969 resultados para Calibrachoa elegans
The receptor Roundabout-1 (Robo1) and its ligand Slit are known to influence axon guidance and central nervous system (CNS) patterning in both vertebrate and nonvertebrate systems. Although Robo-Slit interactions mediate axon guidance in the Drosophila CNS, their role in establishing the early axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain remains unclear. We report here the identification and expression of a Xenopus Robo1 orthologue that is highly homologous to mammalian Robo1. By using overexpression studies and immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques, we have investigated the role of Robo1 in the development of a subset of neurons and axon tracts in the Xenopus forebrain. Robo1 is expressed in forebrain nuclei and in neuroepithelial cells underlying the main axon tracts. Misexpression of Robo1 led to aberrant development of axon tracts as well as the ectopic differentiation of forebrain neurons. These results implicate Robo1 in both neuronal differentiation and axon guidance in embryonic vertebrate forebrain. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A newly described non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposon element was isolated from the genome of the Oriental schistosome, Schistosoma japonicum. At least 1000 partial copies of the element, which was named pido, were dispersed throughout the genome of S. japonicum. As is usual with non-LTR retrotransposons, it is expected that many pido elements will be 5'-truncated. A consensus sequence of 3564 bp of the truncated pido element was assembled from several genomic fragments that contained pido-hybridizing sequences. The sequence encoded part of the first open reading frame (ORF), the entire second ORF and, at its 3'-terminus, a tandemly repetitive, A-rich (TA(6)TA(5)TA(8)) tail, The ORF1 of pido encoded a nucleic acid binding protein and ORF2 encoded a retroviral-like polyprotein that included apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (EN) and reverse transcriptase (RT) domains, in that order. Based on its sequence and structure, and phylogenetic analyses of both the RT and EN domains, pido belongs to the chicken repeat 1 (CR1)-like lineage of elements known from the chicken, turtle, puffer fish, mosquitoes and other taxa. pido shared equal similarity with CRI from chicken, an uncharacterized retrotransposon from Caenorhabditis elegans and SR1 (a non-LTR retrotransposon) from the related blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni; the level of similarity between pido and SR1 indicated that these two schistosome retrotransposons were related but not orthologous. The findings indicate that schistosomes have been colonized by at least two discrete CRI-like elements. Whereas pido did not appear to have a tight target site specificity, at least one copy of pido has inserted into the 3'-untranslated region of a protein-encoding gene (GeriBank AW736757) of as yet unknown identity. mRNA encoding the RT of pido was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in the egg, miracidium. and adult developmental stages of S. japonicum, indicating that the RT domain was transcribed and suggesting that pido was replicating actively and mobile within the S. japonicum genome. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Random mutagenesis and genetic screens for impaired Raf function in Caenorhabditis elegans were used to identify six loss-of-function alleles of lin-45 raf that result in a substitution of a single amino acid. The mutations were classified as weak, intermediate, and strong based on phenotypic severity. We engineered these mutations into the homologous residues of vertebrate Raf-1 and analyzed the mutant proteins for their underlying biochemical defects. Surprisingly, phenotype strength did not correlate with the catalytic activity of the mutant proteins. Amino acid substitutions Val-589 and Ser-619 severely compromised Raf kinase activity, yet these mutants displayed weak phenotypes in the genetic screen. Interestingly, this is because these mutant Raf proteins efficiently activate the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascade in living cells, a result that may inform the analysis of knockout mice. Equally intriguing was the observation that mutant proteins with non-functional Ras-binding domains, and thereby deficient in Ras-mediated membrane recruitment, displayed only intermediate strength phenotypes. This confirms that secondary mechanisms exist to couple Ras to Raf in vivo. The strongest phenotype in the genetic screens was displayed by a S508N mutation that again did not correlate with a significant loss of kinase activity or membrane recruitment by oncogenic Ras in biochemical assays. Ser-508 lies within the Raf-1 activation loop, and mutation of this residue in Raf-1 and the equivalent Ser-615 in B-Raf revealed that this residue regulates Raf binding to MEK. Further characterization revealed that in response to activation by epidermal growth factor, the Raf-S508N mutant protein displayed both reduced catalytic activity and aberrant activation kinetics: characteristics that may explain the C. elegans phenotype.
The novel mammalian gene Crim1 encodes a transmembrane bound protein with similarity to the secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists, vertebrate Chordin, and its Drosophila homologue short gastrulation. Crim1 is expressed in the neural tube in mouse in a restricted pattern, but its function in central nervous system development is largely unknown. We isolated the chicken Crim1 orthologue and analyzed its expression in the developing neural tube. Chicken CRIM1 shares strong homology to human/mouse CRIM1 and C. elegans CRIM1-like proteins. Crim1 is expressed in a similar but not identical pattern to that in the developing spinal cord of mouse, including the notochord, floor plate, motor neurons, and the roof plate. Unlike follistatin, a secreted inhibitor of BMPs, in ovo electroporation of CRIM1, as a full-length transmembrane bound or secreted ectodomain was not sufficient to disrupt early patterning of the neural tube. However, ectodomain CRIM1 overexpression leads to an approximate 50% decrease in populations of specific ventral neuronal populations, including ISL-1(+) motor neurons, CHX-10(+) V1, and EN-1(+) V2 interneurons.
Foram realizadas coletas padronizadas em 18 pontos ao longo da Mata Atlântica Brasileira no escopo do Programa BIOTA/FAPESP usando-se varredura de vegetação, e armadilhas Malaise e Möricke. Foi coletado um total de 2.811 exemplares de Dissomphalus. Foram reconhecidas 30 espécies descritas, a saber: Dissomphalus conicus Azevedo, 2003, D. h-ramus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004, D. laminaris Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004, D. manus Azevedo, 2003, D. umbilicus Azevedo, 2003, D. verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004, D. alticlypeatus Azevedo, 2003, D. bicerutus Azevedo, 2003, D. gilvipes Evans, 1979, D. krombeini Azevedo, 1999, D. gordus Azevedo, 2003, D. undatus Azevedo, 2003, D. cristatus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004, D. laticephalus Azevedo, 2003, D. lobicephalus Azevedo, 2003, D. completus Azevedo, 1999, D. gigantus Azevedo, 1999, D. scamatus Azevedo, 1999, D. napo Evans, 1979, D. punctatus (Kieffer, 1910), D. infissus Evans, 1969, D. plaumanni Evans, 1964, D. concavatus Azevedo, 1999, D. rectilineus Azevedo, 1999, D. bifurcatus Azevedo, 1999, D. extrarramis Azevedo, 1999, D. strictus Azevedo, 1999, D. connubialis Evans, 1966, D. microstictus Evans, 1969, D. scopatus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004. Além disso, foram descritas e ilustradas 23 espécies novas: Dissomphalus inclinatus sp. nov., D. divisus sp. nov., D. distans sp. nov., D. crassus sp. nov., D. filiformis sp. nov., D. inflexus sp. nov., D. spissus sp. nov., D. firmus sp. nov., D. setosus sp. nov., D. tubulatus sp. nov., D. differens sp. nov., D. lamellatus sp. nov., D. fimbriatus sp. nov., D. magnus sp. nov., D. trilobatus sp. nov., D. amplifoveatus sp. nov., D. personatus sp. nov., D. excellens sp. nov., D. peculiaris sp. nov., D. bahiensis sp. nov., D. amplexus sp. nov., D. elegans sp. nov. e D. amplus sp. nov.. Foram propostos 2 grupos novos de espécies, brasiliensis com duas espécies e setosus com oito espécies. Dissomphalus connubialis Evans, 1966 foi revalidado a partir de D. brasiliensis Kieffer, 1910. Dissomphalus bispinulatus Evans, 1969 foi considerado sinônimo junior de D. brasiliensis. Foi proposto para o gênero uma chave de espécies Neotropicais baseada em machos. Algumas espécies como Dissomphalus rectilineus, D. plaumanni, D. connubialis e D. gigantus são amplamente distribuídos ao longo deste bioma. Por outro lado, espécies como Dissomphalus completus, D. bifurcatus, D. napo, D. gilvipes, D. microstictus, D. brasiliensis, D. scamatus, D. strictus, D. undatus, D. alticlypeatus, D. laticephalus, D. verrucosus, D. extrarramis, D. concavatus, D. krombeini, D. gordus, D. lobicephalus e 13 espécies novas são restritas a regiões específicas, apresentando congruência com os subcentros deste bioma.
No município de Anajás, Ilha de Marajó, situado no estado do Pará, foram realizadas coletas de Bryophyta (musgos), em continuidade ao projeto que tem como objetivo conhecer a brioflora da ilha. Foram identificadas 34 espécies, distribuídas em 25 gêneros e 17 famílias. Destas, Calymperaceae e Sematophyllaceae destacaram-se pela diversidade específica, com seis e cinco espécies, respectivamente. Os musgos Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., Fissidens elegans Brid., Isopterygium subbrevisetum (Hampe) Broth, e Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müll.) Mitt., são apresentados como novas ocorrências para o estado do Pará.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
El objetivo general de este proyecto es dilucidar los mecanismos de acción a nivel molecular de enzimas y proteínas involucradas en el metabolismo de colina en Pseudomonas aeruginosa, con énfasis en la identificación de residuos aminoacídicos críticos y regulación de la expresión de los genes en estudio. Los objetivos específicos que se palntean involucran abordajes bioquímicos y moleculares y serán llevados a cabo mediante técnicas de biología molecular y bioquímica (mutación sitio-dirigida, deleción génica, expresión y purificación de proteínas, fusión transcripcional a genes reporteros, etc). Planteo de hipótesis: las proteínas que se inducen por colina (fosforilcolina fosfatasa (PchP), fosfolipasa C (PlcH), acetilcolinestera (AchE), proteínas periplásmicas unidoras de colina (PUch) podrían compartir: a) una organización génica y responder a la regulación por proteínas regulatorias o a factores ambientales de manera similar; b) residuos aminoacídicos conservados que intervengan en la unión o interacción con diferentes ligandos, principalmente, colina. Para ello, se plantean los siguientes Objetivos Específicos: 1) identificar las zonas promotoras de los genes que codifican para PchP, PlcH, AchE y PUch, a fin de localizar posibles sitios de unión a proteínas reguladoras y los factores ambientales que afectan la actividad promotora. 2) determinar en las proteínas mencionadas los residuos aminoacídicos de importancia involucrados en la catálisis y en la interacción con ligandos, principalmente en la unión a compuestos de alquilamonio; 3) Se iniciarán estudios que demuestren la relación entre la inducción por colina de varios factores de patogenicidad la virulencia del microorganismo, empleando mutantes simples o múltiples en estos factores y como modelo de patogenicidad el nematodo C. elegans. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pretende tener un conocimiento profundo sobre la regulación molecular y bioquímica de varias enzimas comprometidas en la patología que produce P. aeruginosa. Esto más el conocimiento de la fisiología de este microorganismo abre el camino para la búsqueda de posibles blancos de acción de drogas. Por otro lado, se espera tener un conocimiento integral sobre la regulación de la expresión de las actividades enzimáticas relacionadas con el metabolismo de colina y la respuesta de P. aeruginosa ante la presencia de compuestos de alquilamonio utilizados como nutrientes. Se espera conocer el papel que desempeña cada uno de los sitios de unión a los diferentes ligandos para el funcionamiento y control de las enzimas mencionadas y explicar el comportamiento diferencial de las enzimas frente a distintos sustratos y otros ligandos. El conocimiento de los sitios de unión a compuestos de alquilamonio permitirá encontrar esos dominios en diferentes proteínas del género Pseudomonas y otras bacterias Gram negativas. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo, se podrá comparar la similitud de los sitios de unión a colina entre proteínas de organismos eucariotas con procariotas (ej. PUch de bacterias Gram positivas, transportadores de colina, proteína C reactiva, AchE de eucariotas contra las encontradas en bacterias del género Pseudomonas, fosfolipasas A, C o D, etc.). Este proyecto permitirá concretar al menos dos tesis doctorales (Sanchez, Otero) más varios trabajos finales de grado (tesinas) que son y serán realizados por alumnos de la carrera de Microbiología en la UNRC. Les permitirá a los doctorandos y a los alumnos de grado adquirir una formación bastante integral ya que utilizarán herramientas de la fisiología general bacteriana, de la bioquímica clásica, de la biología molecular y de la bioinformática.
A partir de especies autóctonas bioactivas, se pretende obtener metabolitos químicos con potenciales actividades biológicas. Esta metodología de trabajo es válida para el descubrimiento de nuevas drogas de origen natural y que podrían ser de aplicación en diversas áreas de la farmacología experimental. Dentro de los diferentes metabolitos químicos que produce el reino vegetal, tanto la familia de flavonoides como la de alcaloides, presentan importantes características farmacológicas, haciéndolos interesantes para su estudio. El presente proyecto contempla la búsqueda de principios activos de origen natural orientados a su evaluación con potenciales aplicaciones terapéuticas: A) Drogas con actividad inhibidora de Acetilcolinesterasa (AcHE) Se evaluará el contenido químico en alcaloides de Lycopodium de especies sudamericanas de Huperzia:Huperzia quadrifariata, Huperzia reflexa y Huperzia acerosa, estudiando sus propiedades como agentes con actividad anticolinesterasa y su relación sobre la memoria y el aprendizaje. B) Drogas con actividad inhibidora sobre sistemas enzimáticos relacionados a eventos inflamatorios: La óxido nítrico sintasa inducilbe (iNOS) es la enzima responsable de la sobreproducción patológica del óxido nítirico (NO), un mediador citotóxico en procesos inflamatorios. Así, evaluaremos si flavonoides obtenidos de Dalea elegans, Dalea boliviana y Prosopis strombulifera, podrían tener algún efecto inhibitorio tanto sobre la producción de NO, como en la expresión de la iNOS, utilizando línea celular derivada de macrófago: J774. C) Drogas con actividad inhibidora de la enzima tirosinasa Tirosinasa es la enzima encargada de la formación de melanina y su inhibición, permitiría la obtención de nuevos agentes terapéuticos y cosméticos que serían útiles para tratar trastornos de hiperpigmentación. De este modo, se estudiará la actividad de flavonoides prenilados obtenidos de especies de Dalea (Dalea elegans y Dalea boliivana) sobre la inhibición de tirosinasa de hongos "in vitro". De este modo, el presente plan de trabajo tiene como propósito el estudio de flavonoides y alcaloides, obtenidos de especies sudamericanas, no solo en su aspecto químico sino también su aplicación en estudios biológicos que permitan asignar actividades, evaluando potenciales efectos farmacológicos y sus posibles mecanismos de acción.
Diversas espécies de peixes fluviais brasileiros: pintado (Pseudoplaty stoma corruscans), mandi (Pimelodas darias), piava (Leporinus spL), piranha, peixe-cachorro (Acestrorhynchus falcatus), saguiru {Curimata elegans) e lambari (Astianax bimaculatus) foram analisados quanto aos teores de lipídeos, colesterol, ácidos graxos livres e fração insaponificável. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as espécies nas diversas análises efetuadas. A espécie mandi apresentou os teores mais elevados de lipídeos e colesterol. O colesterol parece ser o principal constituinte da fração insaponificável da gordura dos peixes estudados.
The genus Thylamys Gray, 1843 lives in the central and southern portions of South America inhabiting open and shrub-like vegetation, from prairies to dry forest habitats in contrast to the preference of other Didelphidae genera for more mesic environments. Thylamys is a speciose genus including T. elegans (Waterhouse, 1839), T. macrurus (Olfers, 1818), T. pallidior (Thomas, 1902), T. pusillus (Desmarest, 1804), T. venustus (Thomas, 1902), T. sponsorius (Thomas, 1921), T. cinderella (Thomas, 1902), T. tatei (Handley, 1957), T. karimii (Petter, 1968), and T. velutinus (Wagner, 1842) species. Previous phylogenetic analyses in this genus did not include the Brazilian species T. karimii, which is widely distributed in this country. In this study, phylogenetic analyses were performed to establish the relationships among the Brazilian T. karimii and all other previously analyzed species. We used 402-bp fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, and the phylogeny estimates were conducted employing maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian (BY), and neighbor-joining (NJ). The topologies of the trees obtained in the different analyses were all similar and pointed out that T. karimii is the sister taxon of a group constituted of taxa from dry and arid environments named the dryland species. The dryland species consists of T. pusillus, T. pallidior, T. tatei, and T. elegans. The results of this work suggest five species groups in Thylamys. In one of them, T. velutinus and T. kariimi could constitute a sister group forming one Thylamys clade that colonized Brazil.
In Brazil all the fishes belonging to the sub-family Curimatinae are called « saguirú ». The present work gives a biological study of the Curimatus elegans Steind., a small fish without any economical importance, which is to be found along the whole brazilian coast, down till Paraguay. The specimens utilized for the present study come from Fortaleza (Ceará, north-eastern Brazil). The C. elegans is « ilyophagus », that means, it feeds itself exclusively with those organic materials to be found in mud, specially with microscopical algae. The intestines are very extent, some of them measuring about 9 to 11 times body's length. Studies have been made about growth and age of the C. elegans; the biggest sizes found were of 153 mm. for females and 88 mm. for males. The C. elegans shows developed sexual glands during a long period (April to September). The movements of the spermatozoa, in contact with water is of 40 to 50 seconds of intense movements, ceasing after 70 to 100 seconds. In contact with 0.5% NaCl-solution spermatozoa show a big increase in movements-time, that can last till about 25 minutes. The eggs' diameter measures 0.70 to 0.73 mm., mature and hydrated it attains 0.93 to 1,00 mm. There is a certain correlation between the size of the body and the quantity of eggs. Big specimens can produce a total of 200.000 eggs. The average quantity contained in 1 gr. and 1 cc. is 6018 and 6229 eggs, respectively. Maturity and spawning in laboratory has been obtained due to injections of suspension of fish-hypophysis. Three or four hours after the injection, fishes show more movement and evident signs of excitation, proceeding spawning after 5 to 6 hours. Males, persecuting females, describe successive circles (merry-go-round) - carroussel), swimming side by side with females up to water's surface, where sexual products are start beating dry, for there is no blood yet. Circulation-scheme is to be found on fig. 4 and 5. The swim-bladder and the stomach are but delineated; the intestine is formed by a cylindric tube, all closed. At the place, where later on there will open the mouth, we find a group of ciliary hairs that produce a liquid current, very evident by the semi-circle formed by attached solid particles. After 36 hours, opening of the mouth and formation of the gill slits begin. At the age of 90 hours (4 mm.) the larvas swim well and start to feed themselves; the digestive tube is now all open and the swimbladder works already. During the first days of life, larvas have an adhesive organ situated at their frontal region (fig. 7) in form of a crescent, by means of which they hang to surrounding vegetation (fig. 6). When the larva begins to swim and to feed itself and its yolk are having been absorbed. the adhesive organ retracts and disappears. While larvas and alevins feed themselves with plancton, they have small eye-teeth, which disappear,. when fishes become « ilyophagus ». There exist too, during their life as larvas, pharyngeal-teeth. The lateral line appears in the larva after 16 to 18 days; more or less at the same time all fins are completely developed. Shortly after, first scales appear (20 to 23 days). Evolution of intestines twisting followed (fig. 9). Larvas show at different parts of their bodies small of organs excretory functions, that are constituted by bottons in serial disposition, every one with an excretory canal that opens towards the outside. These formations disappear suddenly when larvas attain their phase of alevin. The existence of a great number of said formations at the caudal fin (fig. 12) is of great interest. In our experiences of breeding we have employed several thousands of C. elegans larvas in different environs and we made conditions of surrounding change (illumination), depth of water, temperature, presence of sand at bottom of aquariums and without sand, food). In this way we could compare the results obtained, estimate the action of each factor for the realisation of a good bring-up of larvas.
Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle d'une nouvelle espèce de phlébotome non anthropophile, appartenant au sous-genre Trichopygomyia Barreto, 1962 Lutzomyia gantieri n.sp., très proche de L. elegans Martins, Llanos et Silva 1976.
Soil pseudomonads increase their competitiveness by producing toxic secondary metabolites, which inhibit competitors and repel predators. Toxin production is regulated by cell-cell signalling and efficiently protects the bacterial population. However, cell communication is unstable, and natural populations often contain signal blind mutants displaying an altered phenotype defective in exoproduct synthesis. Such mutants are weak competitors, and we hypothesized that their fitness depends on natural communities on the exoproducts of wild-type bacteria, especially defence toxins. We established mixed populations of wild-type and signal blind, non-toxic gacS-deficient mutants of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 in batch and rhizosphere systems. Bacteria were grazed by representatives of the most important bacterial predators in soil, nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) and protozoa (Acanthamoeba castellanii). The gacS mutants showed a negative frequency-dependent fitness and could reach up to one-third of the population, suggesting that they rely on the exoproducts of the wild-type bacteria. Both predators preferentially consumed the mutant strain, but populations with a low mutant load were resistant to predation, allowing the mutant to remain competitive at low relative density. The results suggest that signal blind Pseudomonas increase their fitness by exploiting the toxins produced by wild-type bacteria, and that predation promotes the production of bacterial defence compounds by selectively eliminating non-toxic mutants. Therefore, predators not only regulate population dynamics of soil bacteria but also structure the genetic and phenotypic constitution of bacterial communities.