäisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Aufstand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europäischen Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt – "Das Eigene und das Fremde" – betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europäisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die über Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklärt. Der zweite Abschnitt – "Kopie und Synthese" – geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhängen für die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und für die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europäischer Stilformen bei der Übernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch überhöhte Verständnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.
Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehre-re große Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europäisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Auf-stand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europäi-scher Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt – "Das Eigene und das Fremde" – betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europäisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die über Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklärt. Der zweite Abschnitt – "Kopie und Synthese" – geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhängen für die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und für die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europäischer Stilfor-men bei der Übernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch überhöhte Verständnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.
Historical reports from the 17th Century document two destructive tsunamis with runups exceeding 5 m, affecting proximal basins of Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). One event in AD 1601 is coeval with a strong nearby earthquake (MW ca 5.9), which caused extensive slope failures in many parts of the lake. The second event in AD 1687 is associated with an apparently spontaneous partial collapse of the Muota river delta. This study combines high-resolution bathymetry, reflection seismic and lithological data in order to document the sedimentary and morphological signatures of the two subaqueous mass movements that probably generated the observed tsunamis. Such mass movements are significant as a common sedimentation process and as natural hazard in fjord-type lakes and similar environments. The deposits, covering large parts of the basins with thicknesses reaching >10 m, consist of two subunits: A lower ‘massflow deposit’ contains variably deformed sediments from the source areas. Its emplacement affected pre-existing sediments, incorporating thin sediment slices into the deposit and increasing its volume. Deep-reaching deformation near This is an Accepted Article that has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication in the Sedimentology, but has yet to undergo copy-editing and proof correction.
Tree ring–based temperature reconstructions form the scientific backbone of the current global change debate. Although some European records extend into medieval times, high-resolution, long-term, regional-scale paleoclimatic evidence is missing for the eastern part of the continent. Here we compile 545 samples of living trees and historical timbers from the greater Tatra region to reconstruct interannual to centennial-long variations in Eastern European May–June temperature back to 1040 AD. Recent anthropogenic warming exceeds the range of past natural climate variability. Increased plague outbreaks and political conflicts, as well as decreased settlement activities, coincided with temperature depressions. The Black Death in the mid-14th century, the Thirty Years War in the early 17th century, and the French Invasion of Russia in the early 19th century all occurred during the coldest episodes of the last millennium. A comparison with summer temperature reconstructions from Scandinavia, the Alps, and the Pyrenees emphasizes the seasonal and spatial specificity of our results, questioning those large-scale reconstructions that simply average individual sites.
Dr. Silas F. Starley deplores what he considered errors generally taught and accepted in the late 19th century in Two Obstetrical Heresies . “The first is the part that membranes containing the amniotic fluid and the foetus play in effecting dilation of the os uteri in the first stage of labor.The second is the supposed necessity for waiting for their rupture and the escape of the waters before applying the forceps, in every case, without exception.” Silas F. Starley (1823-1887) was born in Alabama and moved to Texas with his family in 1837. He graduated from the University of Louisville School of Medicine in 1854 and spent his professional career in Texas, ending his career in Corsicana. He was President of the State Medical Association of Texas (Texas Medical Association) in 1883 and wrote articles in Texas medical journals on various topics including obstetrics, vascular tumor, and pneumonia. Texas State Historical Association, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/sat05 , accessed 10/16/2012. Texas Physicians Historical Biographical Database, http://www4.utsouthwestern.edu/library/doctors/doctors.cfm?DoctorID=16809 , accessed 10/16/12.
The author George (Georgia?) Plunkett Red was the wife of Samuel Clark Red (1861-1940). Dr. Red was the son of Texas pioneer physician Dr. George Clark Red. Dr. Samuel Clark Red was “the county physician of Harris County, one of the organizers of the Harris County Medical Society, a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and president of the Texas Medical Association.” Not much is known about the author, but given her husband’s position and family history, it can be surmised that she was interested in history and had access to some of the children of other pioneer medical families. There is a brief bibliography for each of the chapters. Part Two of the book consists of biographies of physicians from Texas Counties. Merle Weir, "RED, SAMUEL CLARK," Handbook of Texas Online (http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fre09), accessed December 10, 2012. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.
Este estudio está centrado en la evolución y la articulación de los conceptos de frontera en la historiografía americana y rioplatense durante el siglo XIX. En el mismo se analiza la trayectoria de los estudios de frontera y sus abordajes sobre los diversos factores que incidieron en los procesos históricos decimonónicos del Río de la Plata.
El artículo revisa el concepto de Trauerspiel propuesto por W. Benjamin en su estudio del Drama Barroco alemán. La dramaturgia del siglo XVII vinculada a la estética barroca, posee una serie de características que son analizadas por el autor, entre ellas, nos detendremos particularmente en los temas que tienen como eje la representación del rey. Su figura aparece no solo a la luz de los problemas de legitimidad política, como por ejemplo, la cuestión de los límites de su poder, sino además comparte la melancolía y la idea de catástrofe de la mentalidad barroca
La crisis intelectual y religiosa de la primera Modernidad, auspiciada entre otras causas por la sistemática reflexión que el Renacimiento y la expansión de herejías institucionales produjo sobre los fenómenos religioso y político, contribuyó a minar las pretensiones de sacralidad de las monarquías europeas. En respuesta, el discurso demonológico de ciertos intelectuales católicos del siglo XVII buscó dotar a los reyes españoles de un lazo evidente con la Divinidad a través del providencialismo militante y el celo confesional. En particular, y en un movimiento que podría catalogarse como rutinización del carisma, el sacerdote rural Francisco de Blasco Lanuza intentó basar este lazo en el poder del rito exorcístico. Esta hiper-espiritualización de la monarquía española formó parte, a su vez, de las reacciones simbólicas a la decadencia material y militar de la Península a mediados del Seiscientos
La escritura de la historia en las primeras etapas de construcción del Estado nacional mexicano estuvo marcada por los múltiples efectos negativos que supuso la inestabilidad política y la invasión extranjera; no obstante, hubo diversos esfuerzos para considerar la necesidad y la utilidad de una historia nacional, así como la urgencia de implementar instituciones que fomentaran y crearan las condiciones de factibilidad para estudiar el pasado nacional mexicano; para ejemplificar estas situaciones se indicarán los esfuerzos de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística, las propuestas de Manuel Larráinzar y la publicación de México a través de los siglos.
Este estudio está centrado en la evolución y la articulación de los conceptos de frontera en la historiografía americana y rioplatense durante el siglo XIX. En el mismo se analiza la trayectoria de los estudios de frontera y sus abordajes sobre los diversos factores que incidieron en los procesos históricos decimonónicos del Río de la Plata.