937 resultados para Biological chemistry


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Published work has shown that endothelin-l-induced contractility of bovine retinal pericytes is reduced after culture in high concentrations of glucose. The purpose of the present study was to establish the profile of endothelin-l-induced calcium transients in pericytes and to identify changes occurring after culture in high concentrations of glucose. Glucose had no effect on basal levels of cytosolic calcium or on endothelin-l-induced calcium release from intracellular stores. However, influx of calcium from the extracellular medium after endothelin-l stimulation was reduced in pericytes that had been cultured in 25 mM D-glucose. L-type Ca2+ currents were identified by patch clamping. The L-type Ca2+ channel agonist, (-)-Bay K8644, caused less influx of calcium from the extracellular medium in pericytes that had been cultured in 25 mM D-glucose than in those cultured with 5 mM D-glucose. However, 3-O-methylglucose, a nonmetabolizable analogue of glucose which can cause glycation, had similar effects to those of high concentrations of glucose. The results suggest that reduced function of the L-type Ca2+ channel that occurs in bovine retinal pericytes after culture in high concentrations of D-glucose is probably due to glycation of a channel protein.


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The type VI secretion system (T6SS) contributes to the virulence of Burkholderia cenocepacia, an opportunistic pathogen causing serious chronic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. BcsK(C) is a highly conserved protein among the T6SSs in Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we show that BcsK(C) is required for Hcp secretion and cytoskeletal redistribution in macrophages upon bacterial infection. These two phenotypes are associated with a functional T6SS in B. cenocepacia. Experiments employing a bacterial two-hybrid system and pulldown assays demonstrated that BcsK(C) interacts with BcsL(B), another conserved T6SS component. Internal deletions within BcsK(C) revealed that its N-terminal domain is necessary and sufficient for interaction with BcsL(B). Fractionation experiments showed that BcsK(C) can be in the cytosol or tightly associated with the outer membrane and that BcsK(C) and BcsL(B) form a high molecular weight complex anchored to the outer membrane that requires BcsF(H) (a ClpV homolog) to be assembled. Together, our data show that BcsK(C)/BcsL(B) interaction is essential for the T6SS activity in B. cenocepacia.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic pathogen that displays a remarkably high resistance to antimicrobial peptides. We hypothesize that high resistance to antimicrobial peptides in these bacteria is because of the barrier properties of the outer membrane. Here we report the identification of genes for the biosynthesis of the core oligosaccharide (OS) moiety of the B. cenocepacia lipopolysaccharide. We constructed a panel of isogenic mutants with truncated core OS that facilitated functional gene assignments and the elucidation of the core OS structure in the prototypic strain K56-2. The core OS structure consists of three heptoses in the inner core region, 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid, d-glycero-d-talo-octulosonic acid, and 4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose linked to d-glycero-d-talo-octulosonic acid. Also, glucose is linked to heptose I, whereas heptose II carries a second glucose and a terminal heptose, which is the site of attachment of the O antigen. We established that the level of core truncation in the mutants was proportional to their increased in vitro sensitivity to polymyxin B (PmB). Binding assays using fluorescent 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl-labeled PmB demonstrated a correlation between sensitivity and increased binding of PmB to intact cells. Also, the mutant producing a heptoseless core OS did not survive in macrophages as compared with the parental K56-2 strain. Together, our results demonstrate that a complete core OS is required for full PmB resistance in B. cenocepacia and that resistance is due, at least in part, to the ability of B. cenocepacia to prevent binding of the peptide to the bacterial cell envelope.


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The barrier imposed by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria presents a significant challenge in treatment of these organisms with otherwise effective hydrophobic antibiotics. The absence of L-glycero-D-manno-heptose in the LPS molecule is associated with a dramatically increased bacterial susceptibility to hydrophobic antibiotics and thus enzymes in the ADP-heptose biosynthesis pathway are of significant interest. GmhA catalyzes the isomerization of D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate into D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate, the first committed step in the formation of ADP-heptose. Here we report structures of GmhA from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in apo, substrate, and product-bound forms, which together suggest that GmhA adopts two distinct conformations during isomerization through reorganization of quaternary structure. Biochemical characterization of GmhA mutants, combined with in vivo analysis of LPS biosynthesis and novobiocin susceptibility, identifies key catalytic residues. We postulate GmhA acts through an enediol-intermediate isomerase mechanism.


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Anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) induces rapid cell death of RAW246.7 macrophages. We recently found that a small population of these macrophages is spontaneously and temporally refractory to LeTx-induced cytotoxicity. Analysis of genome-wide transcripts of a resistant clone before and after regaining LeTx sensitivity revealed that a reduction of two closely related mitochondrial proteins, Bcl-2/adenovirus E1B 19-kDa interacting protein 3 (Bnip3) and Bnip3-like (Bnip3L), correlates with LeTx resistance. Down-regulation of Bnip3 and Bnip3L was also found in "toxin-induced resistance" whereby sublethal doses of LeTx induce resistance to subsequent exposure to cytolytic toxin doses. The role of Bnip3 and Bnip3L in LeTx-induced cell death was confirmed by showing that overexpression of either Bnip3 or Bnip3L rendered the resistant cells susceptible to LeTx, whereas down-regulation of Bnip3 and Bnip3L in wild-type macrophages conferred resistance. The down-regulation of Bnip3 and Bnip3L mRNAs by LeTx occurred at both transcriptional and mRNA stability levels. Inhibition of the p38 pathway by lethal factor was responsible for the destabilization of Bnip3/Bnip3L mRNAs as confirmed by showing that p38 inhibitors stabilized Bnip3 and Bnip3L mRNAs and conferred resistance to LeTx cytotoxicity. Therefore, Bnip3/Bnip3L play a crucial role in LeTx-induced cytotoxicity, and down-regulation of Bnip3/Bnip3L is a mechanism of spontaneous or toxin-induced resistance of macrophages.


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During O antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis in bacteria, transmembrane migration of undecaprenylpyrophosphate (Und-P-P)-bound O antigen subunits occurs before their polymerization and ligation to the rest of the LPS molecule. Despite the general nature of the translocation process, putative O-antigen translocases display a low level of amino acid sequence similarity. In this work, we investigated whether complete O antigen subunits are required for translocation. We demonstrate that a single sugar, GlcNAc, can be incorporated to LPS of Escherichia coli K-12. This incorporation required the functions of two O antigen synthesis genes, wecA (UDP-GlcNAc:Und-P GlcNAc-1-P transferase) and wzx (O-antigen translocase). Complementation experiments with putative O-antigen translocases from E. coli O7 and Salmonella enterica indicated that translocation of O antigen subunits is independent of the chemical structure of the saccharide moiety. Furthermore, complementation with putative translocases involved in synthesis of exopolysaccharides demonstrated that these proteins could not participate in O antigen assembly. Our data indicate that recognition of a complete Und-P-P-bound O antigen subunit is not required for translocation and suggest a model for O antigen synthesis involving recognition of Und-P-P-linked sugars by a putative complex made of Wzx translocase and other proteins involved in the processing of O antigen.


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The lpcA locus has been identified in Escherichia coli K12 novobiocin-supersensitive mutants that produce a short lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core which lacks glyceromannoheptose and terminal hexoses. We have characterized lpcA as a single gene mapping around 5.3 min (246 kilobases) on the E. coli K12 chromosome and encoding a 22.6-kDa cytosolic protein. Recombinant plasmids containing only lpcA restored a complete core LPS in the E. coli strain chi711. We show that this strain has an IS5-mediated chromosomal deletion of 35 kilobases that eliminates lpcA. The LpcA protein showed discrete similarities with a family of aldose/ketose isomerases and other proteins of unknown function. The isomerization of sedoheptulose 7-phosphate, into a phosphosugar presumed to be D-glycero-D-mannoheptose 7-phosphate, was detected in enzyme reactions with cell extracts of E. coli lpcA+ and of lpcA mutants containing the recombinant lpcA gene. We concluded that LpcA is the phosphoheptose isomerase used in the first step of glyceromannoheptose synthesis. We also demonstrated that lpcA is conserved among enteric bacteria, all of which contain glyceromannoheptose in the inner core LPS, indicating that LpcA is an essential component in a conserved biosynthetic pathway of inner core LPS.


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The Escherichia coli transcriptional regulator MarA affects functions that include antibiotic resistance, persistence, and survival. MarA functions as an activator or repressor of transcription utilizing similar degenerate DNA sequences (marboxes) with three different binding site configurations with respect to the RNA polymerase-binding sites. We demonstrate that MarA down-regulates rob transcripts both in vivo and in vitro via a MarA-binding site within the rob promoter that is positioned between the -10 and -35 hexamers. As for the hdeA and purA promoters, which are repressed by MarA, the rob marbox is also in the "backward" orientation. Protein-DNA interactions show that SoxS and Rob, like MarA, bind the same marbox in the rob promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses with a MarA-specific antibody demonstrate that MarA and RNA polymerase form a ternary complex with the rob promoter DNA. Transcription experiments in vitro and potassium permanganate footprinting analysis show that MarA affects the RNA polymerase-mediated closed to open complex formation at the rob promoter.


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The Escherichia coli MarA protein mediates a response to multiple environmental stresses through the activation or repression in vivo of a large number of chromosomal genes. Transcriptional activation for a number of these genes has been shown to occur via direct interaction of MarA with a 20-bp degenerate asymmetric "marbox" sequence. It was not known whether repression by MarA was also direct. We found that purified MarA was sufficient in vitro to repress transcription of both purA and hdeA. Transcription and electrophoretic mobility shift experiments in vitro using mutant promoters suggested that the marbox involved in the repression overlapped the -35 promoter motif and was in the "backward" orientation. This organization contrasts with that of the class II promoters activated by MarA, in which the marbox also overlaps the -35 motif but is in the "forward" orientation. We conclude that MarA, a member of the AraC/XylS family, can act directly as a repressor or an activator, depending on the position and orientation of the marbox within a promoter.


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Free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFA2; GPR43) is a G protein-coupled seven-transmembrane receptor for short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that is implicated in inflammatory and metabolic disorders. The SCFA propionate has close to optimal ligand efficiency for FFA2 and can hence be considered as highly potent given its size. Propionate, however, does not discriminate between FFA2 and the closely related receptor FFA3 (GPR41). To identify FFA2-selective ligands and understand the molecular basis for FFA2 selectivity, a targeted library of small carboxylic acids was examined using holistic, label-free dynamic mass redistribution technology for primary screening and the receptor-proximal G protein [S-35] guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio) triphosphate activation, inositol phosphate, and cAMP accumulation assays for hit confirmation. Structure-activity relationship analysis allowed formulation of a general rule to predict selectivity for small carboxylic acids at the orthosteric binding site where ligands with substituted sp(3)-hybridized alpha-carbons preferentially activate FFA3, whereas ligands with sp(2)- or sp-hybridized alpha-carbons prefer FFA2. The orthosteric binding mode was verified by site-directed mutagenesis: replacement of orthosteric site arginine residues by alanine in FFA2 prevented ligand binding, and molecular modeling predicted the detailed mode of binding. Based on this, selective mutation of three residues to their non-conserved counterparts in FFA3 was sufficient to transfer FFA3 selectivity to FFA2. Thus, selective activation of FFA2 via the orthosteric site is achievable with rather small ligands, a finding with significant implications for the rational design of therapeutic compounds selectively targeting the SCFA receptors.


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F1F0-ATPase was initially believed to be strictly expressed in the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, recent reports have shown that the F1 complex can serve as a cell surface receptor for apparently unrelated ligands. Here, we show for the first time the presence of the F1-ATPase at the cell surface of normal or cancerous colonic epithelial cells. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology and mass spectrometry, we identified a peptide hormone product of the gastrin gene (glycine-extended gastrin, G-gly), as a new ligand for the F1-ATPase. By molecular modeling, we identified the motif in the peptide sequence (EE/DxY), which directly interacts with the F1-ATPase and the amino-acids in the F1-ATPase which bind this motif. Replacement of the E9 residue by an alanine in the EE/DxY motif resulted in a strong decrease of G-gly binding to the F1-ATPase and the loss of its biological activity. In addition we demonstrated that F1-ATPase mediates the growth effects of the peptide. Indeed, blocking ATPase activity decreases G-gly-induced cell growth. The mechanism likely involves ADP production by the membrane F1-ATPase which is induced by G-gly. These results suggest an important contribution of cell surface ATPase in the pro-proliferative action of this gastrointestinal peptide.


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Free fatty acid receptors 2 and 3 (FFA2 and FFA3) are G protein-coupled receptors for short chain free fatty acids (SCFAs). They respond to the same set of endogenous ligands but with distinct rank-order of potency, such that acetate (C2) has been described as FFA2 selective while propionate (C3) is non-selective. Although C2 was confirmed to be selective for human FFA2 over FFA3, this ligand was not selective between the mouse orthologs. Moreover, although C3 was indeed not selective between the human orthologs it displayed clear selectivity for mouse FFA3 over mouse FFA2. This altered selectivity to C2 and C3 resulted from broad differences in SCFAs potency at the mouse orthologs. In studies to define the molecular basis for these observations marked variation in ligand-independent, constitutive activity was identified. The orthologs with higher potency for the SCFAs, human FFA2 and mouse FFA3, displayed high constitutive activity while the orthologs with lower potency for the agonist ligands, mouse FFA2 and human FFA3, did not. Sequence alignments of the 2nd extracellular loop identified single negatively charged residues in FFA2 and FFA3 not conserved between species and predicted to form ionic lock interactions with arginine residues within the FFA2 or FFA3 agonist binding pocket to regulate constitutive activity and SCFA potency. Reciprocal mutation of these residues between species orthologs resulted in the induction (or repression) of constitutive activity, and in most cases also yielded corresponding changes in SCFA potency.


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-ß chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-ß, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-ß from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-ß exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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BRCA1 is a major player in the DNA damage response. This is evident from its loss, which causes cells to become sensitive to a wide variety of DNA damaging agents. The major BRCA1 binding partner, BARD1, is also implicated in the DNA damage response, and recent reports indicate that BRCA1 and BARD1 co-operate in this pathway. In this report, we utilized small interfering RNA to deplete BRCA1 and BARD1 to demonstrate that the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is required for ATM/ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated/ATM and Rad3-related)-mediated phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) following IR- and UV radiation-induced DNA damage. In contrast, phosphorylation of a number of other ATM/ATR targets including H2AX, Chk2, Chk1, and c-jun does not depend on the presence of BRCA1-BARD1 complexes. Moreover, prior ATM/ATR-dependent phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1423 or Ser-1524 regulates the ability of ATM/ATR to phosphorylate p53(Ser-15) efficiently. Phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) is necessary for an IR-induced G(1)/S arrest via transcriptional induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. Consistent with these data, repressing p53(Ser-15) phosphorylation by BRCA1-BARD1 depletion compromises p21 induction and the G(1)/S checkpoint arrest in response to IR but not UV radia-tion. These findings suggest that BRCA1-BARD1 complexes act as an adaptor to mediate ATM/ATR-directed phosphorylation of p53, influencing G(1)/S cell cycle progression after DNA damage.