895 resultados para CRANIAL OSTEOLOGY


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Neural crest cells (NCC) give rise to much of the tissue that forms the vertebrate head and face, including cartilage and bone, cranial ganglia and teeth. In this study we show that conditional expression of a dominant-negative (DN) form of Rho kinase (Rock) in mouse NCC results in severe hypoplasia of the frontonasal processes and first pharyngeal arch, ultimately resulting in reduction of the maxilla and nasal bones and severe craniofacial clefting affecting the nose, palate and lip. These defects resemble frontonasal dysplasia in humans. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, which leads to abnormalities in cell-matrix attachment, is seen in the RockDN;Wnt1-cre mutant embryos. This leads to elevated cell death, resulting in NCC deficiency and hypoplastic NCC-derived craniofacial structures. Rock is thus essential for survival of NCC that form the craniofacial region. We propose that reduced NCC numbers in the frontonasal processes and first pharyngeal arch, resulting from exacerbated cell death, may be the common mechanism underlying frontonasal dysplasia.


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Due to advances in neonatal intensive care over the last decades, the pattern of brain injury seen in very preterm infants has evolved in more subtle lesions that are still essential to diagnose in regard to neurodevelopmental outcome. While cranial ultrasound is still used at the bedside, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is becoming increasingly used in this population for the assessment of brain maturation and white and grey matter lesions. Therefore, MRI provides a better prognostic value for the neurodevelopmental outcome of these preterms. Furthermore, the development of new MRI techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging, resting state functional connectivity and magnetic resonance spectroscopy, may further increase the prognostic value, helping to counsel parents and allocate early intervention services.


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Ophthalmoplegia associated with dural carotid-cavernous sinus fistula typically involves the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. Occasionally, isolated palsy of the oculomotor or abducens nerve is noted. We report a patient with bilateral dural carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas who presented with an isolated trochlear nerve palsy.


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BACKGROUND: Radiation optic neuropathy (RON) is a rare, unpredictable, late complication of radiotherapy secondary to obliterative endarteritis. Tumor recurrence has to be ruled out by a clinical and neuroradiological examination. METHODS: Five patients with RON were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during 1992. RESULTS: Radiation-induced lesions of the intracranial visual pathways were easily visible on MRI. Without Gadolinium, a sectorial swelling was detectable, which markedly enhanced with Gadolinium. Intracranial optic nerve was affected in 5/5 cases, optic chiasm in 3/5 cases, and optic tract in 2/5 cases. CONCLUSIONS: MRI is the examination of choice when RON is suspected: it will easily delineate the extent of the lesion, and compression/infiltration by a recurrent tumor will be formally ruled out. A segmental swelling of visual pathway with marked Gadolinium enhancement on MRI is highly suggestive of radionecrosis.


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Chemotherapeutic drug resistance is one of the major causes for treatment failure in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extra cranial solid tumor in children. Poor prognosis is typically associated with MYCN amplification. Here, we utilized a loss-of-function kinome-wide RNA interference screen to identify genes that cause cisplatin sensitization. We identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) as an important determinant of cisplatin resistance. Pharmacological inhibition of FGFR2 confirmed the importance of this kinase in NB chemoresistance. Silencing of FGFR2 sensitized NB cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, which was regulated by the downregulation of the anti-apoptotic proteins BCL2 and BCLXL. Mechanistically, FGFR2 was shown to activate protein kinase C-δ to induce BCL2 expression. FGFR2, as well as the ligand fibroblast growth factor-2, were consistently expressed in primary NB and NB cell lines, indicating the presence of an autocrine loop. Expression analysis revealed that FGFR2 correlates with MYCN amplification and with advanced stage disease, demonstrating the clinical relevance of FGFR2 in NB. These findings suggest a novel role for FGFR2 in chemoresistance and provide a rational to combine pharmacological inhibitors against FGFR2 with chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of NB.


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Vestibular migraine (VM) is a common disorder in which genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors probably contribute to its development. The pathophysiology of VM is unknown; nevertheless in the last few years, several studies are contributing to understand the neurophysiological pathways involved in VM. The current hypotheses are mostly based on the knowledge of migraine itself. The evidence of trigeminal innervation of the labyrinth vessels and the localization of vasoactive neuropeptides in the perivascular afferent terminals of these trigeminal fibers support the involvement of the trigemino-vascular system. The neurogenic inflammation triggered by activation of the trigeminal-vestibulocochlear reflex, with the subsequent inner ear plasma protein extravasation and the release of inflammatory mediators, can contribute to a sustained activation and sensitization of the trigeminal primary afferent neurons explaining VM symptoms. The reciprocal connections between brainstem vestibular nuclei and the structures that modulate trigeminal nociceptive inputs (rostral ventromedial medulla, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, locus coeruleus, and nucleus raphe magnus) are critical to understand the pathophysiology of VM. Although cortical spreading depression can affect cortical areas involved in processing vestibular information, functional neuroimaging techniques suggest a dysmodulation in the multimodal sensory integration and processing of vestibular and nociceptive information, resulting from a vestibulo-thalamo-cortical dysfunction, as the pathogenic mechanism underlying VM. The elevated prevalence of VM suggests that multiple functional variants may confer a genetic susceptibility leading to a dysregulation of excitatory-inhibitory balance in brain structures involved in the processing of sensory information, vestibular inputs, and pain. The interactions among several functional and structural neural networks could explain the pathogenic mechanisms of VM.


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Symptomatic arachnoiditis after posterior fossa surgical procedures such as decompression of Chiari malformation is a possible complication. Clinical presentation is generally insidious and delayed by months or years. It causes disturbances in the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid and enlargement of a syrinx cavity in the upper spinal cord. Surgical de-tethering has favorable results with progressive collapse of the syrinx and relief of the associated symptoms. Case Description: A 30-year-old male with Chiari malformation type I was treated by performing posterior fossa bone decompression, dura opening and closure with a suturable bovine pericardium dural graft. Postoperative period was uneventful until the fifth day in which the patient suffered intense headache and progressive loose of consciousness caused by an acute posterior fossa epidural hematoma. It was quickly removed with complete clinical recovering. One year later, the patient experienced progressive worsened of his symptoms. Upper spinal cord tethering was diagnosed and a new surgery for debridement was required. Conclusions: The epidural hematoma compressing the dural graft against the neural structures contributes to the upper spinal cord tethering and represents a nondescribed cause of postoperative fibrosis, adhesion formation, and subsequent recurrent hindbrain compression.


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BACKGROUND Tapia's syndrome is an uncommon disease described in 1904 by Antonio Garcia Tapia, a Spanish otolaryngologist. It is characterized by concomitant paralysis of the hypoglossal (XIIth) and pneumogastric (Xth) nerves. Only 69 cases have been described in the literature. Typically, the reported patients presented with a history of orotracheal intubation. Common symptoms are dysphonia, tongue deviation toward the affected side, lingual motility disturbance, and swallowing difficulty. CASE PRESENTATION In the report, we describe three cases of Tapia's syndrome in three Caucasian patients who underwent surgery with general anesthesia. Two of these patients underwent neck abscess drainage, and the third had an open reduction of a shoulder fracture. The clinical symptoms of Tapia's syndrome appeared after extubation. All three of our patients recovered their lost function at 3 months after diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS We underline the importance of performing airway endoscopy and a specific program of swallowing rehabilitation for the proper management of Tapia's syndrome.


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A variety of acute neurologic disorders present with visual signs and symptoms. In this review the authors focus on those disorders in which the clinical outcome is dependent on timely and accurate diagnosis. The first section deals with acute visual loss, specifically optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy (ION), retinal artery occlusion, and homonymous hemianopia. The authors include a discussion of those clinical features that are helpful in distinguishing between inflammatory and ischemic optic nerve disease and between arteritic and nonarteritic ION. The second section concerns disc edema with an emphasis on the prevention of visual loss in patients with increased intracranial pressure. The third section deals with abnormal ocular motility, and includes orbital inflammatory disease, carotid-cavernous fistulas, painful ophthalmoplegia, conjugate gaze palsies, and neuromuscular junction disorders. The final section concerns pupillary abnormalities, with a particular emphasis on the dilated pupil and on carotid artery dissection. Throughout there are specific guidelines for the management of these disorders, and areas are highlighted in which there is ongoing controversy.


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En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión del diagnóstico de la entidad clínica conocida como “ictus del despertar” y de los criterios de selección de los pacientes que pueden beneficiarse del tratamiento endovascular, que constituye una innovación en esta patología. También se valoran sus resultados inmediatos y a medio plazo, siguiendo la evolución clínica de los pacientes. Nos basaremos en una serie de 32 pacientes tratados en nuestro centro, el Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, desde octubre de 2010 y hasta marzo de 2012. A todos se les realizó anamnesis, exploración neurológica, TC craneal simple, angio-TC y TC perfusión. Se seleccionó a los candidatos a tratamiento con trombectomía mecánica intraarterial. A todos los pacientes se les realizó TC de control 24 horas después del inicio de los síntomas o de la realización de tratamiento. Se siguió la evolución clínica, calculando el NIHSS al finalizar el procedimiento y al alta, y a los tres meses se obtuvo la puntuación en la escala de Rankin. En esta presentación del ictus, es especialmente complejo determinar la existencia de parénquima cerebral salvable o "penumbra isquémica"; su presencia, determina la indicación del tratamiento. El TC perfusión se ha revelado como la herramienta más útil en esta criba. El tratamiento, correctamente indicado, es efectivo y mejora la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.


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La meningitis és una malaltia de baixa incidència i una presentació clínica variable. En la pràctica clínica habitual és molt freqüent realitzar una tomografia computeritzada (TC) cranial davant la sospita de meningitis. Les dades del nostre estudi són congruents amb les conclusions de les altres sèries de meningitis: els pacients amb sospita clínica de meningitis que no presenten cap alteració a l’exploració neurològica o factor de risc, són bons candidats per la immediata realització de punció lumbar sense necessitat de fer TC prèvia. En la majoria, la TC de crani no aportarà informació rellevant i demorarà considerablement l’inici de l’antibioteràpia.


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BACKGROUND: Antipyresis is a common clinical practice in intensive care, although it is unknown if fever is harmful, beneficial, or a negligible adverse effect of infection and inflammation. METHODS: In a randomized study, rectal temperature and discomfort were assessed in 38 surgical intensive care unit patients without neurotrauma or severe hypoxemia and with fever (temperature >/=38.5 degrees C) and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Eighteen patients received external cooling while 20 received no antipyretic treatment. RESULTS: Temperature and discomfort decreased similarly in both groups after 24 hours. No significant differences in recurrence of fever, incidence of infection, antibiotic therapy, intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, or mortality were noted between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the systematic suppression of fever may not be useful in patients without severe cranial trauma or significant hypoxemia. Letting fever take its natural course does not seem to harm patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome or influence the discomfort level and may save costs.


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Aim: The management of large lesions of the skull base, such as vestibular schwanommas (VS), meningiomas (MEN) or pituitary adenomas (PA), is challenging, with microsurgery remaining the main treatment option. Planned subtotal resection is now being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The residual part of the tumor can then be treated with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKR) to achieve long-term growth control. Methods: This case series documents early results with planned subtotal resection followed by GKR in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and March 2012. There were 24 patients who underwent surgery, with 22 having already undergone GKR and 2 waiting for GKR. We analyzed clinical symptoms for all patients, as well as audiograms, ophthalmological and endocrinological tests, when indicated. Results: Nine patients had VS surgery (mean diameter 35 mm; range 30-44.5) through a retrosigmoid approach. There were no post-operative facial nerve deficits. Of the 3 patients whom had useful hearing pre-operatively, this improved in 2 and remained stable in 1. Four patients with clinoid MEN (mean diameter 26.5 mm; range 17-42) underwent subtotal resection of the tumor, and the component in the cavernous sinus was later treated with GKR. The visual status remained stable in 3 patients and one had complete visual recovery. 4 patients underwent subtotal resection of petro-clival MEN (mean diameter 36 mm; range 32-42): 3 had House-Brackmann (HB) grade 2 facial function that recovered completely; one continues to have HB grade 4 facial deficit following surgery. Of the 7 patients with PA (mean diameter 34.5 mm; range 20-54.5), 2 had acromegaly, the others were non functional PA. Six patients underwent trans-sphenoidal surgery, while one patient had a transcavernous sinus resection of the tumor (with prior staged trans-sphenoidal surgery). Visual status improved in 3 patients while the others remained stable. Two patients had transient diabetes insipidus following surgery. Up to now, no additional deficit or worsening has been reported after GKR. Conclusions: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to preservation of cranial nerves, and other neurological functions, and a good possibility of recovery of many of the pre-operative cranial nerve dysfunctions. The results in terms of tumor control following GKR need further long-term evaluation.


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Neuroblastoma (NBL) is the commonest extra-cranial solid tumor in children and the leading cause of cancer related deaths in childhood between the age of 1 to 4 years. NBL may behave in very different ways, from the less aggressive stage 4S NBL or congenital forms that may resolve without treatment in up to 90% of the children, to the high-risk disseminated stage 4 disease in older children with a cure rate of 35 to 40%. Initial staging is crucial for effective management and radiolabeled metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) with iodine-123 is a powerful tool with a sensitivity around 90% and a specificity close to 100% for the diagnosis of NBL. MIBG scintigraphy is used routinely and is mandatory in most investigational clinical trials both for the initial staging of the disease, the evaluation of the response to treatment, as well as for the detection of recurrence during follow-up. With respect to outcome of children presenting disseminated stage 4 NBL, the role of post-therapeutic [(123)I]MIBG scan has been investigated by several groups but so far there is no consensus whereas a complete or very good partial response as assessed by MIBG may be of prognostic value. NBL needs a multimodality approach at diagnosis and during follow-up and MIBG scintigraphy keeps its pivotal role, in particular with respect to bone marrow involvement and/or cortical bone metastases.


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The authors report the case of a 75-year-old man presenting with an exceptionally large giant posttraumatic mucocele of the frontal sinus years after a gunshot blast to the head. The lesion had grown so extensively that the right eye had shrunk and calcified, resulting in total monocular blindness, a complication that has been reported only once. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a giant mucocele of such a large size is reported. We describe how the patient underwent surgical removal of this massive lesion, cranial base reconstruction, and a cosmetic oculoplastic procedure. The etiology, clinical presentation, and possible complications are reviewed, as well as the importance of a regular clinical follow-up and early surgical cure. Although the diagnosis and management of mucoceles are nowadays considered quite standard, the exceptional size of the lesion illustrated here emphasizes the destructive potential of such seemingly indolent lesions. Despite the benign histology of mucoceles, one should never underestimate their morbid potential or be lulled in delaying surgical cure. Large mucoceles should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent such unacceptable complications as permanent visual loss.