916 resultados para Arranjos Produtivos Locais
O presente artigo trata do papel das empresas no desenvolvimento social e econômico, considerando para tal as análises que envolvem a temática da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial numa perspectiva integrada a ações sociais de entidades governamentais e ONGs. Nesse sentido, o conceito de clusters de RS pressupõe que aglomerações de empresas, localizadas num mesmo território, estabeleçam interações entre si e com outros atores locais para otimizar práticas conjuntas de RS voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentado da região, numa perspectiva integrada e global. As possibilidades interventivas dos clusters de RS podem expressar um avanço nos resultados das ações sociais e/ou ambientais empreendidas através de redes integradas
As discussões que envolvem as dimensões do Poder Local no Brasil ganham visibilidade pós Constituição de 1988, e em meio a este cenário estão presentes os Conselhos Municipais de Políticas Públicas que, apesar de terem filosofias e estruturas semelhantes, guardam particularidades, dependendo da política pública a que se referem. Na especificidade da Assistência Social, os conselhos municipais gestores emergem da condição da Assistência Social como política pública, inscrita na constituição de 1988, e aprovação da Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social – LOAS. Circunscrito neste debate, o presente artigo propõe-se a refletir sobre os Conselhos Municipais de Assistência Social (CMAS) na sua relação com a gestão local, tendo como campo empírico de análise a experiência do município de Mossoró, localizado no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
The studied region, named Forquilha and localized in northwestern Central Ceará domain (northern portion of Borborema Province), presents a lithostratigraphic framework constituted by paleoproterozoic metaplutonics, metasedimentary sequences and neoproterozoic granitoids. The metasedimentary rocks of Ceará group occupy most part of the area. This group is subdivided in two distinct units: Canindé and Independência. Canindé unit is represented basically by biotite paragneisses and muscovite paragneisses, with minor metabasic rocks (amphibolite lens). Independência sequence is composed by garnetiferous paragneisses, sillimanite-garnet-quartz-muscovite schists and quartz-muscovite schists, pure or muscovite quartzites and rare marbles. At least three ductile deformation events were recognized in both units of Ceará group, named D1, D2 and D3. The former one is interpreted as related to a low angle tangential tectonics which mass transport is southward. D2 event is marked by the development of close/isoclinal folds with a N-S oriented axis. Refolding patterns generated by F1 and F2 superposition are found in several places. The latest event (D3) corresponds to a transcurrent tectonics, which led to development of mega-folds and several shear zones, under a transpressional regime. The mapped shear zones are Humberto Monte (ZCHM), Poço Cercado (ZCPC) and Forquilha (ZCF). Digital image processing of enhanced Landsat 7-ETM+ satellite images, combined with field data, demonstrate that these penetrative structures are associated with positive and negative geomorphologic patterns, distributed in linear and curvilinear arrangements with tonal banding, corresponding to the ductile fabric and to crests. Diverse color composites were tested and RGB-531 and RGB-752 provided the best results for lineament analysis of the most prominent shear zones. Spatial filtering techniques (3x3 and 5x5 filters) were also used and the application of Prewitt filters generated the best products. The integrated analysis of morphological and textural aspects from filtered images, variation of tonalities related to the distribution of geologic units in color composites and the superposition over a digital elevation model, contributed to a characterization of the structural framework of the study area. Kinematic compatibility of ZCHM, ZCPC, ZCF shear zones, as well as Sobral-Pedro II (ZCSPII) shear zone, situated to the west of the study area, was one of the goal of this work. Two of these shear zones (ZCHM, ZCPC) display sinistral movements, while the others (ZCSPII, ZCF) exhibit dextral kinematics. 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained in this thesis for ZCSPII and ZCPC, associated with other 40Ar/39Ar data of adjacent areas, indicate that all these shear zones are related to Brasiliano orogeny. The trend of the structures, the opposite shear senses and the similar metamorphic conditions are fitted in a model based on the development of conjugate shear zones in an unconfined transpression area. A WNW-ESE bulk shortening direction is infered. The geometry and kinematic of the studied structures suggest that shortening was largely accommodated by lateral extrusion, with only minor amounts of vertical stretch
Northeastern Brazil is mainly formed by crystalline terrains (around 60% in area). Moreover, this region presents a semi-arid climate so that it is periodically subject to drought seasons. Furthermore, ground water quality extracted fromwells usually presents poor quality because of their high salinity contents. Nevertheless, ground water is still a very important source of water for human and animal consumption in this region. Well sitting in hard rocks terrains in Northeastern Brazil offers a mean success index of aboul 60%, given that a successful siting is defined by a well producing at least 0.5 m³/h. This low index reveals lack of knowledga about the true conditions of storage and percolation of ground water in crystalline rocks. Two models for structures storing and producing ground water in crystalline rocks in Northeastem Brazil have been proposed in the literature. The first model,tradnionally used for well sitting since the sixties are controlled by faults or fractures zones. This model is commonly referred, in Brazilian hydrogeological literature, as the "creek-crack" model (riacho-fenda in Portuguese). Sites appearing to present dense drainage network are preferred for water well siting - particularly at points where the drainages cross-cul each other. Field follow up work is usually based only on geological criteria. The second model is the "eluvio-alluvial through" (calha eluvio-aluvionar in Portuguese); it is also described in the literature but it is not yet incorporated in well sitting practice. This model is based on the hypothesis that reclilinear drainages can also be controlled by the folietion of the rock. Eventually, depending upon the degree of weathering, a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith) can be developed which can store and water can be produced from. Using severalfield case studies, this Thesis presents a thorough analysis ofthe two above cited models and proposes a new model. The analysis is based on an integrated methodological approach using geophysics and structural geology. Both land (Resitiviy and Ground Penetrating Radar- GPR) and aerogeophysical (magnetics and frequency domain eletromagnetics) surveys were used. Slructural analysis emphasized neolectonic aspects; in general, itwas found that fractures in the E-W direction are relatively open, as compared to fracturas inthe N-S direction, probably because E-W fractures were opened by the neotectonic stress regime in Northeastern Brazil, which is controlled by E-W compression and N-S extension. The riacho-fenda model is valid where drainages are controlled by fractures. The degree of fracturing and associated weathering dictale the hydrogeological potential of the structure. Field work in structural analogues reveals that subvertical fractures show consistent directions both in outcrop and aerophotograph scales. Geophysical surveys reveal subvertical conductive anomalies associated to the fracture network controlling the drainage; one of the borders of the conductive anomaly usually coincide wih the drainage. An aspect of particular importance to the validation of fracture control are the possible presence of relalively deep conductive anomalies wihoul continuation or propagalion to the surface. The conductive nature of lhe anomaly is due to the presence of wealhered rock and sedirnenls (alluvium and/or regolilh) storing ground waler which occur associated to the fracture network. Magnetic surveys are not very sensisnive to these structures.lf soil or covering sedirnents are resislive (> 100 Ohm.m), GPR can ba used to image precisely lhe fracture network. A major limialion of riacho-fenda model, revealed by GPR images, is associated to the fact thal subhorizontal fractures do play a very important role in connecting the fracture network, besides connect shallow recharge zones to relalively deep subvertical frecture zones. Iffractures play just a secondary control on the drainage, however, r/acho-fenda model may have a very limiled validny; in these cases, large portions oflhe drainage do nol coincide wilh frectures and mosl oflhewells localed in lhe drainage surrounding would resull dry. Usually, a secondary conlrol on lhe drainage by Ihefraclure networkcan be revealed only wilh detailed geophysical survey. The calha elClv1o-aluvlonarmodel is valid where drainages are conlrolled by folialion. The degree 01 wealhering 01 lhe lolialion planes dictales lhe hydrogeological polenlial 01 lhe slruclure. Outcrop analysis reveals Ihal lolialion and drainage direclions are parallel and Ihal no Iraclures, orfraclures wilh diflerent directions 01 lhe drainage direclion occur. Geophysical surveys reveal conduclive anomalies in a slab lorm associaled 10 lhe Ihrough 01 lhe wealhered rock and sedimenls (alluvium and/or regolith). Magnelic surveys can ofler a very good conlrol on lolialion direclion. An importanl aspect 10 validale lolialion conlrol are lhe presence 01 conductive anomalies showing shallow and deep portions area which are linked. Illhere is an exlensive soil cover, r/acho-fenda and calha eIClv1o-aluv/onar conlrols can be easily misinlerpreled in lhe absence 01 geophysical conlrol. Certainly, Ihis lacl could explain at leasl a part of lhe failure index in well sitting. The model wealhering sack (bolsllo de Intempertsmo in Portuguese) is proposed to explain cases where a very inlensive wealhering occur over lhe crystalline rock so Ihal a secondary inlerslilial porosity is crealed. The waler is Ihen stored in lhe porous of lhe regolilh in a similar mannerlo sedimentary rocks. A possible example ofthis model was delecled by using land geophysical survey where a relalivelyvery deep isolaled conduclive anomaly, in a slab form, was delected. Iflhis structure does store ground waler, certainly Ihere must be a link 01 lhe deep slructure wilh lhe surface in orderlo provide walerfeeding. This model mighl explain anomalous waler yields as greal as 50 m³/h Ihalsomelimescan occur in crystalline rocks in Northeaslern Brazil
The human interference in the semiarid region of Seridó Potiguar has promoted the increase of degraded areas. The economic dynamic that was established in the Seridó territory, especially after the fall of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century as pillars of the regional economy, resulted in an accelerated process of erosion of natural resources. The municipalities of the Seridó region have been spatially reordered by this new economic dynamic, marked by the growth of existing enterprises, and the development of new agricultural practices. One of the municipalities in the region that restructured its territorial space with the emergence of new agro-industrial activities was the town of Parelhas. With the demise of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 1980s, other productive activities were intensified from the 1990s, amongst them, pottery, responsible for the vegetal extraction for use as energy source. This recent economic and spatial restructuring in the region, reflected in the Parelhense municipal territory, required new productive ingredients responsible for the modification of past production relations that were based on cattle, cotton and mining. By that a process of exploring the environment was unleashed, especially the native vegetation, in an uncontrolled manner. In this context, the objective of this study was to survey and detect deforestation in the areas of Caatinga vegetation, used indiscriminately as energy supply for new agricultural practices, using remote sensing techniques based on the quantification of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index / NDVI, Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index / SAVI, surface temperature and rainfall data in the years 1990 and 2010. The results indicated that SAVI values above 0.2 in 1990 and 2010 represent the areas with the highest density of vegetation that occur exclusively along the major drainages in the town and areas of higher elevations. The areas between the ranges of values from 0.5 to 0.15 SAVI are areas with poor vegetation. On the other hand the highest values of temperature are distributed in the western and southeastern parts of the township, usually in places where the soil is exposed or there is sparse vegetation. The areas of bare soil decreased in extension in 2010 at 11, 6% when related to 1990, this was caused by a higher rainfall intensity in the first half of 2010, but no regeneration of vegetation occurred in some places in the western and southeastern areas of the municipality today, due to the extraction of firewood to fuel the furnaces of industries in town
The working conditions, occupational health, occupational illness and workers quality of life, usually referring to the artisanal activities and the workers with a poor professional support. Because this reality is still present in locals without good infrastructure of social and economic attention, there is a need for a broad knowledge of problems related to the productive processes that include features of unsanitary and unhealthy. Despite the intense process of industrialization promoted by globalization and the growth of developing nations like Brazil, the activities of artisanal and small-scale mining are still suffering from the marginalization of their production processes and their workers. This dissertation deals with the description of mineral-based activities (MBA), especially the activities related to production processes of extraction and processing of red pottery and minerals in pegmatites in Parelhas city, Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, which are conducted by small mining companies or artisanal miners. The study of the work process was based on direct observation, photographic documentation, ergonomics, health and occupational safety analysis, interviews and structured questionnaire with workers of the two activities. The results indicate the need for improvement in both workplaces (red pottery and pegmatites), adaptation of workers to safety standards specific to the workplace, more attention and care related to ergonomics and occupational safety, greater importance to economic and social relations among performed activities, workers and firms of mineral branch and better and greater integration of social policies, supported by different sectors of society with the intention of transforming the current social, cultural, labor and education situation
INTRODUÇÃO: No presente trabalho objetivamos descrever o processo de colonização da Bacia do Alto Paraná, Sudeste do Brasil, por arraias, demonstrando sua atual situação e provável tendência, os impactos gerados e discutindo algumas ações de manejo e medidas mitigadoras. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas com ribeirinhos e profissionais de saúde para o levantamento de informações sobre a ocorrência de arraias e acidentes associados a estes animais, além de coletas e observações subaquáticas de potamotrigonídeos, entre 2004 e 2009, em localidades situadas nos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, no Sudeste, Sul e parte do Centro-Oeste do Brasil. RESULTADOS: Três espécies de arraias foram identificadas na área de estudo, demonstrando utilizar os caminhos abertos pela Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná para se dispersarem. Dezesseis vítimas de acidentes envolvendo esses animais foram encontradas, notadamente banhistas e pescadores, chamando a atenção pelo fato dos casos não serem notificados e apresentarem elevada morbidade, com marcante incapacidade temporária para o trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Este é o primeiro relato de invasão biológica envolvendo espécies de elasmobrânquios conhecido na literatura e, pelas arraias estarem colonizando áreas densamente povoadas e ampliando sua área de distribuição a cada ano, é de se esperar que sua interação negativa com humanos se intensifique, provocando alterações importantes no perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos ocorridos no sudeste brasileiro.
No Estado de São Paulo, existe uma rede extensiva de serviços de Atenção Básica (AB) com perfil organizacional heterogêneo e pouco conhecido. Este estudo objetiva caracterizar a organização dos serviços de AB em 37 municípios do Centro-oeste paulista, como primeira etapa de um projeto de avaliação da qualidade desses serviços. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido mediante questionário estruturado, autorrespondido pelos gerentes e equipes locais, com questões que abordam características institucionais e de organização e gerência do trabalho. Esses questionários foram enviados para 131 UBS, distribuídas em 37 municípios. Obteve-se resposta de 113 unidades (87%) localizadas em 32 municípios (86,4%). do total de unidades, 57 (50%) são UBS tradicionais, 26 (22,8%), Unidades de Saúde da Família, e 31, (27,2%) organizadas segundo formas mistas. A maioria dos serviços (62%, 70/113) não trabalha com área de abrangência delimitada de modo planejado. Os serviços se polarizam entre aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de consultas médicas agendadas (37,6%, 41/109), e aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de não agendadas (39,4%, 43/109). Não possuem conselhos locais organizados 65 unidades (63,7%, 65/102). Os dados coletados permitem discutir as características dos principais programas, procedimentos e ações realizados pelos serviços. Os perfis organizacionais predominantes apontam a presença de deficiências de estrutura e processo em relação às diretrizes do SUS. O desenvolvimento de instrumentos de autoavaliação permite que as equipes se apropriem, de forma crítica, de seu trabalho, e possam elaborar novos arranjos tecnológicos para melhoria da qualidade.
Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor, 1914) is a phytophagous, polyphagous and cosmopolitan species recorded on 23 plant families in 24 countries in North, Central and South Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Specimens of E. banksi present morphological variability among individuals of the same population and also among populations from different host species, being commonly referred to as a polytypic species, despite the fact that studies based on meristic comparisons of these populations are lacking. Also, there is no data available in the literature on the biological life tables of E. banksi on different hosts. Specimens collected in Brazil, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mexico, and Paraguay were investigated in order to recognize morphological patterns among populations from different localities and hosts. A redescription of the species is provided based on data both from literature and new observations. Also, the biological cycle on three hosts, experiments of hosts exchange and the possibility of interbreeding in individuals originating from different populations were evaluated. Significant differences in the morphology of the females of different populations were detected when comparing the different hosts. The length of the dorsal pairs of setae v2, sc2, c1, c3, e1 and h1 differentiated the specimens of the populations collected from Citrus sp. from those of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. and Pachira aquatica Aubl.. Herein we observed significant variation among the life cycle of this species on the three hosts studied. When a substrate different from the one where the mites were collected was used for the biological cycle essay, significant variation was observed in several parameters such as average oviposition rate, events of arrenothoky, and sex ratio. Interbreeding with populations collected from Citrus sinensis and P. aquatica resulted in no descendants, although mating was observed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar medidas de circunferências da cintura e abdominal e analisar suas relações com fatores de risco cardiometabólico em servidores de uma universidade da Bahia. Para tanto, cinquenta e cinco homens e setenta e uma mulheres (36,4 ± 11,2 anos) foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica bem como medidas das pressões arteriais sistólica e diastólica, glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e frações HDL e LDL. Apesar das fortes correlações (P < 0.01) entre as diferentes medidas (r > 0,93), a circunferência da cintura foi significativamente menor que a circunferência abdominal em ambos os sexos, sendo a diferença média entre locais maior em mulheres (8,6 ± 4,1 vs 3,8 ± 4,2 cm; P < 0,01). A circunferência da cintura foi significativamente relacionada a dois e quatro fatores de risco em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a circunferência abdominal foi significativamente relacionada a um fator em homens e cinco em mulheres. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) entre coeficientes de correlação nos casos em que ambas as circunferências se relacionaram significativamente a um fator de risco. Esses resultados sugerem que o local de mensuração tem influência substancial sobre a circunferência tomada na região inferior do tronco, particularmente, em mulheres, porém, não evidenciam clara superioridade de uma das medidas quanto às relações com fatores de risco cardiometabólico tradicionais em amostra brasileira. Estudos devem ser conduzidos, buscando comparar a capacidade preditiva de diferentes medidas de circunferência para o desenvolvimento de fatores de risco e doenças cardiovasculares em diferentes populações.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações estruturais e produtivas de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em resposta à suplementação alimentar de bovinos e a ciclos de pastejo. Os níveis de suplementação com concentrado à base de polpa cítrica, milho, farelo de soja e ureia foram 0,2, 0,6 e 1% do peso vivo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com os níveis de suplementação nas parcelas e os ciclos de pastejo nas subparcelas. Os efeitos da suplementação alimentar dos animais sobre o pasto foram detectados sobre o índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa e relação folha/colmo, em pré-pastejo. Os menores valores foram observados na suplementação de 0,2% do peso vivo. No pós-pastejo, a massa de folhas e a relação folha/colmo foram menores com a menor suplementação (0,2%). Os ciclos de pastejo afetaram as características produtivas e estruturais do pasto, bem como os índices morfogênicos do capim-marandu. Apenas a massa de material morto aumentou, enquanto o número e o peso de perfilhos não foi afetado pelos ciclos de pastejo. O pasto de capim-marandu foi influenciado pela suplementação alimentar dos bovinos. Com o suceder dos ciclos de pastejo, do verão para o outono, há redução do crescimento do pasto, com prejuízos à sua estrutura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Um dos grandes problemas enfrentados em áreas de reflorestamento com o cultivo de eucalipto são as plantas daninhas, cujo manejo assume papel de destaque entre os tratos culturais e com reflexos diretos no rendimento e nos custos de produção. Trabalhos preliminares de pesquisa e observação de campo apontam para uma tolerância diferencial ao glyphosate entre os locais (folhas e caule) que este herbicida atinge. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a intoxicação e o desenvolvimento de plantas submetidas a subdoses de glyphosate e sua absorção em diferentes locais de aplicação na planta, simulando uma deriva. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em um esquema fatorial, sendo quatro subdoses de glyphosate (40; 80; 160 e 240 g ha-1) e três locais de aplicação (folha, caule e da planta inteira), além de uma testemunha sem a aplicação de herbicidas. O herbicida glyphosate causou fitointoxicação à cultura do eucalipto, sendo crescente com o aumento das subdoses e com maior intensidade nas aplicações sobre o caule e a planta inteira, atingindo 75% aos 14 dias após aplicação. O ganho em altura de plantas e em diâmetro, em massa seca da parte aérea e da área foliar teve reduções significativas, que resultaram em perdas de até 58% na massa seca, 56% na área foliar e uma diferença de 6 cm no ganho em altura.