382 resultados para Amblyomma parvum


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In the present work features of tick-bite lesions were evaluated in capybaras naturally infested with Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma dubitatum ticks. Gross appearance of tick bite site was characterized by a mild swelling and erythema. Microscopic examination revealed the cement cone, a tube-like homogenous eosinophilic mass penetrating deep into the dermis. This structure was surrounded in the dermis by a cellular infiltrate and free eosinophilic granules and was associated to edema of variable intensity. Necrosis was a common feature deep in the dermis particularly at the far end of the eosinophilic tube. Hyperplasia, cellular edema and occasionally necrosis of keratinocytes could be seen at both sides of the ruptured epidermis. Cellular infiltrate was constituted overwhelmingly by polymorphonuclear leukocytes with eosinophilic granules. In capybaras cells with such features can be either eosinophils or heterophils (pseudoeosinophils), the latter being the equivalent of neutrophils of other mammals. Ultrastructural analysis of the cellular infiltrate revealed the predominance of heterophils over eosinophils. Mononuclear cells and mast cells and, in lesser numbers, basophils were also seen at skin attachment sites. The presence of heterophils in the reaction of capybaras against Amblyomma ticks is an outstanding feature but its role in the reaction to the tick is not known. It is however speculated that capybara heterophils might be associated with a more permissive environment for tick feeding and pathogen transmission as already shown for the equivalent cell type, the neutrophil, in the reaction of the dog against the Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick.


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1. The present study was carried out to determine the target cells and tissues for anti-tick immunoglobulins using an indirect immunohistochemical technique.2. Sections in triplicate prepared from unfed ticks Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. evertsi and Amblyomma variegatum were used to assess the cross-reactivity of serum from guineapigs naturally infested with these tick species or immunized against them.3. The sections showed slight (+) to strong (++++) labelling of several structures in the tick body, e.g. salivary gland, gut lumen and malpighian tubules, depending on the serum used.4. The immune serum resulting from the immunization of guinea pigs with an extract of unfed nymphs of R. appendiculatus ticks showed the most intense cross-reactivity with the sections examined.


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While conducting projects on ticks from deer and on tick ecology in animal trails in an Atlantic rainforest reserve in Southeastern Brazil, researchers of our group were bitten by ticks several times. Some of these episodes were recorded. Three species of adult ticks attached to humans: Amblyomma brasiliense Aragauo, Amblyomma incisum Neumann, and Amblyomma ovale Koch. Eight nymphal attachments with engorgement on humans were recorded. From these, six molted to adults of A. incisum, one to an adult of A. brasiliense, and one had an anomalous molting, therefore the adult tick could not be properly identified. Local reactions to tick attachment varied among individual hosts from almost imperceptible to intense. Especially itching, but hyperemia and swelling as well, were prominent features of the reaction. Overall it can be affirmed that human beings can be a physiologically suitable host species for ticks in the Atlantic rainforest and that itching was an important if not the major component of the resistance to tick bite.


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Objective Dogs play an important role as infection source of human cryptosporidiosis. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. in dogs as well as to compare two techniques of fecal analysis.Methods Four-hundred and fifty canine fecal samples from the city of São Paulo were analyzed between 2003 and 2004. Fecal samples were randomly selected from dogs housed in a university veterinary hospital (group 1, n=200) and private kennels (group 2, n=250). The detection of Cryptosporidium was performed using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-tailed test of significance at 5% confidence interval (z critical=+/- 1.645).Results Only Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were found the prevalences found by light microscopy examination and PCR techniques were 8.8% and 9.5%, respectively. Young animals showed a lower frequency (5.5%) compared to adults (10.1%). There was no statistically significant difference in Cryptosporidium prevalence between males and females.Conclusions the prevalence of C. parvum in the canine population studied was similar to that one found in the literature and affects equally males and females. The use of PCR allowed the detection of more positive cases than light microscopy.


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This study was conducted in October 1998 and November 1999 in the Emas National Park (131,868 ha), a savanna-type cerrado region situated in the far south of Goias State, Brazil, near the geographic center of South America (15degrees-23degrees S; 45degrees-55degrees W). Animals were captured with the aid of nets and anesthetized (15 mg/kg ketamine + 1 mg/kg xylasine) in order to collect ticks for identification and to establish laboratory colonies. They included giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (n = 4) and yellow armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) (n = 6). Free-living ticks (larvae, nymphs, and adults) were collected from the field by using a 1 X 2-m flannel cloth. Free-living ticks were identified as Amblyomma sp., A. cajennense, and A. triste. Adult ticks collected from anteaters were identified as Amblyomma cajennense and A. nodosum and from armadillos as A. pseudoconcolor and A. nodosum. The relevance of these host-tick relationships to possible mechanisms underlying emergence of tick-borne pathogens of importance to public health is discussed.


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This study evaluated the presence and seasonal activity of free-living ticks in remaining marsh areas by the Parana river, in Brazil. Eight field trips (once per season) for collection of ticks were performed during 2 years. Using CO2 traps, dragging, and visual inspection of vegetation, five free-living tick species were collected, in the following order of abundance: Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyom\ma dubitatum, Amblyomma triste, Amblyomma coelebs, and Amblyomma nodosum. The seasonal pattern of A. cajennense was characterized by the highest peaks for adult ticks in the summer/spring months, for nymphs in the winter and for larvae in the autumn and winter. A. dubitatum and A. triste presented similar seasonal patterns characterized by peaks of adult ticks in the autumn. Nymphs of A. dubitatum peaked in the winter of the first year and in the winter/spring of the second year. A. triste was the only species to be collected in significantly higher numbers in the marsh than in surrounding drier areas such as forest patches. Among domestic animals living close the marsh areas, horses were infested by Anocentor nitens, A. cajennense, and Boophilus microplus, bovines were infested solely by B. microplus, and dogs were infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Adults of A. triste showed to be well adapted to the marsh environment. This result, at least partially, explains local previous observations on the association of A. triste with marsh deer, as this vertebrate host inhabits mainly the marsh area. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Cryptosporidiosis is a common protozoan disease observed in a wide range of vertebrate hosts, including ruminants. Cattle can be a potential reservoir of Cryptosporidium spp., leading to environmental contamination with oocysts of zoonotic species. The molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. isolated from cattle from the state of So Paulo, Brazil, was accomplished using nested polymerase chain reaction for amplification of fragments of the 18S rRNA gene and the glycoprotein GP60 gene, following sequencing of amplified fragments. Positivity for Cryptosporidium was found in 10.7% (21/196) of the samples. Four species of Cryptosporidium were identified: C. andersoni, C. bovis, C. parvum subtype IIaA15G2R1, and C. ryanae. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of infection by C. ryanae and C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 in cattle from Brazil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Hepatozoon canis is a protozoan that infects dogs and is transmitted by the ingestion of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Two distinct species of Hepatozoon genus can infect dogs, H. canis and H. americanum. Routine tests to detect the disease are based on direct examination of gametocytes on Giemsa-stained blood smears. The objectives of this study were the investigation of infection prevalence in rural area dogs, the comparison of diagnostics by blood smear examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the association of infection with tick infestation. Blood smears, collected by puncture of the cephalic vein and ear margin capillary bed from 150 dogs, were examined. This technique detected 17 positive animals (11.3%), with 14 (9.3%) in peripheral blood and seven (4.7%) in cephalic vein blood. PCR tests detected 80 (53.3%) positive animals. R. sanguineus and Amblyomma spp. were found in 36 of the dogs (24%), in equal proportions. The identified species for Amblyomma genus were A. cajennense and A. ovale. Data analysis showed that PCR was much more sensitive when compared to blood smear examination. Hepatozoon species was previously identified as closely related to H. canis.


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Ticks on 140 domestic dogs from both urban and rural areas of Franca region in São Paulo state were identified with 102 dogs from urban areas and 38 from rural areas. Of urban dogs, 27.5% were infested exclusively by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Of the rural dogs, 36.8% were infested with the following tick species: R. sanguineus, Boophilus microplus, Amblyomma ovale and A. cajennense. Mixed infestations included a dog hosting A. cajennense and A. ovale and another with B. microplus and R. sanguineus. The most intense infestations were detected on urban dogs. Hemolymph tests of these ticks performed to detect rickettsial or Borrelia bacteria yielded negative results.


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The lake from Porto-Primavera hydroelectric power station inundated an area of 2,200 km2 at the border of São Paulo and Mato-Grosso do Sul States, Brazil. Infestations by ticks were evaluated on 135 marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger), captured before and after inundation. Ticks were collected for identification, and infestation level of animals was assessed by scoring. Deer were divided into four groups according to capture location and temporal relation to the inundation. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were captured before inundation. Group 4 was captured after inundation. Four tick species were found: Amblyomma cajennense (F.), Amblyomma triste Koch, Anocentor nitens (Neumann), and Boophilus microplus (Canestrini). Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 had 30, 45, 100, and 96%, respectively, of animals carrying B. microplus ticks. A. triste was observed on 16, 22, 22, and 88% of animals from groups 1,2,3, and 4, respectively. A. nitens and A. cajennense were observed only on group 4, on 32 and 16% of the animals, respectively. Groups 1 and 2 had only 4.8 and 6.1% of animals with high infestation levels, respectively, and no ticks on 46.8% and 45.5% of the animals, respectively. Conversely, groups 3 and 4 lacked noninfested animals and had high infestation levels on 77.8 and 50% of deer, respectively. Marsh area shrinkage was blamed for higher infestation levels on deer from groups 3 and 4. The widespread presence of A. triste on marsh deer, a Neotropical tick species, raises the possibility of a natural host-parasite relationship.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aims of this study were to determine the seroprevalence of Ehrlichia spp. and risk factors for exposure in a restricted population of dogs, horses, and humans highly exposed to tick bites in a Brazilian rural settlement using a commercial ELISA rapid test and two indirect immunofluorescent assays (IFA) with E. canis and E. chaffeensis crude antigens. Serum samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were used. Fifty-six out of 132 (42.4%) dogs were seropositive for E. canis. Dogs > one year were more likely to be seropositive for E. canis than dogs ≤ one year (p = 0.0051). Ten/16 (62.5%) and 8/16 (50%) horses were seropositive by the commercial ELISA and IFA, respectively. Five out of 100 (5%) humans were seropositive for E. canis and E. chaffeensis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (n = 291, 97.98%) on dogs and Amblyomma cajennense (n = 25, 96.15%) on horses were the most common ticks found. In conclusion, anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies were found in horses; however, the lack of a molecular characterization precludes any conclusion regarding the agent involved. Additionally, the higher seroprevalence of E. canis in dogs and the evidence of anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies in humans suggest that human cases of ehrlichiosis in Brazil might be caused by E. canis, or other closely related species.