987 resultados para August, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1845-
This paper is an overview of the development and application of Computer Vision for the Structural Health
Monitoring (SHM) of Bridges. A brief explanation of SHM is provided, followed by a breakdown of the stages of computer
vision techniques separated into laboratory and field trials. Qualitative evaluations and comparison of these methods have been
provided along with the proposal of guidelines for new vision-based SHM systems.
Ageing and deterioration of infrastructure is a challenge facing transport authorities. In particular, there is a need for increased bridge monitoring in order to provide adequate maintenance, prioritise allocation of funds and guarantee acceptable levels of transport safety. Existing bridge structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques typically involve direct instrumentation of the bridge with sensors and equipment for the measurement of properties such as frequencies of vibration. These techniques are important as they can indicate the deterioration of the bridge condition. However, they can be labour intensive and expensive due to the requirement for on-site installations. In recent years, alternative low-cost indirect vibrationbased SHM approaches have been proposed which utilise the dynamic response of a vehicle to carry out “drive-by” pavement and/or bridge monitoring. The vehicle is fitted with sensors on its axles thus reducing the need for on-site installations. This paper investigates the use of low-cost sensors incorporating global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for implementation of the drive-by system in practice, via field trials with an instrumented vehicle. The potential of smartphone technology to be harnessed for drive by monitoring is established, while smartphone GNSS tracking applications are found to compare favourably in terms of accuracy, cost and ease of use to professional GNSS devices.
O objetivo deste artigo é abordar a questão das vivências na perspectiva de L.S. Vigotski, tratando de suas fontes epistemológicas, de suas raízes na língua russa e de seus sentidos específicos, priorizando "A Tragédia do Hamlet, Príncipe da Dinamarca" (1916) e os textos pedológicos dos anos 1930, com destaque para "A questão do meio na pedologia". Destacam-se as transformações das ideias do autor sobre vivências e sua contribuição metodológica à análise da relação indivíduo-meio no desenvolvimento humano, articulada aos conceitos de consciência e sistema.
Fourteen bird species were observed visiting one specimen of Alchornea glandulosa Poepp., 1845, at the Horto Florestal Navarro de Andrade, Rio Claro, São Paulo State, Brazil. Among them, three species seem to be the most efficient seed dispersers of A. glandulosa at the study site: Myiodinastes maculatus (Müller, 1776), Empidonomus varius (Vieillot, 1818) e Tyrannus melancholicus Vieillot, 1819. Besides to swallow fruit whole, these birds contributed with 68.5% of the total feeding visits. A. glandulosa fruit are not the mainly part of the diet of any one of the observed bird species, since they do not fit in the frugivorous specialized category. However, as almost all the observed individuals swallow fruit whole, it is suppose that they promote an efficient dispersion of their seeds.
In October of 1969, Governor General Rolland Michener along with the Bailiff of Guernsey were invited to tour the Niagara Region with Dr. Gibson as part of a series of events to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth. Here they are visiting a stone monument erected in Queenston years ago by Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Pictured in the foreground are Mrs. Michener, Dr. Gibson, and Governor General Michener - the man speaking with Dr. Gibson with his back to the photographer.
Consists of an advertising broadsheet (circa 1920) for Canadian Willite, a permanent asphaltic pavement. This product was used on River Road in Niagara Falls, Canada. The broadsheet features a segment titled "The Road Fit for a Prince" about the Prince of Wales visit to Niagrara Falls on October 20, 1919.
A spring concert programme by the St. Catharines Public Schools on May 4, 1945. The concert is titled "Toward Peace" and features the students of the following schools: Alexandra, Cavell, Central, Connaught, Memorial, Robertson, Victoria, Court St., Prince of Wales, St. Andrew's Ward, Glen Ridge, St. Paul's Ward, Queen Elizabeth.
Ann Eliza Hepburne was born in Chippawa, Ontario, in 1821, to William Hepburne and Susan Shannon. In 1842, she married William Anthony Rooth in St. James Cathedral in Toronto. They continued to live in different parts of the Niagara region, including Drummondville, Welland and Port Colborne. William was the editor and proprietor of the Drummondville Reporter, as well as an accountant and insurance agent, and later worked for the Customs Service in Port Colborne. He died in 1878, and Eliza in 1899. Both are buried in Drummond Hill Cemetery in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The Globe, Toronto, Ontario, “the Prince of Wales’s arrival” is written in pencil on the front page, September 14, 1860.
Broadside advertising the appearance of the Prince of Wales, Albert Edward, who was Queen Victoria’s eldest son. He was to become Edward VII. The visit took place on Tuesday, the 18th of September in 1860. The broadside measures 20 cm. x 17.5 cm. The Royal Coat of Arms is featured on the top. Different typefaces are used throughout the broadside. The Broadside reads: "The Prince's Visit to St. Catharines. His Royal Highness will be at St. Catharines on Tuesday, the 18th Sept. 1860. The Committee of Management express the earnest hope that the Inhabitants of the Counties of Lincoln & Welland Generally, will manifest their Loyalty by joining in an enthusiastic demonstration to the Prince. Come Early to get Seats! As the accommodation in the Amphitheatre will be limited. A Grand Procession Of Firemen and other Public Bodies will be formed, accompanied by Bands of Music. A Royal Salute Will be fired by the St. Catharines Volunteer Artillery Company; and British Cheers will be given by the assembled assembled thousands. A General Illumination in the Evening! God Save The Queen! C.P. Camp, Sec'y to Committee. St. Catharines, September 15, 1860."
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur les effets politiques des discours médiatiques sur la gouvernance et la régulation des demandeurs d’asile au Canada. À travers une analyse critique des discours de la presse écrite canadienne au sujet de l’arrivée en août 2010 de 492 requérants du statut de réfugié à bord du bateau MV Sun Sea en Colombie-Britannique, l’auteure identifie les principales interprétations de cet évènement ainsi que leurs relations avec la mise en place subséquente de mesures visant à restreindre les possibilités d’accès non autorisés au Canada, notamment par la création d’une nouvelle catégorisation discriminatoire des demandeurs d’asile. L’analyse révèle l’articulation de ces discours autour de deux thématiques distinctes, mais interreliées. Tandis que les discours sécuritaires associent l’arrivée non autorisée des demandeurs d’asile à une menace à la sécurité de la nation, les discours humanitaires interprètent cet évènement comme une demande d’aide de la part d’un groupe de personnes menacées par leur propre pays. Ce mémoire propose une analyse multidimensionnelle de ces deux cadrages et de leurs effets politiques qui considère leurs dimensions discursives, contextuelles et affectives. L’analyse démontre comment ces deux discours en apparence conflictuels partagent en fait un même sous-texte racial qui fait de ce type de spectacle médiatique un dispositif clé de « gouvernementalité racialisée de l’immigration » (Bilge, 2012, 2013).
El objetivo principal de esta monografía es identificar cuáles son las razones que justifican las contradicciones entre el discurso y el comportamiento de Estados Unidos en el marco de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, particularmente con relación a prácticas anticompetitivas derivadas del programa de protección a la agricultura del país. Para ello se analizan el interés nacional y los elementos de la seguridad nacional a partir de los cuales éste se ha construido. También se evalúan los procesos de formulación de política comercial y las interacciones entre los representantes políticos, las asociaciones de productores y el sector privado para mostrar como este comportamiento contradictorio corresponde a la legitimización de un interés particular.