492 resultados para Asbestos, Serpentine
Metaultramafic bodies tectonically emplaced within the metasedimentary sequence of the Arax Group are associated with an ophiolitic melange in southeast Gois. In the region of Crominia - Mairipotaba, they occur as lenticular bodies aligned E-W. Cumulate textures and geochemical data indicate that the parent rocks had harzburgitic to dunitic compositions. Relicts of primary crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene are suggestive of amphibolite facies metamorphic re-equilibration fabrics, even though the paragenesis and mineral associations of these metaultramafic rocks are typical of greenschist facies (T < 550C and P = 5.5 kbar). The chromitites exhibit massive to breccioid structure and pull-apart texture, with chromite crystals around 0.5 mm in size. Chromite concentrations in the chromitite levels reach 70 to 85% by volume of the rock. The crystals are dispersed in the matrix, which is composed essentially of serpentine, and subordinately of chlorite and talc. The textures and geochemical data (Cr 2O 3 x TiO 2 and Mg x Cr ratios present in the chromitite) are similar to those observed in ophiolitic complexes. Hence, they correspond to allochthonous bodies (Alpine type) associated with an ophiolitic mlange.
The present study was developed in Departamentos de Engenharia Rural e Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da FCAV/Unesp. The objective of evaluating different roof slopes and exposure in three types of coverage in models of animal installations. Project 48 built reduced models of wood were used with dimensions of 1,00 x 1,00 x 0,50 meters. The covering was one water, lateral and wood floor, disposed in the exhibitions North-south, being 24 prototypes in the north exhibition and 24 in the south. Were used in the covering roofs of ceramic type, galvanized steel and asbestos. The slopes varied of 20, 30, 40 and 50% for ceramic tile and 10, 30, 40 and 50% for the others and with two repetitions for slope. Inside the reduced models temperature readings were accomplished, of hour in hour during one year, for the system of acquisition of Data Logger Campbell Scientific-nc and externally the temperature of the air, incident radiation global solar, precipitation, speed and relative humidity of the air were measured. The results obtained during the experimental period of one year were appraised statistically for the statistical package SAS in the factorial outline, where three factors were considered: tile type, slope degree and exposure. The obtained averages were compared through the test of Tukey to 5% of probability. After analyzing the data we found that with increasing slope, there was a decrease in inside temperature in the cover prototypes, therefore, using steeper slopes with 50% of tipping ceramics and asbestos, with greater coverage on display South, we have lower temperatures in poultry houses in the geographic coordinates of the city of Jaboticabal.
Ps-graduao em Aquicultura - FCAV
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi a aplicao de mtodos geofsicos para a avaliao econmica de ocorrncia de nquel, cromo e amianto, em uma rea de 6,25 km<sup>2</sup> - Malha 2 - Serra de Quatipuru, localizada a cerca de 50 km a SW de Conceio do Araguaia, no sul do Estado do Par. Inicialmente foi aplicado o mtodo magntico em carter de reconhecimento, usando magnetmetros de campo total e componente vertical visando localizar zonas anmalas de amianto e cromita, uma vez que estes minerais se encontram associados com a magnetita. Em seguida foi usado o mtodo eletromagntico de "dip angle" com o objetivo de definir zonas condutoras associadas a possveis depsitos minerais ou caractersticas estruturais. Com base na interpretao destes dois mtodos, definiu-se os locais de aplicao do mtodo de polarizao eltrica induzida-resistividade, que teve carter de detalhe visando como alvo principal depsitos de sulfetos disseminados. As possveis ocorrncias minerais na rea foram correlacionadas com anomalias geofsicas e confirmadas atravs de testemunhos de sondagem concluindo-se no serem de importncia econmica. Contudo a aplicao destes mtodos geofsicos foi til, pois possibilitou o levantamento detalhado da rea, que de outra forma s poderia ser realizado por meio dos mtodos mais convencionais, tais como sondagem mecnica atravs de perfuraes, os quais so muito caros e demorados.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
The paper deals with the petrographic and geochemical investigation of basalt flows present in a gravel quarry in the town of Mones in northwestern So Paulo State, members of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paran Basin. Were collected 11 samples from different horizons within a topographic vertical profile with an average of 18 meters in height. The samples were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic petrographic and chemical major, minor and trace. The results indicated that it is tholeiitic basalts with dense fine grained average. Petrographic analyzes show that basalts studied are basically constituted by plagioclase (between 33 and 49%), labradorite and clinopyroxenes (between 29 and 46%) represented by the subordinate pigeonite and augite, having as accessories opaque (between 3 and 15% ), olivine (<2%), apatite and zircon as dashes. The secondary minerals correspond to cloropheite, chlorite, serpentine, epidote, albite and iron oxides and hydroxy as well as bowlingit of clay, nontronite, and celadonite. The basalts are kind of high-titanium (Hti)> 1.8% TiO2, and apparently belong to the Pitanga magma-type. The geochemical analyzes proved unsatisfactory for the determination of a probable lithogeochemistry differentiation within the vertical stroke for generating multiple data correlation or no immediately discernible trends
The determination of the remaining life of equipment operating at high temperatures has been a great challenge for their owners. The use of safety factors, often conservative, makes the replacement of equipment or of its components at the end of the life of design gets financially unviable. This study aimed to estimate the remaining life of the serpentine of the secondary superheater of one of REVAPs boilers (Henrique Lage Refinery), through accelerated creep tests and comparison of the results with the techniques based on microstructure and hardness. When conducting a proper assessment its possible to increase the equipment reliability, ensuring operational continuity and physical integrity. The tests showed a minimal residual life of 12.7 years (111,252 hours), longer than the design life (100,000 hours), even after a period of operation of approximately 250,000 hours, confirming the conservatism of the project. The techniques based on microstructure and hardness did not show good correlation with the creep test, decreasing the reliability of these techniques in determining the residual life
Based on field work, prospection and petrographic studies ultramafic complexes and their mineral deposits from eastern Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil are generally outlined to form a basis for future investigations in this region. The bodies dealt with occur at Ipanema, Crrego Novo, Bela Vista de Minas, Rio Pomba and Liberdade. These ultramafic bodies are generally enclosed in high-grade gneisses and consist of serpentinized peridotites and harzburgites which were metamorphosed together with their country rocks in upper amphibolite to granulite facies. Weathering of these rocks gives rise to nickeliferous laterite, while metamorphism has resulted in anthophyllite asbestos and talc deposits. 1985 Springer-Verlag.