921 resultados para Andrews


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This paper presents the notion of a virtual faculty as a viable alternative to extending and maintaining learner opportunities for students in regional universities or at universities where specialisations in which they are interested may not be offered. Staff from a number of Australian Universities participated in a CUTSD project to explore the viability of establishing a virtual faculty using videoconferencing as the medium of delivery. The success of this project was the result of close collaboration at a number of levels within the participating institutions and a willingness to explore effective approaches to teaching and learning for a videoconference environment.


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The paper explores the development of learning behaviours in a virtual management course and the factors that impacted on this development. Data suggest that most teams experienced three kinds of learning behaviours social, operational and content learning. We propose that the need for technical expertise and team participation will vary during these different stages of learning. Addressing the characteristics of these stages, we comment on the development of a completion phase of team development. We argue that the extent to which teams demonstrate different learning stages has a significant impact on the development of on-line learning behaviours. Discussing these results, we suggest why different teams develop distinct learning behaviours, with accordant emphasis on teaching as a moderating and co ordinating role, despite current virtual team pedagogical expectations.


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O conhecimento da poca e da dose de aplicao de dessecante, em pr-colheita do feijoeiro, de extrema importncia para se evitarem perdas na produtividade da cultura. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de feijoeiro de inverno, aps aplicao do dessecante paraquat em diferentes pocas (30; 35; 40 e 45 dias aps o incio do florescimento - DAF) e das doses (0; 200; 400 e 600 g ha-1), em pr-colheita. O experimento foi conduzido no perodo de outono/inverno de 2010, em Selvria, Mato Grosso do Sul. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (pocas de aplicao x doses do herbicida), com quatro repeties. O aumento das doses de paraquat, at os 35 DAF, aumentou de forma linear o percentual de sementes defeituosas, enquanto as sementes tiveram sua massa reduzida linearmente, at os 40 DAF. A produtividade do feijoeiro no foi afetada pela aplicao de paraquat a partir dos 35 DAF, ao contrrio do incremento da dose, que provocou reduo linear desse parmetro.


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(...) A ideia original das circunferncias mgicas remonta pelo menos segunda edio do livro Magic Squares and Cubes, de W. S. Andrews. A publicao data de 1917, h quase um sculo, e conta com contributos de diferentes autores. A seco dedicada s circunferncias mgicas da autoria de Harry A. Sayles. (...) O leitor provavelmente j encontrou um padro: quando usamos nmeros de 1 a n, a soma dos nmeros dos pontos de interseco de duas quaisquer circunferncias deve ser n+1. No desafio apresentado na Fig. A usamos os nmeros de 1 a 40, logo a soma dos nmeros dos pontos de interseco de duas quaisquer circunferncias deve ser igual a 41! Alm disso, 205=5x41 (cada circunferncia tem dez nmeros e 5 metade de 10). A descoberta da soluo do desafio da Fig. A , agora, imediata. Esta a grande vantagem da Matemtica. Depois de descoberto um padro, tudo se torna mais claro. O sentimento o mesmo de um mope quando coloca os culos na cara: passa a ver a realidade com outra nitidez. (...)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da natao sobre teor de gua pulmonar de ratas com insuficincia cardaca (IC) aps infarto do miocrdio (IM). MTODOS: Aps ocluso coronria, animais com 20%<IM<40% do ventrculo esquerdo (VE) foram considerados IM moderados e os > 40% do VE grandes. Os animais treinados (TR) nadaram durante 60 min/dia, 5 dias/semana, durante 8 semanas. Foram determinados os pesos midos do pulmo direito, lobo direito do fgado, trios, VE e ventrculo direito (VD) e os pesos secos do fgado e pulmo. Utilizou-se ANOVA e teste de Tukey para as anlises estatsticas. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se aumento da relao massa dos trios/peso corpreo nos animais sedentrios com IM moderados (IMmod-SED: n=8) e grandes (IMgr-SED: n=10) em relao s ratas controles sedentrias (C-SED: n=14) e treinadas (C-TR: n=16). Aumento da relao VD/peso corpreo e VE/peso corpreo nos animais IMgr-SED em relao aos controles. A relao corao/peso corpreo foi maior nos IMgr-SED do que nos demais. Os animais infartados treinados exibiram atenuao da hipertrofia. O teor de gua pulmonar maior (p<0,05) nas ratas IMgr-SED (xepm: 810,4%) do que nas C-SED (790,4%) indicou congesto pulmonar no verificada nas infartadas treinadas (IMmod-TR: 800,6%; IMgr-TR: 790,7%). CONCLUSO: Os aumentos da massa cardaca e teor de gua pulmonar em animais IMgr-SED foram atenuados em animais submetidos a treinamento fsico por natao, sugerindo que a realizao de exerccio fsico pode atenuar os indicadores de IC e contribuir para remodelamento cardaco favorvel.


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FUNDAMENTO: Poucos estudos analisaram os efeitos cardacos do exerccio fsico prvio ocluso coronariana. OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em ratas submetidas a exerccio fsico, as repercusses do infarto do miocrdio. MTODOS: Ratas foram submetidas natao ou permaneceram sedentrias por oito semanas e foram randomizadas para ocluso coronariana ou cirurgia simulada, compondo quatro grupos: Sedentrio (S), Exerccio (E), Sedentrio infarto (SIM) e Exerccio infarto (EIM). Aps seis semanas, foram analisados biometria, ecodopplercardiograma, hemodinmica e mecnica miocrdica. RESULTADOS: No foram observados cardioproteo nos animais EIM e diferena no tamanho do infarto (%VE) entre EIM (38,50 4,60%) e SIM (36,58 4,11%). Os teores de gua pulmonar (%) de SIM (80 0,59) e EIM (80 0,57) foram maiores do que em S (78 0,15) e E (78 0,57). A presso sistlica (mmHg) do ventrculo esquerdo (S: 130 5; E: 118 8; SIM: 91 3; EIM: 98 3) e a primeira derivada temporal (mmHg/s) positiva da presso (S: 8.216 385; E: 8.437 572; SIM: 4.674 455; EIM: 5.080 412) de S e E foram maiores do que em SIM e EIM. As fraes de encurtamento da rea transversa (%) de SIM (27 2) e EIM (25 2) foram similares e menores do que E (65 2) e S (69 2). A relao E/A foi maior em SIM (5,14 0,61) e EIM (4,73 0,57) em relao a S (2,96 0,24) e E (2,83 0,21). Em estudos de msculos papilares isolados foi verificada depresso da capacidade contrtil semelhante em SIM e EIM, e no houve alterao da rigidez miocrdica. CONCLUSO: O treinamento prvio por natao no atenuou as repercusses cardacas em virtude do infarto do miocrdio.


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Expectations about the future are central for determination of current macroeconomic outcomes and the formulation of monetary policy. Recent literature has explored ways for supplementing the benchmark of rational expectations with explicit models of expectations formation that rely on econometric learning. Some apparently natural policy rules turn out to imply expectational instability of private agents learning. We use the standard New Keynesian model to illustrate this problem and survey the key results about interest-rate rules that deliver both uniqueness and stability of equilibrium under econometric learning. We then consider some practical concerns such as measurement errors in private expectations, observability of variables and learning of structural parameters required for policy. We also discuss some recent applications including policy design under perpetual learning, estimated models with learning, recurrent hyperinflations, and macroeconomic policy to combat liquidity traps and deflation.


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This paper provides a simple theoretical framework to discuss the relationship between assisted reproductive technologies and the microeconomics of fertility choice. Individuals make choices of education and work along with decisions about whether and when to have children. Decisions regarding fertility are influenced by policy and labor market factors that affect the earnings opportunities of mothers and the costs of raising children. We show how observed differences in these economic factors across countries explain observed different fertility and childbearing age patterns. We then use the model to predict behavioral responses to biomedical improvements in assisted reproductive technologies, and hence the impact of these technologies on fertility.


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The paper uses a range of primary-source empirical evidence to address the question: why is it to hard to value intangible assets? The setting is venture capital investment in high technology companies. While the investors are risk specialists and financial experts, the entrepreneurs are more knowledgeable about product innovation. Thus the context lends itself to analysis within a principal-agent framework, in which information asymmetry may give rise to adverse selection, pre-contract, and moral hazard, post-contract. We examine how the investor might attenuate such problems and attach a value to such high-tech investments in what are often merely intangible assets, through expert due diligence, monitoring and control. Qualitative evidence is used to qualify the more clear cut picture provided by a principal-agent approach to a more mixed picture in which the art and science of investment appraisal are utilised by both parties alike


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What is the seigniorage-maximizing level of inflation? Four models formulae for the seigniorage maximizing inflation rate (SMIR) are compared. Two sticky-price models arrive at very different quantitative recommendations although both predict somewhat lower SMIRs than Cagans formula and a variant of a .ex-price model due to Kimbrough (2006). The models differ markedly in how inflation distorts the labour market: The Calvo model implies that inflation and output are negatively related and that output is falling in price stickiness whilst the Rotemberg cost-of-price-adjustment model implies exactly the opposite. Interestingly, if our version of the Calvo model is to be believed, the level of inflation experienced recently in advanced economies such as the USA and the UK may be quite close to the SMIR.


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This paper reports on: (a) new primary source evidence on; and (b) statistical and econometric analysis of high technology clusters in Scotland. It focuses on the following sectors: software, life sciences, microelectronics, optoelectronics, and digital media. Evidence on a postal and e-mailed questionnaire is presented and discussed under the headings of: performance, resources, collaboration & cooperation, embeddedness, and innovation. The sampled firms are characterised as being small (viz. micro-firms and SMEs), knowledge intensive (largely graduate staff), research intensive (mean spend on R&D GBP 842k), and internationalised (mainly selling to markets beyond Europe). Preliminary statistical evidence is presented on Gibrats Law (independence of growth and size) and the Schumpeterian Hypothesis (scale economies in R&D). Estimates suggest a short-run equilibrium size of just 100 employees, but a long-run equilibrium size of 1000 employees. Further, to achieve the Schumpeterian effect (of marked scale economies in R&D), estimates suggest that firms have to grow to very much larger sizes of beyond 3,000 employees. We argue that the principal way of achieving the latter scale may need to be by takeovers and mergers, rather than by internally driven growth.


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We show that a flex-price two-sector open economy DSGE model can explain the poor degree of international risk sharing and exchange rate disconnect. We use a suite of model evaluation measures and examine the role of (i) traded and non-traded sectors; (ii) financial market incompleteness; (iii) preference shocks; (iv) deviations from UIP condition for the exchange rates; and (v) creditor status in net foreign assets. We find that there is a good case for both traded and non-traded productivity shocks as well as UIP deviations in explaining the puzzles.


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Employing the financial accelerator (FA) model of Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (1999) enhanced to include a shock to the FA mechanism, we construct and study shocks to the efficiency of the financial sector in post-war US business cycles. We find that financial shocks are very tightly linked with the onset of recessions, more so than TFP or monetary shocks. The financial shock invariably remains contractionary for sometime after recessions have ended. The shock accounts for a large part of the variance of GDP and is strongly negatively correlated with the external finance premium. Second-moments comparisons across variants of the model with and without a (stochastic) FA mechanism suggests the stochastic FA model helps us understand the data.