856 resultados para Android, Typing Game, Client-Server, App, Applicazione, mobile
Poiché nell’ultimo decennio i dispositivi mobile assumono un ruolo sempre più determinante nello svolgimento della vita stessa, nel corso del tempo si sono ricercate e sviluppate app per facilitare le più svariate operazioni quotidiane. Visto la vastità del mercato degli smartphone, nel tempo sono stati sviluppati vari sistemi operativi in grado di governare queste piattaforme. Per una azienda, tuttavia, gestire i costi di implementazione di una stessa app in ambienti differenti risulta più oneroso che gestire i costi di una sola in grado di operare nei diversi sistemi operativi. Quest’ultimo tipo di app viene comunemente denominato app multipiattaforma. Un modo per implementare questo genere di applicazioni vede come strumento di utilizzo Visual Studio, noto IDE. Nel caso specifico Visual Studio ha integrato il progetto Apache Cordova per le creazione di applicativi multipiattaforma. In questo elaborato di tesi tramite i due strumenti appena introdotti si sono sviluppate due differenti app, al fine di valutarne le performance in termini di tempo. La prima app propone la risoluzione di un noto problema di calcolo combinatorio conosciuto con il nome di Knapsack, ovvero il problema dello zaino. La seconda cerca invece di digitalizzare una semplice espressione matematica contenuta in un’immagine e di fornirne quindi il risultato. Dai dati ottenuti si possono operare confronti per determinare la validità dello strumento di sviluppo, mettendo in luce anche possibili evoluzioni di queste due app.
Il mondo degli smartphone, in particolare grazie all’avvento delle app, costituisce un settore che ha avuto negli ultimi anni una crescita tale, da richiedere l’introduzione di un nuovo termine in ambito finanziario: app economy. La crescente richiesta da parte del mercato di nuove opportunitá derivanti dal mondo delle applicazioni, ha aumentato sensibilmente il carico di lavoro richiesto alle software house specializzate,che hanno pertanto avuto la necessitá di adeguarsi a tale cambiamento. Per ovviare alle suddette problematiche, sono iniziati ad emergere due tool che consentono lo sviluppo di applicazioni multipiattaforma utilizzando un linguaggio ed un ambiente di sviluppo comuni. Tali sistemi consentono un risparmio in termini di tempi e costi, ma non sono in grado di competere con i tool nativi in termini di qualità del prodotto realizzato, in particolare per quanto concerne l'interfaccia grafica. Si propone pertanto un approccio che tenta di combinare i vantaggi di entrambe le soluzioni, al fine di ottimizzare la fluidità della UI, consentendo allo stesso tempo il riuso della logica applicativa.
Mit der Idee eines generischen, an vielfältige Hochschulanforderungen anpassbaren Studierenden-App-Frameworks haben sich innerhalb des Arbeitskreises Web der ZKI ca. 30 Hochschulen zu einem Entwicklungsverbund zusammengefunden. Ziel ist es, an den beteiligten Einrichtungen eine umfassende Zusammenstellung aller elektronischen Studienservices zu evaluieren, übergreifende Daten- und Metadatenmodelle für die Beschreibung dieser Dienste zu erstellen und Schnittstellen zu den gängigen Campusmanagementsystemen sowie zu Infrastrukturen der elektronischen Lehre (LMS, Druckdienste, elektronischen Katalogen usw.) zu entwickeln. In einem abschließenden Schritt werden auf dieser Middleware aufsetzende Studienmanagement-Apps für Studierende erstellt, die die verschiedenen Daten- und Kommunikationsströme der standardisierten Dienste und Kommunikationskanäle bündeln und in eine für den Studierenden leicht zu durchschauende, navigationsfreundliche Aufbereitung kanalisiert. Mit der Konzeption eines dezentralen, über eine Vielzahl von Hochschulen verteilten Entwicklungsprojektes unter einer zentralen Projektleitung wird sichergestellt, dass redundante Entwicklungen vermieden, bundesweit standardisierte Serviceangebote angeboten und Wissenstransferprozesse zwischen einer Vielzahl von Hochschulen zur Nutzung mobiler Devices (Smartphones, Tablets und entsprechende Apps) angeregt werden können. Die Unterstützung der Realisierung klarer Schnittstellenspezifikationen zu Campusmanagementsystemen durch deren Anbieter kann durch diese breite Interessensgemeinschaft ebenfalls gestärkt werden. Weiterhin zentraler Planungsinhalt ist ein Angebot für den App-Nutzer zum Aufbau eines datenschutzrechtlich integeren, persönlichen E-Portfolios. Details finden sich im Kapitel Projektziele weiter unten.
Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) tiene como objetivo el análisis, diseño e implementación de un videojuego móvil multijugador, con un enfoque educativo, para la sensibilización sobre el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH). El sistema resultante se ha desarrollado para la Plataforma Android, utilizando el Framework AndEngine, que utiliza aceleración hardware de la GPU para garantizar un buen rendimiento en terminales de gama baja, de modo que pueda utilizarse en un amplio número de terminales móviles disponibles en el mercado. La aplicación se presenta como un juego de cartas con los diferentes países y sus datos humanitarios, los jugadores deben conocer el peso de los índices de desarrollo (esperanza de vida, renta, educación) de los países en comparación con los países de los otros jugadores. El sistema de juego premia a los jugadores con mayores conocimientos sobre los datos humanos de los diferentes países del mundo, de ese modo los mejores jugadores serán los que tengan más conocimientos de estos datos. El juego permite jugar partidas en solitario utilizando jugadores manejados por la CPU, o multijugador mediante WIFI o 3G. La actualización de la información y de los datos de las partidas se realiza a través de la comunicación con un servidor web ya implementado de forma complementaria a la realización de este proyecto. El sistema ha sido integrado y validado satisfactoriamente con diferentes terminales móviles y usuarios de diferente perfil de edad y uso. El videojuego se puede descargar de la página web creada en un proyecto complementario a éste (pendiente de publicación web), y ya se encuentra también disponible en Google Play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419 ABSTRACT. This Project End of Career (PFC) takes as an aim the analysis, design and implementation of a multiplayer mobile videogame, with an educational approach, for the awareness on the Human Development Index (HDI). The resultant system has been developed for the Platform Android, using the AndEngine Framework, which uses hardware acceleration of the GPU to ensure a good performance on low-end terminals, so that it can be used in a wide range of mobile handsets available in the market. The application is presented as a card game with the different countries and his humanitarian information, the players must know the weight of the indexes of development (life expectancy, revenue, education) of the countries in comparison with the countries of other players. The game system rewards players with more knowledge on human information of different countries, thus the best players will be those with more knowledge of these information. The game allows to play items in solitarily using players handled by the CPU, or multiplayer by means of WIFI or 3G. The update of the information and data of the online games is done through communication with a web server implemented as a complement to the realization of this project. The system has been built and successfully validated with different mobile terminals and users of different age and usage profile. The game can be downloaded from the website created in a complementary project to this (web publication pending), and is now also available on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419
Case study on mobile applications UX: effect of the usage of a crosss-platform development framework
Cross-platform development frameworks for mobile applications promise important advantages in cost cuttings and easy maintenance, posing as a very good option for organizations interested in the design of mobile applications for several platforms. Given that platform conventions are especially important for the User eXperience (UX) of mobile applications, the usage of framework where the same code defines the behavior of the app in different platforms could have negative impact in the UX. The objetive of this study is comparing the cross-platform and the native approach for being able to determine if the selected development approach has any impact on the users in terms of UX. To be able to set a base line under this subject, study on cross-platform frameworks was performed to select the most appropriate one from a UX point of view. In order to achieve the objectives of this work, two development teams have developed two versions of the same application; one using framework that generates Android and iOS versions automatically, and another team developing native versions of the same application. The alternative versions for each platform have been evaluated with 37 users with a combination of a laboratory usability test and a longitudinal study. The results show that differences are minimal in the Android version, but in iOS, even if a reasonable good UX can be obtained with the usage of this framework by an UX-conscious design team, a higher level of UX can be obtained directly developing in native code.
Los avances que se han producido en los últimos años en cuanto a potencia y capacidades de los teléfonos móviles que usamos de manera cotidiana, traen de la mano un auge en la demanda de aplicaciones de todo ámbito: desde aplicaciones generales de consumo, pasando por juegos, hasta aplicaciones que ofrecen soluciones internas a empresas. Existen diferentes sistemas operativos para teléfonos móviles como se explicará más adelante en el capítulo introductorio. En dicho capítulo se da la justificación de por qué en el presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera se centra en el estudio del sistema operativo Android. Primeramente se dará una visión global del estado del arte en cuanto al mundo de aplicaciones móviles se refiere. Se explicarán los pros y contras de cada sistema operativo, detallando el lenguaje de programación utilizado en cada uno de ellos y sus principales características. Después, en el capítulo tres se estudiará con más profundidad el sistema operativo Android, desde su historia y orígenes, hasta los componentes básicos para la creación de una aplicación, pasando por la arquitectura interna del sistema o su máquina virtual. Con esto se pretende que el lector tenga un contexto que le permita comprender los siguientes capítulos, que es donde está el núcleo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera. El cuarto capítulo trata de una serie de prácticas incrementales, que cubren una gran parte de las posibilidades que ofrece el sistema operativo Android para el desarrollo de aplicaciones. Se ha pretendido que la dificultad vaya de menos a más y que las prácticas se vayan apoyando en las anteriores, para tener al final una única solución que englobe todas las lecciones. El último capítulo quiere englobar el uso de todas las lecciones aprendidas en las lecciones anteriores para crear una aplicación que bien podría ser una aplicación real para un cliente. Se trata de una aplicación que muestra en tiempo real información sobre las cámaras de tráfico de la ciudad de Madrid. ABSTRACT. The improvements that have occurred in recent years in terms of power and capabilities of mobile phones that we use on a daily basis, bring an increment in demand for all kind of applications, from general consumer applications, games or even internal applications that offer solutions to companies. There are different operating systems for mobile phones as will be explained later in the introductory chapter. In that chapter the answer for why this Thesis focuses on the study of the Android operating system is given as well. First an overview of the state of the art about the world of mobile applications will be referred. The pros and cons of each operating system will be explained, detailing the programming language used in each of them and their main characteristics. Then in chapter three will be discussed in more depth the Android operating system, from its history and beginnings to the main components for the creation of an application, to the internal architecture of the system or virtual machine. The goal of chapter three is to give the readers a context that allows them to understand the following chapters, where the core of this Thesis is. The fourth chapter contains a series of incremental practices covering a large part of the potential of the Android operating system for application development. Those practices grow in difficulty and are supported by the previous in order to have at the end a single solution that fits all lessons. The last chapter wants to embrace the use of all the lessons learned in previous lessons to create an application that could well be an actual application for a client. It is an application that displays real-time information off traffic cameras of the city of Madrid.
The Web of Data currently comprises ? 62 billion triples from more than 2,000 different datasets covering many fields of knowledge3. This volume of structured Linked Data can be seen as a particular case of Big Data, referred to as Big Semantic Data [4]. Obviously, powerful computational configurations are tradi- tionally required to deal with the scalability problems arising to Big Semantic Data. It is not surprising that this ?data revolution? has competed in parallel with the growth of mobile computing. Smartphones and tablets are massively used at the expense of traditional computers but, to date, mobile devices have more limited computation resources. Therefore, one question that we may ask ourselves would be: can (potentially large) semantic datasets be consumed natively on mobile devices? Currently, only a few mobile apps (e.g., [1, 9, 2, 8]) make use of semantic data that they store in the mobile devices, while many others access existing SPARQL endpoints or Linked Data directly. Two main reasons can be considered for this fact. On the one hand, in spite of some initial approaches [6, 3], there are no well-established triplestores for mobile devices. This is an important limitation because any po- tential app must assume both RDF storage and SPARQL resolution. On the other hand, the particular features of these devices (little storage space, less computational power or more limited bandwidths) limit the adoption of seman- tic data for different uses and purposes. This paper introduces our HDTourist mobile application prototype. It con- sumes urban data from DBpedia4 to help tourists visiting a foreign city. Although it is a simple app, its functionality allows illustrating how semantic data can be stored and queried with limited resources. Our prototype is implemented for An- droid, but its foundations, explained in Section 2, can be deployed in any other platform. The app is described in Section 3, and Section 4 concludes about our current achievements and devises the future work.
Cross-platform development frameworks for mobile applications promise important advantages in cost cuttings and easy maintenance, posing as a very good option for organizations interested in the design of mobile applications for several platforms. Given that platform conventions are especially important for the User eXperience (UX) of mobile applications, the usage of a framework where the same code defines the behavior of the app in different platforms could have a negative impact in the UX. This paper describes a study where two independent teams have designed two different versions of a mobile application, one using a framework that generates Android and iOS versions automatically, and another team using native tools. The alternative versions for each platform have been evaluated with 37 users with a combination of a laboratory usability test and a longitudinal study. The results show that differences are minimal in the Android platform, but in iOS, even if a reasonably good UX can be obtained with the usage of this framework by an UX-conscious design team, a higher level of UX can be obtained directly developing with a native tool.
En este proyecto se ha estudiado el abanico de posibilidades que las plataformas web y móviles ofrecen para aprender lenguajes de programación compilados. A continuación, se ha realizado el diseño y la implementación de una plataforma para el aprendizaje de lenguajes de programación desde dispositivos móviles, con posibilidad de compilación remota desde la aplicación desarrollada, analizando el proceso y las elecciones de desarrollo tomadas. Así, se ha desarrollado una app mediante la plataforma de desarrollo Cordova, que puede ser distribuida para todas las plataformas móviles que esta soporta, incluyendo las más populares: iOS y Android. Para la parte servidora se ha utilizado un servidor Apache (PHP) y el sistema NoSQL MongoDB para la base de datos. Para mayor facilidad en la gestión del contenido de la app, se ha desarrollado en paralelo un gestor web de la base de datos, el cual permite añadir, editar y eliminar contenido de la misma a través de una interfaz agradable y funcional. ABSTRACT. In this project I have studied the range of possibilities that web and mobile platforms offer to learn compiled programming languages. Next, I have designed and implemented a platform for learning programming languages from mobile devices, giving the possibility of remote compilation within the developed application. In this terms, I have developed an app with the Cordova development platform, which can be distributed for all the mobile platforms Cordova supports, including the most popular ones: iOS and Android. For the server part, I have used an Apache (PHP) server and the NoSQL database system MongoDB. In order to offer a more usable system and a better database management, I have also developed a web manager for the database, from which database content can be added, edited and removed, through a clear and functional interface.
Desde el inicio de la globalización, el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa se ha instaurado como una necesidad. Hoy en día, con la adopción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior este lenguaje no sólo se impone como un requisito para los estudiantes sino que se exige un nivel B2, lo cual significa un esfuerzo mayor tanto como para el alumno como para el profesor a la hora de hacer de este ejercicio un hábito y lograr la evaluación continua de los mismos. Este proyecto intenta extender las funcionalidades de una aplicación existente llamada Illlab con ejercicios que se adapten al nivel B2 y permitan la interacción entre alumnos durante la realización de estos ejercicios. El objetivo de esta aplicación es el de desarrollar ejercicios extra en la aplicación Illlab que añadan complejidad para el aprendizaje de inglés de un nivel B2 y que además se puedan realizar actividades entre los alumnos. La idea es hacer una aplicación de preguntas y respuestas “multiple choice” con cuatro opciones por pregunta. El fuerte de este juego está en presentar material variado sobre uso de la lengua y además permitir el juego entre varios alumnos. La extensión de ILLLab se plantea como un proyecto para desarrollar interfaces y funcionalidades adicionales en la antigua aplicación. La principal funcionalidad que se añade es un juego de preguntas y respuestas con opciones múltiples para un nivel B2 y las interfaces responden a necesidades de intercambio y manejo de contenido por Internet mediante estándares aceptados en el mundo del aprendizaje digital tales como Common Cartridge o SCORM. Este proyecto simplemente adapta la aplicación para su uso en un entorno de evaluación de actividades en el cual el profesor tiene acceso a las actividades que realizan los alumnos de un curso para su posterior evaluación. Antiguamente ILLLab sólo contenía ejercicios que se llevaban a cabo en el dispositivo móvil por lo que el control de estas actividades no era posible. La mejora se presenta como una interfaz Common Cartridge para el manejo del contenido, una interfaz de comunicación sobre servicios web tipo REST y el manejo de base de datos mediante Hibernate que agrupa una serie de librerías Java para la persistencia de objetos de la base de datos. ABSTRACT. Since the onset of globalization, the learning of the English language has become as a necessity. Today, with the adoption of the European Higher Education Area this language is not only imposed as a requirement for students but a B2 level is required, which means a greater effort both to the student and teacher when it comes to make the learning exercise a habit and achieve continuous evaluation of students. This project aims to extend the functionality of an existing application called Illlab with an exercise that suits the B2 level and allow interaction between students while performing these exercises. The purpose of this application is to develop an additional exercise in the application Illlab that adds complexity for learning English at B2 level and also enables the interaction among students. The main idea is to make an application in multiple choices style with four options. The strength of this game is to present varied material on use of Enlgish and also allow play between two students. ILLLab extension is conceived as a project to develop interfaces and additional functionalities in the old application. The main functionalities added are a game of questions and answers with multiple choices for a B2 level and interfaces that meet information exchange requirements and content management over the Internet using standards adopted in the world of digital learning such as Common Cartridge or SCORM. This project simply adapts the application for its use in an activities evaluation environment in which the teacher has access to the activities performed by students in a course for further evaluation. The former versión of ILLLab contained only exercises that were carried out on the mobile device so that the evaluation of these activities was not possible. The improvement comes as a Common Cartridge interface for content management, a communication interface with REST web services and a database access using Hibernate which groups a number of Java libraries for object persistence in the database.
Aim: To validate the accuracy and repeatability of a mobile app reading speed test compared with the traditional paper version. Method: Twenty-one subjects wearing their full refractive correction glasses read 14 sentences of decreasing print size between 1.0 and -0.1 logMAR, each consisting of 14 words (Radner reading speed test) at 40 cm with a paper-based chart and twice on iPad charts. Time duration was recorded with a stop watch for the paper chart and on the App itself for the mobile chart allowing critical print size (CPS) and optimal reading speed (ORS) to be derived objectively. Results: The ORS was higher for the mobile app charts (194±29 wpm; 195±25 wpm) compared with the paper chart (166±20 wpm; F=57.000, p<0.001). The CPS was lower for the mobile app charts (0.17±0.20 logMAR; 0.18±0.17 logMAR) compared with the paper chart (0.25±0.17 logMAR; F=5.406, p=0.009). The mobile app test had a mean difference repeatability of 0.30±22.5 wpm, r=0.917 for ORS, and a CPS of 0.0±0.2 logMAR, r=0.769. Conclusions: Repeatability of the app reading speed test is as good (ORS) or better (CPS) than previous studies on the paper test. While the results are not interchangeable with paper-based charts, mobile app tablet-based tests of reading speed are reliable and rapid to perform, with the potential to capture functional visual ability in research studies and clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: Contrast detection is an important aspect of the assessment of visual function; however, clinical tests evaluate limited spatial frequencies and contrasts. This study validates the accuracy and inter-test repeatability of a swept-frequency near and distance mobile app Aston contrast sensitivity test, which overcomes this limitation compared to traditional charts. METHOD: Twenty subjects wearing their full refractive correction underwent contrast sensitivity testing on the new near application (near app), distance app, CSV-1000 and Pelli-Robson charts with full correction and with vision degraded by 0.8 and 0.2 Bangerter degradation foils. In addition repeated measures using the 0.8 occluding foil were taken. RESULTS: The mobile apps (near more than distance, p = 0.005) recorded a higher contrast sensitivity than printed tests (p < 0.001); however, all charts showed a reduction in measured contrast sensitivity with degradation (p < 0.001) and a similar decrease with increasing spatial frequency (interaction > 0.05). Although the coefficient of repeatability was lowest for the Pelli-Robson charts (0.14 log units), the mobile app charts measured more spatial frequencies, took less time and were more repeatable (near: 0.26 to 0.37 log units; distance: 0.34 to 0.39 log units) than the CSV-1000 (0.30 to 0.93 log units). The duration to complete the CSV-1000 was 124 ± 37 seconds, Pelli-Robson 78 ± 27 seconds, near app 53 ± 15 seconds and distance app 107 ± 36 seconds. CONCLUSIONS: While there were differences between charts in contrast levels measured, the new Aston near and distance apps are valid, repeatable and time-efficient method of assessing contrast sensitivity at multiple spatial frequencies.
Based on an unprecedented need of stimulating creative capacities towards entrepreneurship to university students and young researchers, this paper introduces and analyses a smart learning ecosystem for encouraging teaching and learning on creative thinking as a distinct feature to be taught and learnt in universities. The paper introduces a mashed-up authoring architecture for designing lesson-plans and games with visual learning mechanics for creativity learning. The design process is facilitated by creativity pathways discerned across components. Participatory learning, networking and capacity building is a key aspect of the architecture, extending the learning experience and context from the classroom to outdoor (co-authoring of creative pathways by students, teachers and real-world entrepreneurs) and personal spaces. We anticipate that the smart learning ecosystem will be empirically evaluated and validated in future iterations for exploring the benefits of using games for enhancing creative mindsets, unlocking the imagination that lies within, practiced and transferred to multiple academic tribes and territories.
Avaliação de usabilidade é um processo importante durante o desenvolvimento de um software, seja ele para um sistema web ou mobile. No caso de um sistema mobile, o custo é bastante oneroso, tanto no que se refere à mão de obra especializada, como de recursos tecnológicos utilizados, tornando essa avaliação de usabilidade ainda mais importante. Além disso, as versões webdos sistemas SIG da UFRN já estão consolidadas e com uma grande aceitação, fazendo com que suas versões mobile tenham, ainda mais, a preocupação de lançar um produto de boa qualidade para manter essa credibilidade dos sistemas SIG , tanto na UFRN, como nas demais instituições que utilizam esses sistemas. Com este trabalho, buscou-se identificar algumas diretrizes de interface que possam ser utilizadas no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile, mais especificamente o SIGAA Mobile, de modo a facilitar o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades voltadas para estes sistemas. Para isso, foi realizada uma avaliação de usabilidade no Portal do Aluno do SIGAA Mobile Android, tomando como base padrões de interface já existentes na literatura. Posteriormente, foi aplicado um questionário com os usuários do sistema para coletar as opiniões e sugestões dos mesmos. De posse de todos esses dados coletados, foi possível definir algumas diretrizes de interface a serem seguidas como recomendações no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile.