935 resultados para CLASSIC ARTICLES


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introduction: Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in Brazil and worldwide. It is a heterogeneous disorder, multifactorial, with no clear etiology and pathophysiology. The identification of risk factors for its development can assist in prevention and early diagnosis of the clinical onset of the disease Objective: To identify risk factors related to the development of preeclampsia aimed at identifying pregnant women at risk for early disease and to offer specialized treatment to them Methodology: A bibliographic survey of scientific articles indexed in the following databases: CAPES (Ovid external Link), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) of the National Library of Medicine over the last tem years (2001-2011) was carried out with the addition of certain classic and priority references.


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Objective The ketogenic diet is used as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of epilepsy in patients with refractory epilepsy. It simulates biochemical changes typical of fasting. The present study verified the nutritional impact of the ketogenic diet on children with refractory epilepsy. Methods Nutritional status data (dietary, biochemical and anthropometric measurements), seizure frequency, and adverse events were collected from the medical records and during outpatient clinic visits of children over a period of 36 months. Results Of the 29 children who initiated the ketogenic diet, 75.8% presented fewer seizures after one month of treatment. After six months, 48.3% of the patients had at least a 90.0% decrease in seizure frequency, and 50.0% of these patients presented total seizure remission. At 12 months, eight patients continued to show positive results, and seven of these children remained on the ketogenic diet for 24 months. There was an improvement of the nutritional status at 24 months, especially in terms of weight, which culminated with the recovery of proper weight-for-height. There were no significant changes in biochemical indices (total cholesterol and components, triglycerides, albumin, total protein, creatinine, glycemia, serum aspartate transaminase and serum alanine transaminase). Serum cholesterol levels increased significantly in the first month, fell in the following six months, and remained within the normal limits thereafter. Conclusion In conclusion, patients on the classic ketogenic diet for at least 24 months gained weight. Moreover, approximately one third of the patients achieved significant reduction in seizure frequency, and some patients achieved total remission.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare three alternative methods for controlling classical friction: Self-ligating brackets (SLB), special brackets (SB) and special elastomeric ligatures (SEB). METHODS: The study compared Damon MX, Smart Clip, In-Ovation and Easy Clip self-ligating bracket systems, the special Synergy brackets and Morelli's twin bracket with special 8-shaped elastomeric ligatures. New and used Morelli brackets with new and used elastomeric ligatures were used as control. All brackets had 0.022 x 0.028-in slots. 0.014-in nickel-titanium and stainless steel 0.019 x 0.025-in wires were tied to first premolar steel brackets using each archwire ligation method and pulled by an Instron machine at a speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Prior to the mechanical tests the absence of binding in the device was ruled out. Statistical analysis consisted of the Kruskal-Wallis test and multiple non-parametric analyses at a 1% significance level. RESULTS: When a 0.014-in archwire was employed, all ligation methods exhibited classical friction forces close to zero, except Morelli brackets with new and old elastomeric ligatures, which displayed 64 and 44 centiNewtons, respectively. When a 0.019 x 0.025-in archwire was employed, all ligation methods exhibited values close to zero, except the In-Ovation brackets, which yielded 45 cN, and the Morelli brackets with new and old elastomeric ligatures, which displayed 82 and 49 centiNewtons, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Damon MX, Easy Clip, Smart Clip, Synergy bracket systems and 8-shaped ligatures proved to be equally effective alternatives for controlling classical friction using 0.014-in nickel-titanium archwires and 0.019 x 0.025-in steel archwires, while the In-Ovation was efficient with 0.014-in archwires but with 0.019 x 0.025-in archwires it exhibited friction that was similar to conventional brackets with used elastomeric ligatures.


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In this thesis is described the design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of the multifactorial Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our multi-target approach was to consider cannabinoid system involved in AD, together with classic targets. In the first project, designed modifications were performed on lead molecule in order to increase potency and obtain balanced activities on fatty acid amide hydrolase and cholinesterases. A small library of compounds was synthesized and biological results showed increased inhibitory activity (nanomolar range) related to selected target. The second project was focused on the benzofuran framework, a privileged structure being a common moiety found in many biologically active natural products and therapeutics. Hybrid molecules were designed and synthesized, focusing on the inhibition of cholinesterases, Aβ aggregation, FAAH and on the interaction with CB receptors. Preliminary results showed that several compounds are potent CB ligands, in particular the high affinity for CB2 receptors, could open new opportunities to modulate neuroinflammation. The third and the fourth project were carried out at the IMS, Aberdeen, under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Zanda. The role of the cannabinoid system in the brain is still largely unexplored and the relationship between the CB1 receptors functional modification, density and distribution and the onset of a pathological state is not well understood. For this reasons, Rimonabant analogues suitable as radioligands were synthesized. The latter, through PET, could provide reliable measurements of density and distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain. In the fifth project, in collaboration with CHyM of York, the goal was to develop arginine analogues that are target specific due to their exclusively location into NOS enzymes and could work as MRI contrasting agents. Synthesized analogues could be suitable substrate for the transfer of polarization by p-H2 molecules through SABRE technique transforming MRI a more sensitive and faster technique.


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In questo elaborato sono stati confrontati i moduli bluetooth WT11, BLE113 , BT121 rispetto alle loro caratteristiche di banda, consumo, range e utilizzabilita in un contesto applicativo stringente come quello degli utilizzi biomeccanici. Si sono prima elencati i settori di riferimento, per poi descrivere il contesto applicativo in ambito medico e sportivo. Il confronto finale ha tenuto conto delle modalita di comunicazione bluetooth classic e bluetooth low energy, cercando di motivare quale modulo risulti migliore per questo particolare e innovativo contesto.


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na provide students with motivation for the study of quantum mechanics. That microscopic matter exists in quantized states can be demonstrated with modem versions of historic experiments: atomic line spectra (I), resonance potentials, and blackbody radiation. The resonance potentials of mercury were discovered by Franck and Hertz in 1914 (2). Their experiment consisted of bombarding atoms by electrons, and detecting the kinetic energy loss of the scattered electrons (3). Prior to the Franck-Hertz experiment, spectroscopic work bv Balmer and Rvdbere revealed that atoms emitted radiatibn at discrete ekergiis. The Franck-Hertz experiment showed directly that auantized enerm levels in an atom are real, not jist optiEal artifacts. atom can be raised to excited states by inelastic collisions with electrons as well as lowered from excited states by emission of photons. The classic Franck-Hertz experiment is carried out with mercury (4-7). Here we present an experiment for the study of resonance potentials using neon.


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Context Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) is crucial for transport of cholesterol to mitochondria where biosynthesis of steroids is initiated. Loss of StAR function causes lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LCAH). Objective StAR gene mutations causing partial loss of function manifest atypical and may be mistaken as familial glucocorticoid deficiency. Only a few mutations have been reported. Design To report clinical, biochemical, genetic, protein structure and functional data on two novel StAR mutations, and to compare them with published literature. Setting Collaboration between the University Children's Hospital Bern, Switzerland, and the CIBERER, Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Autonomous University, Barcelona, Spain. Patients Two subjects of a non-consanguineous Caucasian family were studied. The 46,XX phenotypic normal female was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency at the age of 10 months, had normal pubertal development and still has no signs of hypergonodatropic hypogonadism at 32 years of age. Her 46,XY brother was born with normal male external genitalia and was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency at 14 months. Puberty was normal and no signs of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism are present at 29 years of age. Results StAR gene analysis revealed two novel compound heterozygote mutations T44HfsX3 and G221S. T44HfsX3 is a loss-of-function StAR mutation. G221S retains partial activity (~30%) and is therefore responsible for a milder, non-classic phenotype. G221S is located in the cholesterol binding pocket and seems to alter binding/release of cholesterol. Conclusions StAR mutations located in the cholesterol binding pocket (V187M, R188C, R192C, G221D/S) seem to cause non-classic lipoid CAH. Accuracy of genotype-phenotype prediction by in vitro testing may vary with the assays employed.


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Publishing is an essential means of validation and communication of research. This is no different in transdisciplinary research, where publishing also aims at contributing to the development of society through sharing of knowledge. In the scientific world, authors need to disseminate and validate results, reflect on issues, and participate in debates. On the other hand, institutions and individuals are assessed according to their publication record – as probably the most influential of all current evaluation criteria. Occupying the space between article production and counting impact factors, journal editors and reviewers play an important role in defining and using rules to assess and improve the work submitted to them. Publishing transdisciplinary research poses specific challenges, in particular with regard to peer-review processes, as it addresses different knowledge communities with different value systems and purposes.


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Since the late eighties, economists have been regarding the transition from command to market economies in Central and Eastern Europe with intense interest. In addition to studying the transition per se, they have begun using the region as a testing ground on which to investigate the validity of certain classic economic propositions. In his research, comprising three articles written in English and totalling 40 pages, Mr. Hanousek uses the so-called "Czech national experiment" (voucher privatisation scheme) to test the permanent income hypothesis (PIH). He took as his inspiration Kreinin's recommendation: "Since data concerning the behaviour of windfall income recipients is relatively scanty, and since such data can constitute an important test of the permanent income hypothesis, it is of interest to bring to bear on the hypothesis whatever information is available". Mr. Hanousek argues that, since the transfer of property to Czech citizens from 1992 to 1994 through the voucher scheme was not anticipated, it can be regarded as windfall income. The average size of the windfall was more than three month's salary and over 60 percent of the Czech population received this unexpected income. Furthermore, there are other reasons for conducting such an analysis in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the privatisation process took place quickly. Secondly, both the economy and consumer behaviour have been very stable. Thirdly, out of a total population of 10 million Czech citizens, an astonishing 6 million, that is, virtually every household, participated in the scheme. Thus Czech voucher privatisation provides a sample for testing the PIH almost equivalent to a full population, thus avoiding problems with the distribution of windfalls. Compare this, for instance with the fact that only 4% of the Israeli urban population received personal restitution from Germany, while the number of veterans who received the National Service Life Insurance Dividends amounted to less than 9% of the US population and were concentrated in certain age groups. But to begin with, Mr. Hanousek considers the question of whether the public percieves the transfer from the state to individual as an increase in net wealth. It can be argued that the state is only divesting itself of assets that would otherwise provide a future source of transfers. According to this argument, assigning these assets to individuals creates an offsetting change in the present value of potential future transfers so that individuals are no better off after the transfer. Mr. Hanousek disagrees with this approach. He points out that a change in the ownership of inefficient state-owned enterprises should lead to higher efficiency, which alone increases the value of enterprises and creates a windfall increase in citizens' portfolios. More importantly, the state and individuals had very different preferences during the transition. Despite government propaganda, it is doubtful that citizens of former communist countries viewed government-owned enterprises as being operated in the citizens' best interest. Moreover, it is unlikely that the public fully comprehended the sophisticated links between the state budget, state-owned enterprises, and transfers to individuals. Finally, the transfers were not equal across the population. Mr. Hanousek conducted a survey on 1263 individuals, dividing them into four monthly earnings categories. After determining whether the respondent had participated in the voucher process, he asked those who had how much of what they received from voucher privatisation had been (a) spent on goods and services, (b) invested elsewhere, (c) transferred to newly emerging pension funds, (d) given to a family member, and (e) retained in their original form as an investment. Both the mean and the variance of the windfall rise with income. He obtained similar results with respect to education, where the mean (median) windfall for those with a basic school education was 13,600 Czech Crowns (CZK), a figure that increased to 15,000 CZK for those with a high school education without exams, 19,900 CZK for high school graduates with exams, and 24,600 CZK for university graduates. Mr. Hanousek concludes that it can be argued that higher income (and better educated) groups allocated their vouchers or timed the disposition of their shares better. He turns next to an analysis of how respondents reported using their windfalls. The key result is that only a relatively small number of individuals reported spending on goods. Overall, the results provide strong support for the permanent income hypothesis, the only apparent deviation being the fact that both men and women aged 26 to 35 apparently consume more than they should if the windfall were annuitised. This finding is still fully consistent with the PIH, however, if this group is at a stage in their life-cycle where, without the windfall, they would be borrowing to finance consumption associated with family formation etc. Indeed, the PIH predicts that individuals who would otherwise borrow to finance consumption would consume the windfall up to the level equal to the annuitised fraction of the increase in lifetime income plus the full amount of the previously planned borrowing for consumption. Greater consumption would then be financed, not from investing the windfall, but from avoidance of future repayment obligations for debts that would have been incurred without the windfall.