999 resultados para Banco de oportunidades
Os impactos das ações antrópicas nas rodovias favorecem um ecossistema diferenciado do seu entorno, facilitando o estabelecimento de espécies oportunistas, como o capim-annoni-2 (Eragrostis plana Nees). No Rio Grande do Sul os acostamentos de rodovias encontram-se invadido por esta espécie, constituindo-se como centro dispersor. Com este estudo objetivou-se descrever o tamanho e a composição do banco de sementes do solo (BSS) deste ambiente, e demonstrar o seu potencial para recompor a florística campestre de acostamentos degradados e invadidos através do estimulo do BSS. O experimento foi estabelecido à margem de uma estrada municipal, anexa à sede da Fazenda São Lucas, no município de Rio Pardo RS, no período de janeiro de 2005 a maio de 2006. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e com três repetições. Os tratamentos das parcelas foram: uso de subsolador e de subsolador mais grade com aplicação de calcário e fósforo. Nas subparcelas, foram semeadas Megathyrsus maximus, Setaria sphacelata, mistura de três espécies nativas de Paspalum ssp e exclusão (testemunha). A ocorrência de sementes de espécies exóticas representou 20% do BSS, destacando-se o capim-annoni-2. As espécies inibidoras do BSS do capim-annoni-2 foram Megathyrsus maximus e Setaria sphacelata, associadas à operação de subsolagem, gradagem e adubação. O tamanho e a riqueza do BSS indicam alto potencial de regeneração da vegetação herbácea nativa em acostamentos de rodovias invadidos por capim-annoni-2.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the main theoretical arguments for the analysis of the conduction of monetary policy on the fiscal side. Besides this, an analysis is made of the possible effects on the fiscal balance from the conduction of the monetary policy in the search for price stability after the Real Plan and due to an increase in the central bank independence (CBI) in the Brazilian case. The findings denote that the strategy for the conduction of the adopted monetary policy and the increase in the degree of CBI did not contribute to an imrovement in the fiscal balance.
Nowadays, the belief is strong in the Brazilian federal government that operational central bank independence is a basic condition to assure price stability. The literature concerning this subject highlights that a high degree of independence and a low turnover of central bank governor are associated with low inflation. This paper analyzes the relation between central bank independence and inflation in Brazil during 1980-2002. The findings denote that there is no effect on inflation due to an increase in degree of independence and a fall in turnover rate.
Banco Nacional: Ponzi game, PROER and FCVS. This paper analyses the causes of the failure of Banco Nacional and the resolution method adopted by the Brazilian central bank. The program (PROER) designed by the central bank and its legal framework allowed the failed bank to buy " defaulted securities" , financed by the central bank, and to use them as borrowing collateral. The paper also analyses the private and social costs of this bank failure.
Central Bank transparency: an analysis of the Brazilian case. Nowadays there is a tendency among central banks of increasing transparency in the conduction of the monetary policy. After the adoption of inflation targeting in Brazil there was an increase in the communication of the Central Bank of Brazil with the public. This paper makes a brief review of the recent theoretical and empirical literature concerning this subject. Furthermore, an analysis due to the transparency in the conduction of Brazilian monetary policy on important macroeconomic variables is made. The findings denote that an increase in transparency improves the behavior of several macroeconomic variables.
The Banco Central do Brazil (BACEN) adopted inflation targeting in 1999. This monetary policy regime originates in institutional design which remains crucial today for the expectations management, and is in permanent evolution. After 10 years, the BACEN institutional framework is assessed, asking if there is still room for improvement. Various institutional procedures are analysed, and lessons are drawn from the international experience of a panel of sixteen countries. Some proposals for the BACEN institutional framework are made.
The current crisis shed a new light on issues that, previously, were not perceived as serious or important. It highlighted the close ties between fiat currency and government bonds denominated in it or, in other words, the relationship between Treasury and Central Bank. Two ill-conceived views of the "new consensus" on money that had turned into taboos were put in evidence. The first, derived from the quantitative theory, concerns the rejection of unsterilized monetary expansion; the second, directly related to the neoliberal ideology, prohibits or imposes strict limits on the role of central banks in the financing of public debts.
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Informe final: Estudio de satisfacción entre áreas, Vicepresidencia administrativa y financiera 2013
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento