802 resultados para Andersson, Torbjörn: Rättsskyddsprincipen


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Invokaatio: In nomine Jesu.


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Invokaatio: Christo auxiliante.


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Invokaatio: In nomine Jesu.


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Arkit: 6 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-F8 G6.


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Arkit: 6 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-F8 G6.


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Elektromagneettinen raidetykki on tulevaisuuden ase, joka on tällä hetkellä kehitysvaiheessa. Magneettisen propulsiovoiman ansiosta tykki kykenee saavuttamaan merkittävän pitkiä ampumaetäisyyksiä hyödyntämällä pelkästään sähköä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää elektromagneettisen tykin yleisrakenteet ja toiminta. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys ja sen alakysymykset ovat: - Mikä elektromagneettinen tykki on, ja miten se toimii? - Millainen on elektromagneettisen raidetykin rakenne? - Mitkä ovat elektromagneettisen raidetykin mahdolliset käyttösovellukset? Tutkimus on tekniikan työlle tyypillinen kvalitatiivinen, kartoittava kirjallinen selvitys. Työssä kerättiin aiheesta aiemmin tuotettua tietoa. Koska kyseisestä asejärjestelmästä ei ole vielä tehty tutkimusta, joka kokoaisi ja käsittelisi aseen rakenteita ja toimintatapaa yleisellä tasolla ja suomeksi, on tämä tutkimus ensimmäinen laatuaan. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksistä voidaan huomata, että asejärjestelmä poikkeaa hyvin paljon perinteisistä ruudilla toimivista tykeistä. Elektromagneettinen raidetykki on tulevaisuuden ase, joka saattaa mullistaa taistelukentän tarkkuudellaan, kantamallaan ja tuhovoimallaan.


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Arkit: 6 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-F8 G6.


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A common real-life problem is to fairly allocate a number of indivisible objects and a fixed amount of money among a group of agents. Fairness requires that each agent weakly prefers his consumption bundle to any other agent’s bundle. Under fairness, efficiency is equivalent to budget-balance (all the available money is allocated among the agents). Budget-balance and fairness in general are incompatible with non-manipulability (Green and Laffont, 1979). We propose a new notion of the degree of manipulability which can be used to compare the ease of manipulation in allocation mechanisms. Our measure counts for each problem the number of agents who can manipulate the rule. Given this notion, the main result demonstrates that maximally linked fair allocation rules are the minimally manipulable rules among all budget-balanced and fair allocation mechanisms. Such rules link any agent to the bundle of a pre-selected agent through indifferences (which can be viewed as indirect egalitarian equivalence).


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We consider competitive and budget-balanced allocation rules for problems where a number of indivisible objects and a fixed amount of money is allocated among a group of agents. In 'small' economies, we identify under classical preferences each agent's maximal gain from manipulation. Using this result we find the competitive and budget-balanced allocation rules which are minimally manipulable for each preference profile in terms of any agent's maximal gain. If preferences are quasi-linear, then we can find a competitive and budget-balanced allocation rule such that for any problem, the maximal utility gain from manipulation is equalized among all agents.


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We consider envy-free (and budget-balanced) rules that are least manipulable with respect to agents counting or with respect to utility gains. Recently it has been shown that for any profile of quasi-linear preferences, the outcome of any such least manipulable envy-free rule can be obtained via agent-k-linked allocations. This note provides an algorithm for identifying agent-k-linked allocations.


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This paper explores situations where tenants in public houses, in a specific neighborhood, are given the legislated right to buy the houses they live in or can choose to remain in their houses and pay the regulated rent. This type of legislation has been passed in many European countries in the last 30-35 years (the U.K. Housing Act 1980 is a leading example). The main objective with this type of legislation is to transfer the ownership of the houses from the public authority to the tenants. To achieve this goal, selling prices of the public houses are typically heavily subsidized. The legislating body then faces a trade-off between achieving the goals of the legislation and allocating the houses efficiently. This paper investigates this specific trade-off and identifies an allocation rule that is individually rational, equilibrium selecting, and group non-manipulable in a restricted preference domain that contains “almost all” preference profiles. In this restricted domain, the identified rule is the equilibrium selecting rule that transfers the maximum number of ownerships from the public authority to the tenants. This rule is preferred to the current U.K. system by both the existing tenants and the public authority. Finally, a dynamic process for finding the outcome of the identified rule, in a finite number of steps, is provided.


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Relativistic multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) wavefunctions coupled to good angular momentum J have been calculated for low lying states of Ba I and Ba II. These wavefunctions are compared with semiempirical ones derived from experimental atomic energy levels. It is found that significantly better agreement is obtained when close configurations are included in the MCDF wavefunctions. Calculations of the electronic part of the field isotope shift lead to very good agreement with electronic factors derived from experimental data. Furthermore, the slopes of the lines in a King plot analysis of many of the optical lines are predicted accurately by these calculations. However, the MCDF wavefunctions seem not to be of sufficient accuracy to give agreement with the experimental magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants.