948 resultados para Almost always algebra


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A partir de les fonts documentals de la “Casa Misericòrdia” i de “Casa Caritat” de Vic i també del testimoni de persones que hi havien viscut o hi havien treballat o les coneixien de prop, s’ha volgut explicar el naixement, evolució i decadència de les dues institucions centenàries que van realitzar, gairebé sempre amb pocs mitjans però amb notable dedicació, una tasca ingent en favor dels més desfavorits i que van deixar d’existir a principis dels anys setanta. Casa Caritat atenia persones necessitades d’ambdós sexes, encara que en dues instal•lacions diferents, com l’antic convent dels Trinitaris per al sexe femení i l’antic convent de Sant Domènec, per al masculí. La Misericòrdia va acollir durant poc més de dos-cents cinquanta anys nenes, noies, dones i velles pobres i desemparades. La raresa d’aquesta institució estava en el règim d’autogestió, sense la intervenció de cap ordre religiosa, com era costum en aquells temps. El tancament de les dues institucions va donar lloc a un nou model assistencial i educatiu per als menors, promogut pel bisbe de Vic Ramon Masnou i per Joan Riera, els impulsors de la Llar Juvenil. Es tractava d’un recurs modern i d’inspiració cristiana, ubicat en una casa de nova construcció i sota un reglament molt més humanitzat i amb menys pes de les pràctiques religioses. La conflictivitat dels nens i nenes, a mesura que creixien, i amb les necessitats d’uns altres temps, a més d’assumpció de les competències de menors per part de la Generalitat el 1981, van propiciar la creació per part de la Generalitat i de l’Ajuntament de Vic de Casa Moreta, amb un projecte totalment laic i portat per professionals que després es convertiria en el Centre Residencial Osona i també va suposar el naixement d’una altra entitat, la Llar Terricabras. La recerca, doncs, pretén posar les bases per a futures anàlisis aprofundides sobre l’atenció als menors a la ciutat de Vic, al llarg del temps.


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This paper investigates whether the higher prevalence of South multinational enterprises (MNEs) in risky developing countries may be explained by the experience that they have acquired of poor institutional quality at home. We confirm the intuition provided by our analytical model by empirically showing that the positive impact of good public governance on foreign direct investment (FDI) in a given host country is moderated significantly, and even in some cases eliminated, when MNEs have been faced with poor institutional quality at home.


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Paper delivered at the Western Regional Science Association Annual Conference, Sedona, Arizona, February, 2010.


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S' ha realitzat una anàlisi de processos comunicatius i didàctics en un treball de matemàtiques a Primària en llengua anglesa, emmarcat dins un projecte escolar plurilingüe. El treball s' organitza en forma de recerca-acció que analitza dos objectius principals: (a) elaboració de propostes d' activitat matemàtica i de formació de professorat, i (b) anàlisi del treball realitzat en una experiència escolar. Els resultats mostren que: (1) Les dificultats generals observades, es centren més sobre el contingut de la llengua matemàtica (anomenat L4), pel damunt de les pròpies de l’ús de la llengua anglesa L3. (2) Les decisions del professorat privilegiant l’ús de L1 i L2 (català i castellà) per a treballar L4 s’han mostrat positives i adients. La proposta elaborada, que segueix el model CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) ha estat positiva i reproduïble (3) Ha estat possible constatar un bon treball amb els estudiants de formació inicial de mestres de llengua estrangera futurs docents dins l'assignatura de Matemàtiques i la seva Didàctica.a la Formació de professorat. Tanmateix es reconeixen dificultats degudes al poc coneixement previ dels estudiants en L3 i L4 i el fet de ser la primera experiència d’aquest tipus que realitzen. (4) L’alumnat de l’escola és capaç de tenir una bona conversa oral en anglès al final de Primària, que creix en qualitat fins dominar estructures causals pròpies del raonament deductiu. (5) L’alumnat guanya en confiança en l’ús de les quatre llengües ,(6) el professorat incorpora relativament elements didàctics nous en la seva acció pedagògica.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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Background: Acrylates and methacrylates (salts and esters of acrylic and metacrylic acid respectively), are monomers commonly found in polymer plastics, resins and glues, and are widely used in many industry sectors. The first adverse health effects described were skin reactions and asthma. Exposure to acrylates, for instance when using multicomponent glues, is now a well known cause of occupational asthma. Methods: We report the case of a rhinitis - and possible asthma - to acrylates, in a 38-year-old woman, working in a nail beauty salon. She was currently treated for hypertension, and otherwise known for obesity and seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, but did not have any respiratory problem. Two years after starting this activity, she progressively started to complain of anosmia, rhinitis, and intermittent dyspnea. Her job consisted in decorating nails with a mixture of a polymer powder and a liquid monomer, after removing the previous artificial nail with a small sander. We assessed exposure to acrylates at her working place, both as dust (from sanded nails) and volatile compound (from the mixture described above), and she was asked to measure her peak flow values twice a day for ten days, in order to detect a possible relationship between her occupational activities, the symptoms and the peak flow values. Results: Measures made during the visit of the patient's place of work showed that the existing aspiration system was efficient for eliminating the dust produced by nail sanding, but not for eliminating the volatile components. Thus, occupational exposure to acrylates was demonstrated. Moreover, the peak flow measures showed an average decrease of almost 10 percent when the patient was at work, compared to when she stayed home. We concluded that she actually suffered from professional rhinitis and, possibly, professional asthma (not certain because of the limited number of peak flow measures per day). Conclusion: Although exposure to acrylates is a well known cause of occupational asthma, it should be emphasized that the exact mechanisms of action remain unknown, despite the abundant literature about it. Some professions, which tend to be more frequent nowadays (such as working in a nail beauty salon), can expose the worker to particular risks. This highlights the need of always inquiring not only about the profession, but also the related activities, when facing a case of suspected asthma.


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Habitat suitability models, which relate species occurrences to environmental variables, are assumed to predict suitable conditions for a given species. If these models are reliable, they should relate to change in plant growth and function. In this paper, we ask the question whether habitat suitability models are able to predict variation in plant functional traits, often assumed to be a good surrogate for a species' overall health and vigour. Using a thorough sampling design, we show a tight link between variation in plant functional traits and habitat suitability for some species, but not for others. Our contrasting results pave the way towards a better understanding of how species cope with varying habitat conditions and demonstrate that habitat suitability models can provide meaningful descriptions of the functional niche in some cases, but not in others.


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Whiteflies and whitefly-transmitted viruses are some of the major constraints on European tomato production. The main objectives of this study were to: identify where and why whiteflies are a major limitation on tomato crops; collect information about whiteflies and associated viruses; determine the available management tools; and identify key knowledge gaps and research priorities. This study was conducted within the framework of ENDURE (European Network for Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies). Two whitefly species are the main pests of tomato in Europe: Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Trialeurodes vaporariorum is widespread to all areas where greenhouse industry is present, and B. tabaci has invaded, since the early 1990’s, all the subtropical and tropical areas. Biotypes B and Q of B. tabaci are widespread and especially problematic. Other key tomato pests are Aculops lycopersici, Helicoverpa armigera, Frankliniella occidentalis, and leaf miners. Tomato crops are particularly susceptible to viruses causingTomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). High incidences of this disease are associated to high pressure of its vector, B. tabaci. The ranked importance of B. tabaci established in this study correlates with the levels of insecticide use, showing B. tabaci as one of the principal drivers behind chemical control. Confirmed cases of resistance to almost all insecticides have been reported. Integrated Pest Management based on biological control (IPM-BC) is applied in all the surveyed regions and identified as the strategy using fewer insecticides. Other IPM components include greenhouse netting and TYLCD-tolerant tomato cultivars. Sampling techniques differ between regions, where decisions are generally based upon whitefly densities and do not relate to control strategies or growing cycles. For population monitoring and control, whitefly species are always identified. In Europe IPM-BC is the recommended strategy for a sustainable tomato production. The IPM-BC approach is mainly based on inoculative releases of the parasitoids Eretmocerus mundus and Encarsia formosa and/or the polyphagous predators Macrolophus caliginosus and Nesidiocoris tenuis. However, some limitations for a wider implementation have been identified: lack of biological solutions for some pests, costs of beneficials, low farmer confidence, costs of technical advice, and low pest injury thresholds. Research priorities to promote and improve IPM-BC are proposed on the following domains: (i) emergence and invasion of new whitefly-transmitted viruses; (ii) relevance of B. tabaci biotypes regarding insecticide resistance; (iii) biochemistry and genetics of plant resistance; (iv) economic thresholds and sampling techniques of whiteflies for decision making; and (v) conservation and management of native whitefly natural enemies and improvement of biological control of other tomato pests.


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La acelerada invención de nuevos hardware y software van modificando, casi diariamente, la percepción del mundo, y, por lo tanto, la producción cultural, permeabilizando conceptos como arte-literatura, cuadro-libro, imagen-texto. Si bien estas parejas han sido siempre objeto del discurso teórico, la discusión asume hoy una urgencia creciente al momento que las nuevas tecnologías exponen lo que estaba refugiado en el reino de la teoría. La misma forma de comprender la realidad se ve afectada por la inmediatez de estos medios. La investigación analiza la obra de diferentes autores de los nuevos medios que trabajan en torno a la problemática de la representación de la memoria en esta perspectiva contemporánea. El trabajo de investigación desarrollado en la Tesis Doctoral se centra en la forma de representación de la memoria, así como esta planteada en la obra de Chris Marker. Interesan especialmente los últimos dispositivos creados por el autor en el marco de las llamadas nuevas tecnologías y los nuevos espacios de exposición de cine. El proyecto propone un análisis en torno a la memoria que dichos discursos sugieren a través de los temas que les son propios: archivo, identidades culturales, contribución del espectador, base de datos y tratamiento tecnológico de la información. Se ha seleccionado la obra de Chris Marker por las características de realización y de discurso que permiten una amplia discusión sobre las llamadas nuevas tecnologías y el mundo que éstas representan en el nuevo espacio híbrido construido entre las artes visuales, la literatura y la tecnología.


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We discuss necessary as well as sufficient conditions for the second iterated local multiplier algebra of a separable C*-algebra to agree with the first.


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Résumé : Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la première cause de mortalité dans notre pays. Elles sont associées à des facteurs de risque (FRCV) bien connus comme le diabète ou la dyslipidémie. Nous résumons ici les principaux résultats de l'étude CoLaus concernant d'une part la prévalence du diabète et de la dyslipidémie et certaines caractéristiques de leur prise en charge.Les découvertes récentes concernant de nouveaux déterminants génétiques impliqués dans ces FRCV sont présentées de manière succincte. La contribution de ces données génétiques est également discutée dans une perspective de prise en charge clinique.[Abstract] Cardiovascular diseases remain the first cause of mortality in our country. They are associated with well known risk factors such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Herein we summarize main results of the CoLaus study regarding, first the prevalence and characteristics of the treatment of these risk factors.Then we present recent discoveries of new genetic determinants associated with these risk factors. Finally, we discuss whether this knowledge changes our current clinical management of our patients.


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Separate sexes have evolved on numerous independent occasions from hermaphroditic ancestors in flowering plants. The mechanisms of sex determination is known for only a handful of such species, but, in those that have been investigated, it usually involves alleles segregating at a single locus, sometimes on heteromorphic sex chromosomes. In the genus Mercurialis, transitions between combined (hermaphroditism) and separate sexes (dioecy or androdioecy, where males co-occur with hermaphrodites rather than females) have occurred more than once in association with hybridisation and shifts in ploidy. Previous work has pointed to an unusual 3-locus system of sex determination in dioecious populations. Here, we use crosses and genotyping for a sex-linked marker to reject this model: sex in diploid dioecious M. annua is determined at a single locus with a dominant male-determining allele (an XY system). We also crossed individuals among lineages of Mercurialis that differ in their ploidy and sexual system to ascertain the extent to which the same sex-determination system has been conserved following genome duplication, hybridisation and transitions between dioecy and hermaphroditism. Our results indicate that the male-determining element is fully capable of determining gender in the progeny of hybrids between different lineages. Specifically, males crossed with females or hermaphrodites always generate 1:1 male:female or male:hermaphrodite sex ratios, respectively, regardless of the ploidy levels involved (diploid, tetraploid or hexaploid). Our results throw further light on the genetics of the remarkable variation in sexual systems in the genus Mercurialis. They also illustrate the almost identical expression of sex-determining alleles in terms of sexual phenotypes across multiple divergent backgrounds, including those that have lost separate sexes altogether.


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Background Morbidly obese patients are at high risk to develop gallstones, and rapid weight loss after bariatric surgery further enhances this risk. The concept of prophylactic cholecystectomy during gastric bypass has been challenged recently because the risk may be lower than reported earlier and because cholecystectomy during laparoscopic gastric bypass may be more difficult and risky. <p>Methods A review of prospectively collected data on 772 patients who underwent laparoscopic primary gastric bypass between January 2000 and August 2007 was performed. The charts of patients operated before 2004 were retrospectively reviewed regarding preoperative echography and histopathological findings.</p> <p>Results Fifty-eight (7.5%) patients had had previous cholecystectomy. In the remaining patients, echography showed gallstones or sludge in 81 (11.3%). Cholecystectomy was performed at the time of gastric bypass in 665 patients (91.7%). Gallstones were found intraoperatively in 25 patients (3.9%), for a total prevalence of gallstones of 21.2%. The age of patients with gallstones was higher than that of gallstone-free patients (43.5 vs 38.7 years, p < 0.0001). Of the removed specimens, 81.8% showed abnormal histologic findings, mainly chronic cholecystitis and cholesterolosis. Cholecystectomy was associated with no procedure-related complication, prolonged duration of surgery by a mean of 19 min (4-45), and had no effect on the duration of hospital stay. Cholecystectomy was deemed too risky in 59 patients (8.3%) who were prescribed a 6-month course of ursodeoxycolic acid.</p> <p>Conclusion Concomitant cholecystectomy can be performed safely in most patients during laparoscopic gastric bypass and does not prolong hospital stay. As such, it is an acceptable form of prophylaxis against stones forming during rapid weight loss. Whether it is superior to chemical prophylaxis remains to be demonstrated in a large prospective randomized study.</p>