887 resultados para Bio-inspired computation


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Anhydrobiotic organisms undergo periods of acute dehydration during their life cycle. It is of interest to understand how the biomembrane remains intact through such stress. A disaccharide, trehalose, which is metabolised during anhydrobiosis is found to prevent disruption of model membrane systems. Molecular modelling techniques are used to investigate the possible mode of interaction of trehalose with a model monolayer. The objective is to maximise hydrogen bonding between the two systems. A phospholipid matrix consisting of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) is chosen to represent the monolayer. The crystal structure of DMPC reveals that there are two distinct conformers designated as A and B. An expansion of the monolayer, coplanar with its surface, results in the trehalose molecule being accommodated in a pocket formed by four B conformers. One glucose ring of the sugar rests on the hydrophobic patch provided by the choline methyls of an A conformer. Five hydrogen bonds are formed involving the phosphate oxygens of three of the surrounding B conformers. The model will be discussed with reference to relevant experimental data on the interaction.


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In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient algorithm for modelling sub-65 nm clock interconnect-networks in the presence of process variation. We develop a method for delay analysis of interconnects considering the impact of Gaussian metal process variations. The resistance and capacitance of a distributed RC line are expressed as correlated Gaussian random variables which are then used to compute the standard deviation of delay Probability Distribution Function (PDF) at all nodes in the interconnect network. Main objective is to find delay PDF at a cheaper cost. Convergence of this approach is in probability distribution but not in mean of delay. We validate our approach against SPICE based Monte Carlo simulations while the current method entails significantly lower computational cost.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on määrittää jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset valitulla tutkimusalueella Helsingin Punavuoressa. Jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset vastaavat suuruudeltaan merkittävää osaa jätehuollon kokonaiskustannuksista, minkä vuoksi kustannusten tutkimiselle ja tarkastelulle löytyy kysyntää. Lisäksi keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset saattavat vaihdella suuresti johtuen erilaisista kaupunkirakenteista,keräysmenetelmistä ja teknologioista, joten tapaustarkastelun avulla pystytään selvittämään yksityiskohtaisesti alueen jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset. Tutkimusalue Helsingin Punavuoressa on yksi Suomen tiheimmin asutuista alueista, missä jätteidenkeräystä hankaloittaa kapeat kadut, useat sisäpihoille sijoitetut jätehuoneet ja vilkas liikenne. Erityispiirteidensä vuoksi jätteenkeräys- ja siirto aiheuttaa tutkimusalueella yksityisten kustannusten lisäksi myös useita ulkoisvaikutuksia muun muassa ilmansaasteiden ja viihtyvyyshaittojen muodossa. Tässä työssä lasketaan jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset neljän eri jätelajin osalta huomioimalla sekä yksityiset kustannustekijät että ulkoiskustannuksina syntyvien päästöjen kustannukset. Työn aineistona on käytetty erilaisia kustannuslaskelmien kirjallisuuslähteitä, asiantuntija-arvioita ja tutkimusalueella tehtyjä kellotusmittauksia. Alueen kellotusmittauksiin perustuvalla aikaperusteisella laskentatavalla jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron jätetonnikohtaisiksi keskimääräisiksi kustannuksiksi saatiin 73 €/t. Kustannuksissa havaittiin kuitenkin suuria jätelajikohtaisia eroja, jolloin keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset heittelivät 49–125 €/t välillä. Suuret jätelajikohtaiset kustannuserot ovat selitettävissä pitkälti jätteiden koostumuksella, koska kevyiden ja paljon tilaa vievien jätelajien jätetonnikohtaiset kustannukset olivat suurimpia. Teoriataustan ja lähdeaineiston perusteella saadut tulokset myös osoittavat, että jätteenkeräyksen ja siirron kustannuksista huomioitujen ulkoiskustannusten osuus on häviävän pieni verrattuna yksityisten kustannusten tasoon.


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We propose a method to compute a probably approximately correct (PAC) normalized histogram of observations with a refresh rate of Theta(1) time units per histogram sample on a random geometric graph with noise-free links. The delay in computation is Theta(root n) time units. We further extend our approach to a network with noisy links. While the refresh rate remains Theta(1) time units per sample, the delay increases to Theta(root n log n). The number of transmissions in both cases is Theta(n) per histogram sample. The achieved Theta(1) refresh rate for PAC histogram computation is a significant improvement over the refresh rate of Theta(1/log n) for histogram computation in noiseless networks. We achieve this by operating in the supercritical thermodynamic regime where large pathways for communication build up, but the network may have more than one component. The largest component however will have an arbitrarily large fraction of nodes in order to enable approximate computation of the histogram to the desired level of accuracy. Operation in the supercritical thermodynamic regime also reduces energy consumption. A key step in the proof of our achievability result is the construction of a connected component having bounded degree and any desired fraction of nodes. This construction may also prove useful in other communication settings on the random geometric graph.


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This paper presents an algorithm for generating the Interior Medial Axis Transform (iMAT) of 3D objects with free-form boundaries. The algorithm proposed uses the exact representation of the part and generates an approximate rational spline description of the iMAT. The algorithm generates the iMAT by a tracing technique that marches along the object's boundary. The level of approximation is controlled by the choice of the step size in the tracing procedure. Criteria based on distance and local curvature of boundary entities are used to identify the junction points and the search for these junction points is done in an efficient way. The algorithm works for multiply-connected objects as well. Results of the implementation are provided. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The design optimization of laminated composites using naturally inspired optimization techniques such as vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) and genetic algorithms (GA) are used in this paper. The design optimization of minimum weight of the laminated composite is evaluated using different failure criteria. The failure criteria considered are maximum stress (MS), Tsai-Wu (TW) and failure mechanism based (FMB) failure criteria. Minimum weight of the laminates are obtained for different failure criteria using VEPSO and GA for different combinations of loading. From the study it is evident that VEPSO and GA predict almost the same minimum weight of the laminate for the given loading. Comparison of minimum weight of the laminates by different failure criteria differ for some loading combinations. The comparison shows that FMBFC provide better results for all combinations of loading. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mutation and/or dysfunction of signaling proteins in the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway are frequently observed in various kinds of human cancer. Consistent with this fact, in the present study, we experimentally observe that the epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced activation profile of MAP kinase signaling is not straightforward dose-dependent in the PC3 prostate cancer cells. To find out what parameters and reactions in the pathway are involved in this departure from the normal dose-dependency, a model-based pathway analysis is performed. The pathway is mathematically modeled with 28 rate equations yielding those many ordinary differential equations (ODE) with kinetic rate constants that have been reported to take random values in the existing literature. This has led to us treating the ODE model of the pathways kinetics as a random differential equations (RDE) system in which the parameters are random variables. We show that our RDE model captures the uncertainty in the kinetic rate constants as seen in the behavior of the experimental data and more importantly, upon simulation, exhibits the abnormal EGF dose-dependency of the activation profile of MAP kinase signaling in PC3 prostate cancer cells. The most likely set of values of the kinetic rate constants obtained from fitting the RDE model into the experimental data is then used in a direct transcription based dynamic optimization method for computing the changes needed in these kinetic rate constant values for the restoration of the normal EGF dose response. The last computation identifies the parameters, i.e., the kinetic rate constants in the RDE model, that are the most sensitive to the change in the EGF dose response behavior in the PC3 prostate cancer cells. The reactions in which these most sensitive parameters participate emerge as candidate drug targets on the signaling pathway. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider three dimensional finite element computations of thermoelastic damping ratios of arbitrary bodies using Zener's approach. In our small-damping formulation, unlike existing fully coupled formulations, the calculation is split into three smaller parts. Of these, the first sub-calculation involves routine undamped modal analysis using ANSYS. The second sub-calculation takes the mode shape, and solves on the same mesh a periodic heat conduction problem. Finally, the damping coefficient is a volume integral, evaluated elementwise. In the only other decoupled three dimensional computation of thermoelastic damping reported in the literature, the heat conduction problem is solved much less efficiently, using a modal expansion. We provide numerical examples using some beam-like geometries, for which Zener's and similar formulas are valid. Among these we examine tapered beams, including the limiting case of a sharp tip. The latter's higher-mode damping ratios dramatically exceed those of a comparable uniform beam.


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This article discusses the potential of bio-dimethyl ether (DME) as a promising fuel for India in the transportation sector where a majority of imported petroleum in the form of diesel is used. Specifically, the suitability of DME in terms of its properties vis-a-vis those of diesel, ability to liquefy DME at low pressures similar to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ease of production from renewable feedstock (biomass), and most importantly, very low emissions including near-zero soot levels are some of the features that make it an attractive option. A detailed review presents the state-of-the-art on various aspects such as estimates of potential bio-DME production, methods of synthesis of bio-DME, important physicochemical properties, fuel-injection system-related concerns (both conventional and common-rail system), fuel spray characteristics which have a direct bearing on the engine performance, and finally, exhaust emissions. Future research directions covering all aspects from production to utilization are summarized (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3489529]


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The minimum distance of linear block codes is one of the important parameter that indicates the error performance of the code. When the code rate is less than 1/2, efficient algorithms are available for finding minimum distance using the concept of information sets. When the code rate is greater than 1/2, only one information set is available and efficiency suffers. In this paper, we investigate and propose a novel algorithm to find the minimum distance of linear block codes with the code rate greater than 1/2. We propose to reverse the roles of information set and parity set to get virtually another information set to improve the efficiency. This method is 67.7 times faster than the minimum distance algorithm implemented in MAGMA Computational Algebra System for a (80, 45) linear block code.


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Silver nanoparticles are being extensively studied due to their widespread applications and unique properties. In the present study, the growth kinetics of silver nanoparticles as synthesized on reduction of silver nitrate solution by aqueous extract of Azadirachta indica leaves was investigated. The formation of silver nanoparticles was preliminarily monitored by measuring the absorption maxima at different time intervals after adding the reducing agent to the silver salt solution (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 h). At different time points characterization studies were conducted using X-ray diffraction studies, FT-IR techniques, zeta potential studies and transmission electron microscopy. The total available silver in the reaction medium was determined at different durations using ICP-OES. The changes in reduction potential in the medium were also monitored using potentiometric analysis. The results confirm a definite change in the medium pertaining to formation of the stable nanoparticles after 2 h, and a significant increase in the agglomeration tendency after 4 h of interaction. The growth kinetic data of the nanoparticles till 3.5 h was found to fit the LSW model confirming diffusion limited growth. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The distributed implementation of an algorithm for computing fixed points of an infinity-nonexpansive map is shown to converge to the set of fixed points under very general conditions.


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This paper presents recursive algorithms for fast computation of Legendre and Zernike moments of a grey-level image intensity distribution. For a binary image, a contour integration method is developed for the evaluation of Legendre moments using only the boundary information. A method for recursive calculation of Zernike polynomial coefficients is also given. A square-to-circular image transformation scheme is introduced to minimize the computation involved in Zernike moment functions. The recursive formulae can also be used in inverse moment transforms to reconstruct the original image from moments. The mathematical framework of the algorithms is given in detail, and illustrated with binary and grey-level images.