991 resultados para Berthaud, 1783


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采用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-Ms)对喀斯特高原湖泊红枫湖、阿哈湖水体及其主要支流水体悬浮物和一些生物样品中的锌同位素进行了测定,测试精度小于0.11%。(2SD)。结果显示,红枫湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围分别为-0.29‰~0.26‰和-0.04‰~0.48‰,阿哈湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围分别为-0.18‰~0.27‰和-0.17‰~0.46‰,均表现出支流中的锌同位素组成较重的特点。两湖生物样品中的δ^66Zn变化范围较大,为-0.35‰~0.57‰,说明湖泊生态系统中各端员的锌同位素组成存在一定差异。根据同位素组成分析,湖泊主要入湖河流及所携带的陆源物质是阿哈湖?白水体中锌的主要来源,锌同位素是一种较好的物源示踪工具。红枫湖夏季δ^66Zn与Chla(叶绿素)呈显著的正相关(R=0. 97),主要是藻类对锌的有机吸附和吸收过程导致锌同位素组成发生变化。此外,湖泊水体悬浮物中的锌同位素组成均在夏季较轻,表明大气的干湿沉降可能是一个较负的锌同位素源。水体悬浮物中的δ^66Zn变化范围小于生物样品中的δ^66Zn变化范围,说明由于生物作用过程导致的锌同位素分馏大于非生物过程.


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Grattan, J. Durand, M. Taylor, S., Illness and elevated Human Mortality in Europe Coincident with the Laki fissure eruption. In: 'Volcanic Degassing: Geological Society, Special Publication 213', Oppenheimer, C., Pyle, D.M. and Barclay, J. (eds). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 410-414, 2003.


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Grattan, J. Pollution and paradigms: Lessons from Icelandic volcanism for continental flood basalt studies. Lithos. 2005. 79 pp 343-353


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Biblioteki pełnią różnorodne funkcje we współczesnym otoczeniu społecznym. Uczestniczą w tworzeniu kapitału intelektualnego i społecznego, wpływają na wzrost korzyści ekonomicznych użytkowników i całego społeczeństwa. W artykule omówiono główne podejścia i metody badawcze w zakresie oceny korzyści ekonomicznych płynących z funkcjonowania bibliotek. Skupiono się na metodzie analizy kosztów w stosunku do korzyści (ang. CBA – cost-benefit analysis), metodzie analizy warunkowej (ang. CVM – contigent valuation method), określaniu wartości dodanej dla użytkownika (ang. consumer surplus method) i metodologii oceny stopy wzrostu z inwestycji (ang. ROI – return of investment). Przeanalizowano również różne projekty badań prowadzone na świecie w tym zakresie.


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We present a framework for estimating 3D relative structure (shape) and motion given objects undergoing nonrigid deformation as observed from a fixed camera, under perspective projection. Deforming surfaces are approximated as piece-wise planar, and piece-wise rigid. Robust registration methods allow tracking of corresponding image patches from view to view and recovery of 3D shape despite occlusions, discontinuities, and varying illumination conditions. Many relatively small planar/rigid image patch trackers are scattered throughout the image; resulting estimates of structure and motion at each patch are combined over local neighborhoods via an oriented particle systems formulation. Preliminary experiments have been conducted on real image sequences of deforming objects and on synthetic sequences where ground truth is known.


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Submission on behalf of UCC to the Government Consultation on the White paper on Irish Aid


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BACKGROUND: Impaired myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signaling, including desensitization and functional uncoupling, is a characteristic of congestive heart failure. A contributing mechanism for this impairment may involve enhanced myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) activity because levels of this betaAR-desensitizing G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) are increased in heart failure. An hypothesis has emerged that increased sympathetic nervous system activity associated with heart failure might be the initial stimulus for betaAR signaling alterations, including desensitization. We have chronically treated mice with drugs that either activate or antagonize betaARs to study the dynamic relationship between betaAR activation and myocardial levels of betaARK1. METHODS AND RESULTS: Long-term in vivo stimulation of betaARs results in the impairment of cardiac +betaAR signaling and increases the level of expression (mRNA and protein) and activity of +betaARK1 but not that of GRK5, a second GRK abundantly expressed in the myocardium. Long-term beta-blocker treatment, including the use of carvedilol, improves myocardial betaAR signaling and reduces betaARK1 levels in a specific and dose-dependent manner. Identical results were obtained in vitro in cultured cells, demonstrating that the regulation of GRK expression is directly linked to betaAR signaling. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates, for the first time, that betaAR stimulation can significantly increase the expression of betaARK1 , whereas beta-blockade decreases expression. This reciprocal regulation of betaARK1 documents a novel mechanism of ligand-induced betaAR regulation and provides important insights into the potential mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, in the treatment of heart failure.


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Uno de los más prolíficos matemáticos, sino el que más, que han existido a lo largo de toda la historia, ha sido el suizo Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). Además de, en nuestro caso, introducir el uso de la letra griega π (inicial de perímetro) para nuestro número, dió numerosas aproximaciones mediante desarrollos en serie de la relación existente entre la circunferencia y su diámetro. El presente articulo trata de explicar el ingenioso procedimiento de dos de dichas series: la serie de Jacques Bernouilli y, la serie de Leibniz.


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A common problem faced by fire safety engineers in the field of evacuation analysis concerns the optimal design of an arbitrarily complex structure in order to minimise evacuation times. How does the engineer determine the best solution? In this study we introduce the concept of numerical optimisation techniques to address this problem. The study makes user of the buildingEXODUS evacuation model coupled with classical optimisation theory including Design of Experiments (DoE) and Response Surface Models (RSM). We demonstrate the technique using a relatively simple problem of determining the optimal location for a single exit in a square room.


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Air–sea dimethylsulfide (DMS) fluxes and bulk air–sea gradients were measured over the Southern Ocean in February–March 2012 during the Surface Ocean Aerosol Production (SOAP) study. The cruise encountered three distinct phytoplankton bloom regions, consisting of two blooms with moderate DMS levels, and a high biomass, dinoflagellate-dominated bloom with high seawater DMS levels (> 15 nM). Gas transfer coefficients were considerably scattered at wind speeds above 5 m/s. Bin averaging the data resulted in a linear relationship between wind speed and mean gas transfer velocity consistent with that previously observed. However, the wind-speed-binned gas transfer data distribution at all wind speeds is positively skewed. The flux and seawater DMS distributions were also positively skewed, which suggests that eddy covariance-derived gas transfer velocities are consistently influenced by additional, log-normal noise. A flux footprint analysis was conducted during a transect into the prevailing wind and through elevated DMS levels in the dinoflagellate bloom. Accounting for the temporal/spatial separation between flux and seawater concentration significantly reduces the scatter in computed transfer velocity. The SOAP gas transfer velocity data show no obvious modification of the gas transfer–wind speed relationship by biological activity or waves. This study highlights the challenges associated with eddy covariance gas transfer measurements in biologically active and heterogeneous bloom environments.


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In this study, Evernia prunastri, a lichen growing in its natural habitat in Morocco was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) from eleven sites between Kenitra and Mohammedia cities. The control site was Dar Essalam, an isolated area with low traffic density and dense vegetation. In the investigated areas, the concentration of heavy metals was correlated with vehicular traffic, industrial activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration was highest in Sidi Yahya, followed by Mohammedia and Bouznika. The coefficient of variation was higher for Pb and lower for Cu, Zn and Fe. The concentrations of most heavy metals in the thalli differed significantly between sites (p<0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a significant correlation between heavy metal accumulation and atmospheric purity index. This study demonstrated also that the factors most strongly affecting the lichen flora were traffic density, the petroleum industry and paper factories in these areas. Overall, these results suggest that the index of atmospheric purity and assessment of heavy metals in lichen thalli are good indicators of the air quality at the studied sites.