924 resultados para Beam interferences


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Objective: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a reliable method of assessing the oral cavity and upper airways. We conducted this study to examine the changes introduced by rapid maxillary expansion in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and oropharynx as seen with images obtained by CBCT. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 15 patients with maxillary width deficiency treated with RME. Patients were subjected to CBCT at the beginning of RME and after the retention period of 4 months. Results: The nasal cavity presented a significant transverse increase in the lower third, in the anterior (1.08 mm +/- 0.15), medium (1.28 mm +/- 0.15), and posterior regions (0.77 mm +/- 0.12). No significant change occurred in the nasopharynx in volume (P = .11), median sagittal area (P = .33), or lower axial area (P = .29) resulting from the RME. A significant change was noted in the oropharynx in volume (P = .05), median sagittal area (P = .01), and lower axial area (P = .04) before and immediately after the RME. Conclusions: RME is able to increase the transverse width of the nasal cavity, but it does not have the same effect in the nasopharynx. Changes noted in the oropharynx may be due to the lack of a standardized position of the head and tongue at the time of image acquisition. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:458-463.)


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Objectives: To verify the thickness and level of alveolar bone around the teeth adjacent to the cleft by means of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate prior to bone graft surgery and orthodontic intervention. Method: The sample comprised 10 patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (five boys and five girls) in the mixed dentition. The mean age was 9.5 years, and all subjects showed a G3 interarch relationship according to the Bauru index. The thickness of alveolar bone surrounding the maxillary incisors and the maxillary canines was measured in CBCT axial section using the software iCAT Xoran System. The distance between the alveolar bone crest and the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) was measured in cross sections. Results: The tomography images showed a thin alveolar bone plate around teeth adjacent to clefts. No bone dehiscence was observed in teeth adjacent to clefts during the mixed dentition. A slight increase in the distance between the alveolar bone crest and the CEJ was observed in the mesial and lingual aspects of canines adjacent to cleft. Conclusion: In patients with BCLP in the mixed dentition, teeth adjacent to the alveolar cleft are covered by a thin alveolar bone plate. However, the level of alveolar bone crest around these teeth seems to be normal, and no bone dehiscence was identified at this age.


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Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) detected in cone beam CT (CBCT) images from a database. Methods CBCT images of 300 Brazilian patients were assessed. AP images were measured in three dimensions. Age, gender, number and location of total teeth in each patient were considered. AP location was considered according to tooth groups. The extent of AP was determined by the largest diameter in any of the three dimensions. Percentages and the X2 test were used for statistical analysis. Results AP was found in 51.4% of the patients and in 3.4% of the teeth. Higher prevalence of AP was found in 60- to 69-year-olds (73.1%) and in mandibular molars (5.9%) (p < 0.05). Inadequate endodontic treatment presented higher prevalence of AP (78.1%). Conclusions AP can be frequently found in CBCT examinations. The presence of AP has a significant association with patients' age, and tooth type and condition. CBCT databases are useful for cross-sectional studies about AP prevalence in a population.


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Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the close proximity established between the maxillary sinus floor and posterior teeth roots apices by using cone-beam computed tomographic scanning. Methods: The relationship of maxillary sinuses and posterior teeth roots, which were divided into 2 groups, was analyzed using i-CAT Vision software (Imaging Sciences, Hatfield, PA). Group 1 included all root apices found in close contact with the maxillary sinus floor without sinus floor elevation, whereas group 2 included all root apices that were protruded within the sinus producing an elevation of the bony cortical. Results: A total of 100 maxillary sinuses and 601 roots apices were evaluated. Group 1 presented 130 of 601 (21.6%) roots and group 2 presented 86 of 601 (14.3%) roots. Conclusions: The second molar mesiobuccal root apex is frequently found in close proximity with the sinus floor, and the relation between these anatomic structures should be considered in order to prevent an iatrogenic procedure and minimize the risks from an infectious disease within the sinus


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Reinforced concrete beam elements are submitted to applicable loads along their life cycle that cause shear and torsion. These elements may be subject to only shear, pure torsion or both, torsion and shear combined. The Brazilian Standard Code ABNT NBR 6118:2007 [1] fixes conditions to calculate the transverse reinforcement area in beam reinforced concrete elements, using two design models, based on the strut and tie analogy model, first studied by Mörsch [2]. The strut angle θ (theta) can be considered constant and equal to 45º (Model I), or varying between 30º and 45º (Model II). In the case of transversal ties (stirrups), the variation of angle α (alpha) is between 45º and 90º. When the equilibrium torsion is required, a resistant model based on space truss with hollow section is considered. The space truss admits an inclination angle θ between 30º and 45º, in accordance with beam elements subjected to shear. This paper presents a theoretical study of models I and II for combined shear and torsion, in which ranges the geometry and intensity of action in reinforced concrete beams, aimed to verify the consumption of transverse reinforcement in accordance with the calculation model adopted As the strut angle on model II ranges from 30º to 45º, transverse reinforcement area (Asw) decreases, and total reinforcement area, which includes longitudinal torsion reinforcement (Asℓ), increases. It appears that, when considering model II with strut angle above 40º, under shear only, transverse reinforcement area increases 22% compared to values obtained using model I.


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Objetivo: Dente Duplo (“double tooth”) é uma anomalia de forma que ocorre pela fusão de dois ou mais dentes ou geminação de um único dente, geralmente durante a fase de morfodiferenciação do germe dentário. A incidência de dente duplo varia 0,14-5,0% da população mundial, sem predileção pelo gênero. Apresentação unilateral é mais comum do que a bilateral. No geral, as anomalias dentarias em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina ocorrem próximas à região da fissura. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico de um caso de dentes duplos em um paciente com fissura labiopalatina. Relato de Caso: Paciente de gênero feminino de 10 anos com fissura labiopalatina matriculado no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC-USP), encaminhado ao setor de Endodontia do HRAC-USP para realizar o tratamento endodôntico dos dentes 11 e 12 para ser re-anatomizados. Pela superposição dos dentes 11, 12, e presença de uma cúspide acessória (“talon cusp”) além de um dente supranumerário, as radiografia panorâmica e a radiografia periapical não mostram claramente a anatomia externa do dente e a interna dos condutos radiculares, motivo pelo qual foi solicitada uma tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam para determinar o comprimento de trabalho para preparo biomecânico e obturação dos condutos radiculares. Serão apresentadas as etapas de diagnóstico e tratamento realizados no caso. Conclusão: Pela morfologia anormal da coroa e complexidade dos canais radiculares, o tratamento endodôntico apresentaria dificuldades, por isso o exame clínico e radiográfico cuidadoso é essencial para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. Desta forma concluise que a imagem fornecida pela tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam foi útil no planejamento e tratamento deste caso.


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Decision tree induction algorithms represent one of the most popular techniques for dealing with classification problems. However, traditional decision-tree induction algorithms implement a greedy approach for node splitting that is inherently susceptible to local optima convergence. Evolutionary algorithms can avoid the problems associated with a greedy search and have been successfully employed to the induction of decision trees. Previously, we proposed a lexicographic multi-objective genetic algorithm for decision-tree induction, named LEGAL-Tree. In this work, we propose extending this approach substantially, particularly w.r.t. two important evolutionary aspects: the initialization of the population and the fitness function. We carry out a comprehensive set of experiments to validate our extended algorithm. The experimental results suggest that it is able to outperform both traditional algorithms for decision-tree induction and another evolutionary algorithm in a variety of application domains.


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We present a new Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Timed- Array Transmitter System with Beamforming capability for high-resolution remote acquisition of vital signals. The system consists of four identical channels, where each is formed of a serial topology with three modules: programmable delay circuit (PDC or τ), a novel UWB 5th Gaussian Derivative order pulse generator circuit (PG), and a planar Vivaldi antenna. The circuit was designed using 0.18μm CMOS standard process and the planar antenna array was designed with filmconductor on Rogers RO3206 substrate. Spice simulations results showed the pulse generation with 104 mVpp amplitude and 500 ps width. The power consumption is 543 μW, and energy consumption 0.27 pJ per pulse using a 2V power supply at a pulse repetition rate (PRR) of 100 MHz. Electromagnetic simulations results, using CST Microwave (MW) Studio 2011, showed the main lobe radiation with a gain maximum of 13.2 dB, 35.5º x 36.7º angular width, and a beam steering between 17º and -11º for azimuthal (θ) angles and 17º and -18º for elevation (φ) angles at the center frequency of 6 GHz


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We have studied the possibility of affecting the entanglement measure of 2-qubit system consisting of two photons with different fi xed frequencies but with two arbitrary linear polarizations, moving in the same direction, by the help of an applied external magnetic field. The interaction between the magnetic fi eld and the photons in our model is achieved through intermediate electrons that interact with both the photons and the magnetic fi eld. The possibility of exact theoretical analysis of this scheme is based on known exact solutions that describe the interaction of an electron subjected to an external magnetic fi eld (or a medium of electrons not interacting with each other) with a quantized field of two photons. We adapt these exact solutions to the case under consideration. Using explicit wave functions for the resulting electromagnetic fi eld, we calculate the entanglement measure of the photon beam as a function of the applied magnetic field and parameters of the electron medium.


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In this paper I will present the work I have completed during a five months work placement at CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research, from March to July 2011. This stage was done in the EN Department (ENgineering Department), STI Group (Sources, Targets and Interactions), TCD Section (Targets, Collimators and Dumps) under the supervision of Dr Cesare Maglioni. The task I was given concerned all the beam stoppers in the PS Complex, in detail: - General definition and requirements - Creation of a digital archive - Verification of the stoppers of the PS Complex - Design of the L4T.STP.1


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The reactions 32S+58,64Ni are studied at 14.5 AMeV. From this energy on, fragmentation begins to be a dominant process, although evaporation and fission are still present. After a selection of the collision mechanism, we show that important even-odd effects are present in the isotopic fragment distributions when the excitation energy is small. The staggering effect appears to be a universal feature of fragment production, slightly enhanced when the emission source is neutron poor. A closer look at the behavior of isotopic chains reveals that odd-even effects cannot be explained by pairing effects in the nuclear mass alone, but depend in a more complex way on the de-excitation chain.


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In the thesis is presented the measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam, a muon neutrino beam produced at CERN. The OPERA detector observes muon neutrinos 730 km away from the source. Previous measurements of the neutrino velocity have been performed by other experiments. Since the OPERA experiment aims the direct observation of muon neutrinos oscillations into tau neutrinos, a higher energy beam is employed. This characteristic together with the higher number of interactions in the detector allows for a measurement with a much smaller statistical uncertainty. Moreover, a much more sophisticated timing system (composed by cesium clocks and GPS receivers operating in “common view mode”), and a Fast Waveform Digitizer (installed at CERN and able to measure the internal time structure of the proton pulses used for the CNGS beam), allows for a new measurement with a smaller systematic error. Theoretical models on Lorentz violating effects can be investigated by neutrino velocity measurements with terrestrial beams. The analysis has been carried out with blind method in order to guarantee the internal consistency and the goodness of each calibration measurement. The performed measurement is the most precise one done with a terrestrial neutrino beam, the statistical accuracy achieved by the OPERA measurement is about 10 ns and the systematic error is about 20 ns.


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The aim of this study was to develop a model capable to capture the different contributions which characterize the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. In particular, especially for non slender structures, the contribution to the nonlinear deformation due to bending may be not sufficient to determine the structural response. Two different models characterized by a fibre beam-column element are here proposed. These models can reproduce the flexure-shear interaction in the nonlinear range, with the purpose to improve the analysis in shear-critical structures. The first element discussed is based on flexibility formulation which is associated with the Modified Compression Field Theory as material constitutive law. The other model described in this thesis is based on a three-field variational formulation which is associated with a 3D generalized plastic-damage model as constitutive relationship. The first model proposed in this thesis was developed trying to combine a fibre beamcolumn element based on the flexibility formulation with the MCFT theory as constitutive relationship. The flexibility formulation, in fact, seems to be particularly effective for analysis in the nonlinear field. Just the coupling between the fibre element to model the structure and the shear panel to model the individual fibres allows to describe the nonlinear response associated to flexure and shear, and especially their interaction in the nonlinear field. The model was implemented in an original matlab® computer code, for describing the response of generic structures. The simulations carried out allowed to verify the field of working of the model. Comparisons with available experimental results related to reinforced concrete shears wall were performed in order to validate the model. These results are characterized by the peculiarity of distinguishing the different contributions due to flexure and shear separately. The presented simulations were carried out, in particular, for monotonic loading. The model was tested also through numerical comparisons with other computer programs. Finally it was applied for performing a numerical study on the influence of the nonlinear shear response for non slender reinforced concrete (RC) members. Another approach to the problem has been studied during a period of research at the University of California Berkeley. The beam formulation follows the assumptions of the Timoshenko shear beam theory for the displacement field, and uses a three-field variational formulation in the derivation of the element response. A generalized plasticity model is implemented for structural steel and a 3D plastic-damage model is used for the simulation of concrete. The transverse normal stress is used to satisfy the transverse equilibrium equations of at each control section, this criterion is also used for the condensation of degrees of freedom from the 3D constitutive material to a beam element. In this thesis is presented the beam formulation and the constitutive relationships, different analysis and comparisons are still carrying out between the two model presented.


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The Plasma Focus is a device designed to generate a plasma sheet between two coaxial electrodes by means of a high voltage difference. The plasma is then driven to collapse into a “pinch”, where thermonuclear conditions prevail. During the “pinch phase” charged particles are emitted, with two main components: an ion beam peaked forward and an electron beam directed backward. The electron beam emitted backward by Plasma Focus devices is being investigated as a radiation source for medical applications, using it to produce x-rays by interaction with appropriate targets (through bremsstrahlung and characteristic emission). A dedicated Plasma Focus device, named PFMA-3 (Plasma Focus for Medical Applications number 3), has been designed, put in operation and tested by the research groups of the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. The very high dose rate (several gray per discharge, in less than 1 µs) is a peculiarity of this device that has to be investigated, as it might modify the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Aim of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the main physical properties of the low-energy x-ray beams produced by a Plasma Focus device and their potential medical applications to IORT treatments. It was necessary to develop the optimal geometrical configuration; to evaluate the x-rays produced and their dose deposited; to estimate the energy electron spectrum produced in the “pinch phase”; to study an optimal target for the conversion of the x-rays; to conduct simulations to study the physics involved; and in order to evaluate the radio-biological features of the beam, cell holders had to be developed for both irradiations and cell growth conditions.


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Il tumore al seno è il più comune tra le donne nel mondo. La radioterapia è comunemente usata dopo la chirurgia per distruggere eventuali cellule maligne rimaste nel volume del seno. Nei trattamenti di radioterapia bisogna cercare di irradiare il volume da curare limitando contemporaneamente la tossicità nei tessuti sani. In clinica i parametri che definiscono il piano di trattamento radioterapeutico sono selezionati manualmente utilizzando un software di simulazione per trattamenti. Questo processo, detto di trial and error, in cui i differenti parametri vengono modificati e il trattamento viene simulato nuovamente e valutato, può richiedere molte iterazioni rendendolo dispendioso in termini di tempo. Lo studio presentato in questa tesi si concentra sulla generazione automatica di piani di trattamento per irradiare l'intero volume del seno utilizzando due fasci approssimativamente opposti e tangenti al paziente. In particolare ci siamo concentrati sulla selezione delle direzioni dei fasci e la posizione dell'isocentro. A questo scopo, è stato investigata l'efficacia di un approccio combinatorio, nel quale sono stati generati un elevato numero di possibili piani di trattamento utilizzando differenti combinazioni delle direzioni dei due fasci. L'intensità del profilo dei fasci viene ottimizzata automaticamente da un algoritmo, chiamato iCycle, sviluppato nel ospedale Erasmus MC di Rotterdam. Inizialmente tra tutti i possibili piani di trattamento generati solo un sottogruppo viene selezionato, avente buone caratteristiche per quel che riguarda l'irraggiamento del volume del seno malato. Dopo di che i piani che mostrano caratteristiche ottimali per la salvaguardia degli organi a rischio (cuore, polmoni e seno controlaterale) vengono considerati. Questi piani di trattamento sono matematicamente equivalenti quindi per selezionare tra questi il piano migliore è stata utilizzata una somma pesata dove i pesi sono stati regolati per ottenere in media piani che abbiano caratteristiche simili ai piani di trattamento approvati in clinica. Questo metodo in confronto al processo manuale oltre a ridurre considerevol-mente il tempo di generazione di un piano di trattamento garantisce anche i piani selezionati abbiano caratteristiche ottimali nel preservare gli organi a rischio. Inizialmente è stato utilizzato l'isocentro scelto in clinica dal tecnico. Nella parte finale dello studio l'importanza dell'isocentro è stata valutata; ne è risultato che almeno per un sottogruppo di pazienti la posizione dell'isocentro può dare un importante contributo alla qualità del piano di trattamento e quindi potrebbe essere un ulteriore parametro da ottimizzare.