986 resultados para CABRERA, LYDIA, 1899-1991
Concern about premature joint sealant failures occurring in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements gave impetus to initiating this research project. Eight sealants, including three silicone sealants, were evaluated and tested in the lab as well as incorporated in approximately 700 joints in the field and evaluated over a six-year period. The preliminary data show that among the silicone sealants, Dow Corning 888 rated the highest. However, this was rated third overall behind the W. R. Meadows cold-applied Sof Seal and Crafco #231 hot pour sealants. The W. R. Meadows and Crafco sealants cost approximately 30 percent and 50 percent less to furnish and place than the Dow Corning product. All joint sealants will continue to be evaluated.
The Iowa Department of Transportation began creep and resilient modulus testing of asphalt concrete mixtures in 1989. Part 1 of this research reported in January 1990 was a laboratory study of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures made with O, 30, 60, 85 and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. Creep test results from Marshall specimens related well to the percent of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The objective of this research, part 2, was to determine if there was a meaningful correlation between pavement rut depth and the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor. Four and six inch diameter cores were drilled from rutted primary and interstate pavements and interstate pavements with design changes intended to resist rutting. The top 2 1/2 inches of each core, most of which was surface course, was used for creep and resilient modulus testing. There is a good correlation between the resilient modulus of four and six inch diameter cores. Creep resistance factors of four and six inch diameter cores also correlated well. There is a poor correlation between resilient modulus and the creep resistance factor. The rut depth per million 18,000 pound equivalent single axle loadings (ESAL) for these pavements did not correlate well with either the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor.
El Pla de ses Figueres és un jaciment que es troba a la riba del port de Cabrera, una petita illa de 1.836 ha. situada en el sud de les illes Balears. Diversos treballs de prospecció i d’excavació han donat a conèixer una important ocupació humana del lloc centrada en els segles V a VII dC. A les zones intervingudes s’han identificat una factoria de salaons, un possible taller de producció de porpra i una necròpoli. En el present treball s’exposaran set peces de marbre localitzades en dit jaciment dintre del projecte “Recuperació, consolidació i museïtzació del monestir bizantí de l’illa de Cabrera”, el qual ja fa dotze anys que finança ininterrompudament l’Ajuntament de Palma.
The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) has become the "standard" for deflection testing of pavements. Iowa has used a Road Rater since 1976 to obtain deflection information. A correlation between the Road Rater and the FWD was needed if Iowa was going to continue with the Road Rater. Comparative deflection testing was done using a Road Rater Model 400 and a Pynatest 8000 FWD on 26 pavement sections. The SHRP contractor, Braun Intertec Pavement, Inc., provided the FWD testing. The r^2 for the linear correlations ranged from 0.90 to 0.99 for the different pavement types and sensor locations.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of July 12, 1972, March 19, 1979, and June 15, 1991, in the Turkey River Basin, northeast Iowa, are presented in this report. The profiles illustrate the 1979 and 1991 floods along the Turkey River in Fayette and Clayton Counties and along the Volga River in Clayton County; the 1991 flood along Roberts Creek in Clayton County and along Otter Creek in Fayette County; and the 1972 flood along the Turkey River in Winneshiek and Fayette Counties. Watersurface elevations for the flood of March 19, 1979, were collected by the Iowa Natural Resources Council. The June 15, 1991, flood on the Turkey River at Garber (station number 05412500) is the largest known flood-peak discharge at the streamflow-gaging station for the period 1902-95. The peak discharge for June 15, 1991, of 49,900 cubic feet per second was 1.4 times larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow-gaging stations in the Turkey River Basin using flood information collected during 1902-95. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Turkey River Basin during 1981, 1992, and 1996 also is included in the report. A flood history describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1922, 1947, 1972, 1979, and 1991.
Per conèixer més dades sobre el projecte premiat podeu adreçar-vos a la pàgina web següent: www.rga.es
Per conèixer més dades sobre el projecte podeu adreçar-vos a la pàgina web següent: www.rga.es
This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.
[Exposition. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale. 1899]
Flood-elevation profiles and flood-peak discharges for floods during 1972, 1982, and 1987 in the Nishnabotna River basin are given in the report. The profiles are for the 1972 flood on the West and East Nishnabotna Rivers, the 1982 flood on Indian Creek, and the 1987 flood on the lower West Nishnabotna River. A flood history describes rainfall conditions and reported damages for floods occurring 1947, 1958, 1972, 1982, and 1987. Discharge for the 1982 flood on Indian Creek is 1.1 times larger than the 100-year recurrence interval discharge.
This booklet is a compilation of notes taken during motor grader operators workshops held at some 20 different locations throughout Iowa during the last two years. It is also the advice of 16 experienced motor grader operators and maintenance foremen (from 14 different counties around Iowa), who serve as instructors and assistant instructors at the "MoGo" workshops. The instructors have all said that they learn as much from the operators who attend the workshops as they impart. Motor grader operators from throughout Iowa have shown us new, innovative and better ways of maintaining gravel roads. This booklet is an attempt to pass on some of these "tips" that we have gathered from Iowa operators. It will need to be revised, corrected, and added to based on the advice we get from you, the operators who do the work here in Iowa.
Iowa's secondary roads contain nearly 15,000 bridges which are less than 40 feet (12 m) in length. Many of these bridges were built several decades ago and need to be replaced. Box culvert construction has proven to be an adequate bridge replacement technique. Recently a new bridge replacement alternative, called the Air-0-Form method, has emerged which has several potential advantages over box culvert construction. This new technique uses inflated balloons as the interior form in the construction of an arch culvert. The objective of research project HR-314 was to construct an air formed arch culvert to determine the applicability of the Air-O-Form technique as a county bridge replacement alternative.
Discarded tires present major disposal and environmental problems. The recycling of those tires in asphalt cement concrete is what this research deals with. The Iowa DOT and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) are evaluating the use of discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement and rubber chip mixes. The project is located on US 61 between Blue Grass and Muscatine in Muscatine County. It contains four rubberized asphalt sections and control sections. One section consists of reacted rubber asphalt cement used in both the binder and surface courses, and one section, both lanes, contains a rubber chip mix. The reacted rubber asphalt and the rubber chip mixes were laid in July 1991. The project construction went well with a few problems of shoving and cracking of the mat. This report contains information about procedures and tests that were run and those that will be run. It also has a cost comparison since this is a major concern with the use of asphalt rubber. Evaluation of this project will continue for five years. Three more research projects containing rubberized asphalt were constructed in 1991 and another is to be constructed in 1992.