El desarrollo de nuevas estructuras aeroespaciales optimizadas, utilizan materiales compuestos, para los componentes críticos y subsistemas, principalmente polímeros reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP). Un conocimiento profundo del estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP avanzado, es esencial para predecir la vida residual y optimizar los intervalos de inspección estructural, reparaciones y/o sustitución de componentes. Las técnicas actuales se basan principalmente en la medición de cargas estructurales a lo largo de la vida útil de la estructura mediante galgas extensométricas eléctricas. Con esos datos, se estima la vida a fatiga utilizando modelos de acumulación de daño. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la metodología convencional para la estimación de la vida a fatiga de un CFRP aeronáutico. Esta metodología está basada en la regla de acumulación de daño lineal de Palmgren-Miner, y es aplicada para determinar la vida a fatiga de estructuras sometidas a cargas de amplitud variable. Se ha realizado una campaña de ensayos con cargas de amplitud constante para caracterizar un CFRP aeronáutico a fatiga, obteniendo las curvas clásicas S-N, en diferentes relaciones de esfuerzo. Se determinaron los diagramas de vida constante, (CLD), también conocidos como diagramas de Goodman, utilizando redes neuronales artificiales debido a la ausencia de modelos coherentes para materiales compuestos. Se ha caracterizado la degradación de la rigidez debido al daño por fatiga. Se ha ensayado un segundo grupo de probetas con secuencias estandarizadas de cargas de amplitud variable, para obtener la vida a fatiga y la degradación de rigidez en condiciones realistas. Las cargas aplicadas son representativas de misiones de aviones de combate (Falstaff), y de aviones de transporte (Twist). La vida a fatiga de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, se comparó con el índice de daño teórico calculado en base a la regla de acumulación de daño lineal convencional. Los resultados obtenidos muestran predicciones no conservativas. Esta tesis también presenta el estudio y desarrollo, de una nueva técnica de no contacto para evaluar el estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP por medio de cambios de los parámetros de rugosidad. La rugosidad superficial se puede medir fácilmente en campo con métodos sin contacto, mediante técnicas ópticas tales como speckle y perfilómetros ópticos. En el presente estudio, se han medido parámetros de rugosidad superficial, y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie, a lo largo de la vida de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud constante y variable, Se ha obtenido una buena tendencia de ajuste al correlacionar la magnitud de la rugosidad y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie con la degradación de la rigidez de las probetas fatigadas. Estos resultados sugieren que los cambios en la rugosidad superficial medida en zonas estratégicas de componentes y estructuras hechas de CFRP, podrían ser indicativas del nivel de daño interno debido a cargas de fatiga. Los resultados también sugieren que el método es independiente del tipo de carga de fatiga que ha causado el daño. Esto último hace que esta técnica de medición sea aplicable como inspección para una amplia gama de estructuras de materiales compuestos, desde tanques presurizados con cargas de amplitud constante, estructuras aeronáuticas como alas y colas de aeronaves cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, hasta aplicaciones industriales como automoción, entre otros. ABSTRACT New optimized aerospace structures use composite materials, mainly carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite (CFRP), for critical components and subsystems. A strong knowledge of the fatigue state of highly advanced (CFRP) structures is essential to predict the residual life and optimize intervals of structural inspection, repairs, and/or replacements. Current techniques are based mostly on measurement of structural loads throughout the service life by electric strain gauge sensors. These sensors are affected by extreme environmental conditions and by fatigue loads in such a way that the sensors and their systems require exhaustive maintenance throughout system life. In the present thesis, the conventional methodology based on linear damage accumulation rules, applied to determine the fatigue life of structures subjected to variable amplitude loads was evaluated for an aeronautical CFRP. A test program with constant amplitude loads has been performed to obtain the classical S-N curves at different stress ratios. Constant life diagrams, CLDs, where determined by means of Artificial Neural Networks due to the absence of consistent models for composites. The stiffness degradation due to fatigue damage has been characterized for coupons under cyclic tensile loads. A second group of coupons have been tested until failure with a standardized sequence of variable amplitude loads, representative of missions for combat aircraft (Falstaff), and representative of commercial flights (Twist), to obtain the fatigue life and the stiffness degradation under realistic conditions. The fatigue life of the coupons cycled with variable amplitude loads were compared to the theoretical damage index calculated based on the conventional linear damage accumulation rule. The obtained results show non-conservative predictions. This thesis also presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by means of measuring roughness parameters to evaluate changes in the surface topography. Surface roughness can be measured easily on field with non-contact methods by optical techniques such as speckle and optical perfilometers. In the present study, surface roughness parameters, and the surface irregularity factor, have been measured along the life of the coupons cycled with constant and variable amplitude loads of different magnitude. A good agreement has been obtained when correlating the magnitude of the roughness and the surface irregularity factor with the stiffness degradation. These results suggest that the changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components and structures made of CFRP, could be indicative of the level of internal damage due to fatigue loads. The results also suggest that the method is independent of the type of fatigue load that have caused the damage. It makes this measurement technique applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite materials structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures like wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.
We present an optical sensing methodology to estimate the fatigue damage state of structures made of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), by measuring variations on the surface roughness. Variable amplitude loads (VAL), which represent realistic loads during aeronautical missions of fighter aircraft (FALSTAFF) have been applied to coupons until failure. Stiffness degradation and surface roughness variations have been measured during the life of the coupons obtaining a Pearson correlation of 0.75 between both variables. The data were compared with a previous study for Constant Amplitude Load (CAL) obtaining similar results. Conclusions suggest that the surface roughness measured in strategic zones is a useful technique for structural health monitoring of CFRP structures, and that it is independent of the type of load applied. Surface roughness can be measured in the field by optical techniques such as speckle, confocal perfilometers and interferometry, among others.
A method for cell–cell and cell–liposome fusion at the single-cell level is described. Individual cells or liposomes were first selected and manipulated either by optical trapping or by adhesion to a micromanipulator-controlled ultramicroelectrode. Spatially selective fusion of the cell–cell or cell–liposome pair was achieved by the application of a highly focused electric field through a pair of 5-μm o.d. carbon-fiber ultramicroelectrodes. The ability to fuse together single cells opens new possibilities in the manipulation of the genetic and cellular makeup of individual cells in a controlled manner. In the study of cellular networks, for example, the alteration of the biochemical identity of a selected cell can have a profound effect on the behavior of the entire network. Fusion of a single liposome with a target cell allows the introduction of the liposomal content into the cell interior as well as the addition of lipids and membrane proteins onto the cell surface. This cell–liposome fusion represents an approach to the manipulation of the cytoplasmic contents and surface properties of single cells. As an example, we have introduced a membrane protein (γ-glutamyltransferase) reconstituted in liposomes into the cell plasma membrane.
Amperometry at a carbon fiber microelectrode modified with a composite of ruthenium oxide and cyanoruthenate was used to monitor chemical secretions of single pancreatic beta cells from rats and humans. When the insulin secretagogues glucose, tolbutamide, and K+ were applied to the cell, a series of randomly occurring current spikes was observed. The current spikes were shown to be due to the detection of chemical substances secreted from the cell. Chromatography showed that the primary secreted substance detected by the electrode was insulin. The current spikes were strongly dependent on external Ca2+, had an average area that was independent of the stimulation method, and had an area distribution which corresponded to the distribution of vesicle sizes in beta cells. It was concluded that the spikes were due to the detection of concentration pulses of insulin secreted by exocytosis.
Amperometry has been used for real-time electrochemical detection of the quantal release of catecholamines and indolamines from secretory granules in chromaffin and mast cells. Using improved-sensitivity carbon fiber electrodes, we now report the detection of quantal catecholamine release at the surface of somas of neonatal superior cervical ganglion neurons that are studded with axon varicosities containing synaptic vesicles. Local application of a bath solution containing high K+ or black widow spider venom, each of which greatly enhances spontaneous quantal release of transmitter at synapses, evoked barrages of small-amplitude (2-20 pA), short-duration (0.5-2 ms) amperometric quantal "spikes". The median spike charge was calculated as 11.3 fC. This figure corresponds to 3.5 x 10(4) catecholamine molecules per quantum of release, or approximately 1% that evoked by the discharge of the contents of a chromaffin granule.
"Snapshot" images of localized Ca2+ influx into patch-clamped chromaffin cells were captured by using a recently developed pulsed-laser imaging system. Transient opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels gave rise to localized elevations of Ca2+ that had the appearance of either "hotspots" or partial rings found immediately beneath the plasma membrane. When the Ca2+ imaging technique was employed in conjunction with flame-etched carbon-fiber electrodes to spatially map the release sites of catecholamines, it was observed that the sites of Ca2+ entry and catecholamine release were colocalized. These results provide functional support for the idea that secretion occurs from "active zone"-like structures in neuroendocrine cells.
High-Temperature Low-Sag (HTLS) high voltage overhead conductors offer higher operating temperatures, reduced resistance and less sag than conventional designs. With up to twice the current capacity for the same diameter conductor, they may help ease the power shortage in the constantly increasing electricity demand, but there might be some concerns about their corrosion resistance. These new conductors use materials relatively new to the power industry, such as advanced carbon fiber polymer matrix composites and unique metal matrix composites/nano-composites predominantly used in aerospace industries. This study has made an initial assessment of potential galvanic corrosion problems in three very different HTLS designs: ACCC (Aluminum Conductor Composite Core), ACCR (Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced) and ACSS (Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported). In particular the ACCC design was evaluated for its resistance to corrosion and compared to the other designs. The study concludes that all three designs can develop galvanic corrosion under certain circumstances. While the results are not sufficient to make service life predictions of any of the tested conductors, they point out the necessity of thorough corrosion testing of all new conductor designs.
In this research, strain-sensing and damage-sensing functional properties of cement composites have been studied on a conventional reinforced concrete (RC) beam. Carbon nanofiber (CNFCC) and fiber (CFCC) cement composites were used as sensors on a 4 m long RC beam. Different casting conditions (in situ or attached), service location (under tension or compression) and electrical contacts (embedded or superficial) were compared. Both CNFCC and CFCC were suitable as strain sensors in reversible (elastic) sensing condition testing. CNFCC showed higher sensitivities (gage factor up to 191.8), while CFCC only reached gage factors values of 178.9 (tension) or 49.5 (compression). Furthermore, damage-sensing tests were run, increasing the applied load progressively up to the RC beam failure. In these conditions, CNFCC sensors were also strain sensitive, but no damage sensing mechanism was detected for the strain levels achieved during the tests. Hence, these cement composites could act as strain sensors, even for severe damaged structures near to their collapse.
A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The curvature sensors are based on long-period gratings (LPGs) written in a progressive three-layered fiber to render the LPGs insensitive to the refractive index external to the fiber. A curvature sensor consists of the fiber long-period grating laid on a carbon fiber ribbon, which is then encapsulated in a low-temperature curing silicone rubber. The sensors have a spectral sensitivity to curvature, d lambda/dR from similar to 7-nm m to similar to 9-nm m. The interrogation technique is borrowed from derivative spectroscopy and monitors the changes in the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation band due to curvature. The multiplexing of the sensors is achieved by spectrally matching a series of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers to the LPGs. The versatility of this sensing garment is confirmed by it being used on six other human subjects covering a wide range of body mass indices. Just six fully functional sensors are required to obtain a volumetric error of around 6%. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The curvature sensors are based on long-period gratings (LPGs) written in a progressive three-layered fiber to render the LPGs insensitive to the refractive index external to the fiber. A curvature sensor consists of the fiber long-period grating laid on a carbon fiber ribbon, which is then encapsulated in a low-temperature curing silicone rubber. The sensors have a spectral sensitivity to curvature, dλ/dR from ∼7-nm m to ∼9-nm m. The interrogation technique is borrowed from derivative spectroscopy and monitors the changes in the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation band due to curvature. The multiplexing of the sensors is achieved by spectrally matching a series of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers to the LPGs. The versatility of this sensing garment is confirmed by it being used on six other human subjects covering a wide range of body mass indices. Just six fully functional sensors are required to obtain a volumetric error of around 6%. © 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines (PMSMs) can provide excellent performance in terms of torque density, energy efficiency, and controllability. However, PMs on the rotor are prone to centrifugal force, which may break their physical integrity, particularly at high-speed operation. Typically, PMs are bound with carbon fiber or retained by alloy sleeves on the rotor surface. This paper is concerned with the design of a rotor retaining sleeve for a 1.12-MW 18-kr/min PM machine; its electromagnetic performance is investigated by the 2-D finite-element method (FEM). Theoretical and numerical analyses of the rotor stress are carried out. For the carbon fiber protective measure, the stresses of three PM configurations and three pole filler materials are compared in terms of operating temperature, rotor speed, retaining sleeve thickness, and interference fit. Then, a new hybrid protective measure is proposed and analyzed by the 2-D FEM for operational speeds up to 22 kr/min (1.2 times the rated speed). The rotor losses and machine temperatures with the carbon fiber retaining sleeve and the hybrid retaining sleeve are compared, and the sleeve design is refined. Two rotors using both designs are prototyped and experimentally tested to validate the effectiveness of the developed techniques for PM machines. The developed retaining sleeve makes it possible to operate megawatt PM machines at high speeds of 22 kr/min. This opens doors for many high-power high-speed applications such as turbo-generator, aerospace, and submarine motor drives.
The machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite presents a significant challenge to the industry, and a better understanding of machining mechanism is the essential fundament to enhance the machining quality. In this study, a new energy based analytical method was developed to predict the cutting forces in orthogonal machining of unidirectional CFRP with fiber orientations ranging from 0° to 75°. The subsurface damage in cutting was also considered. Thus, the total specific energy for cutting has been estimated along with the energy consumed for forming new surfaces, friction, fracture in chip formation and subsurface debonding. Experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the proposed model.
In the last twenty years aerospace and automotive industries started working widely with composite materials, which are not easy to test using classic Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) techniques. Pairwise, the development of safety regulations sets higher and higher standards for the qualification and certification of those materials. In this thesis a new concept of a Non-Destructive defect detection technique is proposed, based on Ultrawide-Band (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging. Similar SAR methods are yet applied either in minefield [22] and head stroke [14] detection. Moreover feasibility studies have already demonstrated the validity of defect detection by means of UWB radars [12, 13]. The system was designed using a cheap commercial off-the-shelf radar device by Novelda and several tests of the developed system have been performed both on metallic specimen (aluminum plate) and on composite coupon (carbon fiber). The obtained results confirm the feasibility of the method and highlight the good performance of the developed system considered the radar resolution. In particular, the system is capable of discerning healthy coupons from damaged ones, and correctly reconstruct the reflectivity image of the tested defects, namely a 8 x 8 mm square bulge and a 5 mm drilled holes on metal specimen and a 5 mm drilled hole on composite coupon.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas