317 resultados para Bispo
This paper suggests modifications in coating of electrodes providing an alternative for execution of welding with low hydrogen electrode AWS E7018 without having to dry it, reducing thus the cost and time of manufacturing of high resistance welds. The welds in this research were developed with basic coated electrodes (hygroscopic) – SMAW process – externally painted with aluminum spray paint for high temperatures or wrapped with thin plastic films (PVC) and aluminum foil films used commonly for food protection. The basic premise is that establishing a barrier between the atmosphere and the electrode coating could reduce the effects of high hygroscopicity presented by coatings of low hydrogen, minimizing this way the main source of supply of hydrogen to the fusion pool during welding. It is also expected that the addition of new materials from the electrode coating to the fusion pool would induce metallurgical changes in the deposited metal and, as a consequence, modifications in its mechanical properties. This research dealt with measuring the dissolved hydrogen in the deposited metal after welding with modified electrodes, evaluating the influence of these changes in the produced microstructures and in the mechanical properties of the resulting weld, and comparing the obtained results with the standard welding procedures and with the recently developed waterproof electrodes. The results obtained in most samples welded with modified electrodes showed increased mechanical resistance and increased tenacity due to the increased percentage of acicular ferrite in metal deposited without significant elevation of hardness, when compared with the traditional welding with AWS E7018 electrode and with ELBRÁS BRH4R waterproof electrode. The diffusing hydrogen measured in the modified electrodes was kept inside the parameters defined by international codes.
This paper suggests modifications in coating of electrodes providing an alternative for execution of welding with low hydrogen electrode AWS E7018 without having to dry it, reducing thus the cost and time of manufacturing of high resistance welds. The welds in this research were developed with basic coated electrodes (hygroscopic) – SMAW process – externally painted with aluminum spray paint for high temperatures or wrapped with thin plastic films (PVC) and aluminum foil films used commonly for food protection. The basic premise is that establishing a barrier between the atmosphere and the electrode coating could reduce the effects of high hygroscopicity presented by coatings of low hydrogen, minimizing this way the main source of supply of hydrogen to the fusion pool during welding. It is also expected that the addition of new materials from the electrode coating to the fusion pool would induce metallurgical changes in the deposited metal and, as a consequence, modifications in its mechanical properties. This research dealt with measuring the dissolved hydrogen in the deposited metal after welding with modified electrodes, evaluating the influence of these changes in the produced microstructures and in the mechanical properties of the resulting weld, and comparing the obtained results with the standard welding procedures and with the recently developed waterproof electrodes. The results obtained in most samples welded with modified electrodes showed increased mechanical resistance and increased tenacity due to the increased percentage of acicular ferrite in metal deposited without significant elevation of hardness, when compared with the traditional welding with AWS E7018 electrode and with ELBRÁS BRH4R waterproof electrode. The diffusing hydrogen measured in the modified electrodes was kept inside the parameters defined by international codes.
This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.
This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.
Dissertação (Mestrado)
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
ARAÚJO, M. M. A criança [pobre] em escola católica na cidade paroquial de Jadrdim do Seridó (Rio Grande do Norte, 1943-1951). Educação e Filosofia (UFU. Impresso), v. 23, n.46, p. 19-36, 2009
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia
Ao longo desta dissertação, será apresentada uma investigação qualitativa no domínio da perceção dos reclusos e profissionais sobre a saúde, do Estabelecimento Prisional de Santa Cruz do Bispo, procurando compreender o fenómeno. Pretende-se explorar os diferentes pontos de vista sobre a saúde, incluindo, cuidados e procedimentos por parte dos reclusos e profissionais, analisar e compreender a experiência do recluso quanto ao atendimento das suas necessidades e a sua relação com o profissional, analisar a formação e a equipa técnica no auxílio à saúde, compreender a perceção do técnico e do recluso em relação à saúde e até que ponto isso poderá afetar a forma como são concedidos os cuidados e, por fim, analisar e compreender as representações sobre a saúde na área preventiva e interventiva. Na conceção da dissertação, realizou-se duas entrevistas (uma aplicada aos reclusos e outra aplicada aos profissionais de saúde) semiestruturadas para a exploração e compreensão do tema. Foi esperado, com estas entrevistas, que todos os entrevistados reportem as experiências vividas, permitindo obter resultados sobre os objetivos em análise. Assim, ao longo desta dissertação, poder-se-á refletir sobre as possíveis aplicações práticas no futuro e as potencialidades e limitações do sistema de saúde do Estabelecimento Prisional de Santa Cruz do Bispo.
O aumento da longevidade e o consequente aumento do número de idosos coloca esta temática no plano central das sociedades modernas, nomeadamente na forma como se envelhece. Esta nova tendência demográfica, acarreta consigo novos desafios à responsabilidade individual e coletiva, com impacto significativo no desenvolvimento económico dos países, sendo um deles assegurar que os idosos vivam mais anos, com O presente estudo decorreu no Centro de Saúde de São Martinho do Bispo e teve como objetivos: caracterizar a QV qualidade de vida das pessoas com 60 e mais anos; analisar as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, estado civil, coabitação, escolaridade e fonte de rendimento) com a QV qualidade de vida; analisar as variáveis estilos de vida (tabaco, álcool e hábitos alimentares) e o suporte social com a QV. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional. A amostra foi constituída por 74 participantes, selecionados e por amostragem acidental . Foi aplicado Oo instrumento de recolha de dados foi composto pela caracterização sociodemográfica da amostra e pelas escalas: WHOQOL-OLD (World Health Organisation Quality of Life) e MSPSS (Multidimensional Scale Perceived Social Support). OS idosos representados na amostra apresentam uma QV moderada (65,85%). Em termos de características sociodemográficas, os homens possuem melhor QV que as mulheres , (p=0,007) e, idosos com maior escolaridade também possuem melhor QV (p=0,008). No que concerne aos estilos de vida, os dados sugerem que as pessoas que consumem álcool de forma moderada , possuem melhor QV (p=0,006). O suporte social apresenta uma correlação significativa, positiva e de força fraca com a QV (r_s=0,377; p=0,001). Conclui-se assim ,que a QV é um fenómeno multidimensional, que vai para além das variáveis sociodemográficas, de estilos de vida e de suporte social, pelo que o seu estudo impele para a análise de outros fatores.
ARAÚJO, M. M. A criança [pobre] em escola católica na cidade paroquial de Jadrdim do Seridó (Rio Grande do Norte, 1943-1951). Educação e Filosofia (UFU. Impresso), v. 23, n.46, p. 19-36, 2009
The lamina-associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) is a type II transmembrane protein of the inner nuclear membrane encoded by the human gene TOR1AIP1. LAP1 is involved in maintaining the nuclear envelope structure and appears be involved in the positioning of lamins and chromatin. In the nuclear envelope, LAP1 is suggested to exist as a complex with A-type and B-type lamins, torsins and emerin. The presence of such complexes suggests that LAP1 may cooperate functionally with these proteins in tissues where they play a critical role. Therefore, the identification of LAP1 binding partners and the signalling pathways where LAP1 participates, is crucial for a better understanding of LAP1 functions. The work described in this thesis addresses novel human LAP1 associated proteins found through bioinformatic tools. Public databases allowed for the discovery of the LAP1 interactome, which was manually curated, identifying several functionally relevant proteins. Subsequently, the integration of multiple bioinformatic tools established novel functions to LAP1 such as DNA damage response and telomere association. In conjunction, bioinformatic results also reinforced the association of LAP1 with mitosis, and the already identified role of LAP1 in nuclear morphology. Interestingly, this association of LAP1 with the regulation of the nuclear envelope structure and mitosis progression, shares functional elements with spermatogenesis. Therefore, this work additionally described the localization of LAP1 and some of its interactors throughout the spermatogenic cycle, in mouse and human testis. The results established that the activity of LAP1 during the mouse spermatogenic cycle is most evident from stage VIII until the end of spermiogenesis, which is characteristic of manchette development. Concomitantly, some LAP1 interactors studied in this work share a similar localization, namely, PP1γ2, Lamin B1 and Lamin A/C. The results obtained from the study of LAP1 throughout different periods of the male reproductive system attributed potential new biological functions to LAP1. Thereby, this work can be the foundation of future studies regarding LAP1 and the regulation of multiple cellular processes and disease conditions.
Em meados do século XII, o bispado de Viseu era constituído por um território de extensão considerável situado a pouca distância da então fronteira Sul do Reino de Portugal. Nesta centúria, porém, as fronteiras diocesanas ainda não se tinham conformado. Com efeito, só em 1258 o poder episcopal, após contenda judicial com o bispo de Idanha, obteve jurisdição sobre Castelo Mendo, em detrimento das igrejas da Guarda e Jarmelo. Dois anos volvidos, em 1260, foram regulamentados os direitos episcopais das nove igrejas de Pinhel. Anos antes, em 1230, o bispo D. Gil estabeleceu um acordo com a Ordem do Templo sobre os proventos eclesiásticos da igreja de Santiago de Trancoso.
Small pelagic fishes are known to respond rapidly to changes in ocean climate. In this study, we evaluate the effects of future environmental warming (+2°C) during the early ontogeny of the European sardine, Sardina pilchardus. Warming reduced the survival of 30-day-old larvae by half. Length at hatching increased with temperature as expected, but no significant effect was observed on the length and growth at 30 days post-hatching. Warming did not significantly affect the thermal tolerance of sardine larvae, even though the mean lethal temperature increased by 1°C. In the warm conditions, sardine larvae showed signs of thermal stress, indicated by a pronounced increase in larval metabolism (Q 10 = 7.9) and a 45% increase in the heat shock response. Lipid peroxidation was not significantly affected by the higher temperature, even though the mean value doubled. Warming did not affect the time larvae spent swimming, but decreased by 36% the frequency of prey attacks. Given the key role of these small pelagics in the trophic dynamics off the Western Iberian upwelling ecosystem, the negative effects of warming on the early stages may have important implications for fish recruitment and ecosystem structure.
Objectives To investigate the molecular interaction between beta-cyclodextrin (beta CD) or hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP beta CD) and riboflavin (RF), and to test the anticancer potential of these formulations. Methods The physicochemical characterization of the association between RF and CDs was performed by UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, differential scanning calorimetry and NMR techniques. Molecular dynamics simulation was used to shed light on the mechanism of interaction of RF and CDs. Additionally, in-vitro cell culture tests were performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of the RFCD complexes against prostate cancer cells. Key findings Neither beta CD nor HP beta CD led to substantial changes in the physicochemical properties of RF (with the exception of solubility). Additionally, rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy experiments detected no spatial correlations between hydrogens from the internal cavity of CDs and RF, while molecular dynamics simulations revealed out-of-ring RFCD interactions. Notwithstanding, both RF beta CD and RFHP beta CD complexes were cytotoxic to PC3 prostate cancer cells. Conclusions The interaction between RF and either beta CD or HP beta CD, at low concentrations, seems to be made through hydrogen bonding between the flavonoid and the external rim of both CDs. Regardless of the mechanism of complexation, our findings indicate that RFCD complexes significantly increase RF solubility and potentiate its antitumour effect.