399 resultados para Bald eagle


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OBJECTIVE: Insertion of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomies (PEG) in patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been reported to be contraindicated due to an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. However, no systematic survey on this topic has yet been published. DESIGN: Retrospective multicenter study. SETTING: 23 pediatric dialysis units associated with the working group Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie (APN). DATA SOURCE: A structured questionnaire on clinical details of PD patients who had undergone PEG insertion or open gastrostomy (OG) since 1994 was distributed to all pediatric dialysis units of the APN. RESULTS: 27 PD patients (20 males) from 12 centers in whom PEG insertion was performed after Tenckhoff catheter introduction were evaluated. Age at intervention ranged from 0.25 to 10.9 years (median 1.3 years). Most patients were malnourished, with standard deviation score (SDS) for body weight between -4.2 and -0.6 (median -2.2). Major complications were early peritonitis < 7 days after PEG in 10/27 (37%) patients, episodes of fungal peritonitis in 7/27 (26%) patients, 4 cessations of PD and change to hemodialysis, and 2 associated deaths. However, in 14 patients, no such problems were encountered and, in 4 patients, early peritonitis effectively treated with intraperitoneal antibiotics was the only major complication. Thus, in 18/27 (67%) patients, PD was successfully reinitiated shortly after PEG insertion. Among all participating centers, only two OG procedures were reported during the study period, illustrating a clear preference for the PEG over the OG procedure among members of the APN. CONCLUSION: PEG insertion following PD initiation carries a high risk for fungal peritonitis and potential PD failure; however, complication rates in this largest reported series were lower than previously described. Antibiotic and antifungal prophylaxis, withholding PD for 2 - 3 days, and gastrostomy placement by an experienced endoscopy team are suggested precautions for lowering the risk of associated complications. When gastrostomy placement does not occur prior to or at the time of initiating PD, the risks and benefits of percutaneous versus open placement must be carefully weighed.


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Die Kunstgeschichte hat seit ihrer Einsetzung als universitäres Lehrfach auf eine Erweiterung ihrer Bestände und Themengebiete hingearbeitet. Stärker als andere Disziplinen war sie dabei bald auf die Möglichkeiten der Bildreproduktion angewiesen. Sie kommuniziert und popularisiert ihre Inhalte durch Lichtbilder und Kataloge und hat auch an der Entwicklung entsprechender Medien, vom Bilderalbum bis zur Fotodokumentation, mitgewirkt. Mittlerweile erwirbt ein Kunsthistoriker immer mehr Kenntnisse auch auf der Basis reproduzierter, mobiler Aufnahmen von Kunstwerken entlegenster Orte und verdichtet diese zu einem abstrakten Kanon kulturellen Erbes. Im digitalen Raum könnte nun die Gefahr bestehen, dass die bloße Fortschreibung dieser Praxis, zumal an eine anonyme Öffentlichkeit gerichtet, zu einer Verkrustung überkommener Sehweisen führt; der Einsatz von digitalen Medien würde dann keine methodische Innovation darstellen, sondern vielmehr das Gegenteil bewirken. Auf der anderen Seite vollziehen sich Wissenstransformationen nicht allein durch die Anwendung bahnbrechender Technologien; sie bedürfen auch der entsprechenden institutionellen Einbettung. Der Aufbau simpler Kommunikationswege wie E-Mail, der Einsatz erprobter Techniken wie der 3-D-Visualisierung oder die Gestaltung kostspieliger Datenbanken und Informationssysteme verändert - graduell, aber dauerhaft - die bestehenden Fachstrukturen und Denkgewohnheiten. Nur ein Bruchteil der Fragen, die mit dem Einsatz des Computers einhergehen, sind primär technischer Natur. Die Diskussion neuer Medien könnte zu einem professionelleren Selbstverständnis der kunstgeschichtlichen Forschung beitragen, wenn Fragen des Managements, der Projektgestaltung oder der Einwerbung von Drittmitteln nicht länger als Nebensachen abgetan werden; auch sie gehören zu einer wissenschaftlichen Methodik.


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In dem Beitrag wird der Genesis des Totenkults von 1848/49 und ebenso des Kults um lebende Revolutionsheroen sowie den Formen, den Wandlungen und der Funktion der darauf basierenden Erinnerungskulturen nachgegangen. Gezeigt wird u.a. erstens, dass der revolutionäre Totenkult in Deutschland nicht geeignet war, zu einem Nationalmythos zu werden, der die verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen und politischen Strömungen einte. Die öffentliche Erinnerung an die gefallenen Revolutionäre spaltete die Nation vielmehr nachhaltig, in Deutschland, nicht dagegen in anderen europäischen Ländern wie Ungarn oder Italien. Die pathetisch-feierliche Erinnerung an die unterschiedlichen Toten der Revolution von 1848/49 und die jenen unterschobene politische Sendung gab den Parteien jedenfalls in Deutschland überhaupt erst Kontur. Die entstehende Linke wie die Rechte verstanden sich als Testamentsvollstrecker des vermeintlichen politischen Willens der im Kampf gefallenen Revolutionäre bzw. ihrer Kontrahenten, der im Kampf „für König und Vaterland“ getöteten Soldaten. Der Totenkult wurde – erstens – für beide Seiten zum politischen Code; für die Linke markiert er zugleich den Beginn einer Art revolutionärer Familientradition. Der Totenkult, gleich welcher Couleur, implizierte Inklusion – und ebenso Exklusion: War der Totenkult zum politischen Code geworden, wurde ihm als zusätzliches Element das politische und soziale Gegenüber als Feindbild implementiert. Kollektive Ausgrenzung erlaubte, die jeweiligen, zumeist komplexen histo­risch-politischen Konfliktkonstellationen auszublenden bzw. auf griffige und personalisierte Grundmuster zu reduzieren. Zweitens: Obgleich zur ‚Parteisache’ geworden, war der von einer mal kleineren, mal größeren Minderheit zelebrierte Totenkult um die am 18. März 1848 in Berlin gefallenen Barrikadenkämpfer in der gesamtnationalen Erinnerung latent immer präsent. Drittens: Die Totenkulte sowie die politische Funktionalisierung von Begräbnissen sollten nicht den Blick dafür verstellen, dass ihnen schon relativ bald ein gleichfalls quasi-religiös aufgeladener Kult um herausragende lebende Revolutionäre wie Friedrich Hecker u.a. an die Seite trat. Auch dieser überlebte das Revolutionsjahr 1848 um Jahrzehnte, im Grunde – ruft man sich die zahlreichen Hecker-Devotionalien des Jahres 1998 in Erinnerung – bis heute.


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Das schweizerische IPR-Gesetz ist nunmehr seit bald 15 Jahren in Kraft. Die erste Auflage des vorliegenden Kommentars erschien 1993 und hat seither Lehre und Judikatur nachhaltig beeinflusst. Andererseits haben sich in den letzten zehn Jahren eine beachtliche Zahl von Gerichtsentscheidungen und Publikationen angehäuft, die für Einzelfragen eine Klärung gebracht haben. Sie wurden bis Ende 2003 berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich haben die Herausgeber und Autoren der zweiten Auflage in intensiver Arbeit ihr eigenes Werk kritisch durchleuchtet und zahlreiche Änderungen und Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Ausserdem sind die seither vorgenommenen Gesetzesänderungen und die vielen Neuerungen in der ausländischen, namentlich der Europäischen Gesetzgebung, Lehre und Judikatur berücksichtigt worden. Das IPR ist Teil des Privatrechts, weshalb das Werk neu in den Zürcher Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Privatrecht integriert worden ist. Ein Standardwerk, das in keiner Bibliothek fehlen darf.


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In this study, we established cell culture conditions for primary equine hepatocytes allowing cytochrome P450 enzyme (CYP) induction experiments. Hepatocytes were isolated after a modified method of Bakala et al. (2003) and cultivated on collagen I coated plates. Three different media were compared for their influence on morphology, viability and CYP activity of the hepatocytes. CYP activity was evaluated with the fluorescent substrate 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin. Induction experiments were carried out with rifampicin, dexamethasone or phenobarbital. Concentration-response curves for induction with rifampicin were created. Williams' medium E showed the best results on morphology and viability of the hepatocytes and was therefore used for the following induction experiments. Cells cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium were not inducible. Incubation with rifampicin increased the CYP activity in two different hepatocyte preparations in a dose dependent manner (EC50=1.20 μM and 6.06 μM; Emax=4.1- and 3.4-fold induction). No increase in CYP activity was detected after incubation with dexamethasone or phenobarbital. The hepatocyte culture conditions established in this study proved to be valuable for investigation of the induction of equine CYPs. In further studies, other equine drugs can be evaluated for CYP induction with this in vitro system.


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen that can infect humans and other species. It utilizes an arsenal of virulence factors to cause disease, including secreted and cell wall anchored factors. Secreted toxins attack host cells, and pore-forming toxins destroy target cells by causing cell lysis. S. aureus uses cell-surface adhesins to attach to host molecules thereby facilitating host colonization. The Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix Molecules (MSCRAMMs) are a family of cell-wall anchored proteins that target molecules like fibronectin and fibrinogen. The Serine-aspartate repeat (Sdr) proteins are a subset of staphylococcal MSCRAMMs that share similar domain organization. Interestingly, the amino-terminus, is composed of three immunoglobulin-folded subdomains (N1, N2, and N3) that contain ligand-binding activity. Clumping factors A and B (ClfA and ClfB) and SdrG are Sdr proteins that bind to fibrinogen (Fg), a large, plasma glycoprotein that is activated during the clotting cascade to form fibrin. In addition to recognizing fibrinogen, ClfA and ClfB can bind to other host ligands. Analysis of S. aureus strains that cause osteomyelitis led to the discovery of the bone-sialoprotein-binding protein (Bbp), an Sdr protein. Because several MSCRAMMs target more than one molecule, I hypothesized that Bbp may recognize other host proteins. A ligand screen revealed that the recombinant construct BbpN2N3 specifically recognizes human Fg. Surface plasmon resonance was used to determine the affinity of BbpN2N3 for Fg, and a dissociation constant of 540 nM was determined. Binding experiments performed with recombinant Fg chains were used to map the binding of BbpN2N3 to the Fg Aalpha chain. Additionally, Bbp expressed on the surface of Lactococcus lactis and S. aureus Newman bald mediated attachment of these bacteria to Fg Aalpha. To further characterize the interaction between the two proteins, isothermal titration calorimetry and inhibition assays were conducted with synthetic Fg Aalpha peptides. To determine the physiological implications of Bbp binding to Fg, the effect of Bbp on fibrinogen clotting was studied. Results show that Bbp binding to Fg inhibits the formation of fibrin. The consequences of this interaction are currently under investigation. Together, these data demonstrate that human Fg is a novel ligand for Bbp. This study indicates that the MSCRAMM Bbp may aid in staphylococcal attachment by targeting both an extracellular matrix and a blood plasma protein. The implications of these novel findings are discussed.


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1865, vier Jahre vor seinem Tod, schenkt der Bieler Sammler Friedrich Schwab seine archäologischen Objekte der Stadt. Er möchte damit den Bewohnern Biels, vor allem der Jugend, einen reichen Fundus zur Verfügung stellen, der einen Einblick in den Alltag der prähistorischen Bewohner der Region bietet. Bis heute ist die Sammlung Schwab ein Studienobjekt für Archäologen geblieben und inspiriert Öffentlichkeit und Schulklassen: So sieht Friedrich Schwab seinen Willen auch nach bald 150 Jahren noch immer erfüllt. Die vorliegende Publikation erläutert die wechselvolle Geschichte des Museums Schwab und bietet gleichzeitig einen Überblick über die archäologische Erforschung der Drei-Seen-Region: von der Entdeckung der ersten Pfahlbausiedlungen bis zu ihrer Aufnahme in das UNESCO Welterbe. Sie folgt den Sammlungen eines Universalmuseums auf ihrer Odyssee, weist auf Details einer einmaligen Architektur hin und zeigt die Zusammenhänge zwischen Kulturpolitik und der aktuellen Bieler Museumslandschaft auf.


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The past decade has seen the rise of high resolution datasets. One of the main surprises of analysing such data has been the discovery of a large genetic, phenotypic and behavioural variation and heterogeneous metabolic rates among individuals within natural populations. A parallel discovery from theory and experiments has shown a strong temporal convergence between evolutionary and ecological dynamics, but a general framework to analyse from individual-level processes the convergence between ecological and evolutionary dynamics and its implications for patterns of biodiversity in food webs has been particularly lacking. Here, as a first approximation to take into account intraspecific variability and the convergence between the ecological and evolutionary dynamics in large food webs, we develop a model from population genomics and microevolutionary processes that uses sexual reproduction, genetic-distance-based speciation and trophic interactions. We confront the model with the prey consumption per individual predator, species-level connectance and prey–predator diversity in several environmental situations using a large food web with approximately 25,000 sampled prey and predator individuals. We show higher than expected diversity of abundant species in heterogeneous environmental conditions and strong deviations from the observed distribution of individual prey consumption (i.e. individual connectivity per predator) in all the environmental conditions. The observed large variance in individual prey consumption regardless of the environmental variability collapsed species-level connectance after small increases in sampling effort. These results suggest (1) intraspecific variance in prey–predator interactions has a strong effect on the macroscopic properties of food webs and (2) intraspecific variance is a potential driver regulating the speed of the convergence between ecological and evolutionary dynamics in species-rich food webs. These results also suggest that genetic–ecological drift driven by sexual reproduction, equal feeding rate among predator individuals, mutations and genetic-distance-based speciation can be used as a neutral food web dynamics test to detect the ecological and microevolutionary processes underlying the observed patterns of individual and species-based food webs at local and macroecological scales.


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In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the ecological consequences of individual trait variation within populations. Given that individual variability arises from evolutionary dynamics, to fully understand eco-evolutionary feedback loops, we need to pay special attention to how standing trait variability affects ecological dynamics. There is mounting empirical evidence that intra-specific phenotypic variation can exceed species-level means, but theoretical models of multi-trophic species coexistence typically neglect individual-level trait variability. What is needed are multispecies datasets that are resolved at the individual level that can be used to discriminate among alternative models of resource selection and species coexistence in food webs. Here, using one the largest individual-based datasets of a food web compiled to date, along with an individual trait-based stochastic model that incorporates Approximate Bayesian computation methods, we document intra-population variation in the strength of prey selection by different classes or predator phenotypes which could potentially alter the diversity and coexistence patterns of food webs. In particular, we found that strongly connected individual predators preferentially consumed common prey, whereas weakly connected predators preferentially selected rare prey. Such patterns suggest that food web diversity may be governed by the distribution of predator connectivity and individual trait variation in prey selection. We discuss the consequences of intra-specific variation in prey selection to assess fitness differences among predator classes (or phenotypes) and track longer term food web patterns of coexistence accounting for several phenotypes within each prey and predator species.


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The mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system is composed of two proteins, CPT-I and CPT-II, involved in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix to undergo $\beta$-oxidation. CPT-I is located outside the inner membrane and CPT-II is located on the inner aspect of the inner membrane. The CPT proteins are distinct with different molecular weights and activities. The malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I has been proposed as a regulatory step in $\beta$-oxidation. Using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte, assays were designed to discriminate between these activities in situ using digitonin and Triton X-100. With this methodology, we are able to determine the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-mediated increase in CPT activities. Concentrations of digitonin up to 25 $\mu$M fail to release citrate synthase from the mitochondrial matrix or alter the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I. If the mitochondrial matrix was exposed, malonyl-CoA insensitive CPT-II would reduce malonyl-CoA sensitivity. In contrast to digitonin, Triton X-100 (0.15%) releases citrate synthase from the matrix and exposes CPT-II. CPT-II activity is confirmed by the absence of malonyl-CoA sensitivity. To examine the effects of various agents on the expression and/or activity of CPT, it is necessary to use serum-free medium to eliminate mitogenic effects of serum proteins. Comparison of different media to optimize CPT activity and cell viability resulted in the decision to use Dulbecco's Modified Eagle medium supplemented with transferrin. In three established models of cardiac hypertrophy using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte there is a significant increase in CPT-I and CPT-II activity in the treated cells. Analogous to the situation seen in the hypertrophy model, insulin also significantly increases the activity of the mitochondrial proteins CPT-I, CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase with a coinciding increase the expression of CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase mRNA. The removal of serum increases the I$\sb{50}$ (concentration of inhibitor that halves enzyme activity) of CPT-I for malonyl-CoA by four-fold. Incubation with insulin returns I$\sb{50}$ values to serum levels. Incubation with insulin significantly increases malonyl-CoA and ATP levels in the cells with a resulting reduction in palmitate oxidation. Once malonyl-CoA inhibition of CPT-I is removed by permeabilizing the cells, insulin significantly increases the oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in a manner which parallels the increase in CPT-I activity. Interestingly, CPT-II activity increases significantly only at the tissue culture concentration (1.7 $\mu$M) of insulin suggesting that the IGF-I pathway may be involved. Supporting a role for the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-induced increase in CPT activity is the significant increase in the synthesis of both cellular and mitochondrial proteins as well as increased synthesis of CPT-II. Consistent with an IGF-mediated pathway for the effect of insulin, IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increases the activities of both CPT-I and -II. An IGF-I analogue which inhibits the autophosphorylation of the IGF-I receptor blunts the insulin-mediated increase in CPT-I and -II activity by greater than 70% and virtually eliminates the IGF-I response by greater than 90%. This is the first study to demonstrate the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the regulation of mitochondrial protein expression, e.g. CPT. ^


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AIMS Due to a high burden of systemic cardiovascular events, current guidelines recommend the use of statins in all patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). We sought to study the impact of statin use on limb prognosis in patients with symptomatic PAD enrolled in the international REACH registry. METHODS Statin use was assessed at study enrolment, as well as a time-varying covariate. Rates of the primary adverse limb outcome (worsening claudication/new episode of critical limb ischaemia, new percutaneous/surgical revascularization, or amputation) at 4 years and the composite of cardiovascular death/myocardial infarction/stroke were compared among statin users vs. non-users. RESULTS A total of 5861 patients with symptomatic PAD were included. Statin use at baseline was 62.2%. Patients who were on statins had a significantly lower risk of the primary adverse limb outcome at 4 years when compared with those who were not taking statins [22.0 vs. 26.2%; hazard ratio (HR), 0.82; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.72-0.92; P = 0.0013]. Results were similar when statin use was considered as a time-dependent variable (P = 0.018) and on propensity analysis (P < 0.0001). The composite of cardiovascular death/myocardial infarction/stroke was similarly reduced (HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73-0.96; P = 0.01). CONCLUSION Among patients with PAD in the REACH registry, statin use was associated with an ∼18% lower rate of adverse limb outcomes, including worsening symptoms, peripheral revascularization, and ischaemic amputations. These findings suggest that statin therapy not only reduces the risk of adverse cardiovascular events, but also favourably affects limb prognosis in patients with PAD.


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The paper focuses on the imagery of early Christian rituals (esp. of the eucharist and baptism) as they are found in allegorical interpretations of beasts in the Greek Physiologus and trace the way of selected motifs from the New Testament to this first Christian interpretation of nature in context of early Christian literature and theology. A special attention is given to the pelican, which is one of the most famous symbols of the eucharist, and to impressive baptismal imageries in the chapter on the eagle, on the snake and in some other chapters. The aim of the analysis is to explore the theological roots of the ritual imagery of Physiologus and to show that this work of early Egyptian Christianity is anything but 'unsakramental' as argued by E. Peterson (1959).


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Introduction Notochordal cells (NC) are shifted back into focus due to their apparent action of activating other disc cells via indirect release of yet unknown factors into the medium (conditioned medium = CM).1,2 Recent evidence confirms the results from the late 1990s.3,4 Here, we test porcine (p) NC cultured in 3D and the influence of adding serum or using serum-free medium onto the culture on NC cells and its stimulating effects for subsequent coculture with primary bovine (b) nucleus pulposus (bNPC) and annulus fibrous cells (bAFC). Materials and Methods Primary pNC, bNPC, and bAFC were isolated from porcine tails (< 6-12 months age) or bovine tails (∼1 year age), which were obtained from the food chain (N = 4 repeats) within 4 hours postmortem. All cells were seeded into 1.2% alginate, each with a density of 4 × 106/mL. NC were then either cultured for 7 days in serum free medium (SFM = Dulbecco modified eagle medium [DMEM] supplied with ITS+, 50 µg/mL vitamin C and nonessential amino acids) or DMEM + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). CM was produced from NC collecting 4 mL SFM and keeping approximately 30 beads for 7 days. Then, a coculture was set up in SFM for 14 days using indirect cell-cell contact (culture insert, high density pore, 0.4 µm) using a 50:50% ratio5 of pNC:bNP or bAF, or by addition of CM, respectively. The cell activity, glycosaminoglycan per DNA (GAG/DNA) ratio, and real-time RT-PCR of IVD relevant genes were monitored. Mass spectrometry was performed on the SFM and the cocultured medium as well as the CM of the pNC to identify possible key cytokines to the stimulatory effects. Results The results for cell activity confirmed that pNC are highly responsive on the nutritional condition in the culture (K-W test, p = 0.048) after 7 days of coculture. bNPC and bAFC did not respond significantly different to coculture or addition of CM with respect to cell activity. However, GAG/DNA ratio of pNC was significantly upregulated if they were initially pre-exposed to FCS and in coculture with bNPC after 14 days, for both normoxia and hypoxia (K-W, p = 0.03). The bNPC were stimulated by both, 1:1 coculture with pNC but also by addition of CM only, which resulted in approximately 200% increased GAG/DNA values relative to the day 0 state. However, this doubling of the GAG/DNA ratio was nonsignificant after 14 days. The aggrecan/collagen type 2 ratio as quantified from real-time RT-PCR pointed to a beneficial state of the bNPC if cultured either in indirect coculture with pNC or by the addition of CM (Fig. 1). The mass spectrometric analysis of the CM revealed that there was connecting tissue growth factor present (CTGF) among the cytokine CLC11, a cytokine that has been found to be expressed in skeletal tissues including bone marrow and chondrocytes among other factors that might have immunoregulatory and cell proliferative functions.


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Upon leaving their natal area, dispersers are confronted with unknown terrains. Species-specific perceptual ranges (i.e. the maximum distance from which an individual can perceive landscape features) play a crucial role in spatial movement decisions during such wanderings. In nocturnal animals that rely on vision, perceptual range is dramatically enhanced during moonlight, compared to moonless conditions. This increase of the perceptual range is an overlooked element that may be responsible for the successful crossing of unfamiliar areas during dispersal. The information gathered from 143 radio-tagged eagle owl Bubo bubo juveniles in Spain, Finland and Switzerland shows that, although the decision to initiate dispersal is mainly an endogenous phenomenon determined by the attainment of a given age (∼6 months), dispersers leave their birthplace primarily under the best light conditions at night, i.e. when most of the lunar disc is illuminated. This sheds new light into the mechanisms that may trigger dispersal from parental territory.


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Nicht nur Bartgeier, Wolf, Luchs und Bär wurden in unseren Breitengraden ausgerottet – auch andere natürliche Phänomene standen und stehen nicht hoch im Kurs : z. B. Waldbrände ! Tatsache ist, dass im Nationalpark seit der Aufgabe der Waldnutzung vor bald 100 Jahren die Anhäufung von Brandgut und damit die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Waldbränden steigt. Stehen wir vor der « Rückkehr » eines natürlichen Feuerregimes ?