718 resultados para Belinda


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In order to fully describe the construct of empowerment and to determine possible measures for this construct in racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods, a qualitative study based on Grounded Theory was conducted at both the individual and collective levels. Participants for the study included 49 grassroots experts on community empowerment who were interviewed through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The researcher also conducted field observations as part of the research protocol.^ The results of the study identified benchmarks of individual and collective empowerment and hundreds of possible markers of collective empowerment applicable in diverse communities. Results also indicated that community involvement is essential in the selection and implementation of proper measures. Additional findings were that the construct of empowerment involves specific principles of empowering relationships and particular motivational factors. All of these findings lead to a two dimensional model of empowerment based on the concepts of relationships among members of a collective body and the collective body's desire for socio-political change.^ These results suggest that the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs that foster empowerment must be based on collaborative ventures between the population being served and program staff because of the interactive, synergistic nature of the construct. In addition, empowering programs should embrace specific principles and processes of individual and collective empowerment in order to maximize their effectiveness and efficiency. And finally, the results suggest that collaboratively choosing markers to measure the processes and outcomes of empowerment in the main systems and populations living in today's multifaceted communities is a useful mechanism to determine change. ^


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Der Beitrag fokussiert die Bedeutung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts für die Überwindung der geschlechtsbezogenen Disparitäten bei der Berufswahl im Bereich von Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (MINT). Basierend auf der Annahme, dass in der motivationsförderlichen Gestaltung des Unterrichts ein wirksamer Ansatz zur Reduktion der beharrenden Unterrepräsentation von Frauen in MINT-Berufen liegt, wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie junge Frauen mit einer für ihr Geschlecht untypischen Berufswahl den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, den sie auf der Sekundarstufe I erlebt haben, retrospektiv beurteilen. Der methodische Zugang er- folgt über eine standardisierte Befragung (N = 185) und qualitative Einzelinterviews (N = 71) von Frauen, die eine duale Ausbildung zu einem MINT-Beruf auf der Sekundarstufe II absolvieren. Die Triangulation der quantitativen und qualitativen Ergebnisse zeigt, dass der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht von den jungen Frauen dann als förderlich und unterstützend wahrgenommen wird, wenn er auf den vier Dimensionen der Vermittlungskompetenz der Lehrperson, der individuellen Förderung durch die Lehrperson, der Orientierung über MINT-Berufe sowie des Alltags- und Phänomenbezugs hohe Ausprägungen aufweist.


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Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been proposed as treatment for mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy, a rare fatal autosomal recessive disease due to TYMP mutations that result in thymidine phosphorylase deficiency. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all known patients suffering from mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy who underwent allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation between 2005 and 2011. Twenty-four patients, 11 males and 13 females, median age 25 years (range 10-41 years) treated with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from related (n = 9) or unrelated donors (n = 15) in 15 institutions worldwide were analysed for outcome and its associated factors. Overall, 9 of 24 patients (37.5%) were alive at last follow-up with a median follow-up of these surviving patients of 1430 days. Deaths were attributed to transplant in nine (including two after a second transplant due to graft failure), and to mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy in six patients. Thymidine phosphorylase activity rose from undetectable to normal levels (median 697 nmol/h/mg protein, range 262-1285) in all survivors. Seven patients (29%) who were engrafted and living more than 2 years after transplantation, showed improvement of body mass index, gastrointestinal manifestations, and peripheral neuropathy. Univariate statistical analysis demonstrated that survival was associated with two defined pre-transplant characteristics: human leukocyte antigen match (10/10 versus <10/10) and disease characteristics (liver disease, history of gastrointestinal pseudo-obstruction or both). Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation can restore thymidine phosphorylase enzyme function in patients with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy and improve clinical manifestations of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy in the long term. Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation should be considered for selected patients with an optimal donor.


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Shigellosis is a communicable disease harbored primarily by humans. The low infective dose, no vaccine availability, and mild or asymptomatic nature of disease has prevented eradication of Shigella in the United States. In addition, the lack of water and sewage infrastructures which normally contribute to the spread of disease in developing countries, for the most part, is a non-issue in the U.S. making surveillance and risk factor identification important prevention and control measures utilized to reduce the incidence rates of Shigellosis.^ The purpose of this study was to describe the Shigellosis disease burden among the Hidalgo County, Texas population during the 2005-2009 study period and compare these findings with national data available. The potential identification and publication of a health disparity in the form of increased Shigellosis rates among Hidalgo County residents when compared to national rates, especially age-specific rates, are intended to generate public health attention and public health action that will address this issue.^ There were 1,007 confirmed Shigellosis cases reported in Hidalgo County, Texas. An overwhelming majority (79%) of the Shigellosis cases during this time frame occurred in children less than ten years of age. Over the age of 10 through the age of 39, females constituted the majority of cases. Age-specific rates for children four years of age and younger were compared to national rates. The rates for Hidalgo County were higher at 9.2 and 1.8 cases for every one case reported nationally in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The total crude rates of Shigellosis were also higher than the rates available from the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) of CDC’s Emerging Infections Program from 2005-2009. As a result, compared to the FoodNet surveillance rates, Hidalgo County experienced above average rates of Shigellosis throughout the study period. The majority of cases were identified in young children under the age of ten.^ The information gathered in this analysis could be used to implement and monitor infection control measures such as hand washing education at facilities that tend to the groups identified at higher risk of infection. In addition, the higher burden of disease found in Hidalgo County requires further study to determine if there are factors associated with an increased risk of Shigellosis in this community and other border communities along the U.S.-Mexico border exist.^


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The findings of this study suggest that while child welfare workers are consistently distracted by competing priorities from unexpected events, most are committed, and to understand perspectives is more inclusive and may improve retention rates. Notably, while it is recognized that permanency decisions are not made in an intellectual, legal or clinical vacuum and certain traditional aspects of the bureaucratic structure do not impact decision making, this study advances the body of knowledge on child welfare decision making. Examined in this study are child welfare case workers’ perceptions of the extent to which the organizational environment influences the permanency decisions they make to reunify or terminate parental rights of children placed out-of-home. This study includes a sample of 95 child welfare social workers employed in three public child welfare agencies in the Baltimore and Washington, DC metropolitan area. It used a cross-sectional research design, employing a survey instrument to examine bureaucratic distraction, role conflict, and supervisory adequacy as contextual factors in the organizational environment's influence on permanency outcome decisions. Implications are made for child welfare policy, practice, and research.


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Background: Risky sexual behaviors have been shown to increase the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among youth. Youth in military families may be especially at risk for engaging in risky sexual behaviors because they are exposed to factors that are unique to the military culture, such as multiple relocations and parental deployment. However, data on sexual behaviors among military-dependent youth are limited and few studies have examined how these factors influence the sexual behaviors among youth. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation was to estimate the prevalence of risky sexual behaviors among military-dependent youth and to describe how military factors may influence their sexual behaviors. Methods: Youth, aged 15–19 years, who attended a military health facility in the southern United States between June 2011 and September 2011 were recruited to complete a short, paper-based survey (N= 208, males and females) and to participate in an in-depth interview (N = 25, females). For quantitative data, prevalence estimates were computed and chi-square analyses were conducted. Logistic regression analyses were also conducted, adjusting for age, gender, and parents' duty status. For qualitative data, thematic coding of transcribed interviews was performed. Common and unique themes were examined across participants' experiences. Results: Over half of the youth was sexually experienced (53.7%). Parental deployment and number of relocations were significantly associated with having had sex in the past 3 months; however no significant associations were found between these military factors and other sexual behaviors. Although some youth felt that being a military-dependent had negatively impacted their sexual decisions, most believed the military experience had little influence on their sexual decisions. Most youth in military families also perceived having higher parental expectations to avoid risky behaviors, in general, than youth in civilian families. Conclusions: The majority of military-dependent youth are sexually experienced; however, individual and parental factors may have a greater role in sexual initiation among youth than military stressors do. The findings highlight the need for implementation of evidence-based strategies to prevent teen pregnancy and STIs at military installations. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further explore how youth may cope with these military factors and the impact of parental factors on the sexual behaviors of youth.^


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El presente trabajo de investigación gira en torno al profesional de la salud que se inserta en el ámbito laboral cuando egresa de la carrera y cómo éste desarrolla habilidades y destrezas, a pesar de su inseguridad y temor, para poder cumplir las diversas funciones de asistencia, docencia, administración, gestión e investigación tanto al paciente como a la familia. El objetivo principal es determinar cuáles son los factores que dificultan la aplicación de habilidades y técnicas en los diferentes procedimientos de enfermería.