956 resultados para Angle of attack (Aerodynamics)


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The general procedure for synthesizing the rack and pinion mechanism up to seven precision conditions is developed. To illustrate the method, the mechanism has been synthesized in closed form for three precision conditions of path generation, two positions of function generation, and a velocity condition at one of the precision points. This mechanism has a number of advantages over conventional four bar mechanisms. First, since the rack is always tangent to the pinion, the transmission angle is always 90 deg minus the pressure angle of the rack. Second, with both translation and rotation of the rock occurring, multiple outputs are available. Other advantages include the generation of monotonic functions for a wide variety of motion and nonmonotonic functions for a full range of motion as well as nonlinear amplified motions. In this work the mechanism is made to satisfy a number of amplified motions. In this work the mechanism is made to satisfy a number of practical design requirements such as completely rotatable input crank and others. By including the velocity specification, the designer has considerably more control of the output motion. The method of solution developed in this work uses the complex number method of mechanism synthesis. A numerical example is included


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The general procedure for synthesizing the rack and pinion mechanism up to seven precision conditions is developed. To illustrate the method, the mechanism has been synthesized in closed form for three precision conditions of path generation, two positions of function generation, and a velocity condition at one of the precision points. This mechanism has a number of advantages over conventional four bar mechanisms. First, since the rack is always tangent to the pinion, the transmission angle is always 90 deg minus the pressure angle of the rack. Second, with both translation and rotation of the rack occurring, multiple outputs are available. Other advantages include the generation of monotonic functions for a wide variety of motion and nonmonotonic functions for a full range of motion as well as nonlinear amplified motions. In this work the mechanism is made to satisfy a number of practical design requirements such as completely rotatable input crank and others. By including the velocity specification, the designer has considerably more control of the output motion. The method of solution developed in this work uses the complex number method of mechanism synthesis. A numerical example is included.


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Glass micropipettes are versatile probing tools for performing micro-and nano-manipulation tasks. This paper presents the design and development of an automated pipette puller system for fabrication of glass micropipettes. The pipette puller employs a new strategy for fabrication of micropipettes that enables achieving independent control of their taper, tip diameter, and bend-angle, and also facilitates theoretical derivation of simple, approximate relationships between the pipette shape and the pulling parameters. Subsequently, the design and fabrication of the pipette puller is described, which include that of the pipette heating system, the mechanical motion stages, and the control electronics of the pipette puller. The fabricated pipette puller is experimentally evaluated to demonstrate control of the taper, tip diameter, and the bend-angle of the micropipette. Further, the dependence of the taper and tip diameter on the pulling parameters is evaluated and is shown to be in alignment with the proposed theoretical relationships. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The stability of a long circular tunnel in a cohesive frictional soil medium has been determined in the presence of horizontal pseudo-static seismic body forces. The tunnel is supported by means of lining and anchorage system which is assumed to exert uniform internal compressive normal pressure on its periphery. The upper bound finite element limit analysis has been performed to compute the magnitude of the internal compressive pressure required to support the tunnel. The results have been presented in terms of normalized compressive normal stress, defined in terms of sigma(i)/c; where sigma(i) is the magnitude of the compressive normal pressure on the periphery of the tunnel and c refers to soil cohesion. The variation of sigma(i)/c with horizontal earthquake acceleration coefficient (alpha(h)) has been established for different combinations of H/D, gamma D/c and phi where (i) H and D refers to tunnel cover and diameter, respectively, and (ii) gamma and phi correspond to unit weight and internal friction angle of soil mass, respectively. Nodal velocity patterns have also been plotted for assessing the zones of significant plastic deformation. The analysis clearly reveals that an increase in the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration leads to a significant increment in the magnitude of internal compressive pressure. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bent-core mesogens are an important class of thermotropic liquid crystals as they exhibit unusual properties as well as morphologies distinctly different from rodlike mesogens. Two bent-core mesogens with differing center rings namely benzene and thiophene are considered and investigated using high-resolution oriented solid state C-13 NMR method in their liquid crystalline phases. The mesogens exhibit different phase sequences with the benzene-based mesogen showing a B-1 phase, while the one based on thiophene showing nematic and smectic C phases. The 2-dimensional separated local field (2D-SLF) NMR method was used to obtain the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings of carbons in the center ring as well as in the side-wing phenyl rings. Couplings, characteristic of the type of the center ring, that also provide orientational information on the molecule in the magnetic field were observed. Together with the dipolar couplings of the side-wing phenyl ring carbons from which the local order parameters of the different subunits of the core could be extracted, the bent angle of the mesogenic molecule could be obtained. Accordingly, for the benzene mesogen in its B-1 phase at 145 degrees C, the center ring methine C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings were found to be significantly larger (9.5-10.2 kHz) compared to those of the side-wing rings (1.6-2.1 kHz). From the local order parameter values of the center (0.68) as well as the side-wing rings (0.50), a bent-angle of 130.3 degrees for this mesogen was obtained. Interestingly, for the thiophene mesogen in its smectic C phase at 210 degrees C, the C-13-H-1 dipolar coupling of the center ring methine carbon (2.11 kHz) is smaller than those of the side-wing phenyl ring carbons (2.75-3.00 kHz) which is a consequence of the different structures of the thiophene and the benzene rings. These values correspond to local order parameters of 0.85 for the center thiophene ring and 0.76 for the first side-wing phenyl ring and a bent-angle of 149.2 degrees. Thus, the significant differences in the dipolar couplings and the order parameter values between different parts in the rigid core of the mesogens are a direct consequence of the nature of the center ring and the bent structure of the molecule. The present investigation thus highlights the ability of the C-13 2D-SLF technique to provide the geometry of the bent-core mesogens in a straightforward manner through the measurement of the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings.


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The present work presents the results of experimental investigation of semi-solid rheocasting of A356 Al alloy using a cooling slope. The experiments have been carried out following Taguchi method of parameter design (orthogonal array of L-9 experiments). Four key process variables (slope angle, pouring temperature, wall temperature, and length of travel of the melt) at three different levels have been considered for the present experimentation. Regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) has also been performed to develop a mathematical model for degree of sphericity evolution of primary alpha-Al phase and to find the significance and percentage contribution of each process variable towards the final outcome of degree of sphericity, respectively. The best processing condition has been identified for optimum degree of sphericity (0.83) as A(3), B-3, C-2, D-1 i.e., slope angle of 60 degrees, pouring temperature of 650 degrees C, wall temperature 60 degrees C, and 500 mm length of travel of the melt, based on mean response and signal to noise ratio (SNR). ANOVA results shows that the length of travel has maximum impact on degree of sphericity evolution. The predicted sphericity obtained from the developed regression model and the values obtained experimentally are found to be in good agreement with each other. The sphericity values obtained from confirmation experiment, performed at 95% confidence level, ensures that the optimum result is correct and also the confirmation experiment values are within permissible limits. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol (C3H3OH), a molecule of interest in interstellar chemistry and combustion, was investigated using a single pulse shock tube in the temperature ranging from 953 to 1262 K. The products identified include acetylene, propyne, vinylacetylene, propynal, propenal, and benzene. The experimentally observed overall rate constant for thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol was found to be k = 10((10.17 +/- 0.36)) exp(-39.70 +/- 1.83)/RT) s(-1) Ab initio theoretical calculations were carried out to understand the potential energy surfaces involved in the primary and secondary steps of propargyl alcohol thermal decomposition. Transition state theory was used to predict the rate constants, which were then used and refined in a kinetic simulation of the product profile. The first step in the decomposition is C-O bond dissociation, leading to the formation of two important radicals in combustion, OH and propargyl. This has been used to study the reverse OH propargyl radical reaction, about which there appears to be no prior work. Depending on the site of attack, this reaction leads to propargyl alcohol or propenal, one of the major products at temperatures below 1200 K. A detailed mechanism has been derived to explain all the observed products.


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Grid simulators are used to test the control performance of grid-connected inverters under a wide range of grid disturbance conditions. In the present work, a three phase back-to-back connected inverter sharing a common dc bus has been programmed as a grid simulator. Three phase balanced disturbance voltages applied to three-phase balanced loads has been considered in the present work. The developed grid simulator can generate three phase balanced voltage sags, voltage swells, frequency deviations and phase jumps. The grid simulator uses a novel disturbance generation algorithm. The algorithm allows the user to reference the disturbance to any of the three phases at any desired phase angle. Further, the exit of the disturbance condition can be referenced to the desired phase angle of any phase by adjusting the duration of the disturbance. The grid simulator hardware has been tested with different loads – a linear purely resistive load, a non-linear diode-bridge load and a grid-connected inverter load.


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Synthesis and structural characterization of two novel symmetrical banana mesogens built from resorcinol with seven phenyl rings linked by ester and imine with a terminal dodecyl/dodecyloxy chain has been carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed for obtaining the geometry optimized structures, the dipole moments and C-13 NMR chemical shifts. The HOPM and DSC studies revealed enantiotropic B-2 and B-7 phases for the dodecyl and dodecyloxy homologs respectively. The powder X-ray studies of both the mesogens indicate the presence of layer ordering. The polarization measurements reveal an anti-ferroelectric switching for the B-2 phase of the dodecyl homolog whose structure has been identified as SmCSPA. The B-7 phase of the dodecyloxy homolog was found to be non-switchable. High resolution C-13 NMR study of the dodecyl homolog in its mesophase has been carried out. C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings obtained from the 2-dimensional separated local field spectroscopy experiment were used to obtain the orientational order parameters of the different segments of the mesogen. Very large C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings observed for the carbons of the central phenyl ring (9.7-12.3 kHz) in comparison to the dipolar couplings of those of the side arm phenyl rings (less than 3 kHz) are a direct consequence of the ordering in the banana phase and the shape of the molecule. From the ratio of the local order parameter values, the bent-angle of the mesogen could be determined in a straight forward manner to be 120.5 degrees.


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The explanation of resonance given in IEEE Std C57.149-2012 to define resonance during frequency response analysis (FRA) measurements on transformers implicitly uses the conditions prevalent during resonance in a series R-L-C circuit. This dependence is evident from the two assertions made in the definition, viz., resulting in zero net reactive impedance, and, accompanied by a zero value appearing in the phase angle of the frequency response function. These two conditions are satisfied (at resonance) only in a series R-L-C circuit and certainly not in a transformer, as has been assumed in the Standard. This can be proved by considering a ladder-network model. Circuit analysis of this ladder network reveals the origin of this fallacy and proves that, at resonance, neither is the ladder network purely resistive and nor is the phase angle (between input voltage and input current) always zero. Also, during FRA measurements, it is often seen that phase angle does not traverse the conventional cyclic path from +90 degrees to -90 degrees (or vice versa) at all resonant frequencies. This peculiar feature can also be explained using pole-zero maps. Simple derivations, simulations and experimental results on an actual winding are presented. In summary, authors believe that this study dispels existing misconceptions about definition of FRA resonance and provides material for its correction in IEEE Std C57.149-2012. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The atomization characteristics of blends of bioderived camelina hydrogenated renewable jet (HRJ) alternative fuel with conventional aviation kerosene (Jet A-1) discharging into ambient atmospheric air from a dual-orifice atomizer used in aircraft engines are described. The spray tests are conducted in a spray test facility at six different test flow conditions to compare the atomization of alternative fuels with that of Jet A-1. The fuel sprays are characterized in terms of fuel discharge, spray cone angle, drop size distribution, and spray patternation. The measurements of spray drop size distribution are obtained using laser diffraction based Spraytec equipment. The characteristics of fuel discharge and cone angle of alternative fuel sprays do not show any changes from that of Jet A-1 sprays. The characteristics of spray drop size, evaluated in terms of the variation of mean drop size along the spray axis, for the alternative fuel sprays remain unaffected by the variation in fuel properties between the alternative fuels and Jet A-1. The measurements on spray patternation, obtained using a mechanical patternator at a distance 5.1 cm from the atomizer exit, show an enhanced fuel concentration in the vicinity of spray axis region for the alternative fuel sprays discharging from the dual-orifice atomizer.


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The growing number of applications and processing units in modern Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) come along with reduced time to market. Different IP cores can come from different vendors, and their trust levels are also different, but typically they use Network-on-Chip (NoC) as their communication infrastructure. An MPSoC can have multiple Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). Apart from performance, power, and area research in the field of MPSoC, robust and secure system design is also gaining importance in the research community. To build a secure system, the designer must know beforehand all kinds of attack possibilities for the respective system (MPSoC). In this paper we survey the possible attack scenarios on present-day MPSoCs and investigate a new attack scenario, i.e., router attack targeted toward NoC architecture. We show the validity of this attack by analyzing different present-day NoC architectures and show that they are all vulnerable to this type of attack. By launching a router attack, an attacker can control the whole chip very easily, which makes it a very serious issue. Both routing tables and routing logic-based routers are vulnerable to such attacks. In this paper, we address attacks on routing tables. We propose different monitoring-based countermeasures against routing table-based router attack in an MPSoC having multiple TEEs. Synthesis results show that proposed countermeasures, viz. Runtime-monitor, Restart-monitor, Intermediate manager, and Auditor, occupy areas that are 26.6, 22, 0.2, and 12.2 % of a routing table-based router area. Apart from these, we propose Ejection address checker and Local monitoring module inside a router that cause 3.4 and 10.6 % increase of a router area, respectively. Simulation results are also given, which shows effectiveness of proposed monitoring-based countermeasures.


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Geocells are three-dimensional expandable panels with a wide range of applications in geotechnical engineering. A geocell is made up of many internally connected single cells. The current study discusses the joint strength and the wall deformation characteristics of a single cell when it is subjected to uniaxial compression. The study helps to understand the causes for the failure of the single cell in a cellular confinement system. Experimental studies were conducted on single cells with cell pockets filled up with three different infill materials, namely silty clay, sand, and the aggregates. The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material. Experimental results were also validated using numerical simulations carried out using Lagrangian analysis software. The experiment and the numerical results were found to be in good agreement with each other. A simple analytical model based on the theory of thin cylinders is also proposed to calculate the accumulated strain of the geocell wall. This model operates under a simple elastic solution framework. The proposed model slightly overestimates the strains as compared with experimental and numerical values. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Using atomistic molecular dynamics simulation, we study the discotic columnar liquid crystalline (LC) phases formed by a new organic compound having hexa-peri-Hexabenzocoronene (HBC) core with six pendant oligothiophene units recently synthesized by Nan Hu et al. Adv. Mater. 26, 2066 (2014)]. This HBC core based LC phase was shown to have electric field responsive behavior and has important applications in organic electronics. Our simulation results confirm the hexagonal arrangement of columnar LC phase with a lattice spacing consistent with that obtained from small angle X-ray diffraction data. We have also calculated various positional and orientational correlation functions to characterize the ordering of the molecules in the columnar arrangement. The molecules in a column are arranged with an average twist of 25 degrees having an average inter-molecular separation of similar to 5 angstrom. Interestingly, we find an overall tilt angle of 43 degrees between the columnar axis and HBC core. We also simulate the charge transport through this columnar phase and report the numerical value of charge carrier mobility for this liquid crystal phase. The charge carrier mobility is strongly influenced by the twist angle and average spacing of the molecules in the column. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The bearing capacity of a circular footing lying over fully cohesive strata, with an overlaying sand layer, is computed using the axisymmetric lower bound limit analysis with finite elements and linear optimization. The effects of the thickness and the internal friction angle of the sand are examined for different combinations of c(u)/(gamma b) and q, where c(u)=the undrained shear strength of the cohesive strata, gamma=the unit weight of either layer, b=the footing radius, and q=the surcharge pressure. The results are given in the form of a ratio (eta) of the bearing capacity with an overlaying sand layer to that for a footing lying directly over clayey strata. An overlaying medium dense to dense sand layer considerably improves the bearing capacity. The improvement continuously increases with decreases in c(u)/(gamma b) and increases in phi and q/(gamma b). A certain optimum thickness of the sand layer exists beyond which no further improvement occurs. This optimum thickness increases with an increase in 0 and q and with a decrease in c(u)/(gamma b). Failure patterns are also drawn to examine the inclusion of the sand layer. (C) 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.