973 resultados para Beef Heifers
Effects of sire breed-grazing system and environmental factors on the first activities of high grade Nellore and crossbred Canchim x Nellore, Angus x Nellore, and Simmental x Nellore calves raised in intensive production systems and high grade Nellore calves raised in an extensive production system, after birth, were studied. During 2 years, 185 calves were observed from birth until the end of first suckling, and the following variables were estimated: duration of maternal attention (cow to calf) during the first 15 min after calving, latency to first attempt to stand up, latency to stand up, latency to first suckling, duration of first suckling and the interval from standing to suckling. Data were analyzed by least squares methods, with models that included fixed effects of year and time of the year of birth (March-April (early autumn) and May-June (late autumn)), sire breed-grazing system (Sy), sex of calf (Se), category of cow (primiparous and pluriparous), time of birth, Sy x Se, year x Sy and year x time of the year interactions and the covariates weight of calf, rainfall, air temperature and relative humidity in the day of birth. Calves born from 6:00 to 8:00 h presented the longest latencies to first stand up (40.3 +/- 5.1 min) and the shortest occur from 14:00 to 16:00 h (15.8 +/- 2.7 min) (P < 0.01). Primiparous cows provided longer attention toward the calf in the first 15 min after birth than pluriparous cows (13.0 +/- 0.7 min versus 11.1 +/- 0.5 min; P < 0.05). This attention was also shorter in earlier autumn (11.0 +/- 0.5 min) and longer in late autumn (13.1 +/- 0.8 min) (P < 0.05). Relative to sire breed-grazing system, Nellore calves raised intensively did take longer to stand and to suckle after birth as compared to crossbred calves also raised intensively (P < 0.01). However, grazing system did not affect (P > 0.05) any behaviour variable studied. As regard to sex differences, female calves did take less (P < 0.01) time to suckle after standing than male calves. Results showed that even purebred or crossbred Bos indicus calves in subtropical environmental need extra care when born on rainy days, especially during the first hours of the day. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Genetic gains predicted for selection, based on both individual performance and progeny testing, were compared to provide information to be used in implementation of progeny testing for a Nelore cattle breeding program. The prediction of genetic gain based on progeny testing was obtained from a formula, derived from methodology of Young and weller (J. Genetics 57: 329-338, 1960) for two-stage selection, which allows prediction of genetic gain per generation when the individuals under test have been pre-selected on the basis of their own performance. The application of this formula also allowed determination of the number of progeny per tested bull needed to maximize genetic gain, when the total number of tested progeny is limited.
This study evaluated the effect of diets containing sorghum silages with higher (HT) and lower-tannin (LT) concentrations supplemented with concentrate or urea on intake, digestibility, ruminal digestibility, methane emission and rumen parameters in beef cattle. Four treatments were distributed according to a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a duplicate 4 x 4 Latin square: LT sorghum silage + urea, LT sorghum silage + concentrate, HT sorghum silage + urea, and HT sorghum silage + concentrate. Total digestibility of the organic matter was higher when concentrate was included in the diet (0.749 and 0.753 in the LT and HT treatments, respectively). It was observed lower ruminal apparent digested matter of neutral detergent fiber in HT diets. There was no effect of tannin levels on digestibility and methane emission. The supplementation with concentrate in the LT diet decreased gas losses as a function of gross energy intake in comparison to the supplementation of the diet with urea. These results suggest the potential of concentrate supplementation to minimize energy loss as methane emission by ruminants and increase the efficiency of energy utilization. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to evaluate the weight gain in cross breed heifers Nelore X Angus, spayed and nonspayed, kept on pasture and confinement. The animals were allotted in two groups as follows: group I consisted of 30 nonspayed heifers with 18 months old. Group 2 was composed of 30 spayed heifers with 18 months old. The animals were allotted in pasture of Brachiaria decumbens and weighted at 39 and 75 days. Significant difference was observed between the average daily gain of the two groups - G1 and G2 (75(th) day), respectively (0.51 kg and 0.65 kg; P<0.0 1). The following day (761 day), all animals were allotted and kept on confinement during 144 days. Significant difference was observed between the average daily gain of the two groups - G I and G2 (1441 day), respectively (0.73 kg and 0.58 kg; P<0.0 1). The results of this experiment show that spayed heifers presented a higher daily gain on pasture.
The aim of this study was to analyze the weight at birth (BW) and adjusted at 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W55O) days in beef buffaloes from Brazil, using two approaches: parametric, by normal distribution, and non-parametric, by kernel function, and thus estimating the genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlation among traits. Information of 5,169 animals at birth (BW), 3,792 at 205 days (W205), 3.883 at 365 days (W365) and 1,524 at 550 days of age (W550) were used. The birth weight distribution presented an evident discrepancy in relation to the normal distribution. However, W205, W365 and W550 presented normal distributions. The birth weight presented weak genetic, environmental, and phenotypic associations with the other weight measurements. on the other hand, the weight traits at 205, 365, 550 days of age showed a high genetic correlation.
The most common beef cattle raised in Brazil is the Nelore breed (Bos indicus). Information obtained by ultrasonography on follicular growth in Bos taurus cattle has been accumulating rapidly. However, there are few publications to date on follicular development in Bos indicus breeds. The follicular dynamics in Nelore heifers and cows during natural or prostaglandin (PG)-induced estrous cycle were studied. From the detection of estrus onward, all animals were examined daily by ultrasonography for one (n=35) or two (n=10) consecutive estrous cycles. The follicular dynamic in Nelore cattle was characterized by the predominance of 2 follicular waves in the cows (83.3%, n=18, P<0.05) and 3 waves in the heifers (64.7%, n=16, P<0.05). Most of the cattle observed over 2 consecutive estrous cycles presented the same pattern of follicular waves in the first and second cycle, and only 30% showed variation in the number of waves from one cycle to the other. Most of the follicular parameters analyzed were not affected by PG treatment or age but were altered by follicular waves. Consequently, data on cows and heifers were combined according to the number of follicular waves. The ovulatory follicle was larger than the other dominant follicles (P<0.05), and the ovulatory wave was shorter than the preceding waves (P<0.05). The interovulatory interval was longer in animals showing 3 waves than those exhibiting 2 waves (P<0.05). Maximum diameter of the dominant follicle (around 11 mm) and of the corpus luteum (CL, approximately 17 mm) were smatter than those reported for European breeds. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that although the dominant follicle and corpus luteum are smaller than in European breeds, the follicular dynamics in Nelore cattle were similar to those observed in European breeds and were characterized by 2 or 3 follicular waves for cows and heifers, respectively, during the natural or prostaglandin-induced estrous cycle. (C) 1997 by Elsevier B.V.
Twenty eight Mediterranean buffaloes bulls were scanned with real-time ultrasound (RTU), slaughtered, and fabricated into retail cuts to determine the potential for ultrasound measures to predict carcass retail yield. Ultrasound measures of fat thickness, ribeye area and rump fat thickness were recorded three to five days prior to slaughter. Carcass measurements were taken, and one side of each carcass was fabricated into retail cuts. Stepwise regression analysis was used to compare possible models for prediction of either kilograms or percent retail product from carcass mesaurements and ultrasound measures. Results indicate that possible prediction models for percent or kilograms of retail products using RTU measures were similar in their predictive power and accuracy when compared to models derived from carcass measurements. Both fat thickness and ribeye area were over-predicted when measured ultrasonically compared to measurements taken on the carcass in the cooler. The mean absolute differences for both traits are larger than the mean differences, indicating that some images were interpreted to be larger and some smaller than actual carcass measurements. Ultrasound measurements of REA and FT had positive correlations with carcass measures of the same traits (r=.96 for REA and r=.99 for FT). Standard errors of prediction currently are being used as the standard to certify ultrasound technicians for accuracy. Regression equations using live weight (LW), rib eye area (REAU) and subcutaneous fat thickness (FTU) between 12(th) and 13 (th) ribs and also over the biceps femoris muscle (FTP8) by ultrasound explained 95% of the variation in the hot carcass weight when measure immediately before slaughter.