სტატისტიკურად უზრუნველყოფილ ექსპერიმენტულ მასალაზე დაყრდნობით განსაზღვრულია საქართველოს კახეთის რეგიონის თბილი სეზონის ატმოსფერული ნალექების ინტენსივობასა და რადიოლოკაციურ ამრეკვლადობას შორის დამოკიდებულების წრფივი რეგრესიის განტოლების მუდმივი კოეფიციენტები, აგრეთვე გამოთვლილია აპროქსიმაციის საიმედობის მაჩვენებლის მნიშვნელობა
დედამიწის მტკნარი წყლის ერთადერთ წყაროს ატმოსფერული ნალექები წარმოადგენს. კლიმატის გლობალური ცვლილების ნეგატიური შედეგების შესამცირებლად დიდი მნიშვნელობა ენიჭება რეალურ დროში დიდ ტერიტორიაზე ატმოსფერული ნალექების მონიტორინგს.
ხელოვნური ზემოქმედების ფიზიკური ეფექტის გამოვლენის მიზნით გაანალიზებულია აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს ალაზნის ველზე შიდამასიურ და ფრონტალურ ღრუბლებზე რადიოლოკაციური დაკვირვებების მასალები. შესწავლილია ზემოქმედებაქმნილი და არაზემოქმედებაქმნილი კონვექციური ღრუბლების რადიოლოკაციური და აეროლოგიური პარამეტრების მნიშვნელობების ალბათობათა სიმკვრივეების განაწილებები.
Samples of volcanic rocks from Alboran Island, the Alboran Sea floor and from the Gourougou volcanic centre in northern Morocco have been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes to test current theories on the tectonic geodynamic evolution of the Alboran Sea. The Alboran Island samples are low-K tholeiitic basaltic andesites whose depleted contents of HFS elements (similar to0.5xN-MORB), especially Nb (similar to0.2xN-MORB), show marked geochemical parallels with volcanics from immature intra-oceanic arcs and back-arc basins. Several of the submarine samples have similar compositions, one showing low-Ca boninite affinity. Nd-143/Nd-144 ratios fall in the same range as many island-arc and back-arc basin samples, whereas Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (on leached samples) are somewhat more radiogenic. Our data point to active subduction taking place beneath the Alboran region in Miocene times, and imply the presence of an associated back-arc spreading centre. Our sea floor suite includes a few more evolved dacite and rhyolite samples with (Sr-87/Sr-86)(0) up to 0.717 that probably represent varying degrees of crustal melting. The shoshonite and high-K basaltic andesite lavas from Gourougou have comparable normalized incompatible-element enrichment diagrams and Ce/Y ratios to shoshonitic volcanics from oceanic island arcs, though they have less pronounced Nb deficits. They are much less LIL- and LREE-enriched than continental arc analogues and post-collisional shoshonites from Tibet. The magmas probably originated by melting in subcontinental lithospheric mantle that had experienced negligible subduction input. Sr-Nd isotope compositions point to significant crustal contamination which appears to account for the small Nb anomalies. The unmistakable supra-subduction zone (SSZ) signature shown by our Alboran basalts and basaltic andesite samples refutes geodynamic models that attribute all Neogene volcanism in the Alboran domain to decompression melting of upwelling asthenosphere arising from convective thinning of over-thickened lithosphere. Our data support recent models in which subsidence is caused by westward rollback of an eastward-dipping subduction zone beneath the westemmost Mediterranean. Moreover, severance of the lithosphere at the edges of the rolling-back slab provides opportunities for locally melting lithospheric mantle, providing a possible explanation for the shoshonitic volcanism seen in northern Morocco and more sporadically in SE Spain. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Mont Collon mafic complex is one of the best preserved examples of the Early Permian magmatism in the Central Alps, related to the intra-continental collapse of the Variscan belt. It mostly consists (> 95 vol.%) of ol+hy-nonnative plagioclase-wehrlites, olivine- and cpx-gabbros with cumulitic structures, crosscut by acid dikes. Pegmatitic gabbros, troctolites and anorthosites outcrop locally. A well-preserved cumulative, sequence is exposed in the Dents de Bertol area (center of intrusion). PT-calculations indicate that this layered magma chamber emplaced at mid-crustal levels at about 0.5 GPa and 1100 degrees C. The Mont Collon cumulitic rocks record little magmatic differentiation, as illustrated by the restricted range of clinopyroxene mg-number (Mg#(cpx)=83-89). Whole-rock incompatible trace-element contents (e.g. Nb, Zr, Ba) vary largely and without correlation with major-element composition. These features are characteristic of an in-situ crystallization process with variable amounts of interstitial liquid L trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distribution in the latter is homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in-situ crystallization equation successfully duplicated the REE concentrations in cumulitic minerals of all rock facies of the intrusion. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 20%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. However, the in-situ crystallization model reaches its limitations with rock containing high modal content of REE-bearing minerals (i.e. zircon), such as pegmatitic gabbros. Dikes of anorthositic composition, locally crosscutting the layered lithologies, evidence that the Mont Collon rocks evolved in open system with mixing of intercumulus liquids of different origins and possibly contrasting compositions. The proposed model is not able to resolve these complex open systems, but migrating liquids could be partly responsible for the observed dispersion of points in some correlation diagrams. Absence of significant differentiation with recurrent lithologies in the cumulitic pile of Dents de Bertol points to an efficiently convective magma chamber, with possible periodic replenishment, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
El presente trabajo expone los entornos de desarrollo de aplicaciones paralelas en sistemas distribuidos. Se ha dedicado especial atención a los entornos gráficos, como plataforma de acceso al cluster. Dada la cantidad de alternativas a seleccionar en este tipo de entornos, como puede ser la parametrización de las aplicaciones, especificación de la arquitectura a utilizar de los nodos, caracterización de la carga, políticas de planificación, etc, hace que este trabajo pueda servir de punto inicial de partida a usuarios que deseen iniciarse en este tipo de entornos.
In this paper, we develop numerical algorithms that use small requirements of storage and operations for the computation of invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems (exact symplectic maps and Hamiltonian vector fields). The algorithms are based on the parameterization method and follow closely the proof of the KAM theorem given in [LGJV05] and [FLS07]. They essentially consist in solving a functional equation satisfied by the invariant tori by using a Newton method. Using some geometric identities, it is possible to perform a Newton step using little storage and few operations. In this paper we focus on the numerical issues of the algorithms (speed, storage and stability) and we refer to the mentioned papers for the rigorous results. We show how to compute efficiently both maximal invariant tori and whiskered tori, together with the associated invariant stable and unstable manifolds of whiskered tori. Moreover, we present fast algorithms for the iteration of the quasi-periodic cocycles and the computation of the invariant bundles, which is a preliminary step for the computation of invariant whiskered tori. Since quasi-periodic cocycles appear in other contexts, this section may be of independent interest. The numerical methods presented here allow to compute in a unified way primary and secondary invariant KAM tori. Secondary tori are invariant tori which can be contracted to a periodic orbit. We present some preliminary results that ensure that the methods are indeed implementable and fast. We postpone to a future paper optimized implementations and results on the breakdown of invariant tori.
Samoborska Gora Mts. is situated within the westernmost part of the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone of the Internal Dinarides. The Samoborska Gora Mts. predominantly consists of Permian unmetamorphosed siliciclastic sediments and evaporites, overlain by Lower Triassic sediments. Rude mineralisation is hosted by Permian siliciclastic sediments, below gypsum and anhydrite strata. The central part of the deposit consists of a 1.5 km long stratabound mineralisation, grading laterally into ferruginous sandstone and protruding vertically into a gypsum-anhydrite layer. Siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz veins are located below the stratabound mineralisation. The stratiform part of the deposit is situated above the stratabound and consists of haematite layer with barite concretions and veinlets. Late stage galena-barite veins overprint earlier types of mineralisation. The Rude ore deposit was generated by predominantly NaCl +/- CaCl(2)-H(2)O solutions. Detrital quartz from stratiform mineralisation contains fluid inclusions with salinities between 7 and 11 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 150 degrees C to 230 degrees C. Stratabound/siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz vein type mineralisation was derived from solutions with salinities between 5 and 19 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 60 degrees C and 160 degrees C, while late stage galenabarite veins were precipitated from solutions with salinities between 11 and 16 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 100 degrees C to 140 degrees C. Fluid inclusion bulk leachate chemistry recorded Na(+)> Mg(2+)>K(+)>Ca(2+)>Li(+) and Cl-> SO(4)(2-) ions. Sulphur isotope composition of barites and overlying gypsum stems from Permian seawater sulphate, supported by increased Br(-) content, which follows successively the seawater evaporation line. The sulphur isotopic composition of sulphides varies between -0.2 and + 12.5 parts per thousand , as a result of thermal reduction of Permian marine sulphate. Ore-forming fluids were produced by hydrothermal convective cells (reflux brine model), and were derived primarily from Permian seawater, modified by evaporation and interaction with Permian sedimentary rocks. Rude deposits in Samoborska Gora Mts. may be declared as a prototype of the Permian siderite-polysulphide-barite deposits (products of rifting along the passive Gondwana margin), in the Inner Dinarides, and their equivalents extending northeastward into the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian Zone and the Gemerides, and southeastward to the Hellenide-Albanides.
Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) models have many theoretical properties which should make them popular among empirical macroeconomists. However, they are rarely used in practice due to over-parameterization concerns, difficulties in ensuring identification and computational challenges. With the growing interest in multivariate time series models of high dimension, these problems with VARMAs become even more acute, accounting for the dominance of VARs in this field. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian approach for inference in VARMAs which surmounts these problems. It jointly ensures identification and parsimony in the context of an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. We use this approach in a macroeconomic application involving up to twelve dependent variables. We find our algorithm to work successfully and provide insights beyond those provided by VARs.
A continuum of carbon, from atmospheric CO2 to secondary calcium carbonate, has been studied in a soil associ- ated with scree slope deposits in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland. This approach is based on former studies conducted in other environments. This C continuum includes atmospheric CO2, soil organic matter (SOM), soil CO2, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in soil solutions, and secondary pedogenic carbonate. Soil parameters (pCO2, temperature, pH, Cmin and Corg contents), soil solution chemistry, and isotopic compositions of soil CO2, DIC, carbonate and soil organic matter (δ13CCO2, δ13CDIC, δ13Ccar and δ13CSOM values) have been monitored at different depths (from 20 to 140 cm) over one year. Results demonstrated that the carbon source in secondary carbonate (mainly needle fiber calcite) is related to the dissolved inorganic carbon, which is strongly dependent on soil respiration. The heterotrophic respiration, rather than the limestone parent material, seems to control the pedogenic carbon cycle. The correlation of δ13Corg values with Rock-Eval HI and OI indices demonstrates that, in a soil associated to scree slope deposits, the main process responsible for 13C-enrichment in SOM is related to bac- terial oxidative decarboxylation. Finally, precipitation of secondary calcium carbonate is enhanced by changes in soil pCO2 associated to the convective movement of air masses induced by temperature gradients (heat pump effect) in the highly porous scree slope deposits. The exportation of soil C-leachates from systems such as the one studied in this paper could partially explain the "gap in the European carbon budget" reported by recent studies.
Stabilized Petrov-Galerkin methods for the convection-diffusion-reaction and the Helmholtz equations
We present two new stabilized high-resolution numerical methods for the convection–diffusion–reaction (CDR) and the Helmholtz equations respectively. The work embarks upon a priori analysis of some consistency recovery procedures for some stabilization methods belonging to the Petrov–Galerkin framework. It was found that the use of some standard practices (e.g. M-Matrices theory) for the design of essentially non-oscillatory numerical methods is not feasible when consistency recovery methods are employed. Hence, with respect to convective stabilization, such recovery methods are not preferred. Next, we present the design of a high-resolution Petrov–Galerkin (HRPG) method for the 1D CDR problem. The problem is studied from a fresh point of view, including practical implications on the formulation of the maximum principle, M-Matrices theory, monotonicity and total variation diminishing (TVD) finite volume schemes. The current method is next in line to earlier methods that may be viewed as an upwinding plus a discontinuity-capturing operator. Finally, some remarks are made on the extension of the HRPG method to multidimensions. Next, we present a new numerical scheme for the Helmholtz equation resulting in quasi-exact solutions. The focus is on the approximation of the solution to the Helmholtz equation in the interior of the domain using compact stencils. Piecewise linear/bilinear polynomial interpolation are considered on a structured mesh/grid. The only a priori requirement is to provide a mesh/grid resolution of at least eight elements per wavelength. No stabilization parameters are involved in the definition of the scheme. The scheme consists of taking the average of the equation stencils obtained by the standard Galerkin finite element method and the classical finite difference method. Dispersion analysis in 1D and 2D illustrate the quasi-exact properties of this scheme. Finally, some remarks are made on the extension of the scheme to unstructured meshes by designing a method within the Petrov–Galerkin framework.
The process of on-line generation of ultrapure dialysis fluid is a core prerequisite for the safe execution of modern renal replacement therapies such as on-line hemodiafiltration and high-flux hemodialysis. In these extracorporeal treatments with variable degrees of convection, significant volumes of plasma water are removed and replaced with dialysis fluid, which must occur without causing harm to the patient. Historically, on-line generation of sterile and pyrogen-free physiological substitution fluid by the process of membrane ultrafiltration of fresh dialysis fluid has its origin in hemofiltration, a purely convective therapy. Development of this and later therapies is described in the historical context of a successful effort over decades to overcome the above formidable challenge, which was provided jointly by pioneering clinical investigators and a resourceful dialysis industry.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Institute of mineralogy and geochemistry de la University of Lausanne, Suïssa, entre 2007 i 2009. Durant l’última dècada, la comunitat científica ha reconegut que les zones tropicals juguen un paper clau en els processos dinàmics que controlen el canvi climàtic global, probablement com a desencadenant dels canvis succeïts en altes latituds. A més a més, els sediments dels oceans tropicals, en trobar-se fora de l’impacte directe de les plaques de gel continentals creades durant les glaciacions, proporcionen un registre continu de les variacions climàtiques del planeta. Malgrat tot, encara hi ha moltes incògnites sobre el paper específic de les zones tropicals, especialment pel que fa a les variacions brusques suborbitals, degut als pocs registres d’alta resolució estudiats en aquestes àrees que abastin varis cicles glacial/interglacial. Per tal d’ajudar a clarificar el paper de les zones tropicals de l’hemisferi sud en el control del clima a escala mil•lenària s’ha estudiat la distribució i la composició isotòpica de biomarcadors moleculars marins i terrestres, a baixa resolució, en el testimoni MD98-2165 (9º39’S, 118º20’E, 2100 m de profunditat d’aigua, 42.3 m de llarg) està situat al sud-oest d’Indonèsia, on s’enregistren les temperatures superficials del mar més elevades del planeta i una elevada activitat convectiva, que té una influència en la distribució de la humitat atmosfèrica en una extensa superfície de la Terra. Les distribucions observades de biomarcadors terrígens (C23-C33 n-alcans i C20-C32 n-alcan-1-ols) són típiques del lipids de plantes superiors que arriben a l’oceà principalment per via eòlica. L’alcà de 31 àtoms de carboni i els alcohols de 28 o 32 àtoms de carboni són els homòlegs més abundants en ambdós testimonis. Cal destacar l’alcohol C32 com a homòleg principal durant les èpoques glacials, tot suggerint una expansió de les plantes tropicals C4 associada a unes condicions més àrides. La procedència d’aquests lipids queda corroborada mitjançant la seva composició isotòpica de carboni, que ens permet diferenciar la ruta fotosintètica emprada i per tant, entre el tipus de plantes.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Groningen, Holanda, entre 2007 i 2009. La simulació directa de la turbulència (DNS) és una eina clau dins de la mecànica de fluids computacional. Per una banda permet conèixer millor la física de la turbulència i per l'altra els resultats obtinguts són claus per el desenvolupament dels models de turbulència. No obstant, el DNS no és una tècnica vàlida per a la gran majoria d'aplicacions industrials degut al elevats costos computacionals. Per tant, és necessari cert grau de modelització de la turbulència. En aquest context, s'han introduïts importants millores basades en la modelització del terme convectiu (no lineal) emprant symmetry-preserving regularizations. En tracta de modificar adequadament el terme convectiu a fi de reduir la producció d'escales més i més petites (vortex-stretching) tot mantenint tots els invariants de les equacions originals. Fins ara, aquest models s'han emprat amb èxit per nombres de Rayleigh (Ra) relativament elevats. En aquest punt, disposar de resultats DNS per a configuracions més complexes i nombres de Ra més elevats és clau. En aquest contexte, s'han dut a terme simulacions DNS en el supercomputador MareNostrum d'una Differentially Heated Cavity amb Ra=1e11 i Pr=0.71 durant el primer any dels dos que consta el projecte. A més a més, s'ha adaptat el codi a fi de poder simular el fluxe al voltant d'un cub sobre una pared amb Re=10000. Aquestes simulacions DNS són les més grans fetes fins ara per aquestes configuracions i la seva correcta modelització és un gran repte degut la complexitat dels fluxes. Aquestes noves simulacions DNS estan aportant nous coneixements a la física de la turbulència i aportant resultats indispensables per al progrés de les modelitzacións tipus symmetry-preserving regularization.
Generación dinámica de interfaces web basadas en ficheros descriptivos XML para el control de la parametrización compleja y ejecución de programas por línea de comandos. La necesidad surge con la aplicación mlcoalsim, utilizada por investigadores de la UAB, cuya parametrización requiere la edición manual de un fichero de texto la sintaxis del cual es complicada y pesada. Con la generación de interfaces web se pretende ayudar a los usuarios en la correcta parametrización y ejecución de aplicaciones como mlcoalsim.