990 resultados para Balneario de Prelo (Asturias).


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ELos biomarcadores (n-alcanos y ácidos n-alcanoicos) presentes en el registro sedimentario de la turbera de Las Conchas (Llanes, Asturias) han permitido identificar períodos de condiciones ambientales húmedas y secas a lo largo de 8.000 años cal BP que pueden ser extrapolados al resto de Europa. Para ello, se analizaron 78 muestras a lo largo de un sondeo de 3,20 m, empleando un cromatógrafo de gases con detector selectivo de masas. Las variaciones en el contenido de biomarcadores se relacionaron con la predominancia de especies de Sphagnum (típicas de condiciones de mayor humedad) o con especies propias de condiciones más secas, como especies de Ericacea (brezos). Se sugiere que los cambios en la distribución de la vegetación están relacionados con las condiciones paleohidrológicas y paleoambientales y, de esta manera, se distinguen cinco períodos secos alternados con cinco períodos húmedos que no están necesariamente unidos a cambios en la temperatura. ABSTRACT Biomarkers (n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids) present in the sedimentary record of Las Conchas peat bog (Llanes, Asturias) allowed the identification of 5 dry and humid periods in the last 8,000 years cal BP which can be extrapolated to the rest of Europe. For this purpose, 78 samples were analyzed along a core of 3.2 m deep using a gas chromatograph equipped with a selective mass detector. Variations in the biomarker content are related to the predominance of Sphagnum species (typical of humid conditions) or other species typical of dryer conditions, such as Ericacea (heather). This suggests that changes in the distribution of the vegetation were related to palaeohydrological and palaeoenvironmental conditions and, thus, we may distinguish five dry periods alternating with five humid periods which are not necessarily linked to variations in temperature.


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La Sociedad Española Minera "El Porvenir" dedicada al beneficio del azogue fue fundada en 1842 y reorganizada en 1859.Tiene su domicilio social en Madrid y en la actualidad explota las minas de cinabrio de "La Peña" y "La Esperanza".


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Asturias es una del as regiones mineras más importante de nuestra Península.Además de figurar en primer término como proveedora de hulla, contiene también otras minas de sustancias metalíferas, entre las que pueden citarse las del Naranco (Oviedo)....


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Expedición a Asturias en 1897 : La Felguera, Fábrica de Zinc en Arnao, alumbrado eléctrico en Oviedo y El Turón


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Memoria sobre el Alto horno de "La Compañía de Asturias"


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Fabricación de aceros "La Felguera" Asturias


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La construcción de infraestructuras hidráulicas constituye uno de los ejes mejor conocidos de la política económica del desarrollismo industrial en España desde comienzos de los años cincuenta. Sin embargo, pese a su elevado número e interés, éstas apenas se han estudiado desde el punto de vista arquitectónico. Este artículo estudia las características de las obras hidráulicas que proyectaron juntos el arquitecto Ignacio Álvarez Castelao y el ingeniero Juan José Elorza para la compañía Electra de Viesgo SA en Asturias y en Palencia durante los años cincuenta y sesenta del siglo XX. Todos los casos mencionados tienen en común la fructífera colaboración de distintos profesionales en un equipo multidisciplinar en el que se incluyeron la bellas artes.


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The lipid content of three cores from Lake Enol (Picos de Europa National Park, Asturias, Northern Spain) was studied. The n-alkane profiles indicated a major input from terrigenous plants [predominance of high molecular weight (HMW) alkanes] since ca. 1695 AD to the water body, although the uppermost cm revealed a predominance of organic matter (OM) derived from algae, as the most abundant alkane was C17. Three units revealing different environmental conditions were defined. Unit A (ca. 1695–1860 AD) in the lowermost parts of ENO13-10 (< 12 cm) and ENO13-15 (< 28 cm) was identified and was characterized by higher OM input and evidence of minimal degradation (high CPI values, predominance of HMW n-alkanoic acids and good correspondence between the predominant n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid chains). These findings could be linked to the Little Ice Age, when cold and humid conditions may have favored an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) and n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid content (greater terrigenous OM in-wash), and may have also reduced bacterial activity. In Unit B (ca. 1860–1980 AD) the lack of correspondence between the n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid profiles of ENO13-10 (12–4 cm) and ENO13-15 (28–8 cm) suggested a certain preferential microbial synthesis of long chain saturated fatty acids from primary OM and/or bacterial activity, coinciding with a decrease in OM input, which could be linked to the global warming that started in the second half of the 19th century. In ENO13-7 the low OM input (low TOC) was accompanied by some bacterial degradation (predominance ofHMWn-alkanoic acids but with a bimodal distribution) in the lowermost 16–5 cm. Evidence of considerable phytoplankton productivity and microbial activity was especially significant in Unit C (ca. 1980–2013 AD) identified in the uppermost part of all three cores (5 cm in ENO13-7, 4 cm in ENO13-10 and 8 cm in ENO13-15), coinciding with higher concentrations of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids, which were considered to be linked to warmer and drier conditions, as well as to greater anthropogenic influence in modern times. Plant sterols, such as b-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol, were significantly present in the cores. In addition, fecal stanols, such as 24-ethylcoprostanol from herbivores, were present, thereby indicating a continuous and significant pollution input derived from these animals since the 17th century, being more important in the last 20 years.


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We determined the lipid distributions (n-alkanes, n-alkan-2-ones, n-alkanoic acids), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), Ca/Mg and ash content in Las Conchas mire, a 3.2 m deep bryophyte-dominated mire in Northern Spain covering 8000 cal yr BP. Bog conditions developed in the bottom 20 cm of the profile, and good preservation of organic matter (OM) was inferred from n-alkanoic acid distribution, with the exception of the uppermost 20 cm (last ca. 200 yr). Microbial synthesis of long chain saturated fatty acids from primary OM likely produced a dominance of short chain n-alkanoic acids with a bimodal distribution, as well as the lack of correspondence between the n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid profiles in the upper 20 cm. This was accompanied by an increase in ash content, a decrease in TOC and variation in n-alkane ratios, thereby suggesting significant changes in the mire, namely drainage and transformation to a meadow, in the last ca. 200 yr. The distribution of n-alkan-2-ones indicated an increase in bacterial source from the bottom of the record to 94 cm, whereas their distribution in the upper part could be attributed mainly to plant input and/or the microbial oxidation of n-alkanes. The different n-alkane proxies showed variations, which we interpreted in terms of changes in vegetation (Sphagnum vs. non-Sphagnum dominated phases) during the last 8000 cal yr BP. C23 was the most abundant homolog throughout most of the record, thereby suggesting dominant humid conditions alternating with short drier phases. However, such humid conditions were not linked to paleoclimatic variation but rather to geomorphological characteristics: Las Conchas mire, at the base of the Cuera Range, receives continuous runoff—even during drier periods—which is not necessarily accompanied by additional mineral input to peat, producing the development of Sphagnum moss typical of waterlogged ecotopes and damp habitats. Thus, although geochemical proxies indicated an ombrotrophic regime in the mire, geomorphological characteristics may make a considerable contribution to environmental conditions.


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Se han reconstruido las condiciones ambientales de la ría de Villaviciosa desde 1400 hasta nuestros días a partir del estudio del registro sedimentario. Para ello se perforó un sondeo de 1.90 m, cuya cronología se estableció mediante el método de racemización de aminoácidos en ostrácodos de la especie Cyprideis torosa. Asimismo, se recogieron 93 muestras (cada 2 cm), de las que se extrajeron y cuantificaron los biomarcadores (alcanos y ácidos alcanoicos), pudiendo identificar 3 períodos con condiciones distintas: 1) 1400-1550, con predominio de aporte de vegetación terrestre 2) 1550-1720, con mayor abundancia de macrofitas acuáticas, coincidiendo con la Pequeña Edad del Hielo 3) 1720-2015, alternancia de aportes terrestres y de macrofitas acuáticas, posiblemente ligados a la acción antrópica.