308 resultados para Agat-3613


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A growing number of authors have been suggesting the necessary incorporation of children in the analysis of gender violence and, specifically, in the analysis of intimate partner violence against women (IPV). Such incorporation would be relevant not only for reducing children's invisibility and vulnerability, but also for achieving a better understanding of the characteristics and dynamics of IPV. Based on these considerations, we present in this paper the results of a secondary analysis applied to the data obtained in the last Spanish Survey on Violence Against Women. The available information allows us to analyze: 1) the presence of children exposed to IPV, 2) the relationship between this presence and the probability of reporting the violence, and 3) women's perception about the parental role of the aggressors.


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Pl. no.: E.E. 3617, 3621, 3608, 3613.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine the extent of clustering of smoking, high levels of television watching, overweight, and high blood pressure among adolescents and whether this clustering varies by socioeconomic position and Cognitive function. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analysis of 3613 (1742 females) participants of an Australian birth cohort who were examined at age 14. Results: Three hundred fifty-three (9.8%) of the participants had co-occurrence of three or four risk factors. Risk factors clustered in these adolescents with a greater number of participants than would be predicted by assumptions of independence having no risk factors and three or four risk factors. The extent of clustering tended to be greater in those from lower-income families and among those with lower cognitive function. The age-adjusted ratio of observed to expected cooccurrence of three or four risk factors was 2.70 (95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.80-4.06) among those from low-income families and 1.70 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.16) among those from more affluent families. The ratio among those with low Raven's scores (nonverbal reasoning) was 2.36 (95% Cl, 1.69-3.30) and among those with higher scores was 1.51 (95% Cl, 1.19-1.92); similar results for the WRAT 3 score (reading ability) were 2.69 (95% Cl, 1.85-3.94) and 1.68 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.11). Clustering did not differ by sex. Conclusion: Among adolescents, coronary heart disease risk factors cluster, and there is some evidence that this clustering is greater among those from families with low income and those who have lower cognitive function.


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This paper will seek to explicate the changes in the New Zealand health sector informed by the concepts of problematization, inscription and the construction of networks (Callon, 1986; Latour, 1987, 1993). This will involve applying a framework of interpretation based on the concepts of Latour's sociology of translation. Material on problematization and inscription will be incorporated into the paper in order to provide an explanatory frame of reference which will enable us to make sense of the processes of change in the New Zealand health sector. The sociology of translation will be used to explain the processes which underlie the changes and will be used to capture effects, such as changes in policy and structure, producing new networks within which 'allies' could be enrolled in support of the health reforms.


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The imidazotetrazinones are clinically active antitumour agents, temozolomide currently proving successful in the treatment of melanomas and gliomas. The exact nature of the biological processes underlying response are as yet unclear.This thesis attempts to identify the cellular targets important to the cytotoxicity of imidazotetrazinones, to elucidate the pathways by which this damage leads to cell death, and to identify mechanisms by which tumour cells may circumvent this action. The levels of the DNA repair enzymes O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (O6-AGAT) and 3-methyladenine-DNA-glycosylase (3MAG) have been examined in a range of murine and human cell lines with differential sensitivity to temozolomide. All the cell lines were proficient in 3MAG despite there being 40-fold difference in sensitivity to temozolomide. This suggests that while 3-methyladenine is a major product of temozolomide alkylation of DNA it is unlikely to be a cytotoxic lesion. In contrast, there was a 20-fold variation in O6-AGAT levels and the concentration of this repair enzyme correlated with variations in cytotoxicity. Furthermore, depletion of this enzyme in a resistant, O6-AGAT proficient cell line (Raji), by pre-treatment with the free base O6-methylguanine resulted in 54% sensitisation to the effects of temozolomide. These observations have been extended to 3 glioma cell lines; results that support the view that the cytotoxicity of temozolomide is related to alkylation at the O6-position of guanine and that resistance to this drug is determined by efficient repair of this lesion. It is clear, however, the other factors may influence tumour response since temozolomide showed little differential activity towards 3 established solid murine tumours in vivo, despite different tumour O6-AGAT levels. Unlike mitozolomide, temozolomide is incapable of cross-linking DNA and a mechanism by which O6-methylguanine may exert lethality is unclear. The cytotoxicity of the methyl group may be due to its disruption of DNA-protein interactions, or alternatively cell death may not be a direct result of the alkyl group itself, but manifested by DNA single-strand breaks. Enhanced alkaline elution rates were found for the DNA of Raji cells treated with temozolomide following alkyltransferase depletion, suggesting a relationship between O6-methylguanine and the induction single-strand breaks. Such breaks can activate poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase (ADPRT) an enzyme capable of rapid and lethal depletion of cellular NAD levels. However, at concentrations of temozolomlde relevant in vivo little change in adenine nucleotides was detected in cell lines, although this enzyme would appear important in modulating DNA repair since inhibition of ADPRT potentiated temozolomide cytotoxicity in Raji cells but not O6-AGAT deficient GM892A cells. Cell lines have been reported that are O6-AGAT deficient yet resistant to methylating agents. Thus, resistance to temozolomide may arise not only by removal of the methyl group from the O6-position of guanine, but also from another mechanism involving caffeine-sensitive post-replication repair or mismatch repair activity. A modification of the standard Maxam Gilbert sequencing technique was used to determine the sequence specificity of guanine-N7 alkylation. Temozolomide preferentially alkylated runs of guanines with the intensity of reaction increasing with the number of adjacent guanines in the DNA sequence. Comparable results were obtained with a polymerase-stop assay, although neither technique elucidates the sequence specificity of O6-guanine alkylation. The importance of such specificity to cytotoxicity is uncertain, although guanine-rich sequences are common to the promoter regions of oncogenes. Expression of a plasmid reporter gene under the control of the Ha-ras proto~oncogene promoter was inhibited by alkylation with temozolomide when transfected into cancer cell lines, However, this inhibition did not appear to be related to O6~guanine alkylation and therefore would seem unimportant to the chemotherapeutic activity of temozolomide.


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Acknowledgements Financial support for composing this article was obtained from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB, Beef and Lamb), UK. Concept of review was also initiated from discussions originating from EU COST Action FA1201, Epiconcept: Epigenetics and Periconception Environment


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Este boletim é dedicado às paisagens culturais, tema do Dia Internacional de Museus de 2016. Lançado o repto, como podem os museus articular-se de forma mais efectiva com o território, com a sua compreensão e interpretação? Merece destaque o artigo sobre a Rota Histórica das Linhas de Torres, um projecto de patrimonialização da paisagem em curso desde 2007 (Florbela Estevao), a reflexão em torno da Carta de Siena (Joana Sousa Monteiro e Dália Paulo), a entrevista com Ana Paula Amendoeira (Directora Regional de Cultura do Alentejo) e o texto de perfil sobre Pedro Gadanho, director do novo Museu de Arte, Arquitectura e Tecnologia (Belém).


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A paisagem cultural foi o tema condutor desta entrevista com Ana Paula Amendoeira, que nos apresenta a sua perspectiva sobre os problemas e os desafios presentes na discussão sobre políticas públicas para a protecção e valorização das paisagens culturais em Portugal. Directora Regional de Cultura do Alentejo desde 2013, Ana Paula Amendoeira é especialista em património histórico e paisagístico. O seu percurso é marcado pela experiência na administração pública local e regional, pela investigação no âmbito da reflexão sobre património mundial e pelo activismo associativo, nomeadamente na Comissão Nacional Portuguesa do Conselho Internacional de Monumentos e Sítios (ICOMOS Portugal). De que falamos quando nos referimos à patrimonialização da paisagem? Que constrangimentos, balanços e desafios futuros? Que contributos dos museus?


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Um novo edifício junto ao Museu da Electricidade começa a ganhar forma. Trata-se do futuro Museu de Arte, Arquitectura e Tecnologia (MAAT) da Fundação EDP, a inaugurar em Outubro deste ano, um novo equipamento que irá marcar a paisagem cultural lisboeta. Para conhecer este ambicioso projecto fomos conversar com Pedro Gadanho, director do museu.


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La economía costarricense pasa sin duda por un período delicado, lo cual afecta directamente el empleo, los ingresos y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. ¿Cómo podemos caracterizar esta difícil coyuntura y qué recomendaciones podemos sugerir? Con la presente exposición intentaremos responder, aunque sea parcialmente, estas dos interrogantes.Es posible resumir de una manera simple la actual coyuntura económica del país de la siguiente manera: una estabilidad macroeconómica, frágil, muy frágil, sobre todo en el frente fiscal, y no necesariamente por las mismas razones que aduce el señor Ministro de Hacienda1. Pero en el frente externo la situación es también preocupante, por la magnitud que ha cobrado el déficit en la cuenta corriente de la balanza de pagos en los tres últimos años; pues si bien es cierto que el mismo se ha venido financiando con flujos de inversión extranjera y con otros ingresos de capital público y privado; y no con una pronunciada reducción en las reservas monetarias internacionales, ni con capital golondrina; aun así, se están acumulando importantes presiones que ponen en duda la sostenibilidad de la política cambiaria y el elevado endeudamiento del Gobierno Central; pues aunque el crecimiento de la deuda interna en términos reales se ha detenido en los dos últimos años, el déficit fiscal y el costo del servicio de la deuda siguen amarrando de manos al Gobierno.


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Apertura de la Maestría en Desarrollo Comunitario Sustentable