297 resultados para Antenes microstrip


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In this dissertation, are presented two microstrip antennas and two arrays for applications in wireless communication systems multiband. Initially, we studied an antenna and a linear array consisting of two elements identical to the patch antenna isolated. The shape of the patch used in both structures is based on fractal geometry and has multiband behavior. Next a new antenna is analyzed and a new array such as initial structure, but with the truncated ground plane, in order to obtain better bandwidths and return loss. For feeding the structures, we used microstrip transmission line. In the design of planar structures, was used HFSS software for the simulation. Next were built and measures electromagnetic parameters such as input impedance and return loss, using vector network analyzer in the telecommunications laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental results were compared with the simulated and showed improved return loss for the first array and also appeared a fourth band and increased directivity compared with the isolated antenna. The first two benefits are not commonly found in the literature. For structures with a truncated ground planes, the technique improved impedance matching, bandwidth and return loss when compared to the initial structure with filled ground planes. Moreover, these structures exhibited a better distribution of frequency, facilitating the adjustment of frequencies. Thus, it is expected that the planar structures presented in this study, particularly arrays may be suitable for specific applications in wireless communication systems when frequency multiband and wideband transmission signals are required.


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This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal and helical elements structures in planar microstrip. In particular, the frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal and helical formats. The dielectric substrate used was fiberglass (FR-4) and has a thickness of 1.5 mm, a relative permittivity 4.4 and tangent loss equal to 0.02. For FSSs, was adopting the Dürer’s fractal geometry and helical geometry. To make the measurements, we used two antennas horns in direct line of sight, connected by coaxial cable to the vector network analyzer. Some prototypes were select for built and measured. From preliminary results, it was aimed to find practical applications for structures from the cascading between them. For FSSs with Dürer’s fractal elements was observed behavior provided by the multiband fractal geometry, while the bandwidth has become narrow as the level of iteration fractal increased, making it a more selective frequency with a higher quality factor. A parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of the air layer between them. The cascading between fractal elements structure were considered, presented a tri-band behavior for certain values of the layer of air between them, and find applications in the licensed 2.5GHz band (2.3-2.7) and 3.5GHz band (3.3-3.8). For FSSs with helical elements, six structures were considered, namely H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. The electromagnetic behavior of them was analyzed separately and cascaded. From preliminary results obtained from the separate analysis of structures, including the cascade, the higher the bandwidth, in that the thickness of the air layer increases. In order to find practical applications for helical structures cascaded, the helical elements structure has been cascaded find applications in the X-band (8.0-12.0) and unlicensed band (5.25-5.85). For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft Designer and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model.


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The microstrip antennas in your simplest form consist of a ground plane and a dielectric substrate which supports a conductive tape. As these antennas have some limitations, this work presents a study of anisotropic substrates, as well as some results in microstrip antennas with circular patch, aiming to overcome these limitations, especially in applications at 4G technology. These anisotropic substrates are those in which electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability are represented by tensors of second order. The study consists of a theoretical analysis of substrates and development of a mathematical formalism, the Transverse Transmission Line Method, aimed the application of these substrates in microstrip antennas. Among the substrates used in this study, there are the ferrimagnetic and metamaterials, in which some miniaturizations of the antennas are achieved. For antennas with circular patch, are considered arrays and modified ground planes in order to achieve improvement in parameters, in particular, gain and bandwidth. Several simulations have been made and antennas were constructed so that the measured values could be compared with the simulated values.


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This work aims to propose a new model of metasurface with simplified basic cell, able to convert linearly polarized signals generated by planar antenna array in circularly polarized signals, for the ISM frequency band (2.45 GHz), with good bandwidth of return loss and axial ratio. To study the behavior of the proposed structure, the metasurface is coupled to three different structures. First, initial tests are made with the metasurface coupled to a microstrip antenna in its simple configuration. Then the metasurface is coupled to an array with two elements of patch type. And later it is coupled to an optimized array, that uses a stub in its main feed, to get a better impedance matching. The structures are analyzed numerically through Ansoft HFSS™, and to validate these results, the structures are characterized experimentally. The characteristics of transmissions simulated and measures are presented. A good agreement between simulated and measured results was obtained. The structure proposed here has the advantage of meeting the desired characteristics, with a simple geometry to be built using a low-cost substrate (FR-4).


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This work aims to propose a new model of metasurface with simplified basic cell, able to convert linearly polarized signals generated by planar antenna array in circularly polarized signals, for the ISM frequency band (2.45 GHz), with good bandwidth of return loss and axial ratio. To study the behavior of the proposed structure, the metasurface is coupled to three different structures. First, initial tests are made with the metasurface coupled to a microstrip antenna in its simple configuration. Then the metasurface is coupled to an array with two elements of patch type. And later it is coupled to an optimized array, that uses a stub in its main feed, to get a better impedance matching. The structures are analyzed numerically through Ansoft HFSS™, and to validate these results, the structures are characterized experimentally. The characteristics of transmissions simulated and measures are presented. A good agreement between simulated and measured results was obtained. The structure proposed here has the advantage of meeting the desired characteristics, with a simple geometry to be built using a low-cost substrate (FR-4).


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are currently having a revolutionary impact in rapidly emerging wearable applications such as health and fitness monitoring amongst many others. These types of Body Sensor Network (BSN) applications require highly integrated wireless sensor devices for use in a wearable configuration, to monitor various physiological parameters of the user. These new requirements are currently posing significant design challenges from an antenna perspective. This work addresses several design challenges relating to antenna design for these types of applications. In this thesis, a review of current antenna solutions for WSN applications is first presented, investigating both commercial and academic solutions. Key design challenges are then identified relating to antenna size and performance. A detailed investigation of the effects of the human body on antenna impedance characteristics is then presented. A first-generation antenna tuning system is then developed. This system enables the antenna impedance to be tuned adaptively in the presence of the human body. Three new antenna designs are also presented. A compact, low-cost 433 MHz antenna design is first reported and the effects of the human body on the impedance of the antenna are investigated. A tunable version of this antenna is then developed, using a higher performance, second-generation tuner that is integrated within the antenna element itself, enabling autonomous tuning in the presence of the human body. Finally, a compact sized, dual-band antenna is reported that covers both the 433 MHz and 2.45 GHz bands to provide improved quality of service (QoS) in WSN applications. To date, state-of-the-art WSN devices are relatively simple in design with limited antenna options available, especially for the lower UHF bands. In addition, current devices have no capability to deal with changing antenna environments such as in wearable BSN applications. This thesis presents several contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in this area, relating to the design of miniaturized WSN antennas and the development of antenna tuning solutions for BSN applications.


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This article presents applications of reconfigurable matching networks for RF amplifier design. Two possible solutions are given, one where the switching element is a PIN diode, and the other is based on graphene. Due to the fact that its conductivity depends on applied bias voltage, the graphene-based circuits can be used in microwave circuits as controllable elements. The structure of the proposed switch is very simple and it is particularly convenient for microstrip-based circuits. Because of that, a design of reconfigurable amplifier with the graphene-based switch is presented together with the one which has the PIN diode switch. Both amplifiers have the same specifications, and the one with the PIN diode switch is fabricated. The amplifier utilizing the PIN switch was used as a reference to make a comparison the two types of switches. Results of both amplifiers are very similar which indicates possible future applications of the graphene-based switch.


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[EN]In this paper we will present a comparison between numerical and asymptotic evaluation of Sommerfeld kind integrals when working with real microstrip problems. We have focused our atention in the time required for both methods. Asymptotic methods are less time consuming than numerical ones, but when you have to compare the time involved in the computation of the Green's function with the time required to fill the MoM matrix, the former is very little in front of the latter.


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Os veículos aéreos não tripulados, mais conhecidos por drones, têm tomado atualmente uma posição importante na sociedade. Para além da sua importância no meio militar, têm sido cada vez mais utilizados para meios comerciais uma vez que o seu custo é relativamente baixo e podem ser utilizados para inúmeras aplicações. Devido à sua importância em missões de salvamento, reconhecimento de terreno e até mesmo de ataque, é fundamental uma boa comunicação entre a aeronave e a estação terrestre. Sendo a antena um dos principais elementos do sistema de comunicação, esta dissertação centrou-se no desenvolvimento de uma agregado de antenas a operar à frequência de 2.45GHz. Pretende-se que este agregado apresente polarização circular direita bem como um ganho e largura de banda elevados. Com o objetivo de se obter uma comunicação mais eficiente entre a aeronave e a estação terrestre, o agregado permitirá o redirecionamento do feixe principal do diagrama de radiação. Para tal, serão analisadas três abordagens distintas recorrendo a linhas de atraso e switches, permitindo que seja efetuado beamforming.


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Resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) is known to be the fastest electronics device that can be fabricated in compact form and operate at room temperature with potential oscillation frequency up to 2.5 THz. The RTD device consists of a narrow band gap quantum well layer sandwiched between two thin wide band gap barriers layers. It exhibits negative differential resistance (NDR) region in its current-voltage (I-V) characteristics which is utilised in making oscillators. Up to date, the main challenge is producing high output power at high frequencies in particular. Although oscillation frequencies of ~ 2 THz have been already reported, the output power is in the range of micro-Watts. This thesis describes the systematic work on the design, fabrication, and characterisation of RTD-based oscillators in microwave/millimetre-wave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC) form that can produce high output power and high oscillation frequency at the same time. Different MMIC RTD oscillator topologies were designed, fabricated, and characterised in this project which include: single RTD oscillator which employs one RTD device, double RTDs oscillator which employs two RTD devices connected in parallel, and coupled RTD oscillators which combine the powers of two oscillators over a single load, based on mutual coupling and which can employ up to four RTD devices. All oscillators employed relatively large size RTD devices for high power operation. The main challenge was to realise high oscillation frequency (~ 300 GHz) in MMIC form with the employed large sized RTD devices. To achieve this aim, proper designs of passive structures that can provide small values of resonating inductances were essential. These resonating inductance structures included shorted coplanar wave guide (CPW) and shorted microstrip transmission lines of low characteristics impedances Zo. Shorted transmission line of lower Zo has lower inductance per unit length. Thus, the geometrical dimensions would be relatively large and facilitate fabrication by low cost photolithography. A series of oscillators with oscillation frequencies in the J-band (220 – 325 GHz) range and output powers from 0.2 – 1.1 mW have been achieved in this project, and all were fabricated using photolithography. Theoretical estimation showed that higher oscillation frequencies (> 1 THz) can be achieved with the proposed MMIC RTD oscillators design in this project using photolithography with expected high power operation. Besides MMIC RTD oscillators, reported planar antennas for RTD-based oscillators were critically reviewed and the main challenges in designing high performance integrated antennas on large dielectric constant substrates are discussed in this thesis. A novel antenna was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised in this project. It was a bow-tie antenna with a tuning stub that has very wide bandwidth across the J-band. The antenna was diced and mounted on a reflector ground plane to alleviate the effect of the large dielectric constant substrate (InP) and radiates upwards to the air-side direction. The antenna was also investigated for integration with the all types of oscillators realised in this project. One port and two port antennas were designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised and showed the suitability of integration with the single/double oscillator layout and the coupled oscillator layout, respectively.


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This work presents the study of Bull's eye antenna designs, a type of leaky wave antenna (LWA), operating in the 60 GHz band. This band emerged as a new standard for specific terrestrial and space applications because the radio spectrumbecomes more congested up to the millimetre-wave band, starting at 30 GHz. Built on existing Bull's eye antenna designs, novel structures were simulated, fabricated and measured, so as to provide more exibility in the implementation of wireless solutions at this frequency. Firstly, the study of a 60 GHz Bull's eye antenna for straightforward integration onto a CubeSat is presented. An investigation of the design is carried out, from the description of the radiation mechanism supported by simulation results, to the radiation pattern measurement of a prototype which provides a gain of 19.1 dBi at boresight. Another design, based on a modified feed structure, uses a microstrip to waveguide transition to provide easier and inexpensive integration of a Bull's eye antenna onto a planar circuit. Secondly, the design of Bull's eye antennas capable of creating beam deflection and multi-beam is presented. In particular, a detail study of the deflection mechanism is proposed, followed by the demonstration of a Bull's eye antenna generating two separate beams at ±16° away from the boresight. In addition, a novel mechanically steerable Bull's eye antenna, based on the division of the corrugated area in paired sectors is presented. A prototype was fabricated and measured. It generated double beams at ±8° and ±15° from the boresight, and a single boresight beam. Thirdly, a Bull's eye antenna capable of generating two simultaneous orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes l = 3 is proposed. The design is based on a circular travelling wave resonator and would allow channel capacity increase through OAM multiplexing. An improved design based on two stacked OAM Bull's eye antennas capable of producing four orthogonal OAM modes l = (±3,±13) simultaneously is presented. A novel receiving scheme based on discretely sampled partial aperture receivers (DSPAR) is then introduced. This solution could provide a lower windage and a lower cost of implementation than current whole or partial continuous aperture.


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Design aspects of a novel beam-reconfigurable pla-nar series-fed array are addressed to achieve beam steering with frequency tunability over a relatively broad bandwidth. The design is possible thanks to the use of the complementary strip-slot, which is an innovative broadly matched microstrip radiator, and the careful selection of the phase shifter parameters.